the Betrayed Adventures (Bein...

Av Fallout427

36.6K 423 2.2K

so I've seen stores where it's jaune and he's been betrayed and the traitors are reacting to his adventures a... Mer

Bio part 2
bio part 3
bio final
vehicle and house bio
house bio 2
Annihilation and rap
thank you all
how I met my girlfriend / wife and true friends miss each other
uno rage Drunk Shenanigans and Special Announcement
the things chaos is not allowed to do
the very beginning of how it all started
Q&A and dares
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Naruto and izuku's Revenge part 1
team 7
Q&A and dares part 2
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the thots Slayer will rise again
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steel meets spring-trap & meanwhile in the sanctuary dimension & childhood
Rev asserts his dominance
mineta's uncle Rico/ never let present mic Drive
vote end
the only game we can play
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Q&A answers and dares part 3
Death battle Doomslayer vs Rev
sandwich/ whitley and penny lemon
go be with your family because you might not see them again
Merry Christmas
special chapter for jotarocuto121314
I did not give teenfic the right to post my fucking story on their damn website
rewrite coming soon

battle with the savior's

1.6K 21 207
Av Fallout427

(Just a heads up if you're wondering this takes place during the time Rick and Michonne were getting guns for the scavengers)

FALLOUT427: before we begin I've had chaos go out and find a few person who is required to see this one

Chaos walks in with the severed head of Raven and @strifeandERROR and @Epsilon6666 behind him while he laughed like a madman throws the head in front of him and football kicks it as steel resurrect her she gets up and looks around it looks at yang ozpin and Qrow and Salem hasn't look of horror on her face

Raven: where am I who are all of you

Rev: you are here to watch now sit down and shut up or I'll make you Raven sits down

FALLOUT427: my friend what a pleasant surprise I didn't know you would be arriving here he gets up and hugs @Epsilon6666 and @strifeandERROR

Epsilon6666: well I was going to go mess with Raven until I saw chaos over here killing her tribe and her so I followed him and he picked up strifeandERROR here

FALLOUT427: well I'm just happy to see you guys again

StrifeandERROR: you too old friend

FALLOUT427: right anyways next chapter is about to start this one is called battle with the savior's

Nora: so Jaune and his group of Rejects are bad guys

Salem: then in that case they would make fine Pawns

Rev: Salem they have weapons that can easily kill you as well as Powers also they're not the bad guy, now shut up and watch them damn chapter

The screen turns on to show Naruto Ben Zuko Spike midoriya jaune Envy and their girlfriends in a forest until steel appears in front of them and they all pay attention

Steel: your mission today is that you will be fighting a group called the savior's led by Negan the reason your girlfriends and pets at least the ones that are adults are here to assist you in this world is plagued by zombies as well as Raiders the boss has given me permission to send you part the Army under my command but I will only do so when you know of negan's location also I will teleport your vehicles to the nearby Road when you're ready goodbye and good luck he disappeared

Ben: I don't like this I'm worried about our girls Sally like me used to be a killer and she still is but only when it's necessary but what about the rest of you

Jin: I'm an earthbender and Zuko has taught me sword welding

Envy: winry knows how to shoot guns as well as swordplay and is good with wrenches

Ino: I'm a Shinobi so of course I know how to fight Erza I can already speak for her knows how to fight as well obviously Ember is a dragon who knows magic and can breathe fire

Melissa: I can handle myself I know my way around a gun and use throwing knives

Jessica: 9 out of 10 of my family members are killers I don't know why but I guess murder runs in the family so you don't need to worry about me

Jaune: good then let's go get our cars

monoma: I bet their cars are so broken down they'll probably get eaten by zombies before they could even get to their cars he is then cut off a baton is thrown at the back of his head which bounces off and hits Raven in the eye


Chaos: nice shot Epsilon6666

Epsilon6666: I wasn't even trying to hit Raven but I'm not going to complain

As the group get to the road they see their cars and buy cars already waiting for them jaune and Jessica and Erza goes up to his car as Jessica gets in the backseat jaune is driving and Erza is riding in the backseat with Jessica

Yang: that Faker stole bumblebees design is he trying to be some discount version of me well it's never going to happen I'm so much better than hi


Yang was shocked and saddened that her uncle would talk to her like that so if you decide to be quiet

Spike and ember go up to his car and get in

Thorax: that is a awesome car not only can you drive but if you have your friend he can be shooting people trying to kill you in the back I just want spike to be safe

Envy and winry go to their car as well

Greed: I want that car

Naruto and Ino go to their car

Sasuke: so what the loser has a cool car doesn't make him better than me he's still the weak loser i to know


Steel tackled him to the ground punched him twice in the face shoves a pipe bomb in his mouth and steps on his face so he can't take it out and it jumps away at the last second before it blows up


I resurrect him and we go back to the viewing

Izuku and Melissa go to their car


Rev: you're rude loud impatient you swear in almost every single sentence you never wait for backup you don't follow orders and you endanger people around you by never thinking you think you're the best when in actuality your at the bottom ladder and to top it all off your ugly and no one likes you

Mineta: hey bakugo would you like some ice and ointment for that burn

Bakugo tries to attack Rev but is stopped by mineta who's throws his hair sponges at his arms and hands make quickly Harden to become as hard as dried cement

Mineta: midoriya told me that as well as others before he left try it again and I'll throw one on your fucking mouth now sit down

Bakugo sit back down angered

Zuko and jin go to the car as they sit down Jin looks at the wedding ring on her finger and smiles at Zuko as he gets in and returns the smile

Mai: why did he have to marry her not me

Ty lee: you broke up with him and cheated on him in his own bed if I was him I would have thrown you and the bastard you were doing it with out the window

Everyone from avatar the last airbender is shocked by the harsh words from the usually sweet girl

strifeandERROR: always watch out for the quiet and sweet ones

Epsilon666 and FALLOUT427: agreed

Ben and Sally get in one of their cars after they get in Ben kisses Sally on the cheek

Jeff: why do all of them have nice vehicles also why does Ben have two

Rev: he has three two cars and one motorcycle and simple every single one of those cars is Infuse with magic so they are undestroyable and we gave them the choice on how many cars they wanted or bikes it was their choice except for Ben who chose 2

Masky: I bet I could take them

Hoodie: are you insane you know what don't answer that

They drive off as they're driving they split into three groups Spike and zuko are going to the kingdom Naruto and ben are going to Hilltop colony jaune, izuku and Envy are going to Alexandria

Jaune: now remember ladies and gentlemen keep your comlinks on when you arrive at your destination keep your tempers in check and most importantly remember we are simply gaining information about Negan and his operation

All: yes sir

Spike: just thought I'd let you all know I now have a new pet it's a white tiger

Everyone in awe at the beautiful creature

Cinder: it's so fluffy and beautiful

Zuko: why am I not surprised Zuko out they cut the comms off

With Jaune

Jessica falls asleep with her head on Erza's lap jaune izuku and Envy soon arrive at Alexandria where the gate is open and they see Rick and Michonne standing in front of a truck talking to Rosita and Tara and Daryl who immediately get their guns out and point them towards the cars with looks of confusion on their face as they all get out of the cars in armor and with weapons they've never seen before

Rosita: who the hell are you

Kaminari: they need to be careful and pick their words carefully one wrong word and its end game for all of them

Jaune: I'm jaune that's Envy that's izuku and Melissa izuku's girlfriend that's winry Envy's girlfriend and our mechanic and these two behind me are Jessica and Erza Scarlet my girlfriends

Rick: are you with Negan and the savior's

Envy: nope we are here to kill them


izuku: it's the truth from what you from we know Negan pin terrorizing communities in exchange for half of their stuff take a chance on us and think that we are actually here to kill Negan we can get it done we can end all of it

Tara: how do we know we can trust them

Carol: I trust them

Gabriel: me too Rick please give him a chance if what they say is true and they can actually kill Negan we can end this without any blood sheds also look at their armor Negan doesn't have that type of armor

Rick: all right but until we know we can trust you put all your weapons in this truck he opens it to reveal a bunch of guns

Izuku: I better get my shit back after this he puts his FN SCAR and his daggers in the truck Envy puts his sword and one of his guns in there and keep the other concealed jaune put all of his weapons back still do their girlfriends and they go into Rick's house to discuss how they would kill Negan

Michonne: so how exactly would a bunch of teenagers kill Negan something tells me he wouldn't have a problem killing any of you

Envy: well you see when it comes to dying everyone in this group may be an ace of multiple traits but that's the one we all suck at especially me

Aaron: what do you mean

Envy takes out his gun and gives it jaune the point the gun at his head and shoots 4 times

Daryl: we told you to leave your weapons behind and you just killed one of your friends what the hell is wrong with you

Suddenly red lightning starts to crackle around Envy face as he leaned forward his face starts to heal in the bullets come out of his face and drop to the floor leaving everyone shocked

Raven: he would be very useful for my tribe a Immortal being on my side under my command all the things I could do with that

Epsilon6666: nobody wants to join your tribe of incompetent jackasses run by an even more incompetent jackass such as yourself plus he probably get real sick of you trying to seduce him

Raven: how dare you speak to me that way you probably can't even hit a ene

FALLOUT427: finish that sentence Raven I will rip your tongue out and Give Ironwood a rim job with it and stick it in your Brothers ass and then shove it back in your mouth

Raven decided to shut up and sit down

strifeandERRO: I would pay to see that

Carol: what the hell

Envy: you see I heal from wounds both fatally and nonfatal in some cases I can heal from death

Gabriel: a unique ability you have there I saw some of your weapons perhaps you could kill Negan but you would have to go through the savior's first

Daryl: I don't trust this at all they show up claim to want to kill Negan one of those unkillable know I don't trust it's too suspicious

Jaune: you don't have to trust us you just need to give us negan's location and we will leave

Daryl: I don't trust you for all we know you could be a spy pretending to want to kill Negan only for the whole act to be a fake

Michonne: it's not your call to make Daryl

Rick: he's in a place called The Sanctuary I can mark it on a map for you


Erza: what did Negan do to get you all this mad and paranoid

Carol: he bashed in the heads of two of our friends Abraham and Glenn with a barbed wire baseball bat he called Lucille

Everyone except for the villains was shocked to hear of the brutal and painful death

Raven: that's the way the world works the strong survive and the weak die

strifeandERROR: and then someone even stronger comes along and murders the previous person who thought they were the top dog and then repeat and repeat

Jessica: damn yep that's a pretty good reason to want him dead and what are from you a shot at making that come true now's your chance

They eventually come to agreement and Rick marks it down on a map for them

With spike and zuko

Spike and Zuko arrived at the Kingdom Gates they are granted entry so long as they promised not to do any damage and surrender their weapons which they do willingly before Spike and Ember get out the car they turn on a hologram that makes them look human a man named Morgan comes up to them with a bo staff

Morgan: I am Morgan what is your business here

Zuko: we wish to speak to the leader of this place

Morgan: very well follow me he leads them to Ezekiel Jared and Shiva

Ezekiel: hello you 2 how may I help you

Ghira: I like him he seems fair

Spike: she is so cute can I pet your tiger please

Ezekiel: I'm sorry she doesn't like anyone patting her

Spike: oh wait right here he runs out of the room and comes back into a white tiger

Ezekiel: it pleases me to see you are a man of culture

Jared: it pleases him indeed

Ezekiel: Jared anyway what can I do for you

Zuko: I am Zuko this is my wife Jin that Spike and his girlfriend Ember we would request information about Negan in the savior's to end their reign whether or not you help us does not matter because when we do find information and when we do attack is compound any and all resources will be split between you and the other communities equally this includes food water ammunition and this includes food water ammunition and weapons

Ezekiel: I do not wish to for Bloodshed upon my people what makes you think you can fight the savior's

Zuko: Spike Ember deactivate the Holograms

Spike Ember didn't activate the Holograms showing their true forms

Jared: you're dragons that is so cool

Spike: King Ezekiel we do not require your Aid and battle just information

Ezekiel: very well let me explain to you all that we know

With Naruto and Ben

As they arrived at Hilltop they are not allowed to enter so after hiding their cars they sneak in find Gregory Maggie and Jesus Sasha talking as they walk in through the door everyone is a little freaked out by Ben and Sally's appearance

Ben and Sally: hello I've Ben/Sally this is my wife/husband Ben/Sally

Ino: I'm ino that's my boyfriend Naruto

Maggie: hi I'm Maggie that's Gregory Sasha and I'm sorry but why do you two look like that

Ben: we died and will give him a second chance at life not like zombies but a second chance at life I was drowning and had my eyeballs pluck out Sally here was stabbed in the head by her uncle and you are

Jesus: I'm Paul but my friends call me Jesus

Naruto: okay I'm going to get right to the point we need any and all information you have on me get in the savior's so we can kill them you don't need to help us in this battle but any mineral resources we find after we're done with me to get into his gang will be split between you and the other 3 communities he have tortured 25% each now that other 25% will go to the community who needs it the most because they're struggling deal

Gregory: no

Sasha: stop being a pussy Gregory and grow at least one nut we'll tell you what we know about me going to his group

Ino: I like her

Later all three groups have gotten important information on the Savior such as their numbers the location of their headquarters and the generals spike and Zuko tell Ezekiel to follow them outside as he does so Zuko releases a Dragon like Roar and four Dragons come down from the sky and land all around him one of them lands and sits on a building making sure not to put all her weight on it so it doesn't collapse

Every member from the Fire Nation were surprised to see the four dragons they thought they had gone extinct after iroh had killed the last one

Morgan: they're remarkable

Jared: they're beautiful

Ice dragon: thank you and before you ask yes we can talk all of us are capable of talking now Zuko what is it that you need

Zuko: I need you afford to go the different communities and protect them from the Zombies Try not to be Seen ice dragon you stay here

Frostbite:My name is frostbite but ok

As the Dragons leave to go protect the other communities Jaune Call Steel and tells him everything they know Steel gets 25 AH-64 Apache 10 Bradley tanks and 40 Humvees With 20 of them filled with cloakers ( payday 2) The others field with special ops

Dabi: Jesus don't you that is a bit Overkill

Steel Chaos and Rev: if You mean efficient then yes

Ironwood: such interesting Specialists schnee take notes

FALLOUT427:Don't bother You don't have the resources required to fuel those and they can't be made using a substitute Besides You should probably update your security

strifeandERROR: agreed

Ironwood Before he could open his mouth he was interrupted By

Epsilon6666:I'm going to hit Raven with this shot In the thigh He shoots a gun As the bullet bounces off the walls and hits Raven in the thigh as she screams in pain I sure hope somebody picks up that phone BECAUSE I FUCKING CALLED IT MOTHERFUCKERS

Naruto Zuko Ben and Spike And their girlfriends Say their goodbyes After collecting their weapons and go to Alexandra were they meet up with the rest of the group And get weird And frightened looks because ben was just riding senu that ben turned into a monster because he felt like it Suddenly everyone hears the sound of helicopter blades spinning They look up to see A bunch of helicopters passing overhead two of them land down so that the group can get in

Jaune: All right once We're down will come back to tell you what happened

Rick: Good luck You better come back

They get on the helicopter and go away They arrived at the sanctuary in a matter of minutes They get out of the helicopter while the other helicopters as well as the Humvees And the tanks open fire Destroying all the vehicle so they can't get away And killing All of the Savior outside they then go inside Alongside the cloakers in the special ops unit But more saviors come While the Bradley's and Humvees are outside dealing with Then All the while spike is playing this song

Pretty soon the battle is over negan and Dwight And negan's wives and the doctors and workers have been spared Resources were load up and taking to the communities Negan and taken back to Alexandria Where The residents are told to keep Negan alive because keeping him alive will hurt him then killing him They reluctantly agree And then the group along with the tanks Apaches Humvees dragons Etc disappear And then the screen turns black

Everyone Was both shocked and extremely terrified ofThe amount of troops and vehicles steel could get In such a little timeUntil Raven suddenly had a portal open above her a bunch of trash fell out of Then everyone started laughing

Epsilon6666:I should do that more often Well FALLOUT427 Thank you for being a gracious host And Allowing me to stay

strifeandERROR: same

FALLOUT427:You're welcome

As they leave another portal opened above Ravens and out Falls a bunch of Expired chunky milk

Epsilon6666:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA he and strifeandERROR leave

FALLOUT427: Steel pick a Orb please

Steel walked over And picks up a Red and pink orb And throws it at the screen

FALLOUT427:Oh Interesting It would seem that some of your memories Somehow got mixed up With their Adventures This particular one is one where you Rev and chaos Play Uno As well as the stuff you did The last time you got drunk And the other one is called Special announcement for the Betrayed Adventures


Shout out to my friends Epsilon6666 and strifeandERROR For letting me put them in this chapter

Next time on the betrayed Adventures uno rage Drunk Shenanigans and Special Announcement

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