Chapter 3

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~ Bakugo's (Kacchan's) Perspective ~

I fall to the ground in a dazed state and before I know it, crazy girl is on top of me. "You made a mistake, now you'll pay the price." Before I even get a chance to respond, I feel a pain in the center of my back as my blood starts to come out. "DID YOU JUST STAB ME B*TCH?!" "Mhm~ why did it hurt? I hope so. Oh and has anyone ever told you how pretty you look with just alittle blood?" Are they gonna kill me because I killed that warp guy or because I didn't join them? Maybe both. Either way I'm not gonna let them kill me! "Ack-" it felt like she was carving a heart on my back with the knife. "So pretty~" she says then sticks the knife back in to where she previously stabedd me and wiggles it around. I need a plan or I'm gonna be sliced to bits. "Wait a second." The girl looks down at me confused as the crusty guy in the corner looks agitated and jumpy. "And why is that? I need to complete your makeover alittle quick so everyone can see how much better you look!" "What if I join you? I've been thinking and your rather right. You guys are not stupid as I thought and you could use someone like me. So don't make me take back my previous statement about you guys not being stupid, and let me join." Both me and the crazy girl look over to see what handjob has to say. "You think you can join us now? After what you've done?! You think you can just replace Kurogiri?!" He pauses before continuing. "Your opportunity to join is long past. Your the stupid one for not taking it when you had the chance you brat. You know I don't really like brats? Toga continue he will feel the pain of dying just like he made Kurogiri feel." And at that, she continues to take the knife in and out of my body. I tried to fight back at one point, but she just stabbed my already sore arms. I don't know if it's where she stabbed them or what but I couldn't move them afterwords. "Looking alittle tired there Bakugo, is everything alright?" Crusty guy says. "Aww~ don't tell me your done already~" Crazy chick says from on top of me. "It's about time we've been doing this for like half an hour." Patch face remarks. I can't believe it's been half an hour it's felt like so much longer than that. "Oh really? It's only felt like a minute to me." I say although it's a lie. "Well then I guess you'll have to be a bit slower Toga." "Don't be too slow, the heros could be here any minute." Patch face adds after handjob finshed. After what feels to be another decade for me, in reality only being another half hour, I start to waver alot more. At this point I can barley talk, let alone fight back. I feel really warm and tired and I just want to sleep... No. This can't be it. I still have to become number #1 hero. I still have to surpass All Might. I still have to beat Deku and put him in his place. Deku... That nerd will probably think he's so much better than me if I end up dying like this. Then sh*tty hair will call me unmanly for dying like a coward. I'm can't let myself die to these extras! I- I just can't figure out what to do. I can't move I can't think... I just feel tired... "And it looks like we're about done here." I faintly hear patch face say. "Game over for you Katsuki Bakugo." Crusty says with a wide smile on his face. This is game over huh, I lose. D*mn it I was too weak. I feel myself fading from this world, as I see images of myself, my past. D*mn I've done some stupid sh*t I think to myself while seeing images of my younger self. Then I see myself at U.A. What are those idiots gonna do without me... Then the images come to a stop as I feel myself completely fade from consciousness, probably forever.

~ 3rd Person ~

"I finshed!" Toga says as she stares at Bakugo's dead body. "Great now lets get out of here." Dabi says. "Compress, grab Kurogiri's body and lets go." Compress does as Shigaraki commands, and they flee the building to who knows where. Just as they leave, the heros burst through. "I'm here, to counterattack!" All Might announces to an empty room. "What's going on did we get the location wrong-" Aizawa pauses as he looks down. (Author Here. Yes I am aware that Aizawa doesn't go with them in to rescue Bakugo in the anime because he was at the interview. He still went to that in this it just happened earlier in the day.), but I would like to think that he would because it's one of his students and I really like Dadzawa.) All Might follows his eyes and sees what made Aizawa's jaw drop. "Y- Young Bakugo..." The words fuble out of his mouth as he looks down at the cut up body belonging to none other than Katsuki Bakugo.

~ Chapter End ~

~ Author ~

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter ^w^ An eye for an eye, a life for a life. Bakugo killed Kurogiri, so the L.O.V. killed Bakugo. How will the teachers and heros tell everyone. How will the media react? How will the students react? (This would have probably been a better story description but oh well qwp) Keep reading to find out ^w^ Oh and feel free to point out any mistakes and have a good day/night ^w^

Oh and these chacters that you can get on your computer screen are so fun so if you want to get one here's a link uwu It's safe I promise. And no I'm not sponsored but I used to ser these things all over TikTok and never knew how to get them so I thought I would share them incase anyone else wondered the same thing.

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