The 12 Elementals

By just-A_potato

206K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... More

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Don't Bark at Me
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Chapter 26

3.3K 251 20
By just-A_potato

Hello my Perishables!

How have yall been?

The chick above is Sarah Snook, great for Vivian, all she needs is glasses and boom!

Song- Halo by Beyonce, Perfect by Pink, and Who Says.



Party hard!


"The boy knows his stuff." Matt said, looking over Reason with slightly fearful eyes.

"It's the way he was raised." Hope lightly laughed. Reason, Cherry and even small Anna gave Hope a deep glare full of hatred and annoyance.

"I have more to add." Reason says, "Cleo is an immortal, she has time and patience. Laufeia is an immortal allied with Darkness, her patience is waning."

"Meaning?" Hope snapped, irritated at his lack of answer.

I got this one, "Meaning it's us she's going to challenge. She's waited long enough, so she'll attack soon. Laufeia wants to kill us and take our spot as Enchantments rulers."

Reason's lips twitched, "Exactly. We won't have time to develop our powers before she comes."

"Explain her blunt attack on Max." Jackson ordered.

Jordan's turn, "To remind you all of your own mortality."

Dad ran a hand down his face, an action I've come to learn as a sign of stress "We can't let you kids walk into your own death trap."

"We do actually," I said, for once the wheels in my head were turning, "Laufeia doesn't know we know about her Cleo bullshit, yeah?" Dad nodded, "That's our advantage. I say we march to Enchantment, control our hybrid powers and expose her."

"She has the side of the people. I think at this point they wouldn't care that she's with Darkness." Dad said.

Grief overcame me. Dad's words were like a punch to the heart. As he called them, the Enchantains don't have faith in us, in me. They haven't even given me a chance to prove myself, to show that I can indeed protect them. I don't want my future people drifting away from the path of Light. No, this simply won't do. The creatures I'm supposed to one day rule, have no hope in me. That stings.

I shake my head, "We can win them back."

Dad then started babbling about crap not even a politician would care about. Which is saying something.

Zayden! It's about fucking time you do something! I shouted.

Agreed little wave. Tell them of my presence and that I am willing to help.

This definitely floors me. I expected more Yoda BS, but no. Excitement bubbles inside me and echos through my voice, "We have another advantage."

Dad smiles at me like I'm Jordan's age, "Yes?"


"What about him?"

"He's in my head." Yip, not getting stared at like I've gone mad. Maybe I shouldn't have said it in such a perky tone.

"Mel, that's not possible." Brooke gently said.

"I can prove it!"

Prove it! I scratched at Zayden.

An unseen force crashes into my body, making me stagger back a few steps. I lose my balance for a second.I bring my hand up to-wait, my hand is by my side completely still. I move my mouth to talk, nope, not working.

"The girl speaks the truth." the words tumbled out of my mouth, but I didn't mean to speak them. They weren't mine.


I am now in control of your body. Relax little wave.

"I still see no proof." Jackson said.

Zayden lifted my-his?- our hand, which was transformed into the fluid liquid Dad demonstrated earlier. It was a natural feeling and I could tell my handheld strength.

"She could no way do this." Jackson suddenly had a terrible nose bleed, "Or that."

I want to.

I could feel the power that flowed freely throughout my body now, it was no longer blocked by my lack of experience. We're a lot more stronger than I even thought. This is raw energy, the kind that can drive you crazy with the awesomeness of it. How can the Enchantains doubt the strength of water? Clearly they don't have the pleasure of it designed into them. It's all mine, alive inside me, earned through generations of Elemental and human blood.

In one great movement, the adults were on one knee, bowed deeply at the waist with a fist over their heart.

Are they okay?

That is how we bow, or show high respect, in Enchantment. Except for we Elementals, we only bow on rare occasions.

I'd smirk if I could.

"Elemental Zayden. What are you doing in my daughter's body, if I may ask." Dad said, not meeting our eyes. It's nice having oh-so powerful people bow to you-er- Zayden.

"You may, my honorable son." it's odd listening to my voice refer to my father as 'son' and have an authoritative sound. "I am here because Enchantment has befallen terribly hard times."

"We failed you Elemental Zayden, we have tarnished the name of the Elementals. You must feel great shame." Dad seemed to shrink under our gaze.

We laughed lightly and with heart. This is a strange feeling, my voice projected with obvious power and confidence, making me seem above everyone else. "You could not be more wrong. Enchantment has been stuck in the old times for far too long. With the new generation of Elementals, Melody will lead them and Enchantment to modern times, but still remember and practice the old. A perfect combination of sorts."

Okay, this Zayden is very much different. I'm used to his guidance in serious moments and his playful remarks in calm times. This is the Zayden who lead the Elementals and Enchantment. The Zayden with water as his mighty supporter. And damn, he's pretty cool. I should be nicer to him.

"What of Laufeia?" Brooke tentatively asked. Everyone still bowed.

"Another reason I take residence in Melody's colorful mind. Laufeia is much stronger than any of you know. Her plan is much Darker then you can imagine." Zayden says.

"What do you suggest we do Elemental Zayden?" James delicately asked.

The adults aren't reacting to Zaydens existing they way they should. I imagined them being joyous and grateful for such help, instead it's as if the adults are afraid of him. That's what great power does, bring automatic respect and trembling fear. Presented through the on-goings of my current situation. Regardless, the adults should have no reason to be scared of Zayden, after all, it was he who started us and he who continues to protect us and his land, even from beyond the grave. I for one hold no emotion for Zayden other then love because I know the depth of his love for the Elementals.

I'm very pleased to learn how I feel towards Zayden, the sarcastic voice in my head. He used to be bothersome, now I can't picture being alone in my mind.

"Pay more attention to the brilliant ideas that came from Melody and the new Elementals. Expect a different Enchantment and keep an open mind. These children must prepare to face Darkness head on. They will fight for their crown, something no other Elemental has ever done quite so literally.

"I plan to stand by Melody inside her head till she draws her last breath. I will help where I see fitting but do not seek my advice often. My presence is to merely provide guidance, not short cuts. Count on Melody," Zayden smirks and I feel it directed to me, "she has her Gryffindor cloak on."

Again I was hit by the strange force and fell to my knees. I let out a shaky laugh, You rule!

Long ago I did. Now it is your turn.


Like it? Hope so.

Also, 1.4k reads?????!!!!!!! THATS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to EVERYONE!!

Okay, enough of me.


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