Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 40: More than you realised

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By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is Message to My Kid by TeeJay


"See you later Mum," I hollered, knowing Torah was not asleep,

"Bye boys, have fun," She shouted back as we left the house.

"What are you doing today?" I asked once we were in the car.

"I am going to have an Eliah day I think, see what's about, maybe do some shopping,"

"Sounds like a nice day,"

"I need a bit of me time, haven't really had any since I got here," she pulled up at the station,

"Thanks Eliah," Keane said. He'd been really quiet, more than usual, he barely said two words during breakfast and ate less. Even Mum pulled me to one side and asked if he was okay.

"No problem kid, have fun and text me later,"

She drove off beeping. De-ja-vu.

Marshall was stood on the platform, he saw us and his eyes lit up,

"Hey," he grinned, "I have been looking forward to this day since I first saw you,"

"Well let's make it a special one then M," Keane winked. The most he'd said since we'd got up.

"Did you have anything planned?" I asked,

"Um, not really, there are a few favourite lunch spots I've found over the years, is there a type of cuisine you prefer?"

"We aren't fussy, and we will put our trust in you," Keane said, Marshall smiled,

"Okay then, right, I know where we'll go then,"

"We'll follow your lead," I told him.

The tube pulled up and we got on, it wasn't too busy, we managed to all sit down together.

"I still can't believe you walked into the café I work in," he said,

"Us neither, glad we did though," Keane answered. He then took a little breath, I looked at him and he smiled.

We changed at Stratford and got on the DLR.

"Any ideas to where we are going?" He asked,

"We don't really know London that well, so nope," I replied,

"I hope you are hungry?"

"I could eat," Keane remarked and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Can you?" I asked shocked,

"I'm confused," Marshall said.

"Ignore him," Keane smiled, "Is this place going to be busy?"

"I booked ahead before we left Epping," He grinned. I took Keane's hand and he squeezed it. We went quiet for a few stops, "This is us,"

West India Quay.

"At least the sun is shining,"

"Yes, but it's still cold, this place is nice to sit outside in the summer,'s still pretty awesome," Marshall added. We walked a few minutes until he stopped abruptly.

The Sipping Room was stood proudly in front of us.

"This place looks cute," Keane said,

"I hope you like the food," Marshall answered, Keane gave him his killer smile,

"I'm sure we will,"

We followed him inside and were pleasantly surprised by the inner décor and finishes and at how busy it was.

"Good afternoon and welcome to the Sipping Room, have you booked with us today?"

"Yes, under M. Green for 3 people."

"Ah yes, 12.30pm, you are slightly early, Mr Green, you are welcome to have a few drinks at the bar and I will come and get you," the lady offered,

"Of course,"

So we headed to the bar,

"I'll buy the drinks," Marshall offered,

"No, don't be silly," I said, "We can get our own drinks,"

"Can I buy the first round?" he then asked,

"Fine, yes you can," Keane gave in, "I'll have a Mojito-no please,"

"You sure? You can have whatever you want," Marshall said,

"I can't drink alcohol on the medication I'm taking,"

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't...I'm sorry," He stammered,

"Hey, don't be sorry" He smiled, "You didn't know. Babe what are you having?"

"A Cos-no please,"

Keane's POV

"You know you can drink even though we aren't." I told him,

"It's not polite too and I don't mind anyway. Are you okay though?" I sipped my drink thoughtfully.

Was I okay?

"I am now," I answered, "It was touch and go for a while, but I've come out of the other side," Tayte squeezed my hand.

"I'm glad you are okay," M said,

"Are you okay?" I asked, he looked at me, right into my eyes, their was still hurt and sadness and fear swimming around. He smiled,

"Yes, I am now, even more so for seeing the two of you,"

We were soon seated in a cute little rusty orange circular booth,

"Well this is cosy," I winked, sitting in the middle of Tayte and Marshall, there'd be no arguments that way.

Menus were handed out and we gazed at them.

"There's a lot here to choose from," Tayte said, "How hungry are you Keane?"

"I mean, I can eat," he rolled his eyes, I smiled, "I'm hungry,"

"Do want to share a couple of starters and get a main, are you that hungry or?" Marshall asked,

"I'm liking the sound of the Napoli flatbread and those maple and chill glaze chicken wings," I said,

"Oh hell yes, I'm drooling," M laughed,


"I'm in,"

The mains were a harder decision.

One, because I was pretty useless at making decisions.

Two, because there was such a variety to choose from.

And three because, okay there is no three.

"I think, I am going to go with the buttermilk chicken curry with wild rice and naan bread because it sounds so yummy and creamy and oh god yes, mmm..." he trailed off and blushed, "Sorry I got carried away,"

"Do not apologise for anything M, you are a sweetheart," I told him and he reminded me so much of Noah.

"Taking bets on Keane having the buttermilk chicken burger or the naughty gnocchi mac and cheese"

"Dammit," I muttered and he laughed,

"You are too easy my love," He teased.

I went with the gnocchi mac and cheese and Tayte chose the sticky beef short ribs.

We also got a side of halloumi sticks an sweet potato fries, just because we could.

"Can I tell you something?" Marshall asked, midway through our shared starters. He took a sip of his drink, "That I've never told anyone,"

"Of course you can," I replied, Tayte looked at me. Marshall's hand was shaking, I took it, "Hey don't have to say anything you do want to okay,"

"Is it okay if you don't let go of my hand just yet?" he asked and I think my heart just broke a little. Tayte placed his hand on my leg softly,

"I won't let go as long as you don't," I answered,

"I don't know if you know, but my Mum was in an abusive relationship, my Dad died when I was 3 and my Mum's fell in love with Fraser and they married when I was 5 and he started hitting her when I was 6. She did everything she could to protect me, but I always tried to protect her too. He broke my arm twice, he fractured my cheekbone and gave me multiple bruises. He put my Mum in hospital more times than I can remember and there were some days where I thought he'd kill her," he took a breath and I squeezed his hand. "When I was...when I was 11, he came into my room and...and raped me and he said it was going to be our little secret and that if I told anyone, he'd kill my Mum. He kept coming into my bedroom once a week until I was 13 and Mum caught him sneaking out. I never told her what he was doing and she thought he was beating me. The next day when he left to go to the pub, we ran, went to the police and got help, protection and shelter. He found us though, in the woman's shelter and tried to kill us. I lost it that day, I'd had enough. I ran at him and tried to fight him, next thing I knew the police were dragging him away and my Mum was crying hugging me in her arms. He'd shot me. I recovered in hospital and me and Mum slowly began to get our life together. Fraser got life in prison and a few years back we found out he was killed in prison. It was ridiculously hard for us, but we had each other and we managed to survive and come out the other side. I finished school, went to college and then Uni, made a solid group of friends and finally feel happy. I'm sorry for just unloading all that on you but...I feel so much better for doing so,"

We were silent for a moment, I didn't know what to say. I was heartbroken, but also so proud of him.

"Marshall, you are incredible and strong and I have so much admiration for you. I cannot even imagine what you went through and I am so sorry for what had happened to you, I am just so happy that you were strong enough to survive and get through it," I said and he hugged me,

"We knew you were someone special when we met you," Tayte said,

"School was meant to be my escape, yet I was bullied there, if only people knew hey,"

"I'm sorry we..." he cut me off,

"You two were always nice to me, always spoke to me and always went out of your way to make sure I was okay, you did more than you realised, you made me want to keep fighting,"

Our main courses came and the chat became minimal, I felt it right to let him in, as he told us something so personal.

"We've had a tough few years too, nothing like yours though,"

"Keane you don't have to,"

"I want too,"

"Baby" Tayte said,

"It's okay," he squeezed my knee.

"I was shot twice, I suffer from PTSD, used to hear things, see things, I got addicted to heroin, was arrested and thrown into a South African prison. I almost died in a horrific car crash and was in a coma. I was kidnapped and beaten and poisoned. I almost accidentally overdosed and I have been battling with demons and the darkness. But every step of the way I have had Tayte and I have had my brothers making sure I didn't drown. I know what it feels like to want to give up, I know how it feels to wonder if you are ever going to be okay again. But look at us now M,"

"Keane I...Oh my God, here I was tell me that I'm strong when you have overcome all of that. Christ Keane, you are some kind of superhero," I couldn't help but smile,

"I'm superman, but that's another story," Tayte smiled,

"I still look at you now, as I did all those years ago at school, in awe. I always wanted to be like Keane Linkoln,"

"You are better than me M, I should want to be like you,"

We ordered another round of drinks. I popped to the loo.

Tayte's POV

"I'm glad you were there with Keane. I'm also happy you are finally together. One day I hope I can find love like what you and Keane have. Someone I can trust,"

"Marshall, you deserve a relationship better than ours. You deserve the world and I'm sure one day you will find someone who will give that to you,"

"Thank you Tayte. Keane is okay right?"

"Truthfully, I don't think he'll ever be fully okay, you don't get over the things he's been through. Like I'm sure is the same is for you,"

"I have good and bad days. More good than bad currently,"

"Call me on the bad days, we'll get through it together," Keane said making us jump. We both hadn't heard him come back.

"Do you mean that?"

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't M," I looked at Keane. I knew it was going to be a difficult night for us tonight.

We left the Sipping room at 2.45pm and walked chatting south up the Thames. Before hopping on a tube to Highbury and Islington and finding a cute retro ice cream parlour called Udderlicious.

"Noah would love it here," Keane said as soon as we walked in. It was true though, he really would.

Surprisingly we were all able to decide on flavours.

Keane went with cookies and cream.

Marshall chose raspberry cheesecake.

I picked mint chocolate chip.

We sat in the window eating and watching the world go by. I sat back and watched my baby and Marshall chatting away and bouncing off of each other, like they'd known each other for years and I guess we have. Keane caught me watching and winked at me, I rolled my eyes.


Keane's POV

"I wish you weren't leaving tomorrow," Marshall said. We were on the tube heading back to Epping.

"Me neither," Tayte said, I looked at him,

"We can stay," I said and he didn't look at me,

"It's time to go home," Tayte answered.


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything," Marshall said,

"Don't be sorry. You've given us even more reason to move here,"

We went silent.

"I've had one of the best days with you two today in a long time, so thank you," M then said,

"Thank you for making it awesome and thank you for sharing what you did," I replied,

"Yes, it's been a good last full day. Thanks Marshall,"

We pulled up to our stop and got off around 5.30pm.

"How you getting home?" I asked,

"My Mum is over there," he said pointing to a silver Toyota Silverado, "Come and say hi,"

We headed over, Marshall opened the passenger door,

"Hey Mum, bought some familiar faces over to say hi,"

"Keane and Tayte, my, my, my, you two haven't changed a bit, even closer than you were at school I hear," we smiled,

"Thank you..."

"Sienna," she said, "you can call me Sienna,"

We stood chatting for half hour, until Marshall said we probably wanted to get back and pack. Sienna offered us a lift, but I wanted to walk. We hugged goodbye and promised to stay in contact and for him to come over and see us and for us to come back soon.

Tayte's POV

We walked in silence hand in hand back home. I know I shouldn't have said I didn't want to leave on the tube, but it was the truth, not that I didn't want to go back home to Malibu either, because I did. I just. I was so conflicted right now.

Keane was shivering. He was also holding his arm close to him.


"I'm fine, shoulders just a tad sore, I forgot to take pain medication this morning when I took my spleen tablets, quit worrying,"

I was worried.

We knocked on the door and Eliah answered,

"I was waiting for your text, you both okay?" She said ushering us in.

"Sorry, we just wanted a walk. We've had a really lovely day," I responded, as Keane headed upstairs, she watched him go and then looked at me, "He's going to take some tablets for his shoulder pain,"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay," Mum then came down the stairs,

"Hey darling, Keane is having cuddles with Torah. Is he okay? He seemed to really need it," I hugged her, Eliah left us be,

"Marshall told us what happened to him and Sienna, things he never told anyone and I think it's really affected Keane,"

"I know he'll be okay when he has you," she kissed my forehead, "Go up and see him,"

"I love you Mum,"

"I love you too"

I headed upstairs and found Keane sat on the rocking chair in my Mum's room, Torah was on his chest, he had his eyes closed, but I knew he wasn't asleep. I really hoped one day in the near future we'd be able to have children, because seeing how Keane is with Torah makes my heart melt. I know I already said this, but if you were to see him now, you'd understand.

"I wasn't being rude, I just needed to take some tablets and then I popped my head in and saw Torah and..."

"Baby, you don't have to explain to me okay,"


As much as I know Mum would have probably loved us to be downstairs with them on our last evening here, I knew Keane wasn't in the mood to socialise. We were downstairs until 8pm when he excused himself.

"Think I'm going to call it, sorry, I know we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow,"

"We wont be far off either," Mum answered, "Sweet dreams boys," we both hugged her,

Forrest gave us a nod goodnight and Eliah hugged us both,

"We'll leave here at 9am for brunch," Forrest then said before I left the room.


Keane flopped on the bed,

"I'm going to pack, what are you wearing tomorrow?" I asked,

"Can you pick something for me? I'm just going to text Arlo, he's picking us up tomorrow,"

It took me an hour to pack, because Keane distracted me and we also showered so I could pack what we wore today. We were lying in bed in the dark cuddled up at 9.30pm.

"You know you can talk to me baby, about anything,"

"I know," he breathed, kissing my nose and rolling over, "I know,"

I hadn't realised how tired I was, as we both got to sleep pretty quickly. I awoke and glanced over at Keane, then grabbed my phone and checked the time.


I was about to close my eyes and go back to sleep, when I felt Keane shaking, or I thought he was shaking,

"You cold Baby? Come cuddle me," he didn't move. I then heard him take a shaky breath and turned the light on sitting up, "Baby," I placed my hand on his shoulder and gently rolled him over to face me. He was crying, "Keane," my voice faltered and tears sprang to my eyes, just from the sheer panic and hurt in seeing him cry. I hugged him tightly. Keane crying was the worst thing possible, because he rarely did.

"How could someone do that to Marshall," I knew it. "He was being bullied at school and beaten at home, he said school was his release...yet he was tormented there too"

"Baby, what he went through was awful, but he got through it and he told us our kindness gave him the strength to keep going and look at him now," I wiped his tears,

"Tayte," he said softly, I kissed his lips,

"Yes baby,"

"I want to move to London. I want to help those like Marshall, who had no one, who were bullied and felt so alone. I want no one to ever feel alone or scared to ask for help. I want to be that person they can trust, they can talk to, someone who had their back and will let them know they are strong enough to get through their troubles," I kissed him again,

"Let's talk about this when we get back home okay, but I am with you. I am and will always be with you," he smiled at me,

"I fucking love you," it was my turn to smile,

"I fucking love you too, with every inch of my being and more. I really am the luckiest man in the universe to have you by my side every day,"

"Pretty sure, I'm the lucky one," he whispered, slipping his hand under the duvet and taking my mouth in his.



Love Gx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2020

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