Twisted Wonderland Oneshots

By tegaki

453K 9.6K 8.4K

Twisted Wonderland x reader oneshots! Prepare for a lot of fluff hehe~ Sorry requests not open! cover drawn... More

Ace Trappola x Reader - A Morning Nap
Deuce Spade x Reader - I'll Protect You
Trey Clover x Reader - Whipped Cream
Cater Diamond x Reader - Phone Charm
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader - Rose Garden
Ruggie Bucchi x Reader - Clumsy
Jack Howl x Reader - Scrapes
Leona Kingscholar X Reader- Babysitting
Jade Leech x Reader - Tea
Floyd Leech x Reader - Ballroom
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader - Persistence
Kalim Al-Asim x Reader - Marching
Jamil Viper x Reader - Party Preparations
Epel Felmier x Reader - Lunchtime
Rook Hunt x Reader - Rainstorm
Vil Schoenheit x Reader - Fruit Smoothies
Lilia Vanrouge x Reader - Stargazing
Silver x Reader - Flower Crown

Idia Shroud x Reader - Candied Strawberries

22.5K 593 944
By tegaki

You just finished an exam in your previous class. Your brain was fried and your eyes were trying to flutter shut. Your tired body was slouched over as you walked. Your back and shoulders were sore from being hunched over a table for an hour. You couldn't wait to get back to the dorm so you could take a long nap.

"Ugh so tired." Grim said as his stomach started to growl. "Wha, now I'm tired and hungry."

"Lets hurry home so we can relax." You replied with a sigh.

Your walking pattern was staggered, and you didn't pay attention to your surroundings. When you turned the corner, you bumped into something hard. You fell back almost squishing Grim in the process. But then, you heard a shattering sound. You open your eyes to see a digital tablet with its screen shattered across the floor. Your eyes widened in shock as you look as a gasp escaped your mouth.

"Oh no! Thats Idia's tablet!" You say as you scrambled over, about to pick up the shattered pieces. However, before you could touch the glass, a voice in the distance stoped you.

"WHAA Y/N don't touch that!" You look over to see Ortho flying over to you with worried eyes.

"Ortho!" You said with surprise. "I'm so sorry, I bumped into Idia's tablet and it broke."

"Don't worry about the tablet! Are you ok? Did you cut yourself?" Ortho said with worry, as he examined your hands.

"Ah thank you for worrying, you're so sweet." You say as you pat his head. "But, what about Idia's tablet?"

"Don't worry, my brother can easily fix it!" He said as he began to pick up the scattered pieces. You stood behind him fidgeting, wondering what you should do.

"Ortho, is there anyway I can help? I feel kinda bad." You say with worry.

"No,no! Please get home and get some rest." He responded. You couldn't help but wrap your arms around him, and give him a big hug.

"Wha you are too sweet! Thank you!"

"Of course! You are always so nice to me and my brother! Now please get some rest!" Ortho said as he nudged you down the hallway. "I'll take care of cleaning this!"

You thank him and waved goodbye as you and Grim hurried back to the ramshackle dorm. Once inside, you immediately lied down on the bed. You still felt bad for breaking his tablet, so you though about making him some sweets as an apology. After a few seconds you and Grim was fast asleep.

During this whole ordeal, Idia hacked the school cameras trying to find out what happened. His tablet was not responding anymore, and he began to feel worried. He finally made it into the camera and saw you wrapping your arms around Ortho. He saw the smile on your face, and how your cheeks were tinted with pink. How he loved your smile, but it was for someone else. He clenched his chest and his grip crinkled his jacket. His eyes were frozen in the screen, and he could feel a sharp pain in his heart. He was familiar with the feeling of jealousy, but this time its effect was stronger.

His concern over his tablet was gone, and all he could think about was you. Yes, you have talked to him a couple times on the rare occasion. Overtime, he realized he has fallen for you. He would occasionally watch over you from the school cameras. It's only to make sure your safe. (idk kinda sus -_-).

All of a sudden, the door opened to his room. His eyes squinted at the sudden light that entered his room. He looked over to see Ortho with a bag in his hands.

"Nii-san, your tablet broke. Y/N accidentally bumped into it, so please forgive them.

"Yeah they're forgiven. It's nothing too bad, I just need to replace the screen." He replied. Ortho looked over Idia's shoulder as he was tinkering with the broken tablet. Idia looked quite frustrated as he as working. His teeth were clenched and his brow was furrowed. Ortho noticed this change in his behavior, and began to feel worried.

"Nii-san, are you alright? You seem angry. Are you actually mad at Y/N?" Idia flinched at the mention fo your name, causing him to drop the screw driver he was holding.

"W-wha? No of course not, I'm not mad about that."

"Oh?" Ortho replied. "Then what's troubling you?" Idia looked down towards his feet and fidgeted with his fingers. A small blush grew on his pale face. He stayed quiet for a moment before taking a deep shaken breath.

"W-well... when my tablet broke, I went into the school cameras to see what happened. And I saw y-you and Y/N... hugging." Ortho tilted his head in confusion at Idia's irritated and flustered face.

"Sorry, I still don't understand. What exactly are you mad about?" Ortho questioned. Idia sighed as he moved to his bed and buried his face into his pillow.

"You're really lucky to get a hug from Y/N." He said with his voice muffled from the pillow.

"Nii-san... do you like Y/N?" Ortho asked with wide eyes. The tips of his blue hair flickered with pink flames, and his face was warm with a red tint.

"What? No chance, no way." He said as his hair turned into a pink shade.

"Hmm, are you sure nii-san?" Ortho said excitedly as he flew around the  room. Idia lifted his face from his pillow and looked at Ortho with confusion.

"From the times that you have interacted with Y/N, your complexion turned into a red hue, and your internal body temperature increased drastically." Idia grew flustered as he one again buried his face back into his pillow. Ortho chuckled at his reaction.

"You know, I've always wanted Y/N as a sibling! If you marry Y/N, then we can be a family!" He shouted with glee. Idia jumped into a sitting position, and gripped his pillow as he looked at Ortho with a flustered face.

"M-m-marriage?! I just said I didn't like Y/N!" However Idia's brain began overload with the ideas of the wedding. He can already imagine your beautiful face with your bright shining smile. When you say your vows, he would look back into your eyes, that always seem to shine brighter than any jewel. Then you exchange rings, as the silver ring accents your soft hands. Then finally, you two would seal your bond with a kis-

"Nii-san? Are you okay?" Ortho said as he looked upon an unconscious Idia. His whole face was beat red, and his hair was sputtering with pink flames. This imagery was too much for him, as it made his heart beat a million times and it fried his brain. He expended most of his energy from the thoughts of you alone. So he passed out.

It was finally the weekend, and you went to Sam's shop to get some supplies. At first, you weren't sure what to make. Until you saw a bag of strawberries for a really cheap price. Your eyes sparkled at a wave of desserts popped into your mind. You quickly purchased the strawberries and ran back to the dorm.

"Hmm? What'cha got there Y/N?" Grim asked as he hopped onto the counter. You looked back at him with exited eyes as you washed the strawberries.

"You'll find out."

You made a sugar syrup in a pot, and began to dip the strawberries into it. You then lay them on top of some parchment paper to let the sugar harden. Then, you took out some really cute glass jars, and began to layer it with yogurt, jam, strawberry slices, and plain cereal. Then you topped it off with whipped cream and a whole strawberry.

"Wow! They look yummy!" Grim said as he looked upon the sweet treats. You chuckled at his excitement as you put them into a bag.

"Don't worry, I left some candied strawberries for you. Help yourself!" Grim's eyes sparkled as he saw the treats laid out infront of him. "I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back soon." You say as you went out the door.

You walked down the the stone pavement, listening to your footsteps echo through the courtyard. Your heart beat was getting faster and faster as you got closer to the dorm. You finally arrived at the chamber of mirrors and stop in front of the Ignihyde mirror. You took a deep breath as you step through. You were met with a dark palace with blue flames and large skeletons. It was quite frightening at first. However, as you entered, inside was vert futuristic as there was screens decorating the walls. There was also an elevator in the dormitory.

You didn't know where Idia's room was, so you looked around to see if you could asked the other students. But, there was no student in sight. You sighed as you wandered the hallways. Until you see Ortho flying towards you.

"WHAA Y/N!" What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh perfect! Do you think you can show me to Idia's room? I made some sweets for him to apologies for breaking his tablet."

"Yes of course! Follow me!" You walked down the hallways with Ortho as you fidgeted with the bag in your hands. Your heart was beating faster and faster and your face began to feel warm.

"Hm? Y/N are you alright? Your face is red and your internal body temperature is increasing." Ortho asked with worry.

"Ah, yes I'm ok. I'm just nervous thats all." You replied.

"Nervous? What is there to be nervous about?" He asked with a raised brow.

"W-well, I just really a-admire Idia, and I think he's a really cool person."

"Y/N, do you like my brother?" He asked as he inspected your flustered face. You flinched at the sudden question. Your face grew even redder.

"A-ahh u-ummm." You sighed as you decided to tell him the truth. "Yes, I do." Ortho started doing flips in the air as he gushed with excitement.

"That's amazing to hear!" He said as he grabbed your hands. "Let hurry so you can see him!" He said as he dragged you down the hall.

"Nii-san you have a guest!" Ortho said as he quickly opened the door. Idia was about to run away at the mention of having a "guest" since he doesn't like social interaction. However, when he noticed you standing behind Ortho, he froze in his tracks. He even dropped his gaming console. Just seeing you in real life made his stomach flutter. Even with the best camera quality, you were more beautiful in the flesh than through a screen. You both stared at each other for what it felt like forever.

Idia quickly snapped back to reality and tried to fix his appearance by adjusting his clothes. He then nervously scratched the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact.

"A-ah, u-ummm h-hi Y/N... What brings you here?" He asked with a stutter in his voice. You slowly walk to him and hold the bag of sweets infront of you.

"I felt bad for breaking your tablet, so I made you some candied strawberries and some strawberry parfaits." You replied nervously as you avoided eye contact.

"God Y/N is so cute!"  Idia said internally as he shakily took the bag out of your hands. Which cause your fingers to touch. You both simultaneously flinch at the contact.

"Ah sorry!" You said as your cheeks turned red.

"I-it's fine, and thank you for the sweets." Idia said as his face grew red. "I"m sure I'll enjoy them."

All of a sudden, you hear a loud bang from the door. You booth turn around to see the door closed. You walked up to it and rattled the handle. It was stuck. The door was unlocked, but it still wouldn't budge.

"Oh no! Nii-san, Y/N, I accidentally broke the door handle!" Ortho said from the other side of the door. "Hold on for a couple minutes, I'm getting supplies to fix it!" Ortho flew away and zoomed down the hallway.

"Sorry Nii-san, this is the only way I can have you two together for a while hehe."

Idia was about to pass out. He would have never imagined to be stuck in a room with his crush. It was like one of those otome games. In the game, this situation would be perfect for him. All he needed to do was to choose the right words to capture your heart. But in reality, he was shaking in his boots and his brain started over loading. He has no idea what to do.

Eventually, the sound of your voice brought him back to reality.

"Idia, looks like were stuck here for a while. I know that you don't like to talk to people face to face, so let me know if I'm troubling you." You said with worry.

"Ah please don't worry about that, I'm kinda the one that put you in this situation. So I want to make sure you're comfortable." He replied. You looked back at him, and gave him a smile.

"Thank you." You replied. Idia nearly felt his heart stop. Your smile in real life was too much for him. He averted his eyes with a red face. But then, he noticed his messy room, and immediately started to panic.

"Gah! S-sorry it's so messy! U-umm hold on a second." Idia quickly cleaned his room, which he cursed himself for not cleaning before you came over. After a few minutes, everything was organized. You didn't know how he cleaned so fast.

"You can sit on my bed if you want. I'll be at my computer if you need anything." He said as he turned in his chair to hide his blushing face. You sank into his bed as you sat down. The mattress was super soft.

Idia kept glancing back at you. He wanted to talk with you, but he knows that he is bad at staring conversations. However, he remembered that you brought him some sweets. He opened the bag to see a box of candies strawberries and a number of glass jars with the strawberry parfaits.

"Hey Y/N, you made quite a lot. Do you maybe want to share them?" He asked.

"Are you sure?" You questioned.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to finish them all." He took out a jar and gave it to you. Even though you were the one that made it, your eyes still sparkled work excitement.

"Thanks!" You replied. He felt his heart skip a beat. You both started eating the sweet treat, and you both were filled with bliss.

"Woah this is so good!" Idia said as he continued to eat. You felt butterflies in your stomach just looking at his delighted face.

"I'm glad you like it!" You replied. However. You then notice that he got cream on his cheek. You giggled at his cuteness.

"Hey, you have something on your cheek." You say as Idia gets flustered. He tried to wipe it off, but he wiped the wrong cheek. You laugh at his attempt, and grabbed a napkin.

You stood up from your seat, and leaned down in front of Idia. You then wiped his cheek to get rid of the cream. His whole face turned red, and his hair sputtered into pink flames.

"A-AH, I, U-UMM, T-T-THANKS!" Idia said on the verge of brain overload. He quickly hid inside his hoodie and faced away. He was too flustered to do anything else. After that, you both sat in silence. But it was a comforting silence. Just knowing that you were there was comforting to him.

About 30 minutes pasted and you both begin to feel worried. Ortho hasn't come back yet. Idia decided to give hi a call.

"Ortho you're talking quite a while. Did something happen?"

"Nii-san, I wasn't able to find ant spare door handles. I might have to check the storage. And if it's still not there, I might have to stop by Sam's shop to buy one."

"Alright, try to hurry if you can."

"You know, you should take this chance to tell Y/N how you feel! I'm sure they would feel that same!"

"WHAT! No,no, I can't do that! That's too embarrassing! A-and I already told you, I don't like them."

"Good luck nii-san!"

"Ortho wai-"

Idia once again buried his face into his hoodie as an attempt to hide his flustered face. He started wondering if he should confess. He held all of this feeling for a while, and holding them all this time was bad for his heart. He slowly turned in his chair to glance back at you. However, you were fast asleep on his bed. His bed was so soft, and the silence you two shared was very comforting. So you eventually fell asleep.

Idia's heart was jumping out of his chest. Your sleeping face was the cutest thing he has ever seen. Your calm and steady breathing and tranquil state made him feel at ease. He then tucked a stray hair behind your ear so he could see your whole face. He slowly and quietly took out his phone and took a few pictures of your sleeping face. A large smile grew on his face. He really did like you a lot. He could really stare at your forever. You were so beautiful.

Idia eventually grew drowsy as well and he sat next to the bed. He folded his arms on the edge of the bed and rested his head on top of them. Just admiring your face like this was enough for him But he does wish that you would feel the same to him as he does to you. His eyes fluttered shut, and you were both sound asleep.

After a bit, you were awoken by something warm on your hand. You open your drowsy eyes to see Idia sleeping beside you as he held your hand. Your whole face turns into a bright red, and you could feel your heart beating rapidly inside your chest. You start to melt as you look over to his sleeping face. He grows a small smile as he sleeps. Then he starts to murmur something.

"Hmmg Y/N... I-I like y-you... a-a lot." He says as he gently grips your hand.

You gasp as your heart begins to jump out of your chest. Small tears began to form at the corner of your eyes. You were so happy and relived that he has the same feelings as you. Your heart was practically doing flips.

Suddenly, Idia's eyes began to flutter open. With blurry vision sees you starting down at him. Then he noticed that he was holding your hand. His drowsy eyes shot wide open, and he jumped back causing him to fall off his chair during the process.

"A-AHHH I-IM SO SORRY!" Idia said as bowed, banging his forehead on the floor in the process. His eyes were spinning, and he could hear his heart beat banging in his chest.

You kneel in front of him and place your hand on his shoulder.

"Hey it's okay! Could you sit up?" You ask. He slowly lifts his head, but keeps his eyes on the floor. But suddenly, your wrap your arms around him, and give him a big hug. He freezes in place. It took him a minute to process what just happened. His hair turned into pink flames, and he started to tremble.

"W-w-whaat are y-you doing!" He asks as he struggles where to put his hands. (Poor child doesn't know how to hug.) You slowly let go so you could see his confused and flustered face.

"You know, you were sleep talking." You said with a giggle. Idia tensed up and began to panic.

"W-what did I say?"

"You said that you liked me." Idia began to panic and he became a stuttering mess.

"A-ahh w-well, u-umm, I meant, u-ummm!" Sweat was dipping down his face, and he started trembling.

You stoped his rambling as you placed a small kiss on his forehead. Idia freezes in place. He then looks back at you stunned.

"I like you too." You say with a bright smile. Idia's hair busts into a pink shade and his heart starts doing flips. He couldn't believe that this was happening. This was his dream come true. After a moment of processing, he instantly pulls you into a large hug. How he longed to embrace you. He would never want to let go.

"Hey nii-san I fixed the door!" Ortho said as he walked to the room. He freezes as he sees you two hugging. Idia quickly turned as he was hugging you so his back was facing Ortho in an attempt to hide you.

"GAHH! Ortho knock next time!"

"Sorry nii-san!" Ortho said as he quickly left the room.

"MISSION SUCESS!" He exclaimed down the hall.

author's note

Ya'll these stories keep getting longer and longer. Sorry its been a while, I've been doing my college apps and school stuffs. AHHHH i just want school work to end. Anyways, I hope all of you are doing well! Make sure to drink water and eat regularly, and wear a mask when you're outside! Also to wash your hands regularly. I heard that some schools already opened up, so please stay safe!

Question of the day! : Which TWST character would you want to be trapped in a room with?😳

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