By Ggladayss

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"I may not be able to defeat you as a werewolf, but I will defeat you as SCARLETT." After losing her parents... More

Chapter 1
who am I
Chapter 2
Cold Feet
Chapter 3
Welcoming the Luna.
Welcoming the Luna2
Welcoming The Luna 3
Chapter 4
Clarifications and Discoveries
Chapter 5
Unexpected Return.
Dreams explained
Chapter 6
The Roadmare
Chapter 7
What Actually Happened

The last person He wanted to see.

41 4 0
By Ggladayss

Brandon's Pov.

Jason and I got into the truck and drove off to town, I didn't feel good, leaving Scarr I know she thinks she is okay but I still have a bad feeling about all this, I mean she was sleeping in midair, why would her spirit take control of her in her sleep like that?

"She was sleep Fighting" my wolf August reminded me his deep voice echoing in my head

"I know August but if it was a dream then why were her reactions so real? I mean my ribs still hurt from the force I was slammed into the wall with."

"You're over thinking, our mate is fine"

"What is he saying?" Jason asked driving me out of my thoughts.


"August,, your eyes keep changing colour and I've been having a conversation with myself for the last three minutes so tell me."

"Its nothing dude we were just worried about Scarrlet that's all." I answered honestly and he let it slide, talking about random stuff mostly about Emily.

We got to the theater and all those bimbos were throwing looks at us like we would propose to them, and that dick Tony was sucking up like he usually does, this idiot ain't getting promoted anytime soon. Ignoring all that shit, we inspected the place, took necessary reports, then we sat all day in the office working on the ledgers.

"Dude this numbers just don't add up some fucker here is stealing from us."

"Stupid humans with lack of appreciation how dare they steal from us? isn't it enough that we have employed them and pay them well?"

"Don't worry we'll figure it out"

"No Jason, to top it off, we risk our lives every night, protecting them from that devil, look at how much Scarr
is suffering now."

"Getting worked up won't help with anything This is easy we will just hire a private investigator who will help us find the thief okay, now let's go grab something to eat because you my friend are obviously fucking stressed.

"Come on let's go to the burger hub and we will discuss a suitable PI to hire." Jason said handing me my Jacket and we both left I didn't know why I was so angry. I just had this sudden built up anger and I really have no explanation for it

We got to the burger hub had a meal, I consulted Jason a bit about my worries for Scarr, but as usual he told me to relax, and that it's probably stress

We had the rest of our meal talking about random stuff after searching for PIs on google and made a list of the five best.

When we were done, I felt a whole lot better and we got up to leave, but my peace and calm was  short lived as we bumped into my least favorite person who almost ruined everything for me.

I tried walking past him, Jason walking behind me but the idiot recognized me and actually had the nerves to fucking speak to me.

"Hey we never got a chance to get Acquainted, I'm William." He said stretching out his hand for me to shake, I looked bit him and his filthy hand, he wasn't too bad looking and he was actually giving off a positive polite vibe, but come on I'm the Fucking Alpha, I'm not about to play nice with a human, let alone one who has a history with my Luna. I'm guessing Jason sensed my resentment towards the guy because he took his hand and shook it instead.

"I know who you are William."I replied in a cold bitter tone turning to leave but he wasn't getting the message.

"Ohh,, I guess Scarr must have told you about us." He said smiling and Upon hearing the mention of scarr"s name I couldn't help but want to punch him right between the eyes, my hands automatically balled up in feasts ready to break his nose but Jason caught it before I could even attempt to throw it.

"Stop reading my actions Jason." I mind linked him pissed that he kept protecting this useless human

"What the hell are you doing bro? This is not the time or the place, get a grip."

He responded before introducing both Himself and I to this William.

"Anyway we've got to run, It was nice meeting you though."Jason said and I was the first one out the door, but what he said next made me stop in my tracks this idiot absolutely cannot read vibes, and he has some nerves

"Thanks, hey we should hang out sometime,, I just got back in town and all I see are new faces it wouldn't hurt getting to know some." Jason knew better than to respond, he opened his mouth to say something but immediately shut it.

"Don't you have any childhood friends?" I asked mockingly

"The only Childhood friend I had was Scarr." Instead of saying or doing anything I decided to walk out of the place.

"Dude what is wrong with your fucking temper today? And That  guy he seemed...."



"I said shut up"

"What the? You don't tell me to shut up when you almost fucked u.p"

"Something is watching us," I mindlinked him.

"Like what?"

"I don't know but I'm gonna check"


"Follow me."

I walked slowly towards the bushes following the sounds i heard, the foreign scent and the loud nervous heartbeat that I could hear from miles away, getting there, the spot was empty but it's body heat and scent were still lingering around, I adjusted my vision to see the stalker running off deep into the woods, it wasn't far out of sight and definitely couldn't outrun us  so we quickly shifted and ran after it. It definitely knew the right corners to turn which gave us a hard time but in the end we had it trapped. It tried to growl and if I could I would have laughed at it's pathetic attempt to intimidate us. I slapped it once, my claws digging a little into it's neck causing it to whimper and hit a tree and it was lights out for the little mutt.

We dragged it back to our car and placed it in the trunk Jason making sure to mask his scent incase someone came looking for him.

We got to the pack house, took him to the basement, I would have preferred keeping him in the shack as I don't want to invite evil inside my house but I couldn't risk him escaping, I wanted to milk as much information as I could from him. It's obvious who sent him, but what could the devil want this time around because if he is trying to get to my Luna then he has another thing coming. The pack warriors have been doing some intense complex training this past few weeks and were more than ready for anything Hunter and Christian had them training like their lives depended on it.

We tied his hand up suspended from the roof and encircled some wolfsbane powder around him, it wasn't good for us also but we put some tear gas masks on. The powder would help weaken him up totally disabling him from doing anything, as it will slowly begin to poison his lungs.

I called a few of the guys but I kept Scarr, Megan, Kiley and Diane out of it, Scarr needs to focus on getting better and honestly I don't think knowing about this mutt will do any difference.

Jason Poured a bucket of water over his head and the idiot woke up like he was drowning, only to realize the position he was in. He Coughed hard probably because the poison in the admosphere had gotten to him.

Jason gave him a hard punch in the stomach and he caughed out his own blood.

We all watched him cough trying to struggle out of the position he was in. Jason,Brent, Alex and I, each one of us stood in different positions looking at the weak mammal that was sent to spy on us. Hunter, Vivian and Christian were busy with training as well as Meg, Kiley,and Scarr, they were helping Scarr with her training.

"Why are you keeping me here? My Master will come to get me very soon and you all will be sorry." He spat angrily but we all left the room without saying anything, switched the light off and locked the sound proof room that was way deep into the ground for anyone to hear him or even be able to mind link him,It was like this for the whole week no one ever spoke to him we would walk it, silently beat the shit out of him and leave him mumbling shit about his master, that was plan and it was working perfectly the mutt will reveal information without even realizing it. This idiot will regret the day he ever agreed to work for that devil, I will torture him so bad he will wish to go back to his puppy days and start his life afresh. I will show him the real monster in me, if people thought I was horrible before, well this idiot will get the worst of it, he will feel the wrath of an Alpha.

Scarr POV.

Training was so extreme today, I spent all afternoon in the forest racing against Kiley and Meg and of course I was winning and beating up all the surprise traps and obstacles they had set up for me. A ware wolf had natural fighting instincts but they still had us train our wolves so that we wouldn't one day find ourselves in compromising positions.

That part of training was over. Meg and Kiley had been nagging me to teach them the hunter's fighting skills because that's all I grew up doing and was actually very good at it, their reason being so that they can be able to predict the hunter's move if ever a fight happened, or so they would be able to fight like them in case they find themselves in trouble in the human world. I agreed to teach them but before doing so I rushed to the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the fridge and quickly gulped it down letting the cold liquid moisten my throat while cooling my temperature. The house was pretty much empty since everyone was out and about and I hadn't seen Brandon since this morning, and he has been acting wierd and scarce all week. I quickly went up to our room to get my bag full of all the weapons a hunter uses, well only the old fashioned equipment like my usual blades, pocket knives and axes in different sizes.

I hurried down the stairs out the back door in the kitchen but I came to a halt when my eyes met with a very unfamiliar person. I gasped as her back was facing me busy looking for something in the fridge. She turned around to look at me and I was blown away, because wow Angelina Jolie was standing in the middle of our kitchen. She looked Amazing, he long straight brown hair covered he shoulders running nicely along her open back. She had curves for days and a very beautiful boosom.

"Uh ahem! Can I help you?" If I wasn't a girl I would have proposed to her and called it love at first sight because of how beautiful she looked.

"Oh exuse me im sorry, hi I'm Hannah."

"Scarlett." I said. "How can I help you?"

"Oh so you are the infamous Scarlett.the "NEW LUNA" she airquoted the last words rolling her eyes and I got the feeling that pretty princesses here must have a pretty ugly heart.

"Yes that is me." I said sounding a little bit more formal than before.

"Oh my gosh I wish I could say it's an honor to meet you."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean look at you! How do these poor wolfs bow down to..".(she roamed her eyes and hands all over me)  "THIS??"

"How can...."

"No! No! No! Don't speak to me LUNA, I don't want your hediousness to rub off on me, look at you, so sweaty." She said  pinching her nose."

"I'm sorry but I will not.. ."

"Aw sweety! I feel so sorry for you, whatever he sees in you, Brandon will never love you like he loves me. He's just with you because you're his mate, you will never mean anything more, he just needs the power."

"Hannah??!!" Megan called out from behind me looking a bit worried. "what are you doing here?"

"Oh Meg Darling, I'm so happy to see you." She pushed past me shoving my shoulder and I couldn't believe the Audacity this bitch had, forget it forget everything I said about her and tell Angelina Jolie that I apologise for comparing this monster bitch with her.

"I'm here to see Brandon where is he?" A scowl appeared on my face upon hearing her mention Brandon's name and I saw Megan Tense up.

"Oh my Goodness you're so sweaty too, what is she doing to all of you?"

"I can't take this shit!" I slammed my hand on the counter before walking out of the kitchen back into the backyard where Kiley had set up the boards for target practice. I threw my bag on the ground quickly unzipped it and started throwing weapons at the targets it wasn't hard hitting a target on point all I had to do was picture the Bitch face that I just saw a few minutes ago. Kiley tried to say something  I wasn't listening to her, I was so angry at that Hannah girl, who the hell does she think she is to come here and judge my fucking sweat.

A few minutes later Megan come out and also began saying something but I had completely blocked everything and everyone out. Focusing on my targets.

"Scarr please calm down!!"

"Scarlett your flaming red, please calm down your going to burn down the entire forest." I didn't even realize it because I was feeling so cold and angry, I was furious to say the least and I think my powers felt that too because Sabrina my wolf definitely wasn't pleased if it wasn't for the self control I had on Sabrina, she would have killied that Bitch right there in that kitchen

"Kiley run get Diane." I realized that my feet were no longer on the ground and the metal axe I held in my had had turned molten red. I looked at it and at the surrounding Megan was crying crazing screaming out Brandon's name.

I don't know what was happening to me, I wanted to stop before any more damage could happen but I didn't know how to stop.

"Scarlett your scaring me please, Brandon come out!!"

"Take a deep breath in." An unfamiliar voice said and I did as I was told.

"Think happy thoughts, think sunshine, rainbows, happy days."

"I can't exactly think sunshine and rainbows I hate them, and I don't really have the happiest of days." I replied then I realized that the conversation was all in my head the voice talking to me was in my head.

"Okay let's do this again, think of  your happiest memory."

I thought long and hard about that then finally it came to me.

**Flash back**

It was back when I was still working at the theater, Tony had gotten supper pissed that night because I didn't replace the burnt out stage bulbs and it was not even my fucking duty.

I walked home angry that night after doing every fucking duty in that theater, I didn't even get paid enough for all the shit I did. I turned the corner and knew I had an abnormal inhumane friend waiting for me, but I wasn't really in the mood for seeing him.

"Come on go home I don't wanna talk to anyone tonight. I just want to be alone." I said after hearing heavy food steps behind me. But the creature didn't budge it just kept following behind  and I got really pissed lashing out at it.

"Oh for fucks sakes just go away and leave me the fuck alone I'm really not....."

I didn't not get to finish off what I was saying because the creature started crying and whining making me feel bad, I gave it  a hug then it started licking my face, then when I continued to walk it began pushing me in a different direction towards the forest.
."what? "

I don't know what I was expecting it's not like it would reply  and suddenly talk to me, it was giant fluffy Dog.

It pushed me until I followed it into the forest. I don't know why I was so trusting towards the creature but I just felt safe around it, and never imagined being harmed by it.

It stopped walking and I almost bumped into it. It moved infront of me to reveal the most amazing view ever, it was a view of the city below, and it looked amazing all the lights together made the whole city look like a treasure chest full of Gold.

"How did you know I needed this?" I asked sitting down on a rock besides it and rested my head on its fluffy warmth. Sitting there besides a mystic creature I didn't know, I felt a certain calm and wished the sun wouldn't come out so that this moment would never end. Then I remembered that I still had a meatball sub in my bag, I didn't get to have lunch because of that dick Tony.

I pulled it out and shared it with the doggy D. Sharing some laughs with it .

*End of flash back*

I felt calmer thinking about that day and most importantly now knowing that the whole time I was with Brandon I smiled.

"I'm so sorry for doing this to you Scarlett, I just get so angry and feel the need to react out." The voice said before disappearing and I found myself on the ground surrounded by a crying Megan. A worried looking Brandon, Kiley and Diane.

"I'm Cold." Those are the last words I remember saying before lights out.

This fainting thing really needs to stop, I can't keep on passing out everytime my spirit takes control of me.

I woke up a few minutes later wrapped in a blanket on the couch everyone giving me looks of pity and remorse.

"Dude Scarr I don't know the kind of crack you're into but you need to tell your supplier to take things down a notch this shit is going to kill you." Jason joked laughing at his own joke and I could only smile at him.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Fine, where is Brandon?" I asked and noticed everyone tense up.

"He,,, he has some business to take care of."

"Without you?" Brandon never went anywhere without Jason.

"It's still around the area."

"Ohh. I'll be upstairs then, I need to take a shower." I said getting up to leave and thankfully no one made a fuss


Excuse the errors I didn't proof read this one I just wanted to give y'all an update.


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