Where the Sky meets the Sea |...

By ghostie-galaxi

25.2K 836 267

Disclaimer: I haven't abandoned the story I'm just not putting it in a fanfic format, if anyone is interested... More

Rebel in the Making
Waiting Arrival
Quick Announcement
First Attack
Side note before future updates
The Members
Plan of Escape

Phase 2

1K 36 20
By ghostie-galaxi

Sorry this took so long to update, Quarantine killed my motivation and I had writter's block but school started back but so hopefully I'll get motivation. This chapter is also kinda long.

The sun begins to turn the sea orange as you and Abbi make your way back around to the docks. You stop by the wall of the castle and scan the shoreline for the boy’s ship. “I need to go there and find someone, ok?” You spoke quickly to Abbi, while pointing. She nods, but you can tell she still holds doubts. 

You walk from your hiding place and turn back to the castle to see if anyone was watching from above. When you don’t see anyone, you motion for Abbi to follow you. She followed behind as you quickly made your way to the docks. You kept looking back at the castle, hoping no one saw you. You finally reached the ship and walked up the plank that was still there. “Wait down here.” You spoke to Abbi. 

You jumped down onto the ship, the shadow the sun made easily concealing you. You looked up towards the crows nest. “Wooyoung?” You whisper yelled, hoping he heard you. When you were all sitting together waiting to get back to Cress, you noticed Wooyoung wasn’t with you. Then you remembered he was still in the crows nest and probably wasn’t captured like the rest of you. You felt something cold press against your neck.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Wooyoung's voice spoke from behind you. You rolled your eyes. “It’s me you bonehead, the princess?” “Oh.” He removed himself from behind you. In his hand, he held a knife that you assume was against your throat. “Sorry, couldn’t tell it was you.” He smiled sheepishly at you. You couldn’t help but smile at his dorkiness. “It’s fine, but we need to get the others back and I can’t do it alone. Did you hear at all where they’re taking them?” Wooyoung thought for a moment. “They took them to the dungeons to hold them for an execution tomorrow. Oh, and they’re holding San somewhere else. They were gonna take him back to his kingdom for ransom.” You muttered a curse under your breath. “Did they say where they’re holding San?” Wooyoung shook his head. “No, but San’s smart. I’m sure he’ll have found a way out on his own.” “I hope you’re right. We need to get moving now. There’s one thing I need to do before we look for them.” Wooyoung nods.

You both walk down the plank to find Abbi still waiting impatiently. “Who’s this?” Wooyoung asks curiously from behind you. “This is Abbi. She’s been my personal maid since I've been at the castle. She helped me escape the carriage that’s on its way to Oreand and now I have to help her get out of here.” “She’s cute.” Wooyoung winks at Abbi and a light pink dusted her cheeks. You rolled your eyes,“Not now. Here’s the plan, You and I are going to sneak into the castle through my window, Abbi, you’re going to stay on the ground under my window. I’ll gather anything I can and throw them down to you and then you need to get to the stables.” Abbi seemed to let out a sigh in relief. “Aye Aye, Captain (Y/N).” Wooyoung joked a salute to you. “I’m not your captain. Now let’s go.” 

You set off on your way down the dock with the other 2 trailing behind you. “How are we gonna get up to the window?” Wooyoung asked when you finally reached the sandy shore. “Climb up the rock and walk along the edge.” You pointed to where the castle had been built into the side of a cliff, the same one you and San snuck out the first time. “You can get up that?” Wooyoung looked at you in astonishment. “Yeah, not like it’s my first time.” You said as you started to climb up the rocks, nostalgia coming back to other times you’ve done this. “Wow, you just got 10 times hotter.” Wooyoung commented following up after you. You rolled your eyes at him once again. “How come it’s not your first time?” “I’ve snuck out a few times? My friend and I would either go train together or we’d go wander around in town.” “You just got 100 times hotter. What were you training for?” “He was training me how to fight.” “You just got 1000 times hotter.”

You huffed at him as you reached the ledge of the castle. “Damn it, Wooyoung.” You muttered. “Hey! Only San can say that to me!” Wooyoung defended. “Yeah well, I’m saying it too. Now keep your voice down.” You walked along the ledge towards your bedroom window. Wooyoung followed and surprisingly kept his mouth shut. You peered through your window, making sure no one happened to be in there. As quietly as possible, you slid open the window and slipped inside. 

You rushed to your vanity and grabbed anything that had some value and stuffed them into a velvet pouch that you found in there. “Gather any jewelry or jewels you find, we don’t need to give them all to Abbi, just enough for her to get started on her own.” You whispered to Wooyoung. He nods and starts digging through the jewelry box on your night stand. You finish gathering as much jewelry that can fit into the pouch. The rest you shove into the pockets, hoping they won’t make too much noise. “Do you want to keep this?” Wooyoung whispers to you. You look over at him to see him hold the knife you used the other night to cut the strings of your dress. You nod and walk over to him, taking the knife from him. You look out the window to see Abbi waiting below. You carefully dropped the pouch out of your window and watched it fall. You continued watching as you saw it land, Abbi take it, and ran towards the stables to finally make her escape. You sighed deeply as you watched her go, the fading sunset making her barely visible. You quietly shut the window as she finally disappeared.

You snapped your head around to the doors as you heard footsteps and voice walking towards the room. You and Wooyoung exchanged glances before you ran towards your far wall. Every castle has it’s hidden passages, right? Being in the castle since practically birth helped with knowing them. You pushed hard on one of the bricks. The wall gave way to a small passage that was hardly lit. Wooyoung rushed to be next to you as the footsteps grew dangerously close. 

You both rushed inside and rushed to shut the passage door. Once inside, you could barely make out the sound of your door opening. The voices outside were muffled by the wall, but you could still make out your father’s deep voice and Chan’s accent. You and Wooyounug were both laced in darkness inside the passage, before you heard a quick scratching sound. You looked at Wooyoung who’s face was now lit up by a match. “Found them in your nightstand.” You smiled at Wooyoung. “Nice, now we just need to figure out where they’re keeping San. Then we can get the rest and get out of here.” Wooyoung nodded. You paused for a minute as you heard your father speak again. You tried hard to make out what he was saying. “And this is her bedroom. We’ve had her here ever since we took her in.” “No where else? Just in here?” Chan’s accent still sent shivers down your spine. “Yes, this has always been her room.” There was another pause, followed by slow pacing footsteps. “Did she by chance have a sword with her when you found her?” Chan asked in a low voice. Another pause. “She did, but we’ve kept it away from her since she got here.” More pacing footsteps. “Then why did she have it when she was fighting me?” Chan asked, angry. The passage went dark again and you heard Wooyoung mutter a curse under his breath.

Why was he wondering about your sword?

“There isn’t time to waste, let’s find the others and get the hell out of here.” You whispered to Wooyoung. Whatever your father and Chan were talking about, it wasn’t important. If they were trying to get your sword away from you, it would burn them. And either way, they’d have to deal with you first. Wooyoung lit another match and nodded to you before turning around and walking down the passage. 

Your steps were quiet against the cold, stone floor, something that was an instinct to you. Whenever you and Zach were practicing together, you were always very quick and light on your feet, making it harder for him to attack you from his slower and large statcure. Even if you were taller and more muscular than average (cuz not every Y/N is tiny and petite and shorter then every idol I’M A 5’8” WOMEN I DON’T LIKE BEING TINY IN FANFICS IDC IF IT’S CUTE I’LL NEVER HAVE THAT ANYWAYS SO MIGHT AS WELL MAKE IT MORE REALISTIC FOR MYSELF ok sorry rant over) you could still move around quickly with ease. The light from the match danced across the wall as you both continued rushing down the passage. “If I had to guess where San would be, I’d say in either a bedroom or the courtroom. Either way, there’s probably guards by both doors.” You told Wooyoung. “Let’s try the courtroom first. That bedroom probably has windows, and if I know anything about San, is that he would have snuck out already.” “Ok, this passage leads to a hallway that goes to the courtroom.” Wooyoung made a sound of agreement. You both turned a corner as the match was slowing burning down. 

You both reached the end of the passage. You walked past Wooyoung and pushed hard against the wall. It gave way into a lit hallway. You looked carefully both directions, looking for guards, before motioning Wooyoung to follow you. You walked out into the hallway and then pushed the statue that gave way back into place. You started to lead the way to the courtroom until your heard something from around the corner.

Footsteps. Running footsteps. And they were coming toward you.

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