The players will pay

By countess_heartless

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"I know what I'm going to do" I said as soon as we arrived into her room. She shut the door and looked at me... More

Chapt 1.They are gonna pay
Chapt 2.Try me
Chapt 3 let the games begin
Chapt 4: Not YOUR babe, creep!
Chapt. 5 First part of the plan
Chapt. 6 curoisity killed the cat right?
Chapt 7: flashback?
Chapt. 9 Abigail harper? how low can u go?
Chapt 10 FAIL.
Chapt. 12 Pibli-what?
Chapt. 13 morning-afters
Chapt. 14 sex on top of a car
Chapt 15 fashion nightmare?
Chapt 16 DAD!? wha-?! EXPLAIN!
Chapt 17 YOLO
Chapt. 18 Pleasant picnic
Chapt 19. mixed emotions?
Chapter 21 Another one gone
Chapter 22. Death.
Chapt. 23
Chapt 24
Chapter 25: a turn of events
Author's last note.

Chapt.8 freakish obstacles

603 19 3
By countess_heartless


I groaned as my alarm clock went off; I smacked my hand on it and shut it off.

"2 more minutes" I mumbled to no one in particular.

Just as I was drifting off into dreamland, 2 small, sticky hands grabbed ahold of my finger. I was too sleepy to stop whatever they were doing.

My hands where brought up to my face and suddenly...

"EW!" I exclaimed as I shot up. My finger had been rudely shoved into my nose, covering it with snot. I blinked my eyes as something flashed in front of me.

I then realized that I still hadn't removed my finger from my nose. I heard someone giggling in front of me,

I quickly removed it out of my nose and shot an evil glare at my cute lil' sister.

I also would also feel it necessary to mention that she may look like an angel from heaven from the outside, but the big wondering blue eyes and the cute pigtails is just a façade of who she really is...

Kind of like Cassandra...

An evil demon from the forlorn underworld. She is like the tornado of my life, wherever there is trouble..there she is! Pouting with her cute little smile which seems sickly and malicious to me.

No one knows my sister better than I do. She is a MONSTER of a human, an she is out to get me and my life! One day she is going to throw me down and take over the world!

Maybe I am exaggerating but its true...

She has only one single weakness...

"Oh you little devil" I growled at her wide smile of achievement.

I didn't wipe the snot off I rose it in front of her and braced my special wipe-attack...

"NO!" she screamed as I wiped it off her and then for my ultimate strike and her unfortunate luck that I know her weakness...

I grabbed hold of her tiny waist and started tickling her uncontrollably.

"CAM STOP!" She screamed, laughing like a walrus with an asthma attack.

Ugly, I know...

"MOM!!! Cam is murdering me" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she tried to squirm away, but hah! I have had years of practice.

I finally thought that she had learned her lesson when she wheezed out a weak sorry, I chose to accept it . Though I knew I was all an act of the demon inside of her.

But I was a generous human being and had a heart of gold so I let her go.

She took deep breaths as she was sprawled across my mattress breathing heavily.

Meet my annoying 6-year old sister Caroline!

She stood up and ran out of my door, giggling. When she was a good distance away from my reach she held up the camera in her hand which my eyes had missed and showed me a picture which she had taken.

It was of me with my finger in my nose, and with a very sleepy and might I add, unattractive expression.


"I am putting this on Facebook" she said, grinning one of her evil grins.

I buried my hand in my face. My life is over.

"Unless.." Carol started, her smile growing wider

Oh, no.

"You buy me a tripled scoop Sunday"

I sighed in relief, that's it?

"Okay" I said

"Yay! I am getting ice cream! I love you Cammy! Mommy never gives me sweet stuff anymore"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?"

"She says its too espenshin..."

I laughed, "You mean expensive". She nodded her cute little head.

I dropped my smile as she walked away, it was too expensive? What the hell...I think I have to have a chat with mom.
"Mom" I said as I walked down the stairs. I sprayed on some cologne and slipped on my shoes.

"yes dear." My mom's bright face appeared out of the kitchen.

I walked up to where she was standing and took the apple form her hand, "I had to ask you something"

She nodded her head, urging me to go on.

"Why can't Carol eat sweets?"

Mom stiffened and turned away and started setting the table. The problem was the table was already set. After a few minutes of me staring at her while she 'set' the already set table by picking up the plates and spoons and keeping them straight and perfect I finally stopped her.

Okay, what's going on and why is my mom acting paranoid?

"Why is carol not getting sweet stuff" I repeated firmly.

"What?" she said in a shocked tone, "She's not?

But I knew otherwise. She wasn't a good actress.

I sighed, "I know its not because of the expense. Dad has been earning quite a lot of money since his new job at the firm."

My dad was a lawyer. A few years back he was fired from his old firm for reasons unknown. Our family suffered a lot, it were the dark days for us. But then he got a new job at some other firm and we moved to a new town and lived in a bigger and nicer house. Everything was well.

The dark days affected Carol the most. She couldn't get toys and sweets like other kids, but now that we have money why wasn't she given what she deserved?

"Mom" I semi-yelled when she didn't reply.

She sighed, "I am sorry you had to find out this way Ron, but..."

Only Caroline called me Cam or Cammy, everyone else called me Ron.

I stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

Okay, now I was seriously worried.

"Caroline has diabetes"

I gasped.


My little devil has...diabetes?

NO, poor kid.

First she was restricted because of money and now because of some disease?

I freaking hate the world. Mom tried to calm me down, but I didn't want to hear it. Distracting thoughts shot through my mind...Why Carol?

"Bye mom" I said, clearly angry.

I stormed out the house and got in my car, starting the engine, I zoomed off.


I reached school in a matter of minutes. I parked the car and walked quietly to homeroom.

Why did god have to be so difficult with me and my family? Somebody should tell that dude to let us live in peace...

"Hey you! " I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around and my gaze landed on Cassandra. She was back to her old self. I winced and looked away to what she was wearing.

I am not gay or anything, I swear I thoroughly enjoyed the view of her revealed body. But it disgusted me for some reason. She was a very messed up girl...

"My name's Cameron

"Whatever" she said, sassily. She confidently strutted up to where I was standing, I rolled my eyes waiting for her to proceed and say what she had to and then leave me alone.

As she walked up to me she came a little too close to my liking, my breath hitched in my throat.

Why the hell did she make me feel this way?

"You are to tell no one about my appearance that day!" she said in a hushed voice into my ear.

Her hot breath fawned my ear, I could feel a shiver go through my body.

Oh, it was about that. Why couldn't she always be like that? She looked so beautiful when she was not all slutty. I swear , that was the girl I was developing a crush on. Not this one...

"Capiche?" she asked me all swanky.

I nodded my head and turned away; clearly wanting to get away from her...she made me sick.

I walked away not looking back. I could feel her heated gaze bore into me, no one must have treated her rudely before.

Well, there is a first to everything...


I stared at Cameron as he walked away as if I was a plague and he wanted to be as far from it as possible. I guess it's for the better that he doesn't like me, because the way he makes me feel is scary. I just have to stay away from him.

So now that the matter of everyone finding about that certain encounter had been seen too, I had other stuff to attend, for example putting my 'revenge from woods' further into action. I flipped my hair and walked the other way. I can't wait...


I arrived into the cafeteria and made my way to Adam, Gaby and Mickey. From what I heard, those three, Cassandra and some redheaded girl and a hot black girl that Cassandra always hung out with were like the nice group before.

But then Gray broke Cassandra's heart and she went away for 6 months. It was awkward silence in lunch for those 6 months but after she returned the group broke up. The redhead joined the popular group and the black girl went with Cassandra. Adam, Gabrielle and Mickey stuck together and they were very warm and welcoming to me on the first day. So I decided to hang out with them for now, instead of joining the popular group who were ungrateful snobs.

Especially Gray, I absolutely despised him. He really didn't like me for some reason...maybe he is jealous of my looks and skill.

Lol, Not really

I am actually jealous of him for knowing the previous Cassandra, she must have been every boy's dream and if Gray had got that opportunity then he was one lucky guy. But he blew it...

I shook those thoughts out of my head, I am not thinking of all that crap right now.

"Hey man!" I greeted Adam

He smiled and greeted me back. "Yo!"

Ms.Strawberry aka Gabrielle cheerfully squeaked, "Hi Cammy!"

I felt my heart warming towards her, she was the only one other than my sister who was allowed to call me that. I think I had a slight crush on Gaby, she was one girl who I absolutely adored in this school. Her face didn't look like it had been dunked in makeup half the time like other sluts in this school.

And she was so beautiful, with shiny blonde hair and bright green eyes. She had a short height but it made her way cuter.

But I wouldn't dare make a move on her, she is strictly Adam's property. Oh well.

"Hi Gaby"

Mickey was practicing the piano on his IPhone. I really admired his skill...I was pretty good in playing the guitar, I had won many competitions.

"Cool solo bro" I said to him.

"I know right, I have been working on this piece since last night" Mickey replied, not taking his eyes off the screen.

I settled down across from them and started chewing on my apple casually when I felt a presence arrive beside me. I looked up to meet the icy blue eyes of the school's queen bitch Gina.

"Hi" she said smiling widely.

I looked at her in shock. Well, this was weird.

"Uh... hi" I said awkwardly

"I'm Gina Lake! And you must be Cameron right?"

I nodded my head, bored. Oh no, please no girl drama.

She slid her lunch tray beside me and sat down, and then followed her twin sister Valerie and the rest of the cheerleaders.

I rolled my eyes, can't wait to see what this was all about.

"What do you want Gina?" I asked her, impatiently.

"Oh, I just want to have lunch with you..."she replied innocently.

I gave her a I-am-not-buying-it look. She just cleared her throat and started eating her salad. How do these people live with just eating freaking vegetables? Don't they feel hungry? They just want to sacrifice their satisfaction for being super slim.

I felt myself roll my eyes again. I didn't want to give them any attention so I just started playing flappy bird on my phone. THAT was how jobless I was.

When I looked up, bored after beating my previous high score. I fell back in surprise, Gina was like 20 inches from my face. It was damn freaky!

Her big blue eyes were staring in my face intently,

"Hello!" I said, waving my hand in front of her face.

She didn't even flinch, she had been swallowed into a trance. I scooted away little, wanting to get away as far away as possible.

But when I moved, she moved.

This went on till the edge of the table, I was going to fall but I stopped myself in time. Oh my god, I wanted to puke. She was so close to my face...

"You have such beautiful blue eyesssss" she said, dreamily.

Oh , Gina Lake had a crush on lit' old me...


Note the sarcasm.

Then she shaped her heavily glossed lips into kissing position and started leaning in...

NO way in HELL!

I stood up and grabbed my bag, making her stumble and finally snap back from her trance. She stared at me in shock.

"WHAT?!" she screeched, "You rejected me?"

I blinked at her, "Yes"

"I was voted 'most irresistible' last year! How in the hell did YOU resist me??"

I just shrugged, "I am not attracted to desperate dogs"

Everyone 'ooed' in the cafeteria.

It's not like she was ugly or anything. God, she was fucking hot. She had long platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes, her body was the best of all... she had huge boobs and sexy long legs. And when she walked sashaying her hips. Every boy in 10 meter radius shivered just by looking.

But the thing is, that was what disgusted me. The bitchiness and the attitude and the dressing like a slut. It made me repel from their foul kind...

Gina's face fell open in shock. She was like a pot of fury, she fumed and I think I almost shuddered.

"I am sorry Gina" I said flatly, "I am not interested"

Her angry face fell into embarrassment, "Bu-t-t I really like you Cameron...Maybe we can-"

"" I repeated slowly like I was talking to a 5-year old.

Gina burst out crying,

Valerie was inspecting her nails, "Come on sis, We tried. I told you I would TRY to set you up with him. But it didn't work. Get over yourself" she said clearly bored.

Gina nodded her head and wiped away the tears. But before walking out she stormed up to where I was standing, "You will be mine someday Cameron, and I will make sure that YOU make that happen. You rejection made me want you even more..." She said, huskily. Then she flipped her hair and walked out strutting.

Mickey patted my back sympathetically, "I feel for you bro"

He shared my despise towards them. For him... being targeted by them was worse than hell.

I slapped my palm on my forehead. Yay, another freakish obstacle in my life!

Can't wait.


YAY! finally found the time to update! You get introduced to Camerons sister in this chapter and also the mishap whch had befallen her! Okay, I wont bore you so I'll try to update soon...


Cmment,Vote, follow.

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