♧︎☘︎︎The Mafia Leader & The D...

By koi_coffee_

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♧︎☘︎︎The Mafia Leader & The Detective☘︎︎♧︎|OumaSai| ♧︎☘︎︎~~~~~~~~☘︎︎♧︎ D.I.C.E Mafia, a place of family built... More

♧☘︎︎︎New Case☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎Kokichi Ouma☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎The Lucky One☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎The Trial☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎Unexpected Visitor|Pt.2☘︎︎
♧︎☘︎Work & Fluffiness☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎The Letter☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎Getting Caught Up☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎Secret Knowledge, Of Secret Plans☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎Stuck In Hell|Ft.His Captor☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎Party Crashers☘︎︎♧︎
♧︎☘︎︎Our Wonderland☘︎︎♧︎

♧︎☘︎︎Unexpected Visitor|Pt.1☘︎︎♧︎

993 31 25
By koi_coffee_

A/N: This chapter and the next will kinda be filler chapters, but the next one will also have light Oumasai to please the people of the court~


When Shuichi woke, he was on a slightly uncomfortable surface with a pounding headache. An image of what happened before he passed out flashed through the detectives head and caused him to shoot straight up and look around the room.

Black room, sun peaking through the thin navy blue curtains, black walls, black & navy blue bed in the top right corner of the room, black marble nightstand beside it, lined with gold, desk by the window on the left wall, the window on that wall displayed the bed, a few feet to the left of that desk was a wardrobe, the wall next to the wardrobe, being the front wall, had some shelves and a cabinet space, mainly filled with books and files. Then beside that cabinet space was the door. Beside the door was more wall that led to the bottom right corner of the room, there stood a black tv stand, across from the end of the detectives bed so it was easily viewed. He was home.

Shuichi took in a deep breath and sighed in relief, his hearts fast beating slowly calming down with every second. He did however get quite a scare when the phone on his nightstand dinged from a message. Shuichi was hesitant but picked up the phone and instantly felt a wave of worry wash over him, a bunch of missed messages from Kaede and Kaito were displayed on the screen. Shuichi sighed as he opened Kaede's first..


Shui-kun, you haven't shown at work yet, is everything alright?

Shuichi? It's almost midday, are you okay?
Did something happen?
Are you feeling okay?

Momo-kun said he hasn't seen you yet today either, are you sick?
Did you get hurt?

The work day's almost over Shui-kun, I'm going to think on a positive note and hopefully say you're sick, please continue to rest and feel better tomorrow!

I cleaned up your office and organized some case files, I hope to see you tomorrow!
Thursday (the day it was when the messages were sent)

Shui-kun, you're not at work again, are you still ill? If you are, rest and get better, but maybe try and message me or Momo-kun back? Besides that, all is well here at the office, I hope you get better soon!

Hey Shui-kun, I know Saturday's are your break days so you may or may not be at the office, but I just wanted to check in and say I hope you're doing okay!

I'm a little worried as no one's gotten a response from you in two days but I know you can protect yourself, so I'll try not to worry too much!
Today 6:31am

I'm so so so sorry I didn't answer soon!

I have been feeling pretty sick for the past few days, but I'm feeling better today!

Despite it being my break day, I'll still make a trip to the office for a little, so I'll see you soon!
Sorry for causing you to worry!

Shui-kun, it's alright! I'm just glad you're okay!

I'll see you when you stop by, goodbye for now!
read 10:32am


After informing Kaede that he was okay, Shuichi then moved on and opened Kaito's messages..


Hey, Saihara! You didn't come in to get your coffee today, remember what I said about not letting yourself get too stressed!

Saihara, Akamatsu said you didn't show to work at all, are you sick?

She seemed worried, and if you are, I hope you feel better soon! I hope to see you tomorrow bro!

Hey hey Saihara! Still feeling bad I'm assuming? You didn't come in today at all either, I'm hoping you're okay!

Maybe try and message back? Akamatsu and I are worried for you, you don't ever stay home even when you're sick.

Hey Saihara, you didn't come in today either! I hope all is well and I hope you feel better soon!
Today 6:32am

Hey Momota-kun,
I'm sorry for not responding sooner!

I was feeling ill but I'm feeling better so after stopping off at the office, I'll stop by and visit you as well, see you then!

Oh, Saihara! I'm glad to hear from you,
and I'm glad you're feeling better!
I'll see you soon!
read 10:43am


After Shuichi finished with the messages, he had gone to put his phone down but before he could, Shuichi happened to notice another message, this one from an unknown ID. He was hesitant but opened the message..


Today 10:01am


Shuichi felt his blood run cold as he sat there in bed, staring at his phone. Who got his number? How did they get it? What did they mean by surprise? Questions, so many questions. All with no answers. Yet.

Shuichi took in a breath and put his phone down, standing up and shaking off his slightly creeped out feeling. He dragged himself out of bed and over to his wardrobe, it consist of a small closet space on top and three drawers underneath. Shuichi opened the doors and took out a shirt that was hung up, black of course. Then closed it. He opened up a drawer next, took out a pair of black jeans, then closed it too. Shuichi waisted no time getting dressed and after he did, he quickly grabbed his phone, sliding it into his pocket, then grabbed his jacket and headed out of his room.

As Shuichi made his way downstairs and to the front door, his phone started to ring. So as the detective was getting his shoes on and heading out the door, he picked up.

"Detective Saihara for the Saihara Agency, what can I do for you?" Shuichi spoke as he closed the door and locked it, heading down the sidewalk to get to the agency. Which wasn't ever too far of a walk.

"See you soon~" Was all the voice on the other line said before hanging up. Causing the detective to almost freeze in his tracks, his pace slowing significantly before instantly speeding up. Who the hell was that?! And what did they mean by 'see you soon'?!

Shuichi made sure to stay extra alert as he continued on walking to the agency. Once walking through the front doors, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled when he heard his best friend, Kaede, call his name.

"Hey! Shui-kun!" Kaede called out with a bright smile, looking well rested. That was a good thing as she didn't get much sleep. Being Shuichi's assistant wasn't very easy.

Shuichi walked over to the front desk and smiled softly. "H-Hey, Akamatsu-san, s-sorry I didn't message you s-sooner, I didn't m-mean to make y-you worry." Shuichi scratched the back of his neck lightly, feeling a tad bit embarrassed.

Kaede on the other hand just laughed wholeheartedly and smiled. "It's okay Shui-kun, I'm just glad you're okay!"

"Y-Yeah.." Shuichi mumbled. A small silence fell over the two before Shuichi had enough, cleared his throat, and looked up. But not completely, he was avoiding eye contact as usual.

"I'm gonna go to my o-office and look over some files before h-heading out, it was nice talking with y-you Akamatsu-san." Shuichi mentally slapped himself as Kaede said her goodbyes and he walked over to the elevator, seriously Saihara, get a hold of yourself!

Shuichi stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the seventh floor, the exact floor his office was on. He didn't have to wait long as the elevator was quite fast and soon, Shuichi was walking out of it and down the hall. Once the detective reached his office, he walked inside with a soft sigh and went to take his cap off and put it on the stand, but, he wasn't wearing it. Odd.

Shuichi shrugged it off as he walked over to the board he still had set up, and to his surprise, all the evidence he had on the string of murders was gone. His eyes went wide as he then rushed over to his desk, looking for all the murder files. Nothing. It made Shuichi freeze. But I thought he wasn't going to erase my mind or take care of the murders, did he.. take care of them anyways so the detective wasn't so stressed? Yes, the supposedly rude and selfish Kokichi Ouma dealt with eight different murders all on his own, just for his beloved detective.

"Th-Thanks Ouma-kun.." Shuichi mumbled softly, chuckling a little to himself. Kokichi's face flashed through his head quickly and Shuichi smiled, feeling his face heat up a little. Shuichi then started to wonder about the smaller male. Why was he being so nice to Shuichi? Did he have anything to do with the call or messages? When was he going to see Kokichi again? Questions, so, so many questions.

Shuichi took a seat at his desk and shoved his thoughts aside as he pulled out some older case files and things he'd have to prepare for with future cases. He started to read through them one by one, going over tactics that worked to find the murder, their motive, etc. While Shuichi was working, he had three knocks on his door, and assuming it was Kaede, he said 'come in' as usual.

The door opens and closes, and right after it does, Shuichi's eyes go wide at the voice he hears.

"Hey my beloved Saihara-chan~" The voice sung out.

Shuichi instantly put the files down to see exactly who he expected standing there. Little Kokichi Ouma. Dressed more casually than normal. He was in an oversized checkered hoodie, white jeans, checkered vans(flat footed shoes), and the cherry on top was Shuichi's cap. He had to admit, it looked cute on him-

"O-Ouma-kun?!" Shuichi watched as the smaller boy grinned as per usual and walked over to the detectives desk, pushing the files he had been looking at aside then pulling himself up to sit cross crossed(on the desk).

"Mhm! Yours truly~!" Kokichi winked softly and Shuichi's face was dusted in a soft pink blush, he wished he had his cap to cover his face but Kokichi didn't look like he'd be giving it up anytime soon.

"Y-You didn't t-tell me you were g-going to be h-here Ouma-kun." Shuichi wanted to curl in a ball, the stuttering only made him more embarrassed and Kokichi knew.

"Well my beloved, technically, I did~" Kokichi's grin widened a little more as Shuichi gave him a confused look. Well, the look went from confusion to realization the second it all clicked for Shuichi. The message. The call. It was all Kokichi.

"Figure it out, detective~?" Kokichi chuckled and Shuichi barely managed to nod.

"Th-The message, the c-call, that was all y-you?" Shuichi questioned in disbelief, he didn't know why Kokichi wouldn't have just told him normally.

Kokichi nodded with his grin still there, looking awfully proud of himself.
"Mhm! Exciting wasn't it~! Or.. scary~" Kokichi teased, knowing the detective would've been easily unnerved by the mystique of the message and call.

"I'm kidding!" Kokichi laughed and held his grin, while Shuichi let out a small sigh of relief.

The smaller boy soon stopped laughing though and just stared at the detective, not saying a word. Shuichi was a little confused at first, then he got a little nervous. "O-Ouma-kun, is something wrong? Are y-you okay?"

Kokichi was hesitant for once before bluntly stating something that caused the detective to lose it. "Nothing wrong, no.." Kokichi paused. "I was just admiring how pretty you look.." Kokichi seemed like he was in a daze but snapped out of it when Shuichi went beet red. Covering his face with his hands to hide the embarrassment, which caused Kokichi to laugh.

Kokichi then decided to try and get the detectives mind off something embarrassing, and spoke again. This time, it was more of a serious, calm, caring manner. A side Kokichi only ever showed the detective.

"Hey Saihara-chan, are you feeling any better? With some of the stress gone?" Kokichi titles his head to the side a little, while Shuichi was starting to calm and looked at him.

Shuichi decided to show Kokichi a soft smile as he nodded and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Y-Yeah actually.. I was a b-bit surprised to see you t-took care of all of those c-cases for m-me.." Shuichi smiled a little more at the thought, a sweet smile that easily tore down the walls around Kokichi's heart and stole it.

"W-Well-" Kokichi instantly went silent, he stuttered. No! Kokichi never stuttered. "I'd do anything for y-you.. Saihara-chan.." Kokichi mumbled, actually feeling the slightest bit embarrassed. Hearing that made Shuichi go an even darker shade of red as he smiled like an idiot, god he felt like he was falling way too hard, and he loved it.

"A-Anyways!" Kokichi disrupted the silence, taking a deep breath in as his 'mask' was put back on and his signature grin came back into place. "Since it's your day off my beloved detective, I planned for us to spend the day together~! No ifs, ands, or buts!" Kokichi held his grin as he looked at Shuichi who was obviously flustered but going along with it all.

"O-Okay.." Shuichi nodded, then, in a flash, he watched as Kokichi jumped off his desk and got right to the detectives side. He was practically bouncing.

"Well come on then my beloved, lets gooooo!" Kokichi was literally bouncing in spot at this point. Which of course made Shuichi laugh softly as he got up, though the second he laughed Kokichi went silent and stared at him in awe. Shuichi gave Kokichi a look that said 'is everything okay?' And Kokichi simply said.

"..that was amazing, can you do it again..?"

Shuichi instantly went a dark pink and scratched the back of his neck again. "I- I- Uhm-.." He went silent, the detective was simply at a loss for words. However, Kokichi wasn't. The small boy took Shuichi's hand and smiled a bright, genuine smile, as he looked into those yellow, almost golden eyes. "You should laugh more Saihara-chan! It's really really cute!"

All Shuichi could do was nod as he looked down, not wanting to show how much he was blushing. Kokichi laughed at that and proceeded to pull Shuichi to his office door.
"Come onnnnnnn! We're getting outta here~!" Kokichi giggled lightly as Shuichi nodded, the detective couldn't help but wonder what this weird, yet lovable boy seemed to have planned.


Word Count: 2511 Words

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