The 12 Elementals

By just-A_potato

205K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... More

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Don't Bark at Me
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Chapter 23

3.5K 226 41
By just-A_potato

   Dear Readers,

   The girl is Holland Roden, she's an actress in some shows, I dunno. A reader pointed her out as a better Melody and I agreed! Her face is soo cute and perfect! Before her, I casted Mel as Arianna Grande but Roden does a better job I think.

   This chapter is now for the reader who gave me our new Melody!

   And Survivor by Destiny's Child would be her THEME song, along with I won't back down by Tom Petty, Awake and Alive & Never Surrender by Skillet. Basically any song about being strong and independent.

   Any agree, disagree? Any other actresses of songs that remind you of Mel, I would love to hear them!

   Without further ado..






   Dad proudly viewed our hands, satisfied that we showed some interest in all this mess. "Get in a line alphabetically. Starting with Anna, Charlotte, Declan, Dmitri, Ester, Jordan, Kyle, Aliyah, Melody, Reason, Vivian and lastly Zane."

   We did as he ordered. There's a commanding way to my father that I pay little attention to, and how we usually do what he says.

   "Before we begin, I'd like you guys to meet our dragons."

   A woman in black confidently stepped forward (dark and brooding must be a dragon thing). She was tall with several tattoos on her arms and collarbone. Deep brown eyes and blonde hair. "Leader. I'm Hope, Reason's mother."

   Another woman, this one smaller, sweeter almost, with no tatts, "Fay, Anna's mom."

   The next one was a man and he looked positively menacing. His head was shaven except for a Mohawk with bright green streaks. Gages you could throw a golf ball thru. Tattoos on every inch of visible skin and a hulking build. Must the dragons be so intimidating? I'm tempted to check my wallet and make sure all my five dollars are there."I'm Owen, Cherry's father."

   I cock a brow at them. Dragons seem to be the type of people you cross the street just to avoid.

   I can't tell if they're goths, emos, or punks. I said to Zayden.

   He chuckled, Maybe a new combination of all three.

   "Anna, your question." Dad said.

   "I was wondering, how are we part element? Like how does that part work?" she shyly batted her lashes. Isn't she adorable.

   Jupitar, Jordan's dad, spoke, "We can actually turn into our element, for whatever reason. Once you master this, you will be able to turn your whole body, or just a single part."

   "Show us." Jordan suggested and an excited murmur ran through us.

   "As you see," he held out his perfectly ordinary hand, "my hand is flesh, human. But when I do this," he paused, suddenly his light skin turned into granite rock, reminding me of "The Thing" from Fantastic Four. "This happens." Everyone stared in awe.

   It's real and before my eyes, yet I can't fathom it.

   "What about when you walk on dirt? Or turn all rock? What about your clothes?" Anna laughed.

   "When I'm all element I can blend into any rock around me. Be it a mountain, sand, sidewalk, even jewels. It's easy, I can still walk and my body remains whole. My clothes disappear, so when I'm human again, I'm naked." he winked.

   "Can Max, Traci, and Hope do the same thing?" Ali asked.

   The three she said came forward. Traci went first. I could barely see the out line of her arm, but narrowing my eyes I could see colorful little gusts of wind, like when Pocahontas was singing Colors of the Wind. And that is how I shall explain the wondrous sights, by using movie analogies. Hope was next. Her arm was moving molten lava with little flames spiking up every other place. Then Dad held out his arm. It appeared to be a mini river flowing constantly, his fingers, knuckles, and hand outlined flawlessly. The water changed to snow, pure white and sparkling. Then changed to ice, reflective like the Silver Surfer, but ice.



   "I'm dreaming."

   "Dios mio."


   "Not real."

   The last one was me, the ethereal arms too beautiful to exist on a dull planet like Earth. Such a plane and boring planet compared to the beauty in front of me. The beauty of the four elements personified.

   "There." Dad said, their arms going back to normal. "Declan."

   "The breeding thing, has it ever been done before? Any of the previous Elementals breed together?" He took my question. Pooie.

   I can answer that. No, not once has this ever happened. Zayden informed.

   "No. We were warned, and now you will be too." Jackson, his father said. "This is not something we want to test. Some of you kids have bonds that go deep, we understand. But Declan, Melody and Zane, keep your hands to yourselves." he sent a stern glance my way. Puta. Exactly what is he implying?! I'm not a slut, just a young lady figuring out what she likes.

   "Jackson..." Dad began in a hard voice.

   "Don't pull that shit with me Max. These kids need to learn, especially your daughter. She can't have all these boys falling for her the way you did." Jackson is so god damn lucky he can control his powers. I wanted to make a new rock soup recipe, the special ingredient being an asshole.

   "Do not pin this on my daughter!" Dad shouted, red with anger. "We both know how boys think, it's not her fault they only see with their friend downstairs." my eyes widened.

   Brooke stepped in, "Calm down. Melody is beautiful and it's bound to be noticed by the boys. It's easy to fall in blind love, we know that. They're children, give them time." I got the distinct feeling that she did this a lot.

   "As you say." Jackson said.

   "Next." Dad cleared his throat. "Dmit-"

   "Hey!" Cherry stomped her foot. "You skipped me!"

   Dad smiled, "My apologizes. Your question."

   "Do we sexy girls still get our periods?" Cherry asked.

   Earning either blank or pissed off stares from me, Ester, Aliyah, and Vivian.

   "What? Cramps are one tough bitch. Fuck Eve, she just had to bite the damn apple and doom every woman to a week of pain." Cherry smirked.

   Hmm, she has some brains.

   Hope faintly smiled. "No, you don't. Your magical creature genes will cancel it out. Should you get pregnant, we elementals are in full control of our bodies, you'll know."

   Cherry grinned, victorious, happy with the answer. I was too. Boys have no clue what it's like to PMS. The animalistic need for chocolate, the bloating, when you're hungry but the thought of food makes you sick, the general annoyance at even the smallest things.

   Can you stop that now?

   No more late trips to the store to buy tampons-

   Please no.

   -and traumatizing acne ridden teenage checkout boys-

   Must you do this to me?

   -leaving them wondering if while they'd been talking to me whether or not I was bleeding out of my vagina.

   I grin at Zayden's obvious disgust. Boys don't understand lady problems. Never have, never will.

   "Dmitri?" Dad awkwardly cleared his throat.

   Dmitri nodded, "Oh, uh, yeah. I was, um, when we transform, element or creature, will it hurt?"

   Traci answered, "Only the first time. If you don't want to feel any pain, one of us angels will sing. We'll protect you."


   "When will we transform?"

   "Depends." Dmitri's real mom answered. "After your leader turns, it'll be easier for you. Sure you can transform before your leader, but that's much more difficult."


   "Where are all these Magical creatures? They have to exist or we wouldn't be here because if they don't exist, then they don't need rulers."

   Dad laughed, "Finally, the one question we've been waiting for. Smart boy. The creatures are all alive and well. They live on a planet next to Earth-"

   Jordan waved his small hand, "Next to Earth? Wouldn't NASA know about it?"

   "Let me finish. Our planet is right next to Earth, trailing it around the Sun. The reason NASA and other humans don't know about it is because a spell that was cast by witches, other powerful creatures, and our ancestors."


   Boring, but very important information for whats to come. Seriously, I cant stress how much what they're saying is going to impact the story.

   Hope you liked it!!


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