๐•๐จ๐ซ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ž๐ฎ๐๐ž - ๐‘Ž. ๏ฟฝ...

By AshMashPash5

25.7K 728 100

๐•๐จ๐ซ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ž๐ฎ๐๐ž (N.) The intense anticipation of joy thinking of future pleasure. "๐’๐ž๐๐ฎ๐œ๐ž my mind a... More



1.3K 41 15
By AshMashPash5

"deep down we both knew you were trouble by design."

Let's just say Ada loved it. So much that the three slept that same night. And to say the least, that night was definitely one for the books...

When Ada arrived, the three consumed their first meal together. Music playing lightly in the background, as their laughs rang throughout the empty mansion. Karl even aided in helping with their grandmothers recipe, by cutting the cabbage & adding the ingredients to the goulash soup. Once their belly's grew full and warm; everything felt heavy. If it wasn't for Karl bouncing off the walls, the two women probably would've knocked out right then and there. So for the next hour they played tag in hopes Karl would quickly grow tired.

When the boy eventually did fall asleep on the pile of blankets. Ada somehow convinced Eli to drink. Both girls emptying the large bottle of whiskey within the hour. The next few, the two caught up. Chit chatting about life. It definitely had been a long while since the two had a moment like this. Where they could bond, and most importantly feel like sisters again...

Currently the two were strolling amongst London, hanging out at the local shopping markets. It was a rather sluggish morning.
The air was thick and warm, making it hard to breathe. And It didn't help that the two were still very much hungover. Elinor was definitely feeling the worst, as she despises alcohol. Finding the taste repulsive, including the hangovers. The last time she remembered getting drunk was on her sixteenth birthday. Everyone in their mother was invited to her birthday party. It had been a family tradition to take as many drinks as your celebration number. It was either round ten or twelve, she's still not quite sure. All she can remember is that her brothers had shoved so much alcohol down her throat, she ran out back to hurl. Luckily her boyfriend at the time, Barney, volunteered himself to down the rest of her numbers. Of course, with any gypsy celebration things had gotten out of hand. When she returned to the party, randoms began booing & calling her lightweight. The moment her boyfriend & brothers took note of  her embarrassment; a fight to broke out.

The thought made her smile as she skimmed through the clothes in front of her. "That's horrid! Especially for the amount of quid they want for that... I mean, who'd wear grey and piss color yellow together?" Ada exclaims with a look of disgust, pulling the jacket off the hanger, showing it off to her eldest sister.

"Surely not us." Elinor says to her sister, before turning to continue her search for a blouse. But just as she does, she catches glimpse of the boutique woman, who undoubtedly over heard their comments. The frail old woman just glared at them with an look of shock, which Elinor couldn't help but find amusing.

"You never did tell me why Tommy o'so suddenly asked you to take take a job here in London?"Ada asks, pulling Elinor's attention away from the store owner.

"I wanted to be more involved with the family business. So Tommy decided to stick me into our competition's instead."

"Jesus... You know, sometimes I think he just wants the Shelby women out of way. Watch—next thing you know, Aunt Pol will end up in some retirement home." Ada jokes, earning an smile.

"Who knows... Maybe being away will be a blessing in disguise." Elinor shrugs.

"You always are thinking about the brighter side of things; wish I could do that." Ada murmurs to herself, continuing her search in clothing.
"Speaking of great attitude. How are you still single?" Her sister brings up, making Elinor to externally groan.

"Please don't." Elinor pleads. All she needs is another person in her life questioning her love life.

"I'm just interested."

"You & everyone else." She grumbles, causing Ada to smile in response. "Look—I believe that women should find value in themselves, not in the next fawning man to come down the street."

"So... you're a feminist?" Ada asks, slightly side eyeing her sister.

"What's wrong with that, communist?"

"Nothing." Ada laughs in response to her sister's under punch.

"No, seriously. Ada why would I have a husband when they only let you down in the long run?"

"Never mind what I said earlier—God, your depressing."

"Yeah, we'll that's how it is—Love is a fairytale. That's why it's only found in children's books." Elinor murmurs, pulling out an red ruffled blouse.

"You don't believe in love?" Ada asks, almost shocked. Maybe even slightly concerned.

"No—Well, maybe. Or rather, it's perhaps not made for people like me."

This saddened the youngest sister, greatly. Never had thought her eldest sister would see herself in such a negative light. If anything, Ada thought Elinor was one of, if not the better people in her family line—Including herself. Sure, Tommy was known as the protector & provider. But her sister took the role in caring for everyone else emotionally.

"Didn't you love Barney?" Ada questions, suddenly remembering moments of the two.

"That's different Ada." Elinor dismisses, immediately shaking her head. "We were just kids fooling around, desperately trying to distract ourselves from the shitty reality of life."

"Well, I disagree. Anyone could tell you that he was in love with you." Ada comments, this time dismissing her sisters beliefs. This earned an scoff from the woman.

"Half of the men I've met have fallen for me, Ada." Elinor mentions.

"I'm talking about love you idiot, not some stupid school crush."

Barney was Elinor's best friend, before he was Tommy's. And man, did she always make that fact known. Ada remembers the time her sister practically fought over him. "He was my friend first!" Her voice rang throughout the house. Yelling. More yelling. And then Tommy walking down the stairs with a bloody nose. Which would result in Polly intervening.

"We loved one another, yes. But we weren't in love—There's a difference."

Silence welcomed the sisters again. Both continued their shopping spree in content. Although, despite Elinor's dismissal. Ada's thoughts still lingered of the idea of love, and what it meant. Perhaps Elinor was right. Maybe Barney wasn't her soulmate. But Ada still believed that if anyone was deserving of love, it was her big sister.


After shopping with Ada and her nephew, Elinor found herself walking towards the Solomon bakery. Technically, it was her day off. There was no reasoning behind her visit. If she were to be honest, it was only in pure curiosity. Plus, it was her job to overlook matters such as clues of betrayal. And if the Jew was creating any sort of backdoor plan, it would be on her days off.

"Ollie." She greets, strutting confidently toward the entrance. His head perks up in shock, eyes peeled back. "Ms. Shelby, surely you remember that tomorrow is your first day?"

"I'm aware—Just thought you could give me the basic ropes around here. Tomorrow will certainly be hectic, I imagine."

Ollie cautiously over looks her, in clear hesitation. Rightfully so, that is.

"I promise not point anything that might damage your... goods—unless I'm provoked again, of course." She explains, hands upright. As if she were acting out surrender.


Papers. Papers. Even more papers to be placed in folders & organized into filing cabinets. Not to mention, all the paperwork for tomorrows hiring.
All had to be paper clipped, and placed by the box of clipboards near her office door. It was becoming more & more adamant to Elinor that this was purposely done. As a way to get rid of the woman lingering around his business. Well, she was surely glad that she followed her instinct & outsmarted the grizzly bear of a man.

Speaking of whom, finally exited out from his office. Immediately taking note of movement within the office across from his own. His jaw clenches, anger felt within the nerves of his fingers. In result, he clenches his hands into ball of fists. Immediately storming past, searching for his lanky assistant.

"Ollie!" He hollers, once the man is his line of sight. Naturally, this spooks the young man.

"Y-Yes, Alfie?"

"Tell me, why there is a Shelby in the office next to mine?"

"Elinor wanted to prepare for tomorrows work, sir." Ollie squeaks out, eyeing his boss nervously.

"Yeah?" He huffs out, in which Ollie nods. Slide takes a step forward, grabbing the man's pointy shoulder with a tight knit smile. "Then why was I not informed, mate?" Alfie questions, eyeing the young man in irritation.

"I-I thought... I must've of forgotten." Alfie nervously spews out, his head faltering. "There was a lot of going on, and—"

Alfie slaps Ollie across the face to stop him from his further mumbling. "From now on, you inform me on her arrival. If she leaves the premises, you still inform me. Right, cause that woman is here to spy. She's the oleander in our garden mate. And we have to tread carefully. Cause' I do not need Thomas Shelby lodged further up my fucking ass—Is that understood?"

"Yes." Ollie stammers out, straightening his back as he nods towards his boss. Alfie nods at this information. "Good—Now, how is she doing?" He turns, eyeing the woman from a far.

"She's caught on quite quickly with the tasks. Halfst done with everything we've assigned her." Allie's eyebrows furrowed.

"Even the extra?" Alfie asks.

"Including the extra." Ollie confirms, causing Alfie to scoff in amazement. Impressive—he thought.


That very next day, Elinor showed up earlier than usual with a box of her own belongings. First, she began dusting. Finishing it off with polishing the large desk & book shelves in her office. Carefully laying her phonograph upon the shelf, alongside her favorite books & photos. Purposely choosing the portrait of her and Tommy, knowing very well Alfie would eventually snoop around.
In her drawer, she placed three packs of her favorite brands of cigarettes, her mothers pocket knife, and her maybelline makeup set. Elinor even added her favorite Chanel °5 perfume, but not before spritzing it all over her body & office.
By the time she was finished, her brother had arrived with his workers outside the Solomon business.

Many men drooled as she passed out the paperwork & clipboards. Many greeting the woman with a friendly smile or compliment. But of course, there was always the few to make the atmosphere sour.

"Everyone please walk in one straight line towards Mr. Solomon's office. Do not enter until you are called." Elinor instructs the men at full volume all while opening the back door, and leading them into the backside of the bakery.

"They hire woman for this line of work?" A voice inquiry's with a tone of amusement. This earned three more men to laugh alongside one another.

"Is their a problem, gentlemen?" Elinor asks, tone remaining soft & sweet.

"They hire woman here?" The redhead man repeats, his smirk condescending. "I mean how did you get in this line of work anyway? You surely need more skills than cooking & cleaning."

"And fucking." Another man adds, only creating more laughter between the group. She takes a step closer, a smile upon her lips.

"I guess being a Shelby has its perks." She states, while batting her eyelashes towards the two. Immediately the men's laughter died down, as realization hit.

"Everything alright, Elinor?" Tommy's voice appears from behind, causing her to turn around. She takes note of her brothers deadly glare. This wasn't the first time she's witnessed it, and not just from Tommy either. All of her brothers had showed this side. Mainly when it came to men hounding their sisters.

"Everything is fine. Just asking some questions, Tom." She informs, before flashing a smile towards the group of men. "Does everyone understand?" She asks, to which they nod in response.


"Alright boys, you've now all been enrolled as Bakers—The Bread Company in Camden town. If anyone asks, that's what you do. You're Bakers."

"The coopers in Camden town are on our side. But North & South, you show them that piece of paper. Tell them you come down from North to find work to break stocks. Tell them you're fascists, if you have too. My sister is finding lodges for you, but for now you sleep here in the Bakery. Don't touch any of the bread, It will most likely explode—Any questions?"

Older gentlemen. Hand raised

"I haven't seen any bread." The man jokes, causing the men around to burst into laughter. Her brother looks over at Alfie, who also stood unimpressed. Tommy looks back toward the men, clearing his throat before returning to his cigarette. All while Alfie slowly makes his way toward the group with his arms crossed, deep in thought. He halts, standing in front of the jokester. Pondering words, he instead chooses violence. Immediately smacking a random man,   who unfortunately stood beside the gentlemen.
As he falls to the ground unconscious, Alfie stands closer toward the jokester with an metal object in hand.

"He'll wake up. Granted he won't have any teeth left. But he will be a wiser man for it. And the last thing he will remember is your funny little joke—Won't he?"

"RIGHT! There are fucking rules here, yeah? There are fucking rules for a fucking reason. Quite simply they have to be obeyed. All right?"

"Rule number one. The distinction between bread and rum, yeah? that is not discussed!"

"Rule number two. Anything, alright, that your superior officer says to you or any of the other fucking superior officers say to you, yeah? Not discussed!"

"Rule number three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. I don't care. For the rest of your fucking miserable, measly lives, yeah? Because I, like you are also a complete fucking sodomite. Jewish woman. You do not go anywhere near them because Jewish women for you are off the fucking menu."

"The same thing goes for Miss. Shelby, here, yeah?" Alfie says amidst turning to face the woman, who was currently leaning back onto the desk with a watchful eye. The moment her eyes meet his own, a feeling rushes over the two. As if a curtain was pulled, suddenly revealing every thought & emotion. Feeling stripped naked, Alfie tenses. Feeling uneasy at sudden shift, he retreats his attention back onto the men in front of him again."You disrespect her, yeah? You disrespect me, and the rest of her crazy fucking family." The man announces, eyeing each man individually.

"I think that's fair..." He trails off, before eyeing the redhead with intensity. Elinor leans forward, eyebrows furrowing in thought. Did he witness their dispute hours ago? Or was it a coincidence.

"Hmm... All right, that's it then—Oh. Forgive me, I interrupted." Alfie murmurs, meeting eyes with Thomas. Elinor switches attention away from the broad shouldered man, onto her brother. "Pick him up." Thomas instructs the men around, who immediately scramble to do so. Her brother whispers further orders toward the redhead. And in response, he does what he's told. "Don't fucking wait! You better be fucking solider! Don't be a fucking disgrace!" The man voice boom throughout the bakery. Acting as he were some cattle dog hearing the sheep.

Elinor quickly took her leave, heading towards her office to begin sorting through new worker's files & local lodging information.

A few moments later, she's welcomed by her brothers presence lingering among her doorway.
"I'm leaving." Thomas informs his sister as he steps into his sisters personal office. He found it amusing at how quickly she managed to make her mark within the new found space. It smelled of cigarettes and her signature °5 Chanel perfume. Of course, a hint of parchment from her books on the shelves. Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Wolf—no doubt.

Elinor was either too involved in paperwork or still irritated by his presence. Because not once did she glance up at him or utter a word—acting almost as if he didn't exist.

"You'll be fine by yourself, right?" He speaks up once again, which resulted her letting out an small sigh.

"I'm not a child, brother." Tone full of irritation, eyes still never leaving the papers in front of her. Tommy sensed she was still upset with his decision, therefore he could only nod.

The moment Tommy's right foot steps out the room, Elinor stops him in his tracks by gently calling out his name. Turning his head, he takes notice of his sisters worried expression. "Don't let Arthur or Finn do anything foolish." She practically pleads.

"No promises." He jokes, which makes her immediately frown. "Tommy—I'm serious." She sternly states, causing him to crack a smile. He nods in her direction, before finally taking his leave.

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