In Your Shadow

By dawnEclipse_

22.6K 928 367

Right after the event of Sasuke killing his brother, Itachi, Danzou take the chance to finally exterminate th... More

Chapter 1: Faded Light
Chapter 2: In His Shadow
Chapter 3: Naruto's Despair
Chapter 4: Changes and Jealousy
Chapter 5: Love in Genjutsu
Chapter 6: Warmth Under The Moonlight
Chapter 7: The Abduction
Chapter 8: The Truth
Chapter 10: Plan to Love Part I
Chapter 11: Plan to Love Part II
Chapter 12: Your Light

Chapter 9: Failed Acceptance

1.2K 58 26
By dawnEclipse_

Everyone was stunned by the situation in front of them.

"NARUTO!!!" Shikamaru screamed.

"You might as well die, Uzumaki Naruto. You don't have any use for me anyway." The man manage to strand, covered with his own blood. 

"You asshole.." Neji gritted his teeth while his hands balled into fist.

"Not again.. Naruto-kun.." Lee said with wide eyes.

Shikamaru run towards Naruto to catch him from falling on the floor when he was stopped by the sudden appearance of the Susano'o. Sasuke's hugging the blonde tightly while his eyes shines bright red. His Mangekyo Sharingan activated.

"Ahhhrggh!" The man yelled in pain when he was struck by the Susano's sword and been pinned on the wall. That left him dead.

"What happened?!" The other came running on the scene and Ino yelled.

"What happened to Naruto?!"

Sakura runs to their position only to be blocked by the Susano'o.

"No one's coming near here." Sasuke said coldly. He gently lay Naruto on his chest and stares at his face.

"Naruto." He called softly. Naruto stares at him weakly. "Don't.. leave me. Please?" Sasuke's voice broke even after trying so hard not to look weak infront of his blonde.

"Sasuke-kun! I need to treat Naruto now!" Sakura shouted from the outside and attempt to enter the Susano'o which she successfully did. The others move closer as well but Sasuke didn't let any other more to come closer aside from Sakura.

She immediately kneel down beside Naruto and put both of his palms on top of his chest.

"Do everything.. heal him." Sasuke’s deep voice stunned Sakura but continue what she's doing.

"It's no good. His wound is too deep. I can only provide the first aid and stop the external bleeding." Sakura said worriedly. "We must go back to Konoha now."

Sasuke fixes Naruto's cloak, hiding his whole body and face before carefully carrying him. He maintained Susano'o's aura around him on the way back to Konoha to ensure Naruto's safety.

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune barged inside the hokage's office, sweating and her face shows great worries.

Tsunade stand. "What is it, Shizune?"

"N-Naruto-kun.. he's in danger!" Tsunade's eyes widen as she quickly walk out of the door.

"Where? Where is he?" She asked continuing to walk while Shizune followed her. "What happened to him?! I keep on repeating to bring Naruto back, safe and sound!" She yelled angrily.

"He's in the ICU right now. He got a deep wound on his chest and his chakra stopped flowing on his body. One more problem is that even the nine tail's chakra isn't responding at all." Shizune explained quickly.

They reached the Konoha hospital and to the ICU. Outside was all of Naruto's friends and a certain raven leaning on the wall. His face's dark and no one attempts to start a conversation with him let alone come near him.

"Tsunade-sama.." Lee called but the hokage walk pass them and went inside the ICU followed by Shizune.

Inside was Naruto, laying on the hospital table with different scrolls around and medical staffs gathered around him. Seeing Naruto's state, Tsunade bit her lower lip in sudden pain on her chest.

"Tsunade-sama..." Shizune said worriedly.

Without further ado, she step in to treat Naruto.

"Shikamaru..." Chouji called. Others look at Shikamaru too who's also leaning on the wall, back facing them.

They got no response making them all look at each other.

"If you're thinking that it's your fault..." Ino started. "Quit it, Shikamaru."

"That man was so evil. Even on the verge of death, he still manage to hurt someone." Tenten said while holding Sakura's shoulder who's currently trembling.

"Sakura-san..." Lee quietly called.

Tears began to flow down from Sakura's eyes. Everyone aside from Shikamaru, Sai, Neji and Sasuke bow their heads down in despair.

"I-If... If I'm just a bit better in medical ninjutsu... I could have stop the internal bleeding even for a while..." She said in tears.

Kiba clenched his fists. "It's because we're still weak to protect him. If we just arrived earlier..." Akamaru sadly growl beside him.

"No.. you have your own things to settle outside. I... I'm with Naruto-kun but I can't do anything to protect him. I... I'm..." Lee couldn't finish his sentence as he restraint himself from crying.

"It's all my fault." They all look at Shikamaru. "I vow to not repeat the same mistake I've done years ago when we're still genins but I did it again. I put your lives into danger and drag Naruto in this situation." He said in a low voice, biting his lower lip until it bleeds.


"There's no use for us to blame ourselves." Neji cutted Shino. "We should do that, do this.. it was all done and living in it won't get us anywhere." He said calmly but everyone can see the anger in his eyes.

Silence filled the area. Even their breathing can be hardly heard.

A couple of hour has passed, no one has moved from their places aside from Lee and Kiba who keeps walking back and forth waiting for any news. It's midnight, all of them were exhausted yet it doesn't seems to bother them due to extreme worry they are feeling.

The door of the ICU opens signaling them to raise their heads. Some even stand in anticipation for a good news.

"Tsunade-sama.." Ino called with a hopeful voice.

The hokage looks at them one by one. "You should all go home and rest." She said earning different protest from the young shinobis.

"But Tsunade-sama, we want to see Naruto." Lee said.

"We want to know how he is? Is he's safe? Does he need anything?" Sakura asked.

They keep on going and going, pissing Tsunade off.

"Silence!" She yelled and there's a deafening silence. "He is out of danger but it doesn't mean that you can see him right now. He needs to rest properly so do the favor and go home now." She walks passed them all only to stop again.

"No matter what happened days from now, I hope you can all accept it." And with that, she left with Shizune, leaving them confuse and tired.

After some time, they all decided to leave and take some rest.

Sakura look at Sasuke who didn't even move an inch from his place since they arrived.

"Sakura?" Sai called. Sakura sigh, disregarding the thought of talking to him, and left with the others.

Sasuke was left in the area when he slowly fall from standing and sit on the floor, right arm rested on his curled up, right knee. His eyes shows emptiness and coldness as his sun is currently hurt and resting inside, hopefully.

"I've never done anything right at all.. Naruto."

A week has passed and they can finally visit Naruto who's still confined in the hospital ward.

His comrades went to the hospital together, each holding something for Naruto. They enter the room to find him peacefully sleeping on the bed.

"He looks good now.. I'm so glad." Chouji said.

"Indeed. It is Naruto we are talking.. he'll be back soon." Neji agreed.

Everyone was smiling and talking about Naruto not noticing Shikamaru on the corner, not having enough strength to even step nearer to him. He still carry the burden of what happened and constantly blamed himself for it.

"He's awake!" Lee exclaimed making everyone look at Naruto. His eyes are open.

"Naruto.." Sakura called almost teary.

They cheered and laughs while looking at Naruto but the happiness died down when they notice how Naruto don't have any reaction at all. He's staring at nowhere, as if he's not seeing or hearing them.

"Naruto..?" Kiba called.

"Are you all happy now?" Naruto finally speak. His low and cold voice stunned everyone. He place his gaze on them, revealing his lifeless eyes.

"Are you satisfied now?" He questioned again.

"W-What do you mean, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked, confuse.

"Of course we are happy." Ino said. "You're now okay and out of danger. "

"Heh.." Naruto smirked slightly. "Of course. Who wouldn't be happy after fooling someone."

Their faces shows confusion and worried, not really understanding what Naruto is trying to say.

"Fool? Someone? What are you saying?" Tenten asked.

"I didn't know you're this good at acting." Naruto's smirk faded. "I shouldn't trust anyone, afterall."

"What are you trying to say, Naruto?!" Sakura yelled, losing her patience.

"You are all liar." He answered rather quickly, shocking them.

"What?" Ino asked in disbelief. "After all those worries and pain, you're calling us liar?!"

"Naruto, what's the meaning of this?" Neji butt in.

"Sasuke's dead, huh." They all went silent and stunned. Naruto laugh creepily. "He is dead for over half a year now."

The young shinobis stood there frozen. They were all taken back after hearing where Naruto is coming from.

"What?" Naruto asked mocking them. "Why don't we visit his grave?"


"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING TELL ME THE TRUTH?!" Sakura step back, shock from hearing Naruto yelled.

"I trusted you all. I am more than happy having you as my friends, my comrades and people who I can finally form a bond with." Naruto begins to tremble in anger as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"How fulfilling is it to you to watch me in despair over something unreal? What's the feeling of satisfaction after fooling me?" He asked painfully.

"Naruto.." Sakura called, crying.

"Do the favor of leaving. Get out of my face." He said, coldness returning to his eyes. "I'm not in the state to fool myself that you all cared."

They looked down, feeling guilty and hurt.

"That is not the proper way to thank them after saving you." A raven-haired man entered the room. Their eyes set on him aside from a certain blonde with cold eyes.

The atmosphere becomes heavier with his sudden appearance. No one dares to make any noise, only watching and waiting for a response from the blonde.

Naruto laugh in a low voice almost sounding creepy as he gaze upon the raven boy. His eyes shows emptiness and emits coldness. The once warm smile was now gone replace by a mocking one.

"What right does a dead man have to lecture me, Uchiha Sasuke?" 

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