Error; Across the Multiverse...

By RainbowFluff24

5.2K 210 32

(Cover is my Bobo drawing of the story I guess) when ink and nightmare came out to their groups, everyone was... More

Warnings & Must Read
E;ATMV- The Warp
E;ATMV- PJs Daycare 1
E;ATMV- PJs DayCare 2
E;ATMV- Signs & PJs End
E;ATMV- Fnaf 3
E;ATMV- Fnaf 4
E;ATMV- Fnaf 5
E;ATMV- Missing & Opening
E;ATMV- Fnaf down & Hello V.S
E;ATMV- Villian Sans 1
E;ATMV- Villian Sans 2
E;ATMV- Villian Sans 3
E;ATMV- Villain Sans 4
E;ATMV- Villian Sans 5
E;ATMV- Gone & Hold
E;ATMV- Momma CQ 2
E;ATMV- Momma CQ 3
E;ATMV- Momma CQ 4
E;ATMV- Momma CQ 5
E;ATMV- The Warp 2

E;ATMV- Momma CQ 1

235 6 2
By RainbowFluff24

"Where are we now?"

"Can ya please get off me?"

"Sorry dream"
"Our bad"

Ganz and Error got up off helping him up. They appeared in someones living room again.... When can they just go home? Like this is the fourth universe for error!

"W-whos there?"

"Hm? Oh my... It's a small Geno!"

"Oh hush it you... Should of seen the first one then... Wait no... You might off... Never mind"

"E-error? When did you grow? Woah!"

"Be careful little guy"

"Th-thanks! Who are you? And how you get in?" *cough, cough*

"Are you sick?"

"Y-ya... I have a disease" (Whatever baloney it's called... I forgot... Havnt read this story in a while)

"Huh..... Well I'm not your error for the record you can say... Different world you can say"

"Eh? You mean what fresh and decay are always talking about?"


"Never heard"

"Ah! Decay is fresh best friend! He lives next door.... He has an abusive family I guess... And is similar to me! He makes fresh happy! It's good since he doesn't feel much"

"The same huh..... Don't worry, the more he learns the better I say.. Even though that 90s parasite if fuNKing annoying"

"you just got...."

"Wh-who are you!?"
"Get away from geno!"


"Mel... Stop your snickering"

"S-sorry! But look! Hahahaha!"

"ShOOt he appeared"

"Mel I swear! Shut up!"

"B-but! I can't!"

"S-sorry about then ma'am... Whe just appeared here... We aren't from this world but another one... Will you guys quit it?"

"Sorry dream"
"Our bad"
"Blame this idiot"


"Idiot!? Excuse me!? I have you! Great in a ghost again!"

"Ha! Your thought Mel! He's yelling by your face isn't he Ganz?"

"Yes.... Yes he is"

"Just ignore him... It be fine"

"Mr.softy came out again~"

"I swear! Why am I even..... A-anyways... Why is she looking at us like that?"

"Because she happy her baby got people broski.... Even if ya arent from here your still error"

"Okay then.... Um ma'am? Can we ask your name?"

"Call me Momma CQ! Or CQ! Which ever you prefer! You can stay here since... You know...."

"Thank you CQ... And about Mel... He's apart of me but nobody can really see him.... When we got pulled into other world, I think our codes glitch... Well mines"

"I see! How about you boys go chat with them and show them around the house! Also! I thought I told you to stay in bed!"

"Sorry momma.... I heard them"

"It's okay but next time stay up... You never know if it's anyone dangerous okay?"

"She's right Geno... If we weren't friendly, you could of gotten hurt"

"Okay! I will!"

"Good! Error, stop glaring"


"Definitely the destroyer"

"I heard that dream"

"Hehehe, not my fault it's true~"

"You are lucky children are here"

"Wah! Perverts! Both of you!"

"Ooo! I can tell-Shut up Mel!"

They both went hitting him knocking him out. Dream giggled flustered at the three idiots. The others just stared as CQ smiled at the group. You can definitely tell they are close... Extremely close... Error then grabbed his chest freezing

"Wh-what's wrong with other me?"

"Error! Hey, hey! You okay!?"

"Th-the... An-anti..."

"Damn... How long have been gone for?"

"I don't know... And if time runs different we could be gone for months for all we know... When you left 1 weeks past but you said only 3 days did in the other one... And then error alone was different..."

"Damn... If we don't get him back..."

"I-ill be fine dream... Nothing I haven't dealed with before"

"I will throw you off a cliff if you say that again"


"Let's not do that.... I hate that your serious about that"

"Oh I am"

"Um, what's going on?"

"Just an issue in our world.... Balance you say.... We don't belong here so... And I been out longert then these two have"

"I see.... You can rest him on the couch... I'll get you some water"

"Thank you so much... Come on error"

"ya, ya... I hope I don't crash"

To be continued.....

(Sorry for mistakes)

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