5SOS Preferences

By WhosLukeHemmings

1.1M 13.5K 830

A series of 5sos preferences. Request are open updating at least 3 times a week. Vote, comment, and follow PL... More

He teaches you how to kiss (T)
Sex on the beach (T)
Your Child gets Bullied (T)
He has to ask one of the Boys for a condom (T)
His Parents Make Fun Of You (T)
You Turn Him on at a BAD TIME (T)
You're Sick And He Doesn't Know What To Do (T)
Your parents don't like him but he impresses them (T)
Cute Moment With Your Kid (T)
Daddy (T)
You Catch Him Jerking Off (T)
After Sex Cuddling (T)
Nightmares (T)
Your Daughter Gets Her Period (T)
He Finds Out Your Being Bullied (T)
He Walks In On You Changing (T)
Tour Bus Sleeping (T)
Your Child Swears (T)
He wants to, but your on your period (T)
Making your ex jealous
You Breastfeed In Public & A Fan Makes A Rude Remark About It. (T)
Your childs friends think youre a milf (T)
Your kids see your lovebites (T)
You give him a massage (T)
His Girlfriend hates you and makes him choose (T)
His Girlfriend Hates You And Makes Him Choose part 2
You Give Birth At Home (T)
You Have To Use The Safe Word (T)
Swimming with your kid (T)
You Breastfeed your baby at an older age (T)
Your Child Throws A Tantrum (T)
He Hears You Talking to The Baby (T)
You Give Him A BJ and A family member walks in (T)
You Walk In On Your Kid (T)
Trying to stop Breastfeeding (T)
He has a child from another relationship (T)
Your child starts Kindergarden (T)
Your Baby is Teething (T)
Mothers Day (T)
He films you going down on him (T)
Baby spit up (T)
Attending Yoir Child Soccer Game (T)
Your Child Wets The Bed (T)
Your Child looses their first tooth (T)
Build-a-Bear (T)
Morning Wood (T)
You do his makeup (T)
Sneaking Around (T)
Moving In (T)
First Ultrasound (T)
Baby-Bump (T)
You Have A Child From Another Relationship (T)
Road Trips (T)
Thanksgiving (T)
Your kids are in the delivery room with you (T)
Say Yes To The Dress (T)
You Have A Lot Of Kids (T)
He Wants To Try For A Baby (T)
Your Baby Says Daddy For The First Time (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend. (Part 2)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 1 (T)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 2 (T)
A Fan Catches You Buying Condoms (T)
Teenage Parents (T)
He Keeks Your Daughter Doing Something Cute (T)
He Won't Let Anyone Hold Your Newborn Daughter (T)
After A Fight (T)
He Sees You In A Swimsuit (T)
You Wear His Shirt (T)
He Sees You In A Snapback (T)
You're In A Keek (T)
Mistletoe (T)
The Morning After (T)
Bad Day (T)
He Crashes Your Slumber Party (T)
He wants to do your hair, makeup, nails, or pick your outfit (T)
Spending the night at his house (T)
The morning after he stays the night (T)
He gets in a fight protecting you (T)
He Calms You Down (T)
Thunderstorms (T)
He Talks To Your Unborn Baby (T)
Fans Ask About Your Pregnancy (T)
Easter (T)
He meets your divorced parents
Shopping For Baby Clothes (T)
Youre Insicure
You Reveal The Sex Of Your Baby To The Family (T)
Tummy Time With Daddy (T)
Your Baby Girls Gets Sick On Tour
You Arent Able to Get Preggo (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.2 (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.3 (T)
Champ|| C.H (T)
Say HI To The Camera C.H (Smut) (T)
Mommy's Little Miracle M.C (T)
Merry Christmas (T)
He Has A Mental Breakdown (T)
He Teases You On... (T)
he Forgets Your Anniversary//Malum (T)
His Child Calls You Mommy (T)
First "I Love You"
He Fingers You In Public//Smut (T)
Taking Care Of Them When Their Drunk (T)
He Has A Secret Tattoo (T)
Baby Bump Starts To Show (T)
Your Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant/ Son Got A Girl Pregnant (T)
5SOS Sentence
He Tells You He Loves You For The First Time (T)
Your Dad Catches You (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part One| (T)
Mood Swings (T)
You're a Youtuber (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part Two| (T)
Your Child Is Kidnapped (T)
He's Insecure(T)
He Plays With Your Hair (T)
You Catch Your Son or Daughter Smoking Or Drinking (T)
He confesses his feelings while drunk (T)
He asks your parents for permission to date you (T)
He Compliments You On Something You're Insecure About (T)
A 1D Boy Says Something Inappropriate About You And He Gets Mad (T)
Dirty Talk
He's Needy For Your Attention (T)
You're Pregnant And Horny (T)
You want to be the big spoon
You're Famous (T)
Play Fighting (T)
You Tell His/Your Parents You're Trying for a Baby (T)
He meets your parents for the first time (T)
Kidnapped P.2 (T)
Hes Whipped (T)
Spanking (T)
Baby Talk (T)
First Public Picture (T)
"I Hate You" (T)
Something Private Revealed (T)
Big Arguments (T)
You have low self-esteem (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 1} (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 2} (T)
Big Arguments P.2 (T)
You Catch Him Alone With The Baby (T)
Fans ask you for a picture while you're out with friends (T)
He Accidentally Hurts You (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight P.2 (T)
Commitment Issues
Commitment Issues 2
You File For Divorce
Cheater. (Part 2)
You File For Divorce. (part 2.)
He Asks You To Ride Him.
You Get The Same Injuries/Scars as Your Soulmate.
The First Fight.
The First Fight. (Part 2.)
Childhood Proposals/Marriage
Childhood Proposal/Marriage Part 2
Cock Blocker
You're Mentioned In An Interview
The Test
You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend
You're In Love With Him, but He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 2.)
You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 3.)
Eating You Out
Phones and Sex
You're mad at each other but have to go out in public
Private Picture Leaked {Luke}
Private Picture Leaked {Michael}
Private Picture Leaked {Calum}
Private Picture Leaked {Ashton}
Drunk Boyfriends
Someone Does Something Perverted To You
Car Trouble
He Breaks Down On Stage After The Break Up During Amnesia
He breaks a body part on stage
You're best friends: He sees you naked and gets turned on
You're Sore the Day After
Turn On's
Hes A Virgin
Calum Imagine (dirty)
Luke Imagine (dirty)
Michael Imagine (Dirty)
Ashton Imagine (Dirty)
You Feel Insecure - Ashton Irwin Imagine
You Have Your First Fight
Your First Fight PART 2
You Find Out He's Not A Virgin
Skinny Dipping
He picks you up from school (Luke)
He picks you up from school (Ashton)
He picks you up from school (Calum)
He picks you up from school (Michael)
The End

Your teenager does something bad (T)

3.6K 37 0
By WhosLukeHemmings

Michael: You and Michael had gone on a small vacation for your wedding anniversary and left your 17 year old daughter in charge of keeping the house in order. Before you left, Michael set down some ground rules. He sat your daughter down in the kitchen and gave her a list of what she could and couldn’t do. “No boys sleeping over. No parties. You can have friends over but if you make a mess you have to clean it up.” Your daughter nodded in agreement “Yeah, dad. Whatever.”

Five days later

You and Michael pulled into the driveway of your house and your jaw dropped. There were cups and bottles all over the front yard and there was loud music playing. When you opened your front door you were greeted by a giant mess and several drunk teenagers in your kitchen. “I’m going to give you thirty seconds to get the hell out of my house!” Michael shouted with clenched fists. Your daughter’s friends quickly grabbed their things and left. Michael glared at your daughter. “I’m taking your phone and your laptop. Hand them over.” “But dad-” Michael whirled around. “I don’t want to hear it! You live in my house which means you follow my rules. Since you’ve broken those rules, you’re going to be punished. End of story.” Michael stormed out of the room, going to get your bags out of the car. “You’re going to clean up this mess right now. You should be glad I’m not calling those kids’ parents.” you said as you went out to help your husband and left your grumbling daughter to deal with the consequences of breaking the rules.

Luke: You and Luke had been called to your son’s school for a meeting with the principal. This was the third time this had happened. Your 15 year old son was brought in with a black eye and a split lip. You jumped up, making sure he was ok. “Mom I’m fine.” Luke calmly folded his hands but you could tell he was tense. “What happened?” he asked sternly. The principal sat down at his desk. “Your son was involved in another fight today.” Luke stood up, his chair scraping across the floor. “Again? y/s/n? What is going on with you these days?!” Your son clenched his fists. “This kid told me my dad’s band was gay and the only reason people like me is because I have a famous dad. So I hit him.” Your son smirked. “Y/s/n, You can’t just go around hitting people! If this happens again you could be suspended! ” Your son nodded, agreeing to serve an after school detention.

Calum: You and Calum were making dinner and waiting for your 16 year old daughter to return from shopping with her friends. She was late for dinner and you started to worry. Calum’s phone rang and he answered. He talked quietly until he started shouting. He hung up and grabbed his keys. “I have to go down to the mall. y/d/n was caught shoplifting and they need a parent present to give her a fine.” You grabbed your coat. “I’ll go with you.” When you reached the mall Your daughter was sitting at a table in the food court opposite a police officer. “Mr. and Mrs. Hood, I’m sorry to inconvenience you, but you’ll need to sign this form that explains that this situation will be put on your daughter’s criminal record.” You signed the paper and went with your daughter to return the stolen merchandise. In the car on the way home, Calum gave your daughter a whole speech about how it would be difficult to find a job now that she had a criminal record. He explained how stupid decisions like shoplifting can affect your future.

Ashton:  You and Ashton had a 17 year old son. He had just gotten his driver’s license and was ready to buy a car. You had made a deal with him that you and Ashton would pay for the insurance but he had to earn the money for the car himself. Your son had a job so you didn’t worry about the money. One day, you were walking around the house and noticed that some small things had gone missing. Some of your jewelry and some of Ashton’s music equipment was also missing. two weeks later, your son came home with a car. Ashton wanted to go with your son to test drive the car and what he found in the car made him very angry. There were about 20 receipts from a pawn shop and all of your missing items were listed. Your son had pawned off the belongings to buy the car. ” You are going to go back to that pawn shop and buy every single one of these things back and apologize to your mother. I’m taking this car back and you’ve lost your curfew privileges.”

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