And a Pinch of Love (a Dan Ho...

By UselessLikeDansBelt

355K 10.1K 13.6K

daniel howell x reader - So much of this fucking story is a mess, I apologize. It was my first fic, written w... More

The First Step to a New Life
Goodbye, America! Hello, London!
New Neighbors
Sort of a Sleepover
Morning, Sunshine.
Something Sweet
Your Little Helpers
A Nice Lunch
Two Geeks Have a Sleepover
Oh, You..Tube.
Reaching a Goal
A News About a Guest and a Christmas Tree
Christmas Shopping
A Guest!
And the Sleepover Begins
Truth or Dare
It's Not Like We Were Having Sex!
The Morning After..?
Dinner and Awkward Conversations
Getting Wet and Issues
Prepping for Playlist
New People
Playlist! Pt. 1!
Our Life, Our Goals
"Single" Lives
This is a Thing
Are You Serious?
A Little Suprise
Lil Shoutout, Please Read! c;
I swear I'll stop with these. Maybe..


11.2K 161 225
By UselessLikeDansBelt

[GUYS. NEW DANFIC. LOOK AT MY PROFILE. IM MORE EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!] (oml I found that on tumblr brb crying awh)


About four hours later, those being spent with a cuddly (y/n) and a even warmer laptop, I decided to get up.

"I'm guessing you've been to get your mail already?" I smirked.

"Yes sir," she giggled. "And a pleasant surprise it was."

I smirked, and wrapped an arm around her.

"You liked that, yeah?" I kissed her head.

"Mhm, and that being said, want to walk there?" She poked my chest, where my heart was.

"If you let me get dressed."

"Can I watch?"


Dressed in a plaid, black and white button down, dark blue jeans, and black trainers, I messed with my hair.

(Y/n) had grabbed some black, studded denim shorts that she'd left at my apartment before, and changed into them.

She'd already gotten her wallet from her place, and we locked the doors at almost the same time, she being before me.

"Let's a-go!" I said in a horrible Italian accent.

She chuckled, and clung onto my arm.


I walked down the stairs, hanging onto Dan's fleece.

My stomach started to burn, but I concealed it.

Exiting the building, we were greeted by a gentle sprinkle.

"Lovely weather," I said, sarcastically.

"Yeah, I know right?" She replied. "But at least I'm going to my favorite place with my favorite guy."

I smiled, looking at her.

She was still grasped on my arm, and she looked up on my.

I knew, the time would be soon.

We turned a corner, and then she laughed at what she saw, rolling her eyes.

"Look over there," she giggled.

"Hm?" I didn't see anything unusual.

She turned my jaw in a north-west direction.

"Oh!" I laughed.

The man who I saw in an old, dark-mustard Colette's jacket and lift jeans, was the man we both remembered from when we went to this same shop last year.

"Oh yeah, how is that burn?" I questioned.

"Little late there, aren't we?" She laughed. "Healed. It's healed."

I grabbed her hand and rubbed small circles into her palm.

She put her head just below my shoulder.

"Giraffeee~," she sung. "Danyuhl is a giraffe."

"Then you're breaking the law," I teased. "Bestiality is illegal."

She burst out laughing, sounding almost like Carrie.

I went right up to her ear and whispered, "Woof."

She wheezed, and sat on the ground, still laughing.

"Y-you're a g-giraffe though!"

I chuckled, picking her up.

She seemed lighter, but knowing her and her vegan-ism, she probably was.

We walked up to the coffee shop.

In a robotic tone I said, "You have now reached your destination, thank you for using Howell Transportation."

I placed her on the groud, and she fished a receipt from her wallet.

"Here's yo' payment," she giggled.

We went up to the counter, and ordered.

She payed, and we walked away.

Since we were the only customers at the moment, we could sit anywhere.

In the back, we decided on a small booth for four, so we could stretch out and talk, being the losers we were.

Underneath the mahogany table, we held hands.

"Damn," I murmured.

She looked over, an eyebrow cocked.

"How in absolute hell is it possible for someone to feel so much for one person. God, you do things to me."

She chuckled.

"Yeah, I could tell by the first time we met, don't worry, I knew which direction north was in before-"

I interrupted her with laughter.

A male wearing a brown apron, stained with ingredients, came up to the us.

He laughed when he saw our postions.

"Delivery," he chucked, messing with his quiff.

A dimple popped in his right cheek, then he turned, and left.

I sat up, and grabbed my latte.

(Y/n) took a swig of her iced coffee, and slid over to where I was sat.

She rested her head on my shoulder, and hummed.

She pulled out her phone, and played her favorite song, "Teenage Dirtbag."

She sang along, as did I.

The chorus came around, and we almost started yelling.

The same waiter from earlier asked us, "Would you mind quieting down?"

We looked at each other.

"We were just leaving," (y/n) giggled.

I chucked my now empty cup into the bin, and started running.

"Race you!" I laughed.

Throwing her 7/8 empty cup into the waste, she ran after me.


I turned a corner, and ran a bit slower.

My phone chimed as I stopped, (y/n) gently running into me.

Concealing my phone from the sunlight, I read the screen.

It was from Adrian.

"Did you tell her? c;"

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