When You Are Not By My Side

By Thirsty_stories

10.4K 463 13

Forth and Beam have been dating for six months and for the first time they separated because they had to vaca... More

Chapter one: Farewell
Chapter Three: Honest
Chapter four: Selection

Chapter Two: Miss

1.8K 97 0
By Thirsty_stories


Beam drives his mother's car while listening to his mother's playlist. His mother had a taste for youth music. Lately she's been listening to songs from the boyband SBFIVE.

"So, you're actually staying over at your friend's house and not sleeping with a woman?" asked her mother while playing with her cellphone.

Beam rolled his eyes. Sometimes the mom can be really annoying.

"Even if Beam said no, Mae won't believe it" replied Beam lazily.

Beam's mother stared at Beam annoyed "You think because of Mae who should be suspicious of you. Too many pictures of you with women circulating on the internet"

Beam didn't argue. He was grateful he had deleted all of his social media accounts and asked Earth who was a computer expert to delete all posts about him and Forth circulating on social media.

"So who is this friend of yours?" inquired Beam's mother again.

Beam almost stopped suddenly at his mother's question.

"F-Forth" he hates lying especially to his mother so he tries to speak as honestly as possible without exposing himself and Forth.

"Forth what?" asked his mother again. Her mother is a lawyer and it is her mother's habit to interrogate him and his brother Tae about everything.

"Jaturapoom Jamornhum" said Beam. Beam believes that currently his mother is browsing Forth's social media pages. Beam tries to stay calm while driving.

"Oh wow. Are you friends with this kind of guy?" asked his mother while showing Forth Photo. 

Beam turned his face briefly and looked at Photo Forth who was playing his guitar with black glasses perched on his sharp nose. Subconsciously Beam wet his lips with his tongue. Forth looks sexy when he's playing guitar. But Beam soon regained his senses and returned to focus on the road.

"What kind of man does Mae mean?" asked Beam irritably.

"It's obvious, he looks like a bad boy. But seeing him get in. he is  not stupid" said his mother. Beam didn't say anything. At least he was happy that there was something his mother praised Forth.

"We only went out drinking a few times," Beam said.

"With you and him in one club, Mae sure all women will find it difficult to hold themselves" teased his mother.

Beam rolled his eyes

"So why did Mae come to Bangkok?" Beam tries to change the subject.

"Mae had a trial yesterday. So why not take you home as well. You haven't returned home in six months. Is there something holding you back?" asked his mother.

"Of course there is. Lecture and Mae's annoying attitude that continues to interrogate me. That is the reason Beam is reluctant to come home," Beam said, showing a thin smile.

 Beam's Mae shook her head "You're not cute at all. Why isn't there my son who is sweet and innocent. Oh look at this. He looks cute here !!" shouted Beam's mother happily. 

Beam glanced back at his mother's cellphone. His mother showed a photo of Forth who was laughing at the camera. Beam bit his lower lip. His mother made him miss Forth.

"Stop checking the social media," protested Beam.

"Why? Can't Mae enjoy the beauty of God's creation? After all, social media is for the public to see"

 Beam's Mae suddenly fell silent when she saw a Photo of Beam and Forth.

"With friends (With Fheun)" wrote Forth. Beam's Mae noticed the way Forth put his hand on Beam's shoulder. Forth uploaded his personal photo, a photo of him and his family, as well as a picture of him with his friends but only this photo shows him and  beam. Just the two of you without another crowd.

"What kind of person is Forth?" asked Beam's mother suddenly.

Beam does not look at his mother and just stares at the street "He is like an alpha in a wolf pack. A leader who is respected by many of his friends. He is also loyal. He ..." Beam stopped before he opened his mouth any further "... Good friend" Beam replied.

"Um ...." replied  Beam's Mae without saying anything else. He continues to pay attention to Forth's social media. She chuckled irritably. If Beam had the social media, she could investigate them further but there was not much she could get out of it. Looks like Forth also doesn't allow his friends to tag him.

Her mother followed Forth's friends and was bored because she didn't find anything.

"We're here," Beam said as they walked through the gates of their house. Her mother raised her face from her cellphone and smiled.

"finally arrivedooooo" said her mother as she stretched her body after a long 3 hour trip to Amphawa. Beam stared at the two-story building in front of him. The house is dominated by glass.

At the back of his house, flowing the Mae Klong river. Beam can see the Mae Klong river from his bedroom window and if he is lucky, in winter, he can see the fireflies flying along the Mae Klong river. But because of pollution, it rarely happens these days.

Beam got out of his car and stretched his body.

"I'm home" he whispered.


Beam went up to the second floor and put his bag on the table. He looked at his room. Nothing has changed. It's still the same as when he left. Beam walked over to the window and pulled open the blinds. He opened the window and enjoyed the fresh breeze that blew into his room. Beam jumped up and lay down on his bed. It feels good to lie down after driving for 3 hours.

Beam reached into his cellphone and opened his and forth's chat page. It has become a habit for him and Forth to notify each other's whereabouts. Forth doesn't ask him but Beam knows, Forth will be worried if Beam doesn't give news and so does Beam.

Beam smiled as he replied to Forth's message. Forth invites him to vacation to his house. Of course he didn't mind. To be honest, he also wanted to invite Forth to his house. He and forth could go along the Mae Klong river by canoe. Then go around the floating market. But seeing the nature of her mother, he won't be able to hide their relationship if he brings Forth. Forth doesn't need to say anything and his parents will know their relationship just by watching how Forth treats him for a few minutes. Forth never took his eyes off him and always smiled stupidly every time they met. Besides that, Forth always sticks to him. Not to mention the way Forth spoke to him. So Beam eliminates the idea of ​​bringing Forth to his house.

"Beam, what do you want to eat?" Suddenly Beam's mother came in and sat down on her bed. Beam rolled his eyes in annoyance and stuck his cellphone in his trouser pocket.

"Pizza" replied Beam, shifting his sleeping position so that his mother could lie on his bed

"Ok pizza" said Mrs. Beam as she typed something on her cellphone "finished" she said happily.Beam's Father and Mother don't cook. Usually there are always servants who cook for them or they will buy from outside.

"How is school?" Asked his mother.

Beam lying down and staring into the window of his room "Not bad" he replied "Beam is better than Kit" he replied satisfied

 Beam'a Mae smiled but her face suddenly turned serious a second later. "Beam" she called out while tapping Beam's shoulder.

"Um ...." replied Beam lazily without looking at his mother.

"Mae heard that Phana is dating a man. The news about him is spreading. One moon is dating another moon. It's really surprising. Wasn't he a playboy back then ???"

Beam sighed. His mom is totally internet maniac.

"Phana has liked Wayo since he was in high school. It's just that Phana was too cowardly. he is afraid of the views of people and her parents. Thank God s

he's better now" Beam replied.

"Um ... that's how it seems" said Beam's Mae, staring at Beam's ceiling.

"How about you? You don't mind their relationship?" Asked Beam's Mae suddenly. Beam froze in place for a moment. He didn't think his mother would ask him this.

"Phana is still Phana. After all, he turned into a soft teddy bear after meeting Wayo so why should Beam mind" Beam tried to answer as casually as possible. Beam's Mae nodded. Beam tilted his body and looked at his mother.

"What about Mae? If ...." Beam is a little hesitant but because the direction of their conversation is already flowing this way, why not try it at once "... IF Beam or Tae falls in love with a man, will Mae mind?" He asked.

Beam's Mae is shocked. She tilted her body and stared at Beam closely. His son Beam is so handsome. Every friend who saw Beam will praise Beam's good looks. Beam is smart too. But not once did Beam bring his girlfriend home. Beam never even talked about relationships with her. So hearing Beam ask her about this, she was quite shocked.

"Um ...."Beam's Mae thought hard for a moment as she stroked her chin. A habit that Beam's Mae does when she's serious. After thinking for a moment she stopped stroking her chin and glared at Beam "To be honest of course Mae feels worried if you or Tae likes a man. Mae is worried whether he is serious about you? Is he a good person? What does he want from you? Things like that. Not only in men. If you like women, Mae also feels the same worry. What if the woman is not good and only wants your property "she replied.

Beam was surprised to hear his mother's answer but he smiled faintly. He understood what his mother meant.

"So, if you are really serious about someone then bring him here. Mae wants to see what kind of person can win your hearts" said Mrs. Beam with a gentle smile.

Beam fell silent at his mother's statement. Suddenly he felt relieved, like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Beam looked down and bit his lower lip. "Thank you mae" he replied.

 Beam's Mae wanted to say something but suddenly the sound of the bell stopped them.

"Our pizza" said  Beam's Mae as she ran out of Beam's room. Beam was silent as he stared at his mother's back who disappeared from behind the door. Beam let out a sigh of relief when he returned alone. He turned his body and stared at the ceiling of his room.

His mother's words rang in his ears

"if you are really serious about someone then bring him here"

Beam grabbed his cellphone and opened his chat page and Forth. Beam hesitated for a moment but after typing, deleting, and retyping the message several times, Beam finally decided to send the message.

"Ai forth. Next semester holiday, will you come to my house?" asked Beam. Beam waited long enough for a message from Forth. After Forth didn't even read his message, Beam went downstairs and ate with his mother. They talk about his father and younger brother Tae.

Not long after, Beam felt his cell phone vibrate. He opened the message from Forth and smiled happily.

"Of course I want. I don't mind driving to Amphawa" answered Forth.

Beam's Mae noticed how her son Beam smiled softly as he stared at his cellphone. "Who?" he asked.

Beam took his eyes off his cellphone "friend" he replied, biting his pizza.

"Forth?" asked Beam's mother.

Beam surprised "How do you know?" asked Beam in surprise.

His mother smiled and looked at the gentle Beam "Instinct" he replied.

She didn't want to tell Beam that Beam always had the same expression every time he talked about Forth. Although Beam is very good at covering up his emotions from others, she has lived with Beam for decades. She can tell when Beam is happy, angry, sad, upset, just by looking at Beam's expression and small body movements. Beam's eyes always sparkled and Beam always smiled thinly when he talked about Forth. Something Beam's first time doing.

Mrs. Beam was curious. What kind of man is this Jaturapoom Jamornhum.


In the evening, the Vongviphan family gathered and they decided to have dinner downtown. They eat around the Floating Market. Beam stared into the restaurant window and saw a floating market which was still busy even though it was night.

"Pho glad you can go home" said Beam's Father. Beam looked away and smiled

"He came home because Mae forced him," Tae replied curtly. Tae's answer made Beam beat Tae's head slowly on the back. Tae dramatically cried out in pain. Beam just rolled his eyes.

He and Tae have different skin colors. Beam inherited his mother's Chinese blood. Her skin is white. Meanwhile, Tae inherited his father's brown skin.

"You haven't seen each other in a while, try to get along a little," hissed  Beam's Mae.

"That's right. We haven't met for a long time. Try calling me Phi" said Beam, looking at Tae with a big smile.

"In your dream" Tae replied while not taking his eyes off his cellphone. Beam chuckled before he hit Tae's back again.

"Pho! Look !!" Tae protested.

Beam's Mother and Father  could only shake their heads to see the two of them. They could only pray to Buddha that the two of them would be better off with each other in the future. But it looks like the two of them still have to pray even harder because all night Tae and Beam didn't stop fighting. They fight about trivial things like Beam eating Tae's shrimp mayonies or who is the best NBA basketball player of the year. They fought incessantly so that their parents gave up and decided to go home.

Beam breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at his room. Finally he could feel peace. He decided to sleep. Today is such a long day. But no matter how long he closed his eyes, Beam couldn't sleep. Maybe because last night he slept with Forth so that tonight he felt so lonely. He stared at the side of his empty bed. Beam sighed. He missed Forth.

Beam looked ahead and saw Forth's turtleneck sweater that he put on his study chair. An idea flashed in his head. He got out of bed and walked over to his study chair. He grabbed Forth's turtleneck sweater and went back to bed. Beam hugged the sweater. His scent mixed with Forth's scent. Makes him feel a little calmer. But it also makes homesickness even more passionate. So he grabbed his cellphone and dialed Forth's number.

"Hello" Forth answered Beam's call on the first ring.

"Hi Forth" replied Beam happily.

"How are you?" asked Forth

Beam changes his position so he can call Forth more comfortably "Tiring but also fun" replied Beam "How about you?" he asked. he was glad he could hear Forth's voice.

"Very very tiring. I have to follow Tee's wishes all day long" replied Forth. Beam laughed. Forth shows Beam a photo of his chubby nephew. Beam immediately fell in love.

"What are you doing?" asked Forth. Beam fell silent. He looked at Forth's sweater which now covered his chest.

"I'm hugging your sweater," Beam replied in his sexy voice. Forth's heart stopped beating. His face turned red.

"Damn Beam. Don't tease me" protested Forth. Forth's answer made Beam laugh violently.

"But I'm telling the truth. I miss you. This sweater reminds me of your scent. So ...."

Beam's words didn't make Forth any better. Now he's thinking of something else. Like how Beam touched his own body while hugging his sweater.

"Arghhhhh !!!!" Forth suddenly screamed because of his dirty thoughts.

Beam laughed. He knew what Forth was thinking but he was clearly not doing what Forth was thinking. Thinking of his parents who were in the lower room, made him lose his passion.

"You dirty brain," said Beam.

Forth groaned irritated "Whose fault" he accused.

Beam scowled "Don't blame me, even if I don't do anything and just sit at the study table, you'll still have 1001 dirty fantasies about me" Beam replied.

Forth chuckled because of course Beam's words were correct.

"It's because you're too sexy" answered Forth in his deep voice. Forth's voice that sounded in Beam's ears made Beam's heart tremble. He remembered how last night Forth did not stop controlling his body and whispered the word 'sexy' into his ear.

"Arghhhhh !!!" this time the screaming Beam was annoyed.

Forth laughed at his successful attempt to tease Beam. Then the two of them tease each other, fight, and talk about everything until both of them fall asleep with their cellphones still attached to their ears.


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