Still Charmed

By jwriter02

4.9K 235 24

Fighting demons and saving the world is easy. You know what's not easy? Raising teenagers. It's a new decade... More

1. Still Charmed
2. A Day in the Life
3. After School Stories
4. A New Threat?
5. Saving the Day
6. Possession
7. A New Case
8. Detectives
9. To Obey or Not
10. Charmed One's Child
11. Halliwell Nightmare
12. Caged in Fear, Lost in Hope
13. Preserved in Security
14. Gray Skies Turned Blue
15. Difficulties of Being a Witch
16. The Baggage of the Past
17. The Power Within
18. Our Friendship Goes Beyond
19. The Start of Something New
20. Revealing
21. Happy or Not
22. It's the Most Magical Time of the Year
23. Magical Occurences
24. Fear Ridden
25. Fall Festival
27. Who You Gonna Call?
28. Unfolding Further
29. The Road Not Taken
30. The Weather Outside is Frightful
31. Plot Twists
32. Suspicious Souls
33. Life on the Line
34. A Whole New World
35. Charmed...
36. ...Actually
37. Just How Fast the Night Changes
38. Best Friend's Witch
39. Storm Warning
40. Calm the Storms
41. New News
42. Opportunities
43. Beginnings
44. Guiding Hand
45. Kitchen Calamity
46. Take A Breath
47. Ghost Fright
48. A Page to the Past
49. Road Blocks
50. "Poof"
51. The Past Bites

26. This Party's on Fire

67 5 1
By jwriter02

October 13, 2019

Piper's POV

Chris: Mom? Are you okay? You're acting a little ... jittery.

I looked up to see Chris looking at me where I sat at the kitchen table. I was trying to read this book that I've been wanting to finish but the fact that Chris's surprise party starts in an hour has me a little anxious.

Piper: I'm fine. Hey!

Chris jumped as he turned back to look at me.

Chris: What?

I closed my book and got up.

Piper: Want to go to my restaurant?

Chris: Isn't it closed today?

Piper: Yeah, but I could always use the help with inventory.

Chris stared at me before shaking his head.

Chris: No thanks. Maybe Melinda wants to help.

Piper: Melinda is at a friend's house.

Chris: And Wyatt?

Piper: Friend's house.

Chris sighed before standing up from his seat at the kitchen island.

Chris: Fine. Let me grab a jacket.

Chris left the room. I pulled out my phone to text Paige that we're on our way. She replied with a "thumbs up" emoji. I rolled my eyes.

Phoebe's POV

Paige: Piper just texted me saying they're on their way.

I nodded and looked across the room. One of the restaurant's longest tables was set up for the huge gathering. Presents were on a smaller table near the entrance while balloons were hung everywhere. We even got a "Happy Birthday, Chris!" sign that is now hung near the table. The chocolate fountain is set up next to a wide variety of sweets. And finally, pizza boxes are stacked and ready to be eaten.

Phoebe: Good. I don't know long we can keep the guests from wanting to eat the pizza over there.

I looked over to see Wyatt slap Sam's hand away from a candy bowl. I smiled and shook my head. Melinda and Prudence ran over to us.

Melinda: When are Mom and Chris getting here?

Prudence: We want the pizza.

I smiled.

Phoebe: They should be here in five to ten minutes, depending on traffic.

They nodded before skipping away.

Paige: I'll go put the music on. Chris doesn't really listen to music so I just chose the pop/rock playlist. Good enough?

Phoebe: Sounds good to me. Everyone can jam out to Shawn Mendes, Katy Perry, Harry Styles, and BTS.

Paige: I'll see if I can throw in some Madonna and Backstreet Boys.

Phoebe: Now you're talking!

Paige smiled before walking away. I looked over at the party one more time. Leo was chasing Parker and Peyton around the room with a balloon sword while Henry was making a couple of ballon swords for Tam and Kat, and Henry Jr. was following Coop around asking him a bunch of questions. I smiled at the gathering. Chris is going to love this.

Wyatt's POV

Wyatt: Sam, stop! The candy is for the party.

Sam took his hand away from the bowl as he looked at me.

Sam: Isn't that what we're here for? A party?

Wyatt: Yes, but it hasn't started yet.

Sam looked around the room at the crowd that had gathered. Mom invited Sam and Jason, as well as some other friends that Chris has at school. She allowed Melinda to invite Jaxon and me to invite Brent. Then there was the Halliwell/Mitchell family that took up most of the space. Music started playing through the speakers. Sam looked up at the speaker near us.

Sam: Oh my gosh! I love this song!

Wyatt: "Teenage Dream"?

Sam nodded before dancing away. I shook my head. Chris has some weird friends. Suddenly, Phoebe shouted from across the room.

Phoebe: They're here! Everyone shut up!

She went to turn off the lights before running back to her spot.

Phoebe: No one make a sound! Piper will turn on the lights then-

Melinda: We'll yell "Surprise!," we get it.

Phoebe nodded before turning back to look at the front door.

Piper's POV

Piper: Hurry up!

Chris: Why are you being so weird? It's just inventory.

I smiled at him before opening the front door and walking in. A song was playing from the speakers. I rolled my eyes.

Chris: Your restaurant plays Katy Perry?

I turned on the lights to reveal the crowd that was waiting in the dark. They all yelled "surprise." I turned to look at Chris who jumped and looked around the room with a smile on his face.

Chris: What's this?

Piper: A conference meeting.

Chris rolled his eyes.

Piper: What does it look like? It's your birthday party.

Chris: But my birthday isn't until the 16th.

Piper: That's why we're doing it early. You know, for the surprise.

Chris smiled then hugged me.

Chris: I love it. Thank you!

Sam and Jason ran over and pulled Chris into a group hug of their own. I walked over to my sisters.

Phoebe: He seems to like it.

I nodded and looked at Chris smiling while talking to his friends and cousins.

Piper: Yeah, he does.

Leo ran by with a balloon sword while chasing Parker. I raised my eyebrow as I watched him run away.

Paige: The balloon swords were Henry's idea for the younger kids. They seem to be enjoying them.

Piper: So does Leo I see.

Phoebe and Paige both laughed.

Chris's POV

Wyatt walked over to me about 30 minutes in with a pop can in one hand and a paper plate with a slice of pizza on it in the other.

Wyatt: How's it going?

Chris: Great! How long did you know about the party?

Wyatt shrugged.

Wyatt: A week maybe. We were told to keep it a secret.

Chris: Well, you did a good job.

Wyatt: Here you go.

He handed me the paper plate with pizza.

Wyatt: You haven't eaten any yet, and I wanted to get you a slice before Sam finished them all.

I laughed.

Chris: Yeah, he'd do that. Thanks.

I took a bite of the pizza as Sam and Jason joined us, each with a slice of pizza for themselves.

Jason: My family never has pizza. My dad says it's not healthy enough.

Sam: Well, your dad sucks.

Jason frowned and shrugged.

Jason: Nah, he just wants the best for us.

Sam shook his head.

Sam: Doubtful. He wouldn't deny you guys pizza otherwise.

Sam smiled before taking another bite. Jason glared at him.

Jason: My dad takes great care of us okay.

Sam turned to look at Jason.

Sam: Huh?

Chris: Jason, he was kidding.

Jason: I don't take allegations made against my family lightly. No matter how dumb the conversation is. My dad works hard to put food on the table so I don't need you belittling that.

Wyatt: Jason, he was just making a joke about pizza. We don't know your family situation, and I'm sure he's sorry for bringing it up.

Sam chewed while nodding his head frantically. Jason shrugged.

Jason: He should be.

I raised an eyebrow at Jason before I heard a shout. I looked over to see Mom turning a corner to enter the party space.

Piper: Uh, Leo, come here a second.

I saw Dad run over to Mom before disappearing into the kitchen. Phoebe and Paige were close behind.

Chris: I want to see what that's about.

Wyatt nodded. Sam and Jason kept looking at each other as we left.

Wyatt: What's up with Jason?

Chris: I have no idea. I don't know much about Jason's home life.

We entered the kitchen to see Mom, Dad, Paige, and Phoebe talking.

Chris: What's wrong?

Piper: A fire started so I froze it. I didn't want to cause a scene.

I looked around the kitchen.

Chris: What caught on fire?

Piper: Not the kitchen, if that's what your thinking.

Wyatt: Then what did?

Piper: The cake.

Chris: The cake!?

Wyatt: Chris, you should've blown out the candles sooner.

Mom shook her head.

Piper: There were no candles lit, or on it for that matter.

Wyatt: Was it a fake fire?

Mom shrugged before we heard another shout.

Piper: That's Melinda!

We ran out of the kitchen.

Melinda: The cake's on fire!

Piper: It unfroze.

We ran over to the area where the cake was at. It was in flames. Henry came over with a fire extinguisher and started putting it out.

Phoebe: Henry can see it.

Paige: It's not fake.

Piper: Then how did it start?

Piper's POV

Piper: Thanks for coming. Sorry about the lack of cake.

A couple of Chris's friends nodded before they left. I closed the door behind them.

Piper: That's the last of them.

Phoebe sighed as I sat down next to her and Paige at a table.

Phoebe: Good. The party didn't turn out like you hoped, huh?

I shrugged.

Piper: It was good for the first 30 minutes until the unlit cake started on fire. And this fire turned out to be real.

Paige: It just doesn't make any sense. How could an unlit cake start on fire.

Phoebe: Someone had to start it.

Piper: Who would start a cake on fire?

Phoebe and Paige looked at each other before looking at me.

Piper: What?

Phoebe: I'm going to tell you something. Please don't get anxious.

Piper: Well, you're making me anxious. What is it?

Phoebe: A fortune teller at the fall festival told me that we're in for a battle.

Piper: A battle!?

Phoebe: She said she didn't know when, but apparently her message was that "friendship is often a disguise."

I sighed.

Piper: Great. That's just more people to look out for.

Phoebe nodded.

Chris's POV

Chris: Do you know why Jason blew up on you like that?

Sam shook his head. We were sat on the manor's front lawn, looking at the sun setting. In a non-romantic way.

Sam: No, but I've met his dad. He's a nice guy so I guess Jason didn't like me making fun of him like that.

Chris: Did you really make fun of him though?

Sam shrugged.

Sam: I guess to Jason, I did. I didn't mean to.

I looked down the sidewalk to see Jason walking toward us.

Chris: Speaking of Jason.

I motioned my head toward Jason as Sam turned to look. Jason walked up to us.

Jason: Hey.

Sam smiled as I waved.

Jason: Look, I wanted to apologize for this afternoon. I didn't mean to get short with you. It's just ... my dad is the most important thing in my life and I don't like anyone making fun of the life he unwillingly chose.

Sam nodded.

Sam: Dude, I didn't mean to make fun of him. It was just a joke about not having pizza. Everyone has pizza.

Jason sat down on the grass in front of us.

Jason: Not us. My dad works from sun up to sun down, and overtime most nights. He makes good enough money to support us but when he's constantly working, it's hard to find free time. And my uncle's no help in the work department.

Sam: Your uncle?

Jason: He lives with us. Tries to help around the house, I guess.

Chris: You guess?

Jason: He's gone a lot. We assume alcohol is involved.

Sam nodded.

Sam: Sorry, man.

Jason smiled lightly.

Jason: Nothing can be done about it. He hates confrontation.

Chris: Where's your mom?

Jason looked at me before looking back at the grass.

Jason: Uh, she died, years ago. It's no big deal.

Chris: I wouldn't say "it's no big deal." Losing a parent must be hard.

Jason nodded.

Chris: My mom lost her mom at a young age so if you need anyone to talk to ...

Jason smiled.

Jason: Thanks.

Sam: Are we cool?

Jason nodded.

Jason: Yeah.

They highfived as I smiled.

Jason: Well, I wanted to come say "sorry." I'd better get home. Dad's probably wondering where I am.

Jason waved before getting up and leaving.

Sam: We should try to help them.

He watched Jason walk down the sidewalk before turning to me.

Chris: How?

Sam shrugged.

Sam: Maybe when I get a ride to school from them tomorrow, I can subtly hint at helping out.

Chris: You mean, become their maid?

He smiled.

Sam: Why not? I'm bored most of the time anyway. Besides, I'd get to see their cool car more often.

Sam's smile widened as I looked at him.

Chris: The car.

Sam: What about it?

Chris: If Jason's dad works all of these hours just to support the family, how did he afford an expensive sports car?

Sam looked at me before shrugging. I sighed.

Chris: And the mystery of Jason Reed deepens.


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