
By Sunrise2Starlight

1K 11 2

{Book 2} Life couldn't get any better for Hazel. She's got some amazing friends, a super natural boyfriend, a... More



102 1 0
By Sunrise2Starlight

Senior year. Hazel could hardly believe it. Getting ready for the first day felt special to her, and she knew it was her last first day. Quietly brushing her hair she hummed to herself happily. Her morning routine was finished earlier then she was expecting, as she bounced downstairs to say good morning to her mom. "Hey Hun, you ready for your last year?"

Smiling, Hazel nodded and grabbed an apple, taking a quick bite before replying, "I am, school's a pain and I can't wait for it to be over." Marina smiled back, sitting down on a stool next to her.

"Well I'm not. You grew up too fast.." Marina played with the silver strip in hazel's hair. "God I wish your father was here, he'd know what to say better then I would."

Hazel nodded, her eyes glistening over for a moment as she held back tears. "He was always better with words." The two women laugh, their sad looks turning to bright ones for a moment. "Thanks mom, for being there after dad died."

"Of course hun, what kind of mother would I be if I left you on your own when you needed me."

Taking a deep breath Hazel nodded, picking up her book bag and car keys. "Yeah, I'm still thankful. It was a tough time, and I'm glad I had you, grandpa, and Avaline. It was a big help."

Checking the time Hazel smiled before turning to her mom, "I'm off, have a good day at work."

"You have a good last first day, and say hello to Jasper and Bella for me." Marina called to her daughter, who responded with a thumbs-up as she walked out the door.


"Hazel hey!" Alice called out as she jumped a railing a scurried over to her. "I need your help."

Stopping for a moment, Hazel looked at the fairy-like girl in front of her. "Depends upon what you need, but I'll probably help. What's up?"

"Bella's birthday party." Those three words left Hazel confused. Her cousin didn't want a birthday party, she wouldn't even let anyone get her a present (Though mostly everyone had/ was going to disregard that.)

"Bella's... Birthday party?" Hazel was curious, she wanted to know what Alice was up to. "I'll bite, tell me about it on the way to English." Just then, Jasper came striding up behind Hazel, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Heya Darlin'." The initial cold of his skin on her made her jump, but she quickly relaxed into his embrace.

"Hey J, how are you?" She felt Jasper smile against the top of her head as he planted a kiss there.

"I'm doing well, is Alice trying to get you in on her scheme?"

Alice scoffed playfully, rolling her eyes while Hazel laughed. "She is, and it's quite the scheme."

"It's not a scheme. I want to plan a party, and with Bella's birthday coming up, I figured now was the perfect time. Plus, I would love to surprise her!" Alice grinned, her face brightening even more somehow.

Jasper and Hazel returned the smile, -Jasper's lips were only quirked up a small bit, "It's deeeeeeeeeefinitely a scheme Alice, no need to justify yourself. You can scheme all you like. I want to hear about this plan of yours, maybe I can help you with the details."

Alice squeals giddily, grabbing Hazel's arm. "Will you really? It'll be much appreciated." Jasper's smile broadened as Hazel squirmed at Alice's excitement.

"You're in for it now Darlin', Alice doesn't hold back when it comes to a party." He chuckles. "Might want to wrap up the party conversation, Bella's approaching."

Sure enough, Hazel turned around to see her brown-haired cousin walking up with Edward. "Heya Bell's, how was your weekend?" Hazel asks, giving her cousin a curt hug and Edward an acknowledging nod.

"It was alright, I didn't really do much." Bella shrugged, sidling up to Edward happily.

Nodding Hazel checked her phone, "It's about time for first period." As if on cue, the first bell rang and the hall was soon filled with students searching for their classes. "Huh." She giggled, taking Jasper's hand. "See you guys later!"

They all split off in different directions, heading to their respective classes. Jasper dropped Hazel off at her first period, "If that Caleb kid tries anything, tell me." His voice dripped with venom, however it felt almost comforting to Hazel.

"I will, just try not to kill him if he does. I don't want you to have to leave because you lost control." Gently kissing his cheek she turned and walked into her class, waving to him as she went.

In the room she was met with her friend Alex, who was quietly sitting in the back of the room listening to music on his iPod. Once their eyes met he removed them, motioning for Hazel to sit.

"Hey Alex, how was your summer?" Hazel asked as she slid into the seat beside him.

"It was good, Lory was being a pain. She refused to go anywhere, the only thing she did was huddle in her room and read." Alex sighed, turning his iPod off. "And what about you? You do anything fun?"

Hazel laughed softly, shaking her head. "I spent some time in Italy, with my aunt and cousin. I was there for most of the summer. After that I just hung around with my friends on the Reservation, since I don't get to see them often."

Alex nodded, "You have friends on the Reservation? I don't think you ever mentioned that."

"Uh yeah, it was initially just Taylor but I met his friends and kinda just joined the group." Hazel shrugged, a smile forming on her lips. "In case you're wondering, Taylor and I were friends as kids."

"Ah okay. That makes more sense then."

"How's Lory doing? She talking any?" Hazel asked, but she knew the truth. Lory definitely had a reason for not talking, that was blatantly obvious. The few times she had were simple commands that pretty much everyone had adhered to.

Alex smiled, shaking his head. "Nope, she really only talks to me still. But I have a small feeling she'd be willing to open up to you." His smile was different, and Hazel had to swallow hard. Did he know about her abilities?

"Are you implying something Alex?" She managed to speak out.

His smile didn't falter as he leaned toward her. "Maybe I am, and if I'm right... We're not so different you and I."

His words shocked Hazel to silence as she turned to look at the board, unable to continue the conversation. Her thoughts were running a mile a minute. How did he know? Alex wasn't a vampire slayer because she couldn't sense his ability, and he couldn't be a vampire because he was warm, and she didn't get any weird feelings around him like she did the Cullens. So what was he?

Those thoughts kept playing, and before she knew it class was over. Quickly, she packed her stuff up and ran out the door. Jasper turned the corner in front of her, surprised to see her out of class so quickly. "J!" She gasped.

"Something wrong Darlin'? You look pale." Jasper asked, his eyes filled with worry. "Was it Caleb?"

"No no, it wasn't Caleb. It's Alex... I think- I think he knows what I am." Hazel spoke quickly, basically pulling the blonde after her.

"Whoa hold on. Explain." Jasper's voice was eerily calm, and Hazel felt the anxiety that was almost consuming her wash away.

Taking a deep breath she nodded, "Thank you. Alex didn't say anything direct, he just implied he knew and said we weren't so different. But I don't understand, there's no way he's a slayer."

"Definitely not, he doesn't have the same sickly sweet scent as you. And he's no vampire, all of us would know if there were another vampire at the school." Jasper nodded, understanding what Hazel was saying.

"Exactly, it doesn't make sense. Should I ask him about it? Or Lory maybe? They always seem to avoid you when you're near me."

Jasper nods once more, "Be discreet about it, but I'd ask them. Maybe they'll be willing to tell you. You guys are friends after all."

Hazel sighs, running a hand through her ebony locks. "Right... I'll ask them after school I think." She was thankful Jasper was there, his ability to alter her emotions was helpful, especially when she was as worried as she was. "Thanks J."

"No problem, let's get to class then? As long as you're alright." Hazel nodded in response, walking with him to their shared class.


"That's all you've got? C'mon Hazel, I need more." Alice groaned in annoyance. She leaned back in her seat, a gentle sigh escaping her lips. "You really weren't kidding when you said you weren't sure what Bella would want."

Hazel nodded, pulling out her notebook. "I haven't known Bella all that long. She may be my cousin, but we didn't even know the other existed until last year." Sighing, Hazel pulled out a pencil and wrote some things down before tearing out the sheet of paper and handing it to Alice, "That's all I know on that paper, hopefully it'll help."

Alice took the paper enthusiastically and quickly read it over, a smile tugging at her face. "This'll do, thanks Hazel."

"Mhmm." Hazel hummed as she began writing in the notebook.

"Say... Isn't your birthday coming up too?"

"Uh yeah, it's in October." Hazel smiled.

"Sweet! We'll have to have a party for you too, it'll be so much fun." Alice grinned, scribbling notes in her own notebook. "Does Bella like balloons?"

"Um... Maybe?"


"So... Your friends sit with us now." Hazel mused unenthusiastically, as she took her seat next to Jasper.

Bella's friends stared wide-eyed at Hazel, confused by her presence. "Why're you here?" Jess asked.

"The Cullens are my friends? And one of them is kinda my boyfriend, why're you here? To seem cool to the underclassmen?" Hazel snarled, she really didn't like Jess at all. Jasper rested his hand on her shoulder and she felt herself calm almost instantly. "Right... Whatever."

"You don't need to be so rude, you're not that special either." Jess spat back, both girls now glaring at one another. Not even Jasper's comforting gaze would calm Hazel now.

"Hey guys, there's no nee-" Bella attempted to intervene but Hazel cut her off.

"Well, at least I don't walk around like some how shot who has nothing to show for it." She was quite irritated.

"Ha, yeah right. You're just some loser. I bet you're the one actually looking for attention, that's why you hang out with the Cullens." That did it. Standing up, Hazel balled her hand into a fist and walked toward Jess.

Once she was in front of the girl she leaned down, her bright burning eyes boring into Jess', "I want you to repeat what you just said. I dare you." Jess was frozen, her eyes slowly filling with a sense of fright. "Good, I figured as much. I'm going to sit with my friends, since it's pretty obvious I'm not wanted her." Hazel turned and smiled at the Cullens and Bella.

Jasper seemed tense, he could sense Hazel's true feelings and he wanted to comfort her. The best he could do was give her a small nod and quirk his lips up a bit. Hopefully she'd understand.

Turning on her heel, Hazel took her lunch tray and sat down next to Alex and Lory, trying to ignore their blatant stares. "Oh Hazel!" Evelyn cooed, reaching across the table to take her friends hand. "How nice of you to join us!"

"Hey Evie, how are you?" Hazel smiles sheepishly.

"Good, great actually! Alex told me you guys have first period together, that must be great. I'm stuck with a bunch of random kids I've never spoken to." Evelyn was weirdly brimming with excitement.

"Yeah, it's... Great." Hazel did her best to keep her voice calm, hoping it only wavered a small bit.

It was then that she noticed the note gently tucked under her lunch tray. Carefully unfolding it, Hazel looked it over.

Meet us by the forest after school. -Alex and Lory

Hazel glanced up to the twins who were watching her every move intently. Giving them a hesitant nod was enough for them to stop staring at her and rejoin the conversation the other's were having. "I heard we're getting a new student tomorrow." Madeline grins, munching on a french fry.

"Really?" Hazel asks, trying to ignore what had happened a few moments before, "What have you heard about them?"

"Hmmm... Well, it's a boy. And apparently he's quite good looking, and really smart." Madeline giggled, earning a jab in the ribs from her younger brother, "Hey what the heck Zander!"

"We don't need you fan-girling over the new kid that hasn't even shown up yet. What if he's stupid? Or better yet ugly? Don't get your hopes up, idiot." Zander was usually the voice of reason.

Hazel smiled at her friends, absentmindedly thinking how thankful she is that they're as weird as they are. "Be nice Zander." Evelyn was always the one to rein Zander in, being the older sister and all.

"Sorry.." Zander seemed to pout, attempting to smile at Madeline.

"You guys are great." Hazel laughs.

"You know it Haze." Madeline winks, as if she were unfazed by Zander.


Hazel waved to a friend as she left her last period of the day, a smile plastered on her face. A smile that soon dropped as soon as she saw Lory look at her expectantly. "Right, I'll go grab my bag and meet you outside."

Lory nodded, and headed for the door. Hazel took her time getting her stuff together and leaving the building, letting Jasper know where she would be in case she needed help. Stepping onto the ledge of the forest Hazel was quickly joined by the twins who appeared before her.

"Follow." Lory's voice was commanding, and if weren't for Hazel's iron conviction, she may have actually done as Lory had said. She was compelled to, but fought herself not to.

"Impressive, I've never met someone who could ignore Lory's command." Alex smirked, his eyes bright with interest.

Hazel swallowed hard, "What do you two want?"

"What do we want? We just wanted you to know that we know what you are, and like I said earlier, we're not so different you and us."

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