Gabrielle Carrington

By TJLew182

69.1K 1.2K 89

Youngest heir to the Carrington dynasty, Gabrielle Carrington is back this time for good. More



1.5K 29 0
By TJLew182

I walked downstairs to see Fallon yelling at a staff member.

"What? I asked for violet campions." Fallon said.

"Yes. But that flower only grows on the Rock of Gibraltar. It's quite rare." The woman said.

"So? The Carringtons and the Colbys are getting married. Our flowers will be picked off the cold, hard surface of your ass if we want them to be." Fallon said looking off to the side. "Is that a swan?"

"One of five for the indoor fountain." The woman said.

"What happened to the peacocks?" Fallon asked.

"Peacocks can't swim." The woman said.

"Well, how much would it cost to teach them?" Fallon asked as Dad walked downstairs.

"What the hell are you doing? I am not paying for all this. My study." Dad said.

"Oh, come on. It's your big day too, Blake." Fallon said grabbing a bottle of champagne and walking into the study. I followed.

"You told me to plan a ceremony." Fallon said.

"The plan was to make it seem like we were having a wedding so Jeff would apply for Cecil's house-arrest waiver. Now that they have it, and they're coming here for the rehearsal today, would you stop spending my money?" Dad asked.

"You said that your IT team needs at least two hours. to get into the house and to erase Jeff's server, right?" I asked.

"Well, that means we need a long rehearsal, final decisions to settle on: swans or peacocks. Just trust me. If Jeff doesn't believe that we're planning the party of the century, then he'll know that the last two
weeks have been a sham." Fallon said.

"Fine. At least I don't have to buy a wedding gown." Dad said.

"There you go. Think of what I'm saving you. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than getting arrested. Or losing your entire company, which you could have if Jeff had used any of the blackmail on his server." Fallon said as Cristal walked in.

"Oh. Speaking of shams, Mrs. Flake Carrington." Fallon said.

"I still can't believe you're making her do this." Cristal said to Dad.

"Oh, he's not making me do anything. Unlike you, I believe in solving problems I help create." Fallon said.

"You told her about Rick?" Cristal asked.

"We're all on the same team, aren't we?" Dad asked. "I got a full report from my IT guys... what Colby had access to, what he might've fed Rick... and it included records of Steven's rehab reservations." Dad said.

"When did Steven go to rehab?" Cristal asked.

"Well, that's the problem. He didn't. He was supposed to check in after Christmas. Considering that he told Rick and the press and the police that he's been clean for several years..." Dad trailed off.

"In other words, thanks to you and Ricky Ricardo, Steven might have the most to lose." I said.

"And Steven still has no idea that all this today is an act?" Cristal asked.

"It's called plausible deniability. I'll write it down for you. You can Google it later." Fallon said walking out. I followed her. Austin walked in.

"What the hell is going on?" Austin asked looking around.

"I'm planning the event of the season." Fallon said.

"The Carrington motto is go big and expensive or go home." I said. Austin and I hung out for a bit before I had to get ready for the rehearsal dinner.

After I changed I walked into Dad's study to be met with Cristal and Fallon.

"Ready for the show?" Fallon asked. "You can follow my lead. Obviously." Fallon said to Cristal.

"Fallon, I can't imagine how stressful this all is for you. I just want you to know I'm here for you." Cristal said

"Oh, but you're not. You see,the difference between you and me is that I'll do whatever it takes to stand by this family." Fallon said walking over to me and starting to fix my hair.

"And when Dad asked you to see what else Rick knew, you bailed." I said.

"He was essentially asking me to whore myself out." Cristal said.

"Well, at least Daddy recognises your true talent." Fallon said finishing fixing my hair.

"All right. I just got an update from my security team. They're standing by outside Colby's house." Dad said walking in.

"The gate called. Jeff's car has arrived." Anders informed us.

"Okay. We need to keep the whole family here for two hours. That'll give the team time to get in, find the server, and degauss it, so whatever you can do to stall..." Dad started.

"We'll be lucky if we can get through the hour without you and Cecil blowing each other's heads off." Fallon said before we all left to great the Colby's.

"Hey, you." Jeff said to Fallon before they kissed.

"You ready for this?" Monica asked.

"She was born ready." Jeff said.

"Well, technically I was born naked and screaming, but I've come a long way." Fallon said.

"Let me be the first to welcome you both to the family." Cristal said.

"I believe that's my job." Dad said.

"But don't jinx it. We're not married yet." Jeff said.

"And, uh, where's your father?" Fallon asked.

"He's not coming. I know I said we'd all be here, I know it's important..." Jeff trailed off.

"If Cecil's not here for the rehearsal..." Fallon trailed off.

"Oh, the good news is he won't need to rehearse anything, since he won't be at the wedding, either." Jeff said.

"Oh." Fallon said.

"Okay. Who's ready to talk seating charts?" Fallon's wedding planner asked. Jeff, Monica, Cristal and myself walked towards the dining room.

After the rehearsal dinner Fallon and Culhane were sat on Culhane's couch talking while Austin and I sat in Culhane's bed.

"You're not seriously going through with this thing, are you?" Culhane asked.

"It's not like I'm actually marrying the guy." Fallon said.

"No, you're just madly hunting for a wedding dress to not marry him in." Culhane said.

"What's the difference between canceling today versus tomorrow? I was always going to have to say I got cold feet. Now I'll just have to get them a little colder and a little later." Fallon said as Austin picked me up and walked over to the couch that Fallon and Culhane weren't sat at.

"My dad is handling the hard part. Cecil." Fallon said.

"Yeah, you just have to have a wedding and be an actual bride." Culhane said.

"Honestly, I wish we could've picked another religious ceremony to get Cecil out of his house arrest. A funeral seemed tough, it required a body,
but in retrospect..." Fallon trailed off.

"I could of faked my death." I said. Fallon and Culhane looked at me and shock their heads.

"Fallon, maybe it's time to just call all this off. I know you can't go to the police, but there has to be another way." Culhane said

"If there were, believe me, we would be doing it. What kills me the most is that if this whole thing blows up, I don't even get to keep Morell Corp. I mean, all the blood, sweat and champagne I've poured into that company..." Fallon said. Culhane gave her a look.

"For me it's a lot." Fallon defended.

"I thought you were buying Jeff out." Jeff said.

"Well, the deal hasn't closed yet. Now it seems more complicated than ever." Fallon said.

"Well, whatever happens with Morell, you know I'm here for you. And for Monica. I'm stuck playing her pretend boyfriend for the next 24 hours." Culhane said.

"And I'm here for you." Austin said kissing my cheek.

"Thanks Austin." I said.

"Thank you, Michael." Fallon said. "It would be so much easier if you and I were getting pretend married."

"Sam's moved back in right?" Culhane asked. Fallon nodded.

"I didn't know." I said standing up. "I will see you people later." I said.

"Go find your best friend." Fallon laughed. I ran off to Sam's room and jumped on him.

"Why didn't I know you were back?" I asked.

"Sorry. It slipped my mind. I'm dealing with some stuff." Sam said. I got down.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting down on the bed.

"I'm undocumented and your brother wants nothing to do with me." Sam said.

"Is there anything I can do to help get your visa?" I asked.

"Anders is helping me. All I need is an employment sponsorship from Fallon." Sam said. "So what's going on in the world of Gabbie Carrington?"

"Well I'm no longer single." I said.

"You didn't go back to Josh did you? Did Austin ask you out?" Sam asked.

"Austin asked me out." I said.

Later on Fallon and I were sat in Dad's study. I was studying for math and Fallon was doing something on her phone when Dad walked in.

"Told you your dad was an excellent negotiator. Cecil's on board." Dad said.

"How did you get that psycho to trade his coat of arms for a tux?" Fallon asked.

"I just talked to him, one concerned father to another." Dad said.

"There's a lie you know how to tell." I said not looking up from my laptop. The door flew open.

"Over my dead body is my granddaughter going to marry Jeff Colby!" Grandpa yelled.

"Sir, your father has arrived." Anders followed.

"Thank you, Anders. What the hell are you doing here?" Dad asked.

"La señorita called me on the teléfono." We all looked baffled. "Cristal."

"She called you?" Dad asked.

"My invitation must've got lost in the mail. Again." Grandpa said.

"It's not what it looks like, Grandpa." Fallon said.

"It wasn't supposed to go this far, but don't worry. Fallon is not gonna marry Jeff." Dad said.

"Tell that to the swans outside." Grandpa said.

"It's a ruse." Dad said.

"And a long story, but let's hear it again for good measure." Anders said.

"Jeff Colby bugged our house. He's been gathering dirt on us for months now. In light of Cecil's house arrest, this wedding is the only way that we can get all the Colbys out of their home so my security team can break in. Once they've succeeded in eradicating his arsenal, we'll be informed.Then Fallon will call off the ceremony before any vows are exchanged. The quintessential bride with cold feet." Dad said.

"All of this because of Jeff Colby?" Grandpa asked.

"Speaking of which, my fiancé's back with his lawyers." Fallon said before standing up and leaving. Dad and Grandpa started yelling. I stood up and grabbed my laptop and text book headed to the living room. I lay down on the couch and tried studying.

"Time to make this thing official. You ready?" Jeff asked.

"I've been dreaming of this moment my entire life." Fallon said.

"Only you would fantasize about a prenup." Jeff said.

"Oh, well, I thought we were handling the sale of Morell first." Fallon said.

"I was gonna save that for dessert, but since you brought it up... Forget selling. I'm giving it to you. As a wedding gift. Along with 25% of Colby Co." Jeff said handing Fallon a stack of papers.

"Morell and Colby Co? Why the sudden burst of generosity?" Fallon asked.

"Consider it my first task as your husband: making you happy. But I do have ulterior motives. I want you to give me 25% of C.A. in return." Jeff said.

"And what would that prove?" Fallon asked.

"That this ridiculous family feud is over." Jeff said.

"But I'd have to wait to get Morell until after the wedding, right?" Fallon asked.

"You're the one who said waiting would only make the wedding night sweeter." Jeff said.

"Then let's wait. I think we have ourselves a deal." Fallon said.

"And a marriage." Jeff said. They kissed. After they did that Fallon asked if I wanted to help her with her dress. I grabbed my laptop and textbook and followed Fallon upstairs.

I lay down on the floor with my laptop and book open. Fallon pulled out a really old ugly dress.

"Dear God, no." Steven said standing in the doorway.

"Don't worry. Rubin Singer is flying in from New York right now." Fallon said.

"Where'd you find that?" Steven asked.

"Attic." Fallon said fixing the sleeve.

"Is that Mom's?" Steven asked.

"You know, it's hard not to imagine what she'd say about all this. I mean, I'm not saying I want her to walk me down the aisle or anything, but even if I did, I wouldn't know how to reach her." Fallon said.

"Well, I guarantee that if she did come, she'd be wearing white." Steven said. Fallon looked uncomfortable. "What's wrong?"

"Well, something came up with Jeff. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should tell Dad." Fallon said.

"When has anything good ever come from open communication with Dad?" Steven asked. "I know you and Jeff happened really fast. To be honest,
I never saw you as Mrs. Anyone. Except maybe Culhane, but you're my sister and I love you and... all I want is for you to be happy." Steven said.

"Thanks. So, I heard you chose undead Ted over Sammy Jo. Sam mentioned he'd be rolling solo to the wedding." Fallon said.

"I'm learning I have to pick and choose my priorities." Steven said.

"Well, I thought the whole point of being a Carrington is we don't have to choose between anything." Fallon said.

"Might not be the best time to point out that as of tomorrow, you'll be less Carrington and more Fallon Morell Colby. Don't worry. If you ever do marry Culhane, at least you won't have to get your hand towels re-monogrammed." Steven joked. Fallon shoved him.

"Now why are you laying on the floor looking like you're about to rip your hair out?" Steven asked turning to me.

"I'm studying for math. Well trying at least." I said.

"You've been studying all day. Take a break." Fallon said.

"I've also been on question one all day." I said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Fallon asked.

"You've been busy and Steven I haven't seen you all day." I said.

"Math isn't my strong suit but if you ever need help on how to be a liberal I'll be happy to help." Steven said.

"Still don't know what that is." I said. Steven smiled.

"Bring your laptop and textbook over here and I'll help you." Fallon said. I walked over to Fallon's bed and Fallon and Steven moved down that I could sit between them.

Fallon started explaining something really quick.

"Did you understand a thing she's saying?" Steven whispered to me. I shook my head.

"Fal, slow down. My brain doesn't work that fast." I said.

"Right sorry." Fallon said. Steven had to leave to go back to his apartment. After about an hour and half I had finished my math.

"Do you understand it all now?" Fallon asked.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said.

"No problem." Fallon said. "Gabbie, next time you need help or don't understand something ask for help."

"Everyone is always busy doing something else." I said.

"You're my little sister I'll never be busy enough not to help you." Fallon said messing with my hair. I smiled.

"I was clearing out a couple things and I found a couple of your things." Fallon said standing up. She walked over to her closet and came back with an old guitar and my middle school football jersey.

"Where did you find these?" I asked.

"Bottom of my closet." Fallon said. "Speaking about football, when's your next game? Steven, Sam and I are gonna come watch you play."

"Uh next Friday I think." I said.

"Go get some sleep. I know what you get like when your tired and that is someone I don't wanna have to deal with tomorrow." Fallon said.

"Night Fal." I said standing up.

"Night Gabs." Fallon said kissing my cheek. I walked across the hallway to my room and lay down in bed.


I was in my room with my dress on. I walked to Fallon's room to be met with a makeup and hair team.

"Sit down and the hair team can work on you." Fallon said. I sat down while Fallon went to talk to Monica.

I had my hair done then they did my makeup.

I went to find Austin downstairs.

"Wow look at you." Austin said. I kissed his lips.

"You're looking very handsome yourself." I said fixing his tie.

"Gabrielle Carrington, looking as stunning as always." Liam Ridley said.

"Austin you know Liam right?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. Dylan's step brother." Austin said.

"Fallon told me to be Sam's date. You don't know where I could find him do you?" Liam asked.

"Probably near the food or the bar. Just look for a hot Latino man in a great suit." I said. Liam walked off.

"What's Liam Ridley doing at your sister's wedding?" Austin asked.

"No clue. No doubt we'll find out sooner or later." I said. I got a text from Fallon to come up to her room.

"Sorry bridesmaid duties." I said to Austin. He kissed me before I left. I walked into Fallon's room to see Cristal leaning against the pillar while Fallon and Dad yelled at each other.

"Stressful? I'm exhausted. I am suffocating, not even because of this dress, and all you care about is keeping your image clean." Fallon yelled.

"Fallon, you need to separate your feelings from the fiction." Dad said

"How? Everyone in the world that I love is inside this house right now, except for my mother, of course. Because you gave up on that marriage and led me to believe that she turned her back on all of us. I wish she was here right now." Fallon said.

"Then she could tell you everything, then maybe you would believe me, but she's not here right now, I am. So what do you think that means?" Dad asked.

"We'll never know, because you pushed her away." I said.

"Just like everyone else in my life. It's like you're so allergic to happiness you have to deny all of us the
experience of ever having it." Fallon said.

"What are you talking about? This isn't real. This isn't supposed to be a happy day." Dad said.

"But it was. I was supposed to marry the man that I loved. This is the day that every little girl dreams of,
and you've turned it into a nightmare. And you don't even care how much I've sacrificed to save you." Fallon snapped.

"Well..." Dad started.

"I don't care that this is all a charade. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of you. I don't want you by my side. I don't want you walking me down the aisle. I'm finishing this alone." Fallon said.

"Fallon. I would never let you marry him. I'm gonna stop it. We just need a few more minutes..." Dad started. Fallon cut him off.

"Get out!" Fallon screamed. Dad walked past us. Cristal and I walked over to Fallon. I stood behind her rubbing her shoulders.

"If you're here to gloat about how right you were, just get it over with. Or if you've come to pay me back for your wedding day..." Fallon trailed off.

"I'm here to apologize. For not doing more to stop this wedding. Instead of just complaining about it. Or asking Thomas to take care of it. I saw you hurting and I didn't do enough. Look, Fallon Gabbie, I know you hate it when people call me your stepmother, but that's what I am. You are my responsibility, like it or not. And we are bound together for life..." Cristal said.

"We'll see." Fallon said.

" the same man. We all know what it's like to love someone who does bad things. And how hard that is to reconcile."  Cristal said.

"Well, I'd like to think he means well." Fallon said.

"Sometimes you're just not sure. Your father used us all. But men have always used women for centuries." Cristal said.

"So why shouldn't it be our turn now?" Fallon asked.

"I will go out there right now, and I will call this entire thing off,if that is what you want me to do." Cristal said.

"No. There is something else I need." Fallon said.

"Gabbie, since when do you have a tattoo on your neck?" Cristal asked.

"Barcelona. Josh and I got matching ones then I went and had mine altered when we broke up." I said.

"Gabbie, you're walking before me."Fallon said. We got downstairs. Monica walked out first. Then someone walked Bo out then I walked out. I stood on stage next to Monica and Fallon walked out with Cristal. I watched Fallon's face change.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Fallon Carrington and Jeff Carrington." The minister said.

"If anyone here can show just cause why this couple should not be lawfully joined together, then speak now, or forever hold their peace." The minister said.

"Stop!" Dad yelled standing up. "I'm sorry. I can't let my daughter marry this man."

"Daddy..." Fallon fried.

"A few hours ago, you had cold feet." Dad said.

"Daddy, stop it. You're making a scene." Fallon said.

"There was a reason you wanted to walk away from this.You were right." Dad said.

"Blake, stop." Cristal said taking Dad's hand.

"You may not like Jeff, but he and I were meant to be together, and nothing you say is gonna stop me from marrying the man I love. You may be seated." Fallon said turning to the minister. "You were saying?"

The ceremony was over. Fallon made a signal at me and I grabbed Austin and walked behind Fallon and Jeff to Dad's study.

"My very own lawyer? Jeff, you shouldn't have." Fallon joked.

"Well, what is it you always say? "Negotiate drunk, sign sober"?" Jeff asked. Fallon and Jeff signed the papers as Dad burst in.

"What the hell are you doing? What are you doing? Why did you go through with this?" Dad asked.

"Well, I'm a big girl, Daddy. I can give Jeff 25% of
my shares if I want to." Fallon said.

"No, you can't, not without my signature." Dad said.

"Actually, she only needs the signature of the chief operating officer, which she already has." Cristal cut in.

"Along with Morell Corp and 25% of Colby Co." Fallon said.

"Are we cutting cake, or what?" Sam asked walking in with Liam.

"Sorry, Blake. Guess you can't win 'em all." Jeff smirked.

"But I can. My offer clearly says the Carrington Atlantic shares are yours once we're legally married." Fallon said.

"Feels pretty legal to me." Jeff said tapping his ring.

"Gabbie do the honours and explain." Fallon said.

"Yeah, well, unfortunately, bigamy is illegal in
the state of Georgia. You can't actually marry someone if they're already married to someone else." I said.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Jeff asked.

"This is Liam. My husband." Fallon said. Liam stepped forward.

"Okay, who's Liam?" Steven asked.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sam asked.

"Sam's date is your husband?" Steven asked.

"My marriage to Liam is completely legal, which means ours isn't. And neither is my contract. Read the fine print. As I said, unless we're married, my C.A. gift to you is void. But you didn't include anything like that in your contract, which means Morell Corp and 25% of Colby Co. are still mine." Fallon said.

"I'm sorry, what just happened?" Steven asked.

"Why didn't you tell me? You put me through hell." Dad said.

"Maybe you deserved a trip to hell." Cristal said before walking away.

"I did come to you to ask for your help,but you were too busy helping yourself.And instead of reprimanding me now, you should be thanking me, because I basically saved your ass. So just take the win and walk away." Fallon said.

"Gabbie, Austin can you give us a minute?" Fallon asked. We walked out of the room.

"I guess being a college kid has it's perks." I smirked.

"The only reason you know Liam is because you slept with his stepbrother." Austin laughed. I looked at him and looped my arms around his neck we kissed passionately until Anders voice broke out.

"Help! Someone call 911!" Anders yelled. We headed to the study to see Grandpa laying on the floor.

"His heart?" Dad asked.

"There's an ambulance coming." Anders told us.

"Dad?" Dad said.

"Grandpa?" Fallon said.

"Fallon Gabrielle. I'm sorry. Cecil was wrong. Blake never cheated on your mother." Grandpa confessed.

"What?" I asked moving next to Fallon on the floor.

"He was protecting me." Grandpa said before leaning into the floor.

"Sir? Sir?" Anders tried.

"Dad?Dad!" Dad said.

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