Freaking Santas. (Family Squa...

By FaizaMunga

372 106 256

Family, friends and the legacy of the under world. Thriller/romance crossover between Freaking Santas and The... More

The Bond Between
Must Not be a Family Bond
Tackle Them Before They Tackle You.
Yahoo Fellas
Till Day Break.

Reynaldo Arturo

10 7 1
By FaizaMunga

Arturo Pub, Bogotà, Colombia;

In the eighteenth floor, which was the third to the last floor in the pub, is the owner of the club. Sitting on a grey sofa, surrounded by guys in grey shirt and black leather jackets, each holding gun.

Reynaldo was wearing a black jeans and a black tight shirt pairing with a black leather jacket. He looked calm sipping his non-alcoholic white            wine. There were two beautiful girls with him. He was enjoying himself, Colombia is his, he was feeling nice.

Suddenly, the song was changed and the bright lights was changed to disco light. He turned to his right hand man and gave him a questioning look. His right hand smile and showed him the stage were a pole stood. The song was changed to a song by Pa la Calle and Lorna, instituto Mexicano del sonido.

A lady appeared was what you call figure eight. The face, the bod, everything was beautiful.

"This is the new girl here, she is very talented, you will think she is innocent, but she loves money. She is a character." Victorino, Reynaldo's assistant said.

"Mmm." Was all Reynaldo could say. The other girls noticed that his attention was drawn to the girl. The frowned and stood in front of him to block his view. He gestured to his people to carry them away.

The stripper on the stage started her dance on the pole. Reynaldo was watching as if he is attending a class on how to make cocaine in two seconds. She was done with the stripping and almost done with the pole dance. She noticed Reynaldo watching her and she winked at him. He frowned and she smiled, the guard standing behind him though that the girl was flirting with him and he smiled.

10 minutes later, she left through the back door, to the changing room. She changed and left the pub.

Reynaldo was determined to find the stripper that night. When she winked at him, he knew that what Victorino described her was an understatement. He immediately rushed to his private elevator and took his car in the parking lot. He dialed Victorino's number.

"Find the address of that girl. And men to the parking lot. We are going out." Reynaldo ordered. As he reached the parking lot, Victorino texted him the address of her apartment.
Reynaldo smiled at the text and drove to the address.

The stripper's apartment is among the middle class apartments. Like every other house in the neighborhood, the house was white colored and the roofs were chocolate colour. Reynaldo's convoy screeched outside the building of the girls house. One of his men checked the number of the house to confirm. After he was sure that the house belonged to the girl, he went and informed his boss.

Reynaldo stood on the porch and knocked the door. The house was quiet till he heard shuffling of bolts inside. The door opened slightly, the bigger. When the stripper saw who he was, she tried to close the door in his face but he was fast. He stuck out his foot to stop the door from closing. The sitting room was bright and scattered; throw pillows on the ground, a bowl of pop corn  with some spilled on the carpet.

The stripper regretted opening the door. 'Just because I winked at him, he decided to come?' she thought. Her house was a mess, that was why she didn't want him to get in. She had something like test tube in her hand with cocaine inside.

Reynaldo stepped in and sat on one of her ash couch. He saw her fetch some of the cocaine from the test tube and sniffed. She wasn't even fazed by his arrival.

"Reynaldo..." She started but was cut off by him.

"It's a nice thing that you know my name and you are not afraid to wink at me." He boomed. She went and sat opposite him. He was surprised to say the least by her guts.

"Well, I see nothing wrong will think winking at you." She replied taking out her gun from under the couch she was supposed sitting on.

She was just a dumb kid with temper like a dentist drill. To think that she will be able to defend herself.

"You're not threatening me with that, are you?" He asked. "Because I thought you are smarter than that." Reynaldo crossed one leg over the other.
She shrugged and kept the gun away. The stripper had changed her clothes already. She was wearing a blue skinny jeans and white shirt.

"What is your name?" Reynaldo asked as he removed his wrist watch and his engagement ring.

"Tequila." The girl replied eying his watch and ring.

"No wonder." Reynaldo murmured. "Do you live with your family?" He asked.

"No." Tequila replied.

"Good." Reynaldo was tied of talking. This is so far, the longest conversation he had with anybody apart from his two friends, Faruk and Sameer.


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