| The Lone Ruler of the Void...

By Jake123415535

86.4K 981 571

Read more to find out ;) Also I do not own the Characters, Pictures or the show. They belong to their respect... More

Start of a new E R A
C L A S S. . .
C L A S S . . .(Part II)
V Y (I) T A L


4.9K 90 89
By Jake123415535

Enjoy your life...


The first airship for the year landed at the doorsteps of Beacon, everyone walked out of the airship looking at the gigantic castle ahead of them, their eyes were mesmerized from the beauty of the school, soon our protagonist and her sisters walked the pathways of their new home.

"Wow..!" (Ruby)

"Damn. This looks amazing." (Yang)

"Agreed." (F/N)

Ruby was excited to be with her sisters in school, though nervous she knew she'll push forward and prove everyone who made fun of her! Her eyes later landed on several other people that walked by, carrying a variety of weapons Ruby never thought she'd ever see! Her eyes beaming in color, she started fawning over every weapon that came by her while they kept walking.

"So many weapons! This is so cool!" (Ruby)

"Ah, Ruby. Remember we're in the big leagues now! You gotta control yourself from you're second obsession." (Yang)

"Aww..! Come on Yang! Can't I just have fun once in a while! Please F/N!" (Ruby)

"Well, Yang is right. You'd need to practice self-control at least once. Plus we're in public, don't you wan't to make friends?" (F/N)

Ruby in a small fit of anger, turned her head away from them. In return her sisters put up a small smile behind her

"But.. why would I need friends when I have you two?" (Ruby)

"Well about that... Ah! Look at that! My friends are here! Cya later sisters!" (Yang)

Her group of 'friends' pulled her away while Ruby was nervous, she only had F/N left! 

"Yang makes some shady friends... Well anyway, I'll wait at the rally point for you. Remember it starts in half an hour. Make sure to be there by then, I'll meet you there. Understand?" (F/N)

Ruby nodded in response, she took note in her mind to be there soon or else her Big sis would be mad. And boy does she not want that anytime soon. F/N hummed, walking away expecting her little sister to be there.

Meanwhile Ruby was fidgeting nervously, this was her second time alone without any family or friends near her, she took a step back and fell leaving several suitcases on the ground and a girl with snow white hair busy lecturing her all the while Ruby took a few seconds to realize her situation.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Do you have any idea how expensive these are?" (Weiss)

"Um... sorry." (Ruby)

"Sorry? Do you have any idea of the damage you could've caused alone from just one of these suitcase?" (Weiss)

Ruby took the time to pick up one of her suitcases and hand it to her, apologizing as well. While the latter did not take too kindly to any form of apology.

"Give me that! This is pure dust mined and purified from the Schnee quarry. Highly valuable and dangerous if not handled correctly!" (Weiss)

"Um." (Ruby)

Weiss wasn't too happy that the accused didn't understand or try to understand her situation! This in return made her fume more than she did. Ruby on the other hand was trying to apologize and help her pick up the rest of the suitcases, which the butler did for her faster than she'd expected.

"...Are you brain dead?" (Weiss)

While their argument went on and on with Weiss lecturing her, F/N was watching from the sidelines form the start, she knew Ruby can't go alone without getting caught in whatever trouble she'd be in. Deciding to stop the argument from going any further, she placed her hand on Weiss's right arm, 

"Hey, I think that's enough." (F/N)

Weiss looked back at her shoulders, facing another girl with snow white hair almost mistaking her for family for some odd reason. She quickly diminished the thought.

"...And you are?" (Weiss)

"I'm just someone who doesn't want this to go any further." (F/N)

"Well excuse you! She almost made the both of us explode! We're lucky it wasn't near the edges of the cliffs." (Weiss)

"Look I understand but she already apologized many times. Give her a break. It's everyone's first day." (F/N)

Weiss thought she'd go into the whole 'Schnee's are all the same!' argument, but what she got instead is a level-headed person who understands the situation, she calmed down. At least she wouldn't have to deal with the same argument again.

"Fine. I guess you're right. I'm sorry for... yelling at you earlier." (Weiss)

"Oh! Um. Apology accepted...!" (Ruby)

"Well, that's good of you two. Keep it up and you'll have great friends in no time." (F/N)


They walked in the Auditorium with everyone else gathering inside, the ceiling was high and the entire place itself could hold the whole school in case of emergencies. Yang looked around trying to look for her fellow sisters and spotted a all too familiar White hair in the crowd. F/N and Ruby came across a blonde name Jaune who was in the same shoes as Ruby, so they all decided to go together.

"Hey! Ruby, F/N! I saved you some spots!" (Yang)

Yang waved at them, calling them out in the crowd. Ruby was happy she had someone else she knew in this new school.

"Hey wait! Great. Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?" (Jaune)

"So you're into those kind of girls?" (F/N)

"Well, I have a lot of preferences. But those are one of my favorites." (Jaune)

"Interesting. Well keep it up." (F/N) 

"Yeah you too!" (Jaune)


"Yang! You just ditched me and F/N! Do you know how scary it was with so many people!?" (Ruby)

"Yikes. Meltdown already?" (Yang)

"Well I guess it wasn't all too bad, I think?" (Ruby)

"What happened?" (Yang)

"Well, I accidentally tripped over a girls bag and everything went flying! Well when I tripped she went and yelled at me and I was so scared! But thanks to F/N, we made up! I guess we're semi friends now!"

Ruby smiled, she wasn't all too sure that she was still angry at her for tripping over tons of expensive stuff. Who knew how much it could've cost if she broke it! She was too busy in her conversation she didn't notice the same person she'd been talking about was behind her.

"You! You're lucky it didn't explode!" (Weiss)

"It was an accident! Sorry..!" (Ruby)

"Hmph. Well I'm still angry about that little 'accident'! And in return you'll have to make up to me!" (Weiss)

"Oh, that's great! Well what do you want me to do?" (Ruby)

"I, Weiss Schnee give you the privilege of being my friend! Be thankful!" (Weiss)

"Ah! I... Um. Ruby Rose, thank you and will accept this greatly!" (Ruby)

Weiss, in her proud form gave a small smile. This was her first friend in Beacon and Ruby wasted no time to accept the friendship. 

"See Ruby? I knew you'd make you're first friend today!" (Yang)

"Be thankful I offered it!" (Weiss)

"Yep I definitely am!" (Ruby)

Ruby was in her mode of happiness, she finally made a friend! Her smile was as wide as a sunny day.

"Well, well I'm proud of you Ruby. And you as well Weiss, good job in being friends. And as the oldest here, I say everyone should be friends!" (F/N)

"Hey! Aren't you younger than Yang by 1 day?!" (Ruby)

"I know. And that's my Big sister powers there." (F/N)

Their happy moment was interrupted by a tap on the microphone, Ozpin the Headmaster was on stage trying to get everyone's attention, facing the crowd with no nervousness whatsoever.

"...I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your crafts and acquire new skills. And when you finish, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. And I look amongst you all and what I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you from this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." (Ozpin)

The apparent morale speech was quite underwhelming for some people but for the others it's a 'get ready and don't die soon'. It gave chills to a few people in the crowd. Mainly the first years.

"You will all gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your Initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed!" (Glynda)

"Well, he seemed... weird." (Yang)

"Yeah! It's like he wasn't even there!" (Ruby)

"I think it was nice. Inspiring I say." (F/N)


 the Ballroom, boys and girls alike were gathered in one place, it was quite a experience seeing Half naked people. Especially the guys trying to woo some girls inside with their bodies. Ruby on the other hand was busy writing a letter for her friends.

"It's like a huge slumber party!" (Yang)

"I'm not a fan of the boys. Trying to entice my innocent little sister... Vengeance will be mine." (F/N)

"You know I do!" (Yang)

She glanced towards all the half naked boys in the other side of the room, her mouth watering. F/N faced towards Ruby, watching her write what looks like a letter.

"What's that Ruby?" (F/N)

"A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going!" (Ruby)

"That's my cute little sister. Always thinking about her friends." (F/N)

Ruby turned red in embarrassment and looked away from her sister's constant teasing. Although F/N didn't take notice if she was teasing her or not, she just likes to mess around with her a lot. 

"Well Ruby, why not make another friend?" (F/N)

"Hm? Who else do you think would want to be friends with me?" (Ruby)

"Why not try out that girl over there?" (F/N)

She pointed at a lone girl sitting down at a nearby candle, reading her book in peace. 

"Great idea F/N! Come on Ruby let's go!" (Yang)

Yang much to Ruby's pleas of 'No's' dragged her all the way to the black haired girl at the back of the Ballroom, Yang first introduced herself.

"Hello! My name's Yang! What's yours?" (Yang)

"Blake." (Blake)

"Right. Uh. Not much of a talker I guess... But! Here, my sister wants to be friends with you!"

"That's great." (Blake)

"My name's Ruby! Nice to meet you." (Ruby)

"You too." (Blake)

An awkward silence came right after Ruby introduced herself, Ruby was fidgeting in place while Yang didn't know what to do, she wasn't an expert in the cold and mysterious ones. Thankfully F/N came to the rescue once again.

"I see you've met my sister. It's nice meeting you." (F/N)

"Mhm." (Blake)

"Say, what's that book you're reading?" (F/N)

"It's about a man with two souls, each fighting over for his body." (Blake)

"Interesting. Are you into the Mysterious and suspense genre?" (F/N)

Blake's ears perked up, she hasn't too many readers that share the same genre as her, this piqued her interest.

"I am. Are you into it too?" (Blake)

"Mhm, I am. Let's say after the Initiation, we'll go hang out in the library some time? I found a few interesting books that fit you're genre." (F/N)

"That sounds great. I'll be there." (Blake)

Blake gave a small smile, she finally found someone that shared her hobby! Everyone else she'd met were either rich or didn't have any interest in reading of anything.

Ruby was amazed at her big sister, she was so cool in her eyes and would probably make a lot of friends here, Yang needed some tips from F/N soon. Just in case.

"Oh! Nice meeting you here F/N." (Weiss)

F/N turned to her back, her eyes meeting Weiss in her sleep pajamas getting ready for bed. 

"You too Weiss. It's good everyone's getting along. It's been a long night, I'll see you guys tomorrow." (F/N)

They all gave their respective goodbyes to F/N and got ready for bed. The lights went out not too long after.



hi (very heavily edited part as well

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