I The One's Who Cared For Him...

By Anime-Child77

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- Art isn't mine. If the owner would like credit or for me to not use it please let me know. I just found it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Scars (KiriDeku Oneshot)

Chapter 4

328 8 5
By Anime-Child77

~ 3rd Person ~

Aizawa, All Might, and a few of the other heros looked down in shock at Bakugo, while the rest of the heros stood on guard, trying to be prepared for whatever came next. Aizawa was the first to snap back to reality, practically running over to his student. He grabbed his wrist to check his pulse, but was met with nothing but the unnatural coldness of the boys skin. Aizawa desperately tried his neck this time, finding the same result. "He's dead." Aizawa quickly and coldly announced to the room full of heros, trying to keep his emotions in check. "NOOOOOOOOO~" All Might screamed as tears ran down his face. "Let's search the building to see if anyone's still here." Aizawa said leading a crying All Might away from the boys body.

While All Might and the other heros searched the building, Aizawa examined the body of his former student. "You were one of the strongest, yet they managed to do all this to you." He mumbled to himself as he looked at all the different cuts.

Meanwhile, All Might and the other heros finished searching the building, only to find nobody inside. "What are we gonna do about this..." All Might thinks to himself as he pulls out his phone to call his close friend and dective, Tsukauchi. " How are things going on your end? We just got the Nomu factory destroyed. Is Bakugo safe?" Tsukauchi says after picking up. "Not good..." All Might collects his thoughts the best he can before continuing. "The villains got away after they... they killed young Bakugo." All Might felt his heart drop in his chest after saying the sad truth aloud. "I'm trusting you not to tell anyone about this. If the media fimds out we are screwed. We need time to come up with a proper plan." All Might added. "I understand. What should we do with the body?" Tsukauchi asked. "We haven't gotten that far yet. We'll probably have to keep him in Recovery Girl's office for now."

- The Next Day -

~ Aizawa's Perspective ~

Beep Beep Beep

I hear my alarm and quickly turn it off, not like I slept anyway. I was too busy thinking about how I'm gonna break the news to the class and his parents. I'll tell the class first, because as soon as his parents find out, they'll probably outrage. I can't blame them, any parent would, but if the media finds out now UA as a whole is done for. We still need time to form a proper plan to address the media.

I spent the whole night researching Bakugo and his past. It seems that him and Midoriya were childhood friends. Maybe that's why their relationship always seemed so complicated. I'll tell him first, maybe he can help us with a way to tell Bakugo's parents without them going ballistic.

Then there's Kirishima, one of the only, if not the only one, who managed to make a relationship with him that could actually be considered a friendship. Those two seemed inseparable at times. I'll tell him after Midoriya. Once I see their reactions, it'll help me prepare for the reactions of the rest of the class. Nobody will take it worse then them, other then his parents of course.

This whole situation is such a mess. If only I had done better. I'm his teacher, it's my job to teach and protect all my students. Now one of them is dead, and I can't protect the others from the reality of it. They all are already worried about him. Knowing them they're trying to be positive and hope for the best, not even thinking about the fact that he could be dead. I wonder how bad they're all going to take it...

- Later On (Same Day) -

~ 3rd Person ~

"Hello fellow teachers, today I've called this meeting to discuss the tragic incident involving one of are former students, Katsuki Bakugo." Nezu announced to the room full of all the teachers who had ever taught Bakugo. All the teachers (minus Aizawa and All Might) turned to look at Nezu in shock and confusion. "What do you mean former?"  They all said at the same time, some sounding more panicked while others souned more confused. "Don't tell me..." Midnight started while turing to look at Aizawa and All Might, who had been on the mission to resuce the so called former student. All Might just buried his face in his hands, while Aizawa looked even more tired then usual, which was hard to believe considering he already looks half dead normally. "I'm afraid so... the resuce mission was unsuccessful, resulting in the finding of Bakugo's dead body." Nezu stated.  Everyones worst fear for the boy had become a reality, he was dead and they couldn't do anything about it...

"We will be having another meeting about this soon. All the heros who went to save him will be there and we can discuss more on how we will tell the public. This meeting in paticular will be discussing how we will tell his classmates and parents." Nezu continued on after about a solid minute of silence.

"I spent my night researching Bakugo and his life, as it will be my responsiblity to tell the students with me being their homeroom teacher and all." Aizawa spoke up. "I found that him and Izuku Midoriya, where childhood friends. As for his more recent friendship before he... passed. He was close friends with Eijiro Kirishima, and losely friends with Denki Kaminari. Those three would often go off on their own during training and othe events, but he seemed to only be close with Kirishima." "And how do you plan to use this information?" Nezu asked. "I believe they should be the first to know. They will probably take things the hardest, other than his parents. That way we can be prepared for the reactions of others and help them the best we can. Maybe Midoriya will be able to help us come up with a good way to tell his parents, seeing as they where childhood friends." Aizawa finshed.

All Might didn't look too happy with the suggested plan. "Your basically using them as guinea pigs! Just using them to see how they'll respond so you can deal with the others! Do you even care how they feel?!" All Might was paricatly yelling and his vocie was shakey. "All Might please calm down. We understand that this going to be hard for everyone. Of course we care about their feelings, we care about everyones feeling as this will be a hard loss for us all. If we go with the plan Aizawa has suggested, we will be able to better prepare  to help everyone with the loss." Nezu said, trying to calm down All Might.

All Might calmed down a bit, and then became lost in thought. He remember the mall incident with Midoriya. He remember when the young boy had asked him if there where times he couldn't save everyone. He remembered the reply he gave, saying that yes, there was, but he can be happy to save the people who he can reach. He did reach young Bakugo, but it was too late. He couldn't even save one of his own students. He then thought about how bad Midoriya must be feeling. He was right there, he had almost saved him from the clutches of the villains, but his own problems caught up to him as fell due to his injuries. He even tried to go resuce them on his own, along with a few of his classmates, who luckly went to the nomu factory instead by following the traking device attached to one of those said creatures, and being sent back by the police who where closing off the scene. What if they had come to the right place and had to see young Bakugo's body? That would've made things so much worse then what they were. All Might was thankful that they had gone to the wrong place. He would've been able to live with himself if they had to see what he did. When they find out he's dead, they'll probably blame themselves, especalliy Midoryia. just like he is. Just like evryone in the room is. He just couldn't stop thinking about how much his sucessor is going to have to suffer, just because his master failed. Him and Bakugo had such a complicated relationship, but it was obvious that MIdoriya cared for Bakugo deeply. And although he had his own way of showing it, he believed that Bakugo cared for him too. All Might just wished he could help them both. That he could've helped them have a better relationship, that ho could've seen the two become proper rivals, that he could've watched them both grow together, but all of that is gone now because he failed. No matter how he tried to think about it, he couldn't stop blaming himself, similar to the others in the room.

All Might didn't even realize he was crying until he felt a supportive hand placed on his back. "I understand how you feel..." Aizawa mumbeled. "I'm not trying to use anyone or neglect anyones feelings, I just want to help the students I have left however I can.." Aizawas vocie sounded so dead. All Might looked over to him and saw that he was tearing up, despite him trying his best to hide it, All Might could tell.

All Might hugged Aizawa.

Aizawa was not the affectionate type, but he didn't fight it. All Might was the one who needed the hug, so he let him be. they both sat in silence as everyone in the room stared at them. Mike just had a confused look, knowing from experencie that Aizawa was not a big hug person. He knew he must be really upset if he was allowing what was happening. He was kind of jealous that he wasn't the one who was hugging Aizawa, but he let it go. Nezu just gave a sad smile to everyone in the room.

Once All Migth had decided to let go of Aizawa, Nezu continued the meeting. "Since Aizawa will be the one who has to tell all the students, I think that we should let him do it his way because I know he has nothing but good intentions and he will do whatever he can to help. Do you all agree?" Nezu asks softly as everyone in the room replys with a small nod.

And like that it was decided, the meeting was dismissed after Nezu told them that they would be installing dorms to help further protect the students after Aizawa tells the class about Bakugo.

- Chapter End -

~ Author's Note ~

Hey guys ^w^ As you can see I decided to format the way I write a little bit, dividing different parts a bit, after reading other fanfictions and seeing the way they do it looked nicer to me so I hope you like it TwT Ah yes two Dads bonding and being wholesome uwu I hope you guys liked the chapter and feel free to point out any mistakes. Have a good day/night ^w^

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