Publicity (One Direction Fanf...


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How would you feel if you were hired to date someone... Someone you hate. Harry and Ashlynn dont get on very... More

Publicity (One Direction Fanfiction)
Heartbreak is the worst
Here She Is...
Settling into America
Taking the Blow
This will only work one way...
The Truth Hurts
This Is Going To Be Different
Dates, drama, departure
People to Talk to Are All We Need
Christmas Spirit
We cant live in the past, but we can bring it back.
Piece of My Heart
Our Relationship Shouldn't Be A Decision?
I dont deserve this
This Will Always Be Hard
Wrong Timing
What Is It Going To Take?
Author's Note
Authors Note~~~
Back To Normal
I Just Met You
Dang You Do Have It Bad
Well Shit...
Meet Kat...

Pretending Isnt Easy

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Ok, so quick little chapter here.  I think it's cute!  Tell me who you support!  Niall, or Harry!?  I'll write about whatever you wanna read, so leave comments and suggestions!  Love you for reading it!  Kisses! ((: 



Harry's P.O.V.

Seriously, I couldnt take a 30 minute nap without this girl running in and waking me up.  I'd just dozed off into a light sleep when the door to my hotel room shut with a loud click.  

"Ashlynn!" I snapped, sitting up and giving up on some extra sleep.  

"Sorry Harry.  Didnt mean to wake you." Ashlynn apologized.  Really?  An apology?  

"Oh, erm... its ok.  I wasnt sleeping anyways." I sighed, not in the mood to argue with her.  Plus the apology caught me a little off guard, and I didnt have time tothink of a jerkish remark.

 "Hey, do you wanna go get some coffee?  Maybe do a little shopping?  We've been in the hotel all day.  I'm starting to get restless." Ashlynn said from her spot on her bed.  What the hell was this?  Whats with the nice act?

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, eyeing her cautiously.  Nobody has a real change of heart this quickly.

"Nothing.  I just figured we should end this childish fued.  We have a long way to go before this fake relationship is over.  We might as well be friends.  The stress of always fighting with you is starting to get unbearable.  If we could just get along, I think things will run alot smoother." Ashlynn shrugged, looking at me with an innocent face.  I mean, I guess she was right.  But why did she come to this realization so suddennly?

"Ashlynn, if this is some kind of sick jo-" She cut me off before I could finish.

"I knew you were gunna say that.  Harry honestly, I want to try being friends for a change.  We have compatible personalities!  We just started off on the wrong foot!" She shrugged, giving me a smal smile.

"Fine.  As much as it pains me to say it, youre right.  And I guess going out would get us more publicity too." I said, sliding out of bed.  

"AGH HARRY REALLY!?"  ashylnn screamed, sheildig her eyes.   I looked down, suddenly remebering I hadnt worn anything to bed.

"Oh shit.  sorry." I laughed, running over and pulling on a pair of boxers.

 "I guess I'll change too." Ashylnn sighed, standing up and sliding out of her sweat pants.  She had great legs.  I mean great.  They were so long and thin and tan.  Next she pulled off her oversized sweat shirt, and yanked on a cute vneck ralph lauren sweater.  

"Harry, staring is creepy." Ashylnn sighed.  I snapped out of my trance, and finished getting dressed.  

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"I need a coffee break." Harry puffed, plopping down on a metal seat at the malls food court.  He'd been the designated bag carrier for this shopping trip.  So far I've piled 5 bags onto him.  Id be lieing if  I said this shopping trip wasnt going smoothly.  Harry was quick to agree to being friends, and he was actually being extremely nice!

  "Alright, you stay here and I'll go get starbucks." I giggled, patting his curls.  I walked away, but Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap.  He gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.  

"Still gotta put on the show." He whispered into my ear as photographers snapped away.  I smiled, and stould up, running to the coffee stand.  

"Well, is there anything you need to shop for?" I asked Harry as we walked out of the last store.  

"No, I think I'm good....  Wait, yes!  I need a new pair of pants.  My black ones have a whole in them." He answered. I nodded, and We handed our (my) Shopping bags to security, thenscurried off to abercrombie.  

"Ohh, these would look good!" I gushed, holding up a pair of light washed jeans for Harry.  I could see his long legs in these jeans!  Theyre a cute color too.  He nodded at me.

 "And these!" He said, his hand clutching a pair of khakis.

 "Ok, go try on!" I said, pushing him into the dressing rooms.  The starstruck employee shakily unlocked the door for Harry to enter.

 "Thanks love." He winked at the girl.  She ran away blushing.  I never noticed before, but his cheeky personality was more humorous than annoying.

"Must you always?" I rolled my eyes.  He laughed and slammed the door shut.  

"Ok, I like these the best.  They make my butt look fabu." Harry said, flinging himself out of the dressing room.  He was standing with a hip poked out and his knckle laying on his waist, obviously pretending to be interested in the opposite sex.  I rolled my eyes and laughed.

 "I have to agree!" I giggled, getting up and walking a cirlcle around him.  

"Next pair." I said, pushing him back into the room.  As I waited for him to come out in his next pair of pants, I caught myself smiling.  Smiling?  I dont do that very often.  I mean, Harry was a funny guy, and I have had a good time with him today!  Maybe this whole secret mission to get Harry to like me wont be that bad.

  "Here, hand me the ones you've already tried on and I'll fold them up." I called through the door.  Harry threw the khaki pants out from over the door, and they landed on my head.  

"HARRY!" I snapped, sighing and flattening out my hair.  

"Not my fault you cant catch." He chuckled, walking out of the room in a pair of black jeans.  

"ew..." I muttered, not liking the pair.  

"I agree." He nodded, running back in the room again.  He threw that pair to me as well, and I folded them up.  

"Let's go!" He said running out of the room and to the check out line.  I put up the black pair back on the table as he paid for the khakis.  

"Now, it's time to go home and nap!" He cheered, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the van.

Harry's P.O.V.

"Harryy...." Ashlynn whispered to me from her bed.   I lifted my head over the mound of pillows to look at her.  

"Yes?" I asked.  

"I'm freezing!" She whined.  Our heater in the room had stopped working, and would only blow cold air.  The maintenance was supposed to come work on it.  "Come here."  I told her, rolling over to clear a spot for her.  Ashlynn got out of her bed, bringing her sheets with her.

 "We can just combine blankets and body heat." She laughed, gently crawling in the small space beside me.  

"Ahhh, much better." I laughed, snuggling under the giant amount of blankets and pillows.  Ashylnn wrapped her arms around my right bicep, and snuggled into my arm.  

"Your warm." She whispered, eyes closed.  

"Thats a new one." I laughed, taking the compliment.  

"Dont get used to it Styles." She smirked, eyes still closed.  I chuckled as Ashlyn drited off to sleep. 

I couldnt help but watch her in the peaceful state.  Somthing weird happened today?  I dont know, the aura between us just got so much lighter.  Once we stopped fighting, and gave getting along a shot, it worked out perfectly.  She was actually an extremely fun girl to be around, and hr personality turned out to be just as beautiful as her looks.  I dont know... Maybe Louis was right.  Maybe I was falling for Ashlynn.

I woke up early the nex morning, from Ashlynns hand in my face.  She was a feisty sleeper!  I moved her dainty fingers, and layed them down on my chest.  They were icy cold so I layed my hand ontop of hers. 

"Harry.  I need coffee." She moaned, her face smashed to my chest.  Her voice made me jump, seeing as I didnt know she was awake.  

"WAKEUP!" An irish accent screamed, as a flash of blone hair shot into the room.  Niall ran over and Jumped on Ashlynn's empty bed.

 "Erm... wheres Ash-" He stopped midscentence once he realized who was laying next to me. 

"Niall!" Ashlynn exclaimed, pulling away from me and crawling out of the bed. 

"I didnt mean to erm... interrupt." He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.  

"No no!  Our heats broken so we were just combining blankets is all." Ashlynn said, reassuring Niall.  Why was she so worried what Niall thought.  I was the boyfriend?  

"I was just sent to tell you guys that we are going out to breakfast in a while.  We have to be at the venue at 2:30 Harry." Niall said, reffering to our show tonight.  

"Alright, thanks mate." I said, snuggling back down into the comfy sheets.  I heard the door close, and took as Niall leaving.  

"Harry, I still need coffee." Ashlynn whined, pulling the covers off of me, revealing my body to the brisk cold air.  

"ASH!  Its cold!" I whined, pulling my knees to my chest.  I looked up at the blonde girl who was glaring down at me, arms crossed.  

"Coffee is warm"  She argued, a smirk making its way onto her face.  I thought about it for a minute.  She had a valid argument.  

"Your right, lets go!"

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

I was so hungry.  I hadnt eaten in days, and the coffee was making me nauseous.  I had to grasp onto Harrys arm for support.  He was walking me to work today, and I was going to meet them at the venue tonight.  I was excited to finally see the boys at what they do best.  I got to watch from backstage, which made me feel all important and official.

"You alright love?  You seem a little dizzy." Harry asked from my side.  I merely nodded, fearing that if I talked the coffee would come back up.  

"You know, you really should ahve eaten somthing this morning.  It'll be a long day." He continued, looking down at me with concern. Ever since me and Harry went shopping yesterday, he'd become a new man.  I liked it.  

"I'm fine." I managed to push out, giving him a fake smile.  He took that as his cue to stop pestering as we approached the building.  

I was nervous about the shoot today.  I'd lost eight pounds, yet I still felt huge in my outfit.  The photographer had me a in a baby blue matching bra and pantie set.  Usually I'd feel sexy in this, but today I just wanted to cover up.  I made a dash to the bathroom while nobody was looking, and relieved the coffee from this morning.  As I finished, I took a look in the mirror.  It felt like I'd dropped three pounds.  I walked out of the restroom, pleased, and feeling more confident. 

"You look lovely." A husky voice whispered in my ear.  I jumped, and turned around to find Harry smirking at me.  He placed his hands on my hips , and pulled me close, leaving a little spcae between our faces.  

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, giving him a small smile.  He helped me into my robe as he answered.  

"Well, I dont have to be at the venue for anpother hour and a half, so I thought I'd stay and watch you for a while.  I think it would be a good rumor to, ya know?  Supporting boyfriend staying to watch his model girlfriend worl?" He said, pulling me to the set.  We sat on some big speaker, waiting for the photographer to call me up.  

"Oh please, you just want to watch girls prance around in lingerie!" I laughed, punching him in the arm.

"That may or may not have somthing to do with it!" He chuckled, nudging me back.  A few moments passed, and we sat in a comfortable silence.

"You nervous?" He asked, looking at me intently.

 "Nah, Im used to these things now.  It's cat walks that freak me out." I answered truthfully.  My sudden honesty with him surprised me.  I was always so on guard with Harry, but now I'm talking to him like a bestfriend.  Like a girlfriend.  

"Ashlynn, we're ready for you love." The phtographer called to me.  I pecked Harry's cheek, and the man got a snap shot of it.  Perfect.  Milly would be pleased.  I dancd over to the man, and waited for further instruction. 

"Hello love, I'm Mark.  I'll be taking your shots today.  What a lovely face you have!" He complimented me.  Mark was a scrwany guy, with a crooked sile, and face full of a prickly beard.  He seemed like he loved smiling, since he hadnt wiped the grin off his face all day.  He wore a backwards ball cap with a blue button down shirt, and rippsed jeans.  Typical photographer.  

"Im gunna need you to do a couple of standing shots first ok?" He asked, backing up off of the set.  I nodded, and went to work.  I switched positions, and poses, alternating between smiles, and sexy faces. 

"Alright Ashlynn!  Good work!  I just have to go put a new card in the camera.  Stay put." Mark said, turning to his camera bag on the stool behind him.  

I looked over to where Harry had been sitting, wathching me with gleaming eyes.  He gave me a thumbs up, and blew me a kiss.  I laughed at his over the top acting today.  He was really taking the boyfriend part serisouly!  He fake pouted at the fact that I didnt blow him a kiss back.  I rolled my eyes, and pressed my hand to my lips, blowing the fake kiss in his direction.  He caught it, and ate it. 

"HARRY!" I bursted into laughter.  who eats a kiss?  A freaking lunatic like him, thats who!  He laughed as well, even though we were at least 50 yards away from each other.  

"You have to catch mine!  oure not very good at blowing kisses you know!" He called, blowing me another one.  I rolled my eyes, but caught the kiss, and ate it as well.  

"Now do it back!" He laughed.  

"Again!?" I asked.  He nodded, and I rolled my eyes, blwoing him a final kiss.  He ate it, and sent me into another fit of laughter.  

"This is great.  Perfect.  Great job Ashlynn.  LOVE IT!" Mark was telling me from behind his camera.  I hadnt noticed, but the whole time, he was capturing me and Harry's little joke.  

"Did, did you just get all of that?" I asked him once I finished laughing.  

"Yeah, take a look." He said, motioning for me to come over to the camera.  I watched as he scrolled through the pictures.  They were really good.  Some of the best shots I'd ever taken.  I looked... Happy?  My smile was real, and I like the playful shots of me thrwoing Harry his kisses.  Mark was right, these were good.  

"Ashlynn, these shots are perfect for the ad!  I dont think we could have done much better!  Great job!' Mark complimented, giving me a side hug.  I blushed slightly, pleased that I had made th ephotographer proud.

"Hey love, I should head out now.  I know traffics going to be bad." Harry said, walking up behind me

"Ok, I'll meet you there when I'm done."  I answered, turning around and smiling.    He pulled me into his chest and kissed my nose, before walking out of the door.  

"You guys make an astonsihing couple.  Just brilliant.  You work so well together.  You should bring him to all of your shoots!" Mark complimented, with a laugh when I returned to his side.  

"Young love." He chuckled, helping me back onto the set.  The hair and makeup crew ran up to me, fixing me up for the next couple shots.  

"Ok Ashlynn I want you to do what you just did wiht Harry. Make it playful.  Make it fun.  Make those girls think your hopping right out of a sexy sleepover scene in one of those girly movies!" Mark ordered as he took his place behind the camera.  I gathered my thoughts on my next few poses, and the flashes began.  And for the first time, I caught myself laughing and having fun at a shoot.   Thanks Harry..... 

Harry's P.O.V.

I was extra excited about the concert tonight.  Ashlynn was coming.  Ever since our sudden friendship, I've gotten excited about being around her.  She always makes things more fun and playful for me. 

"Harry, quit smiling to yourself.  It's weird." Louis told me from his seat across our dressing room.  We'de gotten through hair and makeup and were waiting on the other mates to finish.  It was only an hour until the concert.  

"I-I Wasnt!" I protested.  Louis just shook his head, and walked over to the mini fridge.  He handed me a beer, and opened one for himself. 

"No drinking before the show!" Liam called from his makeup chair.  Louis flicked him off and took a big gulp out of his bottle.  I set mine on the floor, not in the mood to drink.  

"Harry?"  I heard a sweet voice calling my name.  Ashlynn turned a corner, and her eyes met mine. 

"Harry the shoot went great!  All thanks to you!  They want me to come back in a few months for the winter shoot!  The shots they got of us blowing kisses were amazing!  Mark the photographer couldnt stop raving about them!  I cant thank you enough!"  She squealed, pulling me out of my cahir and hugging me.  I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her a tight squeeze.  

"Boys, we need you for sound check." Paul said, sticking his head in the room.  Louis stould up and grabbed me, dragging me to the stage.

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

The boys ran off to soundchek, so I decided to log into my twitter and waist some time until the concert started.  When I logged on, all the hate kind of slapped me in the face.  I mean, I always knew it was there, but this was the first time I'd been on twitter since the announcment, and I'd been pretty naive on the subject.


@AshlynnStegway Your fat.  How are you even a model?  Harry could do better.


I dont know why @Harrystyles is dating that hag @AshlynnStegway.  She hideous!


Seriously @harrystyles?  @AshlynnStegway needs to go die in a hole.  We all know Larry is true. 

I quickly exied out of the app, tears streaming down my face.  Theres only one solution.  I stould up, walked to the bathroom, and stuck my finger down my throat.  I dont know what it is?  But everytime I do this, my self esteem is raised.  I feel ten times skinnier.  And skinnier is always better. 

I laid on the couch in the boys dressing room, letting the hateful tweets roll through my mind.  Do they really think that about me?  Or are they just jealous im dating their popstar?  Either way, their comments hurt.  I wiped away a single tear as it fell down my face.  I know Im not supposed to believe these things, but its different  when youre actualy inthe situation.

"Ashlynn?  Are you crying?" Niall's voice rang from the doorway.  I quickly sat up, and plastered a smile onto my face.  

"What?  No, Ofcourse not!" I laughed, giving him a reassuring grin.  

"Your eyes are blood shot, and your nose is red.  What's wrong?" he asked, sitting down next to me.  He snatched my phone out of my hands before I could protest.  

"Niall, it doesnt even matter!" I whined, trying to grab it back.  He held me back with his free arm, and went through my twitter.  After a few moments of silence, he handed it back.  Niall pulled me into a big hug, and we just sat in silence. His embrace aloene made me feel 10x better. Suddenly my phone buzzed. 


@AshlynnStegway is a lovely girl.  Harry is happy with her, so you should be too!  No more hate, or I'll hit the unfollow button on some of you.

I smiled down at the tweet, then reached up and pecked Niall's cheek.  We stared into eachothers eyes before a buzzing sounded from his phone.  He pulled it out of his pocket, breaking our trance.  I watched his face as he read the screen.  After a few seconds, a bright smile appeared.  

"Look Ashlynn!  The fans got 'Ashlynns beautiful!" Trending on twitter!" He cheered, showing me his phone.  Sure enough, my name was trending on his feed.  I couldnt help but smile.  

"Niall your the best!" I laughed, jumping into his arms and hugging him.  It all happened so fast.  I couldnt even comprehend it.  My lips were on his, and they were moving in sync.  I pulled back, shocked at what had happened.  

"Niall..." I whispered, touching my lips.  They were still tingling from his powerful kiss.

 'It shouldnt have happened.  Forget it." He said shaking his head.  We stoold there in silence staring at eachother again.

'Your right, it shouldnt have happened.  Let's forget it." I said, shaking my head, and shaking inside.  Seriously?  Making out with my fake boyfriends best friend? Im supposed to be getting Harry to fall in love with me! Not Niall!nn Could I be making my job any harder? 

"I think they're calling me for vocal warm ups." Niall said, running out of the dressing room.  I sat there, dumbfounded.  Nobody was calling his name.  

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