from hate to love

By Aliyah0727

176K 9.5K 2K


from hate to love
Chapter 1-First MeetingMost Embarassing
Chapter 2- New year's Eve
Chapter 3- New Start
Chapter4- Worst Classmate ever
Chapter 5- My House Neighbour
Chapter6- Another Day At Uni
Chapter7- Before BBQ Party(At The Shop)
Chaprter8- BBQ Party
Chapter 9- Aisha And Hussain Love Story
Chapter 10-Mission Aisha-Hussain
Chapter 11- Dinner At My Place
Chapter 12- Love Birds In Uni
Chapter 13- Waqas Birthday Preparation
Chapter 14- Valentine's Day
Chapter 15- Zoya's Entry
Chapter 16- Kabab Mein Haddi(Zoya)
Chapter 17-Revenge Time
Chapter 18-Revenge gone wrong+ Cinema
Chapter 19- Uni and Shopping Mall
Chapter 20- Mrs Whatever
Chapter 21- Tried But Fail
Chapter 22- Atif Birthday....... Surprise!!
Chapter 23- Treat By Aliyah And Shehry
Chapter 24- Mom Is Here!!!
Chapter 25- uni+ home
Chapter 26- Talking about engagement
Chapter 27- Engagement
Chapter 28- Making Pizza With Shehry And Aliyah
Chapter 29- Uni
Chapter 30- Confusion!
Chapter 32- Shahana came to know
Chapter 33- something is wrong
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Rabia Or Rabia?
Chapter 39- He's Here!!
Chapter 40- Back To Houston
Chapter 41- Dunkin' Donuts
Chapter 42- Hyatt Hotel
chapter 43-Evening At The Girl'sPlace
Chapter 44-
Chapter 45- Welcome Paris
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50(Last Chapter)
Thank you!

Chapter 31- Aliyah and Shehry's fight+shahana reality

2.6K 159 44
By Aliyah0727



I woke up and went in aliyah's room..,. But I couldn't find her there.

I went in the kitchen. There she was!

"Yo! What's up" I asked my hand in my hair

"Finally,u r awake... Just making breakfast" she replied

"Cool! Where is aisha and sarah?" I asked

"Maybe in their bed or on the phone" she replied

"Hmm" I said

"You know last night dad message me telling that he's coming back because of me... I mean I don't know y because of me... Am scared because of what" I said

"Really! Didn't he tell u y?" She asked

"Nope, he only said I've to talk to u... That's it" I said

"Hmm...ok I guess what could it be" she said

"Ok,let's go for now... Let's wake up the girls" I said

We went to wake sarah and aisha up... Waqas called me

"Hey there" he said

"Hey," I said

"How r u" he asked

"Am good u tell " I said

"Am fine" he replied

"So coming to uni today" I asked

"Yup! Wbu my honey" he asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Ok then,meet u at uni" I said

"Ok bye love u" he said

"Love u too" I replied

We went to uni


I went to uni. Shehry wasn't here yet

"Hey," raihaan said as he came near me

My eyes widened and my heart beat went first

"Remember me?" He asked

"Atif!!" I shouted and he came

"Yes" he said

"Hmm,let's go" I said ignoring raihaan

I went with atif and I was hell scared

"Y r u so scared?" He asked

"Ahh,hmm... Where's shehry?" I asked

"Ahh,shehry... Hmm.... Yeah here he comes!" He said

I turned my head and saw shehry... He was talking with waqas and the girls

I ran to him and hugged him

"Woahh,morning morning such a tight hug... Wow " he said

"But everyone is here" he whispered

"Ahhmm,ahmm romantic mood today?" Hussain asked

I broke the hug and looked down.... I completely forgot that we were in front of them

"That was a sweet hug.,.. I didn't expect to get a hug like that this morning... I love it..." Shehry whispered in my ear.

When shehry was near me I forgot about raihaan

When we went to class then I remembered that he tried to talk to me...

I hope he doesn't try to talk to me again!!!

Class started.... He kept looking at me but shehry told me not to worry.

I kept praying for the class to finish. Finally class was finish

We all went in the canteen.

Raihaan came and was sitting with zoya

Really! He's sitting with zoya!! Something is wrong!

He kept looking at me

"Why is he looking at u like that!?" Shehry asked

He was extremely angry

"I don't know!" I replied

He held my hand and brought me where raihaan and zoya were

"Hey,u.... Listen! Stop looking at aliyah like that understand!!! She's my fiancé!! Stop looking at her!!!! " shehry told him angrily

"Shehry shh... Let is be" I said

"What let it be! Maybe he's looking at u.... But u r mine and I can't see it if somebody else look at u!" He said

"Shehry,stop it,let's go" waqas said

"Yeah,let's go bro" sain said

We all went away and sat...

"What's his problem!" Atif asked

"I don't know! He just kept looking at aliyah.... " sain said

Shehry didn't tell them about raihaan


"How dare he talk to me like that!!!!" Raihaan said

"When he's gone now u r saying this?" I said

"Am so gonna separate them now! Mission start!!!!!" He said and we high five

"U know what u have to do? " raihaan asked and I nodded

"U?" I asked and he nodded

They were sitting on a bench..


Shehry and I were sitting on a bench... He's quite quiet...

"What happen?" I asked

"Nothing " he replied

Suddenly I saw zoya looking at shehry. Raihaan was looking at me.. I looked away

I looked at, them again and zoya was still looking at shehry and raihaan still at me..

Shehry saw me looking at them

He looked at zoya

"What r u lookin at him?" He asked

"What!!? What r u talking about" I asked

"Look,.raihaan is looking at u and u r looking at him " he said

"What! What do u mean?" I asked

"R u sure that u wanna be in a relationship with me?" He asked

I was so shocked...

"Wait!! What about u huuh?? U r looking at zoya and she's looking at u!" I said

"Am not looking at her!!" He replied

"Well am not even looking at raihaan then!!!" I said

"U wanna go back with him!?" He asked

I was shocked when he told me that... My eyes welled up with tears...

"U know what.... Just forget it!!!!" I said and walked away

I went in the washroom and cried.

"Aliyah,u inside?" Shahana asked

"Ahmm,yeah" I said

I quickly wipe my tears away and went outside

"Were u crying?" She asked

"No," I said

"Don't lie to me... U were missing your mom right?" She asked and I nodded... Sorry am lying to u shahana.

I hugged her tightly and cried

How could shehry think of something like that!!

"Let's go in class" shahana said and I nodded

We reached there

"Hmm,wait... Can I - can I sit next to u... If u don't mind" I asked

"Yeah... But r u sure,u r not going to sit next to shehry! Y?" She asked

"Uhmm,just want waqas and shehry sit together." I said

Shehry looked at me and I looked back..

I took my bag and was walking to shahana's table

"Hey,where r u going?" He asked

"She's sitting with me... We r letting u both sitting together today,. Only for today!" Shahana said to waqas and shehry

I went to sit and the class started.., I just kept looking at my engagement ring... I started remembering again how shehry put the ring in my finger. A drop of tear fell... I wipe it quickly so that shahana doesnt notice it

Class was finish... I didn't talk with shehry at all


"Look,they r not talking nor in class they sat together.... Our plan is working! " I said to zoya

"Yeah! That's just the trailer! The movie is still yet to come!!" Zoya said and we laughed

"Soon,they will be forever apart!! Not together! Shehry with u and aliyah with me!" I said


I went home and lie on my bed. I fought with aliyah.... And her eyes were teary when she left.

Ouffff,I said all that to her... She must be really sad... I must talk to her

I phoned her but she wasn't answering.... What the!! Why is she not answering the call!!!!

I won't phone her now!!


After I came back,I went to take a shower.... I could hear my phone ringing. Oufff,who's calling now! I remained in the shower...

When I got out of the shower,I saw missed call from shehry

Should I call him back

No I won't!!

2 weeks later

Since two weeks shehry did not talked to me nor did I talked to hi!.

Every time I try to talk to him,there's always something which make me more angry... He must be talking with zoya or something else which annoy me a lot. Since these two weeks there's a couple who kept looking at us(me shehry shahana,aisha waqas,sarah,atif and hussain)

"Excuse me. Do u know that girl?" The woman who kept looking at us asked pointing at shahana

"Y? Btw who r u?" I asked

"Let's go to class... They r calling u" shehry said and I ignored him

"Yes,her name is shahana right" she said

"Yes,but who r u?" Shehry asked

Ouffff,y is he getting in this matter now!

She walked away and went in a car where his husband was.

"Who was she_" shehry asked

"How would I know" I said and went away

For the next few day the woman and the man kept looking at us during lunch time.

What's their problem... And why was she asking for shahana! I must follow them to know....


The man and the woman kept looking at us.... Why did the woman asked for shahana and went away?! I must find out! And for that I must follow them... The next day,I saw them.... I must follow them!

I tiptoed to them... Both the man and a woman went in a house... I searched for a window. Finally I saw it.... I slowly moved there looking here and there to make sure I nobody see me.... Suddenly I bumped into someone.... I gasped


The next day I followed them... They went in a house... I searched for a window... Finally I saw one. I was walking to the window when suddenly someone bumped into me.... I closed my eyes tighlty....

I opened it and saw shehry...

"You!!!" We both said together

"What r u doing here!?" We asked together

"To know about shahana" I whispered

"Me too" he whispered back

We both looked from the window... The man and the woman was sitting in the living room... There was a picture of a baby in their hand

"Who's that baby?" I asked

"How will I know??" He said

Huh,how arrogant

"Our daughter! " we heard them say

Shehry and I looked at each other .... They were talking in Urdu... Seems like they r from Pakistan

"Shahana! He named her shahana..." The woman said

Shehry and I were confused

"Who named her?" I asked

"How would I know!" He said... I ignored him

"Its time that we bring her home now" the woman said

"We must talk with Mr. Adam" the man said

"Mr.Adam!" I said

"Do u know who is mr. Adam?" Shehry asked

"Yes,its shahana's dad! But what's wrong! I don't understand anything. It's surely something about shahana" I said

They both went away...

"Where have they gone?" He asked

"How would I know!!" I said just as he said to,me before

I stood on my toe trying to see.... Shehry did the same...

I was losing balance but held shehry's T-shirt tightly and stood straight. I let go of his T-shirt. He looked at me and I looked back at him.

"I'll phone Mr.Adam right now" we heard the man said in the house.

Shehry and I hide ourselves.

We both peeped through the window again...

"What will u tell him when you'll phone him?" The woman asked

"The truth! That shahana is our daughter!" The man said

Shehry and I was extremely shocked.

"Shahana is their daughter!!" I whispered in shockness

"Hmmm," shehry said

Shehry's hand touch a pot and it fell. Both of us,our eyes widened.

"Who's there!!!?" The man in the house shouted

"Let's go!" Shehry said

The man came out and saw us

"Hey wait!!!" He shouted

Shehry held my hand and we ran away... We stop and hid behind some large cartoon boxes

"Where r u !??" He asked

"He-" I was saying when shehry put his hand in front of my mouth and said shhh

We were extremely close to each other.... His eyes bore into mine.

"Let's go back home. I guess they've gone" we heard the woman said to the man

Soon we couldn't hear them.... Shehry kept looking at me and I looked at him.

He removed his hand.

"Why r we fighting?" He asked

My heart beat went fast.

"We r engaged.... Because of zoya and raihaan we r fighting! Can't we stop this plzz.... I want u back... Plzz" he said holding both my arms.

"Hmmm" I said and nodded

He hugged me and I hugged him back tightly

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I replied

He broke the hug and kissed my forehead

"Promise we won't fight over such silly things again" I said

"I promise aliyah" he said and kept his forehead on mine

He kissed me on my cheek and I kissed him too.

"U know I was extremely missing your kiss,your hug... And your sweet voice when u say I love you to me" he said

"And I missed the whole of u" I said and he giggled

He hugged me again

"I think we should go" I said and he nodded

"Btw how did u come here?" He asked

"By bus" I said

"Ohh,come then.. I've come by car... Let's go together. " he said and I nodded

We went in the car and he drove back home.

"Btw,shahana is not your cousin then?" Shehry asked while driving

"Yeah,adam uncle was my uncle but I didn't know that shahana was adopted... I mean adam uncle is not her real father... But the man and the woman are her real parents!" I said

"Yeah, once adam uncle come we should ask him what is the truth" shehry said

"Hmm... He's coming tomorrow" I said

Finally we reached home.

"Ok then bye... I'll call u tonight... After two weeks am gonna call u... We'll talk a lot tonight bye" he said

"Yeah,ok bye" I said and went in the house

"Hey aliyah what's up!" Shahana asked

"Where were u?" She asked

"Ahhh,just went out with shehry" I said

"Ohh,finally u guys are together again...." She said

I went in my room

I don't know how will she react when she'll come to know that her name is not shahana but some other name!

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