Chapter 1

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~ Bakugo's (Kacchan's) Perspective ~

"Come on you dumb blond, we've given you so many reasons on how this path will suit you so much better, so join us already!" That dumb crusty guy just keeps going on and on. "And I've already told you I ain't joining your league of dumba$ses! I'm gonna be just like All Might and beat all of your a$ses, because he always wins! I'm gonna surpass him and you'll all fear me, so for you to think you have a chance of me getting to join you-" I give a chuckle, unable to keep it in over how stupid they really are. I wonder how these dumba$ses managed to do all they've done ao far. "-Then your alot stupider then I thought you were because your dead wrong." Handyman starts scratching at his neck again, this time blood comes out. "Tomura, you did it again, you need to be more careful." "Well this twerp is really pissing me off Kurogiri, he just, just-" "Don't worry the feelings mutual. So if you'd just let me out of these restraints our problems are solved. Or I'll just get out by force, doesn't really matter to me." Even if I do get out of these restraints I won't be able to face them all head on. I need some sort of distraction or diversion so I can get out of here... "Shiggy it's been an hooooooouuuurr can I please just chop him up now? I want to see his blood. He would look so much better if you let me make him bleed alittle!" That b*tch is crazy. "This show is getting old. Lets just dispose of him." That damn guy is really p*ssing me off. I will not be used as their entertainment. "We won't be killing him, there has to be some way we can use him. He is a valuable pawn, he won't just join us that easily, but he will join us in the end." He starts to stare at me. "What the f*ck you think your looking at handjob?!" "... Kurogiri unlock his restraints, he needs to know he's an equal here." How stupid is this guy? As soon as he lets me out of these dumb restraints, I'm gonna blow his crusty a$s face off! "Are you sure about this Tomura? He's going to fight as soon as he is released." Top hat begins to say some sh*t again. "I say we go with it, the show must go on and this show is quite boring. I say this is the perfect move to add some flavor to this show." "I ain't nobodys entertainment! But if you want to release me, I'm not against it. It'll be your own fault when I demolish you." The dumb portal guy comes over to me to follow his orders, what a wimp not standing up for himself. Not like I care because I'm gonna get out of here. Who should I go for first. When he releases me he'll be the closest, but he can also warp me anywhere, as far as I know. What an annoyance. Then there is handjob. All I have to do is avoid his hands when I attack so he can't get me with his quirk. That could be tricky considering I don't know how fast he moves ot his attack patterns. That leaves me with crazy girl, patch face, and top hat. I don't know that girls quirk and she has weapons. Patch face has a fire quirk. Nothing to complicated but I don't need to be getting myself burned. Top hat is the one who captured me with those marble things. Oh and I can't forget about those extras in the back. They seem to be the weakest of the pack. No point in attacking them considering how little of a threat they are compared to everyone else in here. Screw this I don't have time to think right now! I'll just blow off all their heads!

~ Chapter End ~

~ Author ~

- Hello to anyone who may be reading ^w^ I hope you guys like this first chapter. I've never really used this app to much so I hope I did everything right. I've also never really wrote a fanfic before. I've came up with ones, just never really shared them with anyone. I'll make a chapter 2 if people care about the story and want more. I personally love dead chacter AU's. I prefer Deku ones but I came up with this idea for a kirideku love story and I thought it would be cute. I love lot's of different ships uwu I ship these chacters with other chacters to, but I thought this would be a cute little story. This is only the beginning and I plan to do more if you guys want more ^w^ Feel free to point out any mistakes btw I'm not very good at spelling/grammar qwp That's all bye and have a good day/night ^w^

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