Feathers and Claws (MxMxMxMxM)

By Cecidissewolf

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-Temporary Hiatus- After his tribe gets attacked, Theo is thrown abruptly into the dangerous world. With no h... More

Chapter 1: The forest
Chapter 2: The attack
Chapter 3: Terror
Chapter 4: New captor?
Chapter 5: A Head
Chapter 6: Odd
Chapter 7: New hell
Chapter 8: Panic
Chapter 9: Rescued
Chapter 10: The plan
Chapter 11: Mistake
Chapter 12: The deal
Chapter 13: Side tracked
Chapter 14: Talking
Chapter 15: Confusion
Chapter 16: Counsel
Chapter 17: Mates
Chapter 18: The hunt
Chapter 19: The hunt. (Part 2)
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: The morning
Chapter 22: Fraying
Chapter 23: Clear
Chapter 24: Possessive
Chapter 25: Setting out
Chapter 26: Trap. . .
Chapter 27: Home sweet home?
Chapter 28: Anger
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30: Fury
Chapter 31: Mother
Chapter 32: Territorial
Chapter 33: Furious
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35: Torn
Chapter 36: Old partner. . .
Chapter 37: Trouble
Chapter 38: Choice
Chapter 39: Regret
Chapter 40: We're on our way
Chapter 41: Interesting. . .
Chapter 42: 'Chat'
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: Dread
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46: The hunt is on
Chapter 47: Winner
Chapter 48: Mating
Chapter 49: Lovely couple
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51: Chaos
Chapter 52: Issues
Chapter 53: Plan
Chapter 54: Concern
Chapter 55: Lost.
Chapter 56: Imprisoned
Lil' Lore break: The hunts.
Chapter 57: Confusing mess
Chapter 58: Restless
Chapter 59: Growling
Chapter 60: Chatting
Chapter 61: Consequences
Chapter 62: Sleepy discussions
Chapter 63: Fair
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65: Blank
Chapter 66: Warmth
Chapter 67: Standards.
Chapter 68: Crimson calls
Chapter 69: Warmth
Lil' Lore break: Evolution of the Homigriffs
Chapter 70: Again.
Chapter 71: Fear
Chapter 72: Assurances
Chapter 73: Tears
Chapter 74: Cries
Chapter 75: uh oh
Chapter 76: Misery
Chapter 77: Screams
Chapter 78: Walk
Chapter 79: Aggression.
Chapter 80: Annoyance
Chapter 81: Danger
Chapter 82: Threat
Chapter 83: Curious
Chapter 84: Conversation
Chapter 85: Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 86: Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 87: Reaffirming
Chapter 88: Reacquainting
Chapter 89: Teeth


22.5K 466 298
By Cecidissewolf

Alright, The Mpreg book I promised, Blah blah explain the Homigriffs/Tribes/Biology and of course the characters, A'ight lets just get into it.

This is a long one. A very. Very. Long one. Looots of lore.

(Pronounced: Hom-E-Griffs)


So, The only human like creatures are the Homigriffs.

They are somewhat like werewolves in the sense that they have multiple forms and they live in pack like groups.

Their first form is their animal one, Yes, Their born in their animal form.

Dear lord I am glad their born in eggs. . .

Their first form, Like the 'Griff' part suggests, Is a griffin.

The griffins can vary in what they look like (I.E, Colors and what's meshed with what) however there are some things that stay steady.

The feline part of them is always a big cat and the bird part is always that of a bird of prey.

An example would be a Griffin who's feline half is a Tiger and it's bird half a Blakiston's fish owl (Yes this is a real bird, For now at least).

Despite the natural size of either the bird or cat parts, They always are a lot larger than the normal ones.

Lets use our tiger example again, The tiger griffin's shoulders would match up with average sized human's shoulders (Around 6'1 to 6'4 normally).

Despite that, There still are variations in their sizes, Some are above average in height and some can be below average.

When in their full griffin forms their bodies are biologically animalistic, However their minds are still mostly the same as when their in their human forms.

Key word mostly, Sometimes their instincts tend to dull their better sense and can cause . . . Trouble, To put it lightly.

Their second form is in a way a mix of their first and their final forms.

They still have their massive bird wings on their backs as well as small feathers scattered throughout their hair and across their shoulders, Some even have it trailing down their shoulder blades.

The extra feathers can vary from silky soft to strong and sturdy so that can dictate if they wear a shirt in their second form or not.

Their nails are strong, Sturdy and slightly sharp like their claws in their griffin form.

They sometimes even have fur remaining at their ankles and wrists, It's normally the same softness as their griffin's fur.

Their eyes also have the same look as their first form's eyes, So if their first form has tiger eyes. . . So does their second.

Their final form is nearly fully human, Some of them have either feathers or fur sticking around on their shoulders, Hair and or on their shoulder blades.

They tend to be a very tall race of people though so. . . There's that.

Oh, Except for the Sub Homigriffs, They actually get a whole new description here.

:Sub Homigriffs: (Bonus round)

So the 'Sub' part refers to the fact they are descended from the normal Homigriffs, However they evolved ever so slightly differently than the normal Homigriffs. (It can also refer to what position they normally have. . .)

They have. . . Interesting biology, So that will be touched up on along with the normal Homigriffs.

First form, Griffin, Born from eggs, Yada yada.

Okay their sizes are different from the normal one's sizes.

Where as the normal Homigriffs average around 6'2 the Sub Homigriffs average around 5'4 in height, The shorter side of the spectrum normally being 5'2 and the taller side being 5'6.

They never reach 6'.

Unlike the normal Homigriffs, Their human sides never even falter in their control when in any of their forms.

Second form is similar to the normal Homigriffs form, However their bodies always are very fragile, We're talking humming bird levels of fragile.

Their nails don't remain sharp in this form however their teeth do get sharp.

Their feathers are almost always soft and silky to the touch.

Third and final form is mostly human looking, Unlike the normal Homigriffs the Sub Homigriffs always have feathers scattered throughout their hair and lightly coating their shoulders and shoulder blades.

 - Biology -


the gestation period of Homigriffs isn't that long, Normally lasting a few days, A week tops.

With how fast the eggs grow it causes the ones birthing them to experience a lot of pain and cramps through out.

Once the eggs are born it can take up to a year for them to hatch.

This is hell seeing as the eggs are about the size of a ostrich egg.

It's very painful. . . Some parents die during birthing. . .

 Normal Homigriffs:

Their biology is mostly the same as ours, However, There is a few different and interesting things about them.

Both genders of the Normal Homigriffs can sire children.

Yes you heard me right, Both the girls and the boys can get someone preggo.

The Female Homigriffs have a extra. . . Sack of sorts inside them that can eject sperm when they you know. . . Uh. . . Finish.

It takes a lot of skill and luck for a girl to do it though so yeah.

All Homigriffs have scent glands on their necks and ever so slightly down to the crook of their necks.

The scent glands normally just tell other Homigriffs who is who just by smell, However, This changes when they come in contact with Sub Homigriffs.

Another purpose the glands serve is as a bonder between two Homigriffs, When the glands come in contact with the Homigriff's mate's saliva there is a chemical reaction.

The reaction causes a burst of positive endorphins, Normally these endorphins nullify the pain from a bite strong enough to draw blood, They also tend to make the one being bit feel differing positive feelings, These feelings differ from Homigriff to Homigriff though.

Now the glands can also be used to find one's mate or mates.

When a Homigriff comes across their mate (And if they can actually smell their mate) the scent from their mate's glands will smell intoxicatingly good to them, Encouraging them to try and bite their mate.

That's about it for the normal Homigriffs

Sub Homigriffs:

So, Most of the stuff about the Sub Homigriffs and the normal ones are the same, For instance, The scent glands, That's mostly the same.

The only difference there is the fact that Sub Homigriffs are very affected by the hormones released from the scent glands.

Their sense of smell is much greater than that of the normal Homigriffs.

Now than, Onto their reproductive system.

Most Sub Homigriffs can't sire children, Least of all females.

However, Both males and females of the Sub Homigriffs can birth children.

Now, They don't have anymore holes than their respective gender would have, At least not on the outside that is.

Male Sub Homigriffs have a fully working yet rather small womb that connects to their intestines a little ways away from their butt. 

This 'Womb's' entrance doesn't open unless the respective Sub Homigriff is horny.

With all this, It's rather hard for a male Sub Homigriff to get preggo, However it is possible, But not advised.

Many male Sub Homigriffs who try to birth children sadly birth still born eggs, This is partly due to the fact that Sub Homigriffs, Unlike their normal counter part, Have soft shelled eggs.

However, When exposed to the Normal Homigriffs much stronger semen the egg is almost always born much healthier and stronger than those born of Normal Homigriff mothers.

However, Male Sub Homigriffs take a lot longer amount of time to be able to become preggo again.

-: Tribes :-

So, The two different Homigriff types don't live together in tribes.

Normal Homigriffs:

The Normal and much larger, Stronger Homigriffs live in tribes that are lead by their version of a alpha, They call them the 'Heads'.

The Heads of the tribes tend to be the strongest and most battle scarred out of all the rest in their tribe.

The Heads have to be strong due to the fact that rival tribe Heads and rogues will sometimes try to challenge them for their position and their tribes.

If the Heads don't have a child to take their place, Or they have a child they don't think would be good as a Head, They will chose and train a tribe member they think would be a good leader.

The ones right below the Heads in their ranking is the council, The council advises the Heads on matters, They are considered the second in command.

Below them are the warriors of the tribe, They do the hunting and guarding of the tribe.

There are many ranks and sub jobs to being a warrior, However, I ain't going into that.

This thing is already super fucking long as is.

After them come the normal members of the tribe, I.E, Mothers, Elders, Children and those who aren't in the other ranks.

They really don't have a say or a voice in what happens to the pack, All the choices are made for them by the Head and sometimes the Head's council, And the choices are enforced by the warriors.

Below them are the prisoners, Those with defects and those who joined the tribe without connections to anyone in the tribe.

They do not treat outsiders very well.

Now I'm sure you're wondering, What about their healers? Surely they have healers?

A few do.

The Normal Homigriffs don't really pride themselves on having healers, Any healers that there are aren't part of a Normal Homigriff tribe.

Their considered drifters, Their allowed to enter the tribe's territory without being harmed, However they are treated in a very hostile way.

They tend to take up areas with lots of prey, Mostly due to the fact that the majority of them prefer to be carnivores than omnivores.

They CAN eat fruits and plants, However they don't normally want to.

They live in fairly spread out areas, Making large walls and towers around their tribe's homes to have a better veiw.

Sub Homigriffs:

The much weaker Sub Homigriffs aren't lead by the strongest, They are instead led by those that the subjects chose to be a good leader.

There are normally at most ten leaders at a time, They work together to sort out issues with the tribe, All the while listening to their shadows.

The leaders of the Sub Homigriffs are normally called 'Mother' regardless of gender or any other factor.

Now the Shadows, They are pretty much the second in command for the 'Mothers'.

They are the ones who hang around different parts of town, They know those who live in their parts of town and those who live there know them.

If there is a issue that can't be solved by themselves the people will bring it up to a shadow, If a shadow can't solve it than it will be taken to one of the 'Mothers'.

The shadows are pretty much like the parents over the people, They listen to their peoples woes even if it's not a problem.

Below them there are the Frogs.

You did not misread that, Their 'soldiers' are called frogs.

Mostly because of their 'fighting' style.

Due to how fragile and dainty their bodies are (For both the males and females), And their inability to really gain muscles, They would lose in any fight of strength.

Instead, They use smarts.

Their style of fighting really can't be called that seeing as it's more so just tranquilizing their target.

They all have darts and blowguns they are trained to use, They just knock out their target, Put them in a cell and ask for the shadows or the mothers to figure it out from there.

'Below' them are the people, Just those who have normal jobs, Like farmers, Children, Parents, Etc.

They live out their lives rather peacefully, Unlike with the normal Homigriffs the Sub Homigriffs tend to have a say in what their 'Mothers' do.

They pretty much have a democracy system in a way.

Now, Their is a interesting thing about the Sub Homigriffs, Like with the Normal Homigriffs, Healers don't have a rank amongst them. 

However, They aren't treated as wanders, Instead they are treated with the upmost respect, Even the 'Mothers' have a huge amount of respect for the healers.

It is considered a honor to become one of them, If a child shows a interest in becoming a healer than believe me they will become the center of attention for quite a while.

Now, Elders and those with defects, Both of those are treated. . . Differently than others.

Not in a bad way mind you, They are actually protected quite a lot, Most of them are moved to live either with a shadow or with a 'Mother' for their own safety.

They tend to take up areas they have lots of plants.

They mostly live around the mountains and in jungles, Areas with small prey but lots of plants.

Due to their fragile bodies, And their general compassion, They rarely eat meat.

When they do it's with much sorrow.

Instead, They eat a plant diet normally.

From a young age they are taught what plants are safe to eat and a few plants that can be used to keep them safe.

They tend to hide their homes say in the tree tops or inside a mountain, Despite this, They are a very connected group of people.

Due to the constant fighting between the normal tribes, And the fact that a lot of sub tribes get killed, Their forever stuck in the middle ages pretty much.

: Characters :

First name: Aldo

Last name: Silver

Age: 29

Height: 6'4 

Hair color/style: He has greyish black hair, No it's not grey from age, It's naturally that color, It's normally just left un-styled, His hair only reaches the tips of his ears though.

Eye color: Very bright golden yellow

Griffin form: His cat half is Lion, His bird half is a Martial Eagle

Rank: Head

Homigriff: Normal

Mates found: None

---- ---- ---- ----

First name: Jude

Last name: Salt

Age: 20

Height: 6'2

Hair color/style: He has goldenish brown hair that is styled in a side swoop, His hair only reached to his ears.

Eye color: Dark brown

Griffin form: His cat half is a leopard, His bird half is a White bellied sea eagle

Rank: Council

Homigriff: Normal

Mates found: Quinn

---- ---- ---- ----

First name: Quinn

Last name: Conn

Age: 25

Height: 6'3

Hair color/style: Tanish brown hair that is styled in a swooped back hair cut that at most reaches the nape of his neck.

Eye color: Ice blue, It looks nearly grey in color.

Griffin form: His cat half is a cougar, His bird half is that of a Bearded vulture.

Rank: Head

Homigriff: Normal

Mates found: Jude

---- ---- ---- ----

Main boi!

First name: Theo

Last name: Ivy

Age: 18

Height: 5'5

Hair color/style: He has dark icy blonde hair that is a fluffy mess, It reaches the nape of his neck, It's chaos.

Eye color: Light blue with specks of brown.

Griffin form: His cat half is that of a snow leopard, His bird half is that of a Secretary bird

Rank: Un-ranked

Homigriff: Sub

Mates found: None

---- ---- ---- ----

[The final mate was voted in during a later chapter! He will be introduced then]

---- ---- ---- ----

Right, Ask questions if you're confused, Trust nothing!!

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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