Johnny V. Orlando Imagines :)

By madi_marth

198K 2.5K 756

short stories of you and Johnny Orlando :) Italics within the story are the pov's thoughts. dual pov's, almos... More

face reveal + sum !!
Would you Rather?
I'll do it
Truth Or Dare
Ex-Boyfriend Tag
I don't Want her! I want you.
It feels right
Basket Ball love
Jealousy Overtakes me
Please don't hurt me Johnny...
Already Broken
Birthday Suprise
100 thoughts...
stupid projects and popular boys
babygirl ;)
midnight drives
princess :(
anything for you
late night pool parties
can't help falling in love
dear diary,
dear diary, pt 2
detention pt. 2
the one with the proposal pt. 1
the one with the proposal pt. 2
life stuck in quarantine with Johnny would look like...
familiarity pt. 2
familiarity pt. 3
going on tour with Johnny would include:
teaser: this damned school play
this damned school play pt. 1
this damned school play pt. 3
this damned school play pt. 4
this damned school play pt. 5
OUR BABY'S 18!!!
of hockey games and bathroom charades
update: mob!john au

this damned school play pt. 2

1.1K 34 22
By madi_marth

quick a/n: just as i went to start writing this part i see that this book is aT 100K READS ONCE AGAIN !!! thank u guys sososo much <3

John's pov / monday night

I couldn't lie and tell her that she wouldn't make it into the play. of course she could, being the gorgeous and talented lady that she is. honestly, i'm beyond happy for y/n. by auditioning for the play she's putting herself out there, and she seemed ecstatic about it.

the only thing that i'm worried about is how good she is at acting. there is a humungous chance she'll get the role of Juliet. hell, there's not a shed of doubt in my mind she will. but that means that whomever gets the roll of Romeo would get to spend almost all of her- our free time together. they'll get to hold her, see her eyes and freckles up close and kiss her. all of the things I should be doing.

so, maybe i'm getting jealous at the mere thought of it. but I can't help it. y/n is my happy place, she brings me all the joy in the world and more. I wanna be around her all the time, hear her voice every second of the day and I crave the feel of her warm, soft skin against mine, always.

i'm more than infatuated with her, i'm in love with her, I thought.

reaching out to my nightstand, I blindly grab my phone in the darkness. my eyes squinted at the light of the screen for a second as I unlocked it and opened our messages.

to: angel face

goodnight, princesa

I sat my phone back on the table and shut my eyes, finally deciding what I was to do and drifting to sleep.


tuesday / 2:34pm

the majority of my school day I spent trying to find the perfect monologue to audition with. of course, with the exception of fourth period, where I devoted most of my time to teasing y/n.

my plan is simple. i'm going to audition tomorrow - since y/n is auditioning today - hopefully be the best male option they've got and get the part of Romeo. if it backfires and I don't get the part then i'll just have to live with the jealousy- or if I do get the part and y/n doesn't then i'll just drop out of it.

maybe there are other reasonable ways to deal with my dilemma. but this feels like it could start something new between us. plus, it wasn't as nerve racking as just telling her straight how I feel.

the only reason i'm keeping my plan to audition from y/n is because there's no telling how she'll feel about it.

as I went to scroll through Instagram I received a text from her.

from: angel face

u coming to my audition?

to: angel face

you want me to?

from: angel face

ofc i want u there bubs!! m'gonna need ur emotional support :)

to: angel face

then i'll be there

and you'll do great, princesa

but good luck anyways

from: angel face


i'm trying to not over-think the last message. y/n is always sending me mixed signals, or maybe I just think too much into everything she says and does. she'll kiss my cheek, acting all flirty one day and the next I overhear her talking to Lauren about how she doesn't have 'eyes' on anyone.

maybe my hints aren't getting through to her? maybe she just doesn't feel the same. theres no way of telling unless I face my feelings head-on.

and now i'm just as conflicted as I was last night.

the dismissal bell rang through my fifth period class. only then I realized how tensed my face was, eyebrows furrowed, noticeable frown, eyes narrowed and my nose scrunched. i'd been staring at the heart for the past few minutes.

I rushed, gathering all of my books and leaving the classroom. at my locker I shoved everything in my backpack, zipping it and heading for the auditorium. i'd probably sit in the back so no teachers would see me and think I was auditioning- today, at least.

opening one of the double doors as quietly as possible, I stepped into the huge room. someone was already on stage reciting something for their audition. in three chairs a few feet from the stage were - I guess - the organizers of the play. Ms. Cullen was easy to make out by the back of her head, but I didn't recognize the other two.

there were a couple of people scattered around in random seats around the place. but no one in the back row, so I sat in the very middle of it. the stage was centered in front of me and it was easy enough to hear what was happening up front.

it dawned on me that Lauren and Maddie were most likely waiting for us in the parking lot. I typed a quick message to Laur that I was staying after to get some extra help with some chemistry work. a white lie never hurt anyone. then quickly added that y/n was talking about auditioning today in fourth. that was not a white lie, she was.

looking up from my phone, my eyes fell on y/n walking onto the stage from behind the curtain. she had a confident smile on her lips whilst introducing herself. though, by the way she was constantly messing with her hair I could tell the nerves were getting to her.

one of the teachers I didn't know gave her the 'ok' to start. that second her eyes darted around the empty seats, spotting me. her smile grew bigger when I gave her two thumbs up.

with a deep breath and a quick change of facial expression, she started.

"don't you dare walk away from me! and don't tell me you're sorry! and don't tell me to forget it, and don't you dare tell me to "let it go." God, knows, i'd like to. I wish I could, but I can't! I can't forget that we had something, and you're running away! don't you see, Mark? you're running from what i've searched for all my life!" y/n sniffled a little, for dramatic effect and wiped - what I think was a real tear - away. "can you honestly stand there and tell me I mean nothing to you? that everything that happened that night- everything that happened between us, was a lie?" she emphasized, voice quivering slightly by the end.

and that was it. y/n's face turned neutral again while the teachers took a few moments to write some stuff down. I couldn't be bothered to care what it was they're writing, she was amazing and I was stunned.

a overwhelming feeling of pride and fondness flooded my senses and before I could stop myself I was giving her a standing ovation. even when I saw the teachers jump from the sudden noise and turn to look at me; students around the room doing the same, I didn't stop. the sound of my clapping filled the auditorium.

Ms. Cullen gave me an amused look, with raised eyebrows and a small smile. the other two - who I now knew were the school librarian and the only other theater teacher in this school - looked awfully confused. but all I could think about was how red y/n's face was and the fact that I made her blush.

my hands slowed to a stop. "Mr. Orlando, if that is all you may take a seat now." Ms. Cullen said slowly and I nodded even slower, sinking back into my seat. the three turned back to y/n. "y/n, that was a very impressive performance," our teacher started.

"we'll definitely be keeping you in mind." the librarian lady finished, probably smiling at her. by the back of her head I couldn't be sure.

my girl- y/n, I caught myself. she's not my girl. I mean, sure, maybe in my head she is. in the scenarios I conduct at night she is, but not here she isn't. not in reality.

y/n nodded happily, with glee written all over her face and the tiniest bit of blush still adorning her cheeks. her eyes found me a last time before she walked off the stage. I could still feel some stares from the kids scattered all over the auditorium, until redirecting to the next person walking to center stage.

my phone pinged in my front pocket (bc lets be honest what guy doesn't keep his phone in his front pocket?) and on the lock screen it showed a text from angel face.

from: angel face

walking me home or not Mr. Orlando?

to: angel face

i'd be honored Ms. l/n

I was already up and out of the double doors as quietly as I entered.

from: angel face

meet me around back, we'll take the trail

to: angel face

sure thing

to the few kids and staff I passed in the halls on my way to the back doors of the school, I most likely looked like I just passed a test I was sure to fail. I was basically skipping with the biggest smile on my face.

i'm happy. just as I always am to see her, spend time with her- personally my favorite way to spend time.

pushing open the door, I see her leaned up against the brick wall of the building.

"that performance," I make a 'phew' sound, stopping just a foot in front of her. she looks up to me. "outstanding, truly."

y/n laughs and links her arm with mine. "I could tell you thought so, with the standing ovation and all." we start towards the forest entrance, where the trail to our street leads. "you really had Ms. Cullen doing a double take. watching us bicker for an hour straight everyday, and then suddenly you're present for my audition and clapping enough for the whole school." my face starts to heat up and I look away from her with a light laugh, hoping she won't notice.

tree's surrounded us. sunlight only hitting us through creaks and creases of the trees leaves. we made small talk about any and everything. our dreams, worst fears and everything in between. I swear I could talk to her for hours and hours without getting bored of it.

the dirt path underneath of us narrowed the more we walked and by the time we made it to the end she was pressed against my side. if she didn't mind, I sure as hell didn't.

y/n's house came into view first and she removed her arm from around mine. "so, I can't meet you at the spot tonight." she seemed really upset, twiddling her fingers. "I have a doctors appointment in an hour or two and we won't be back until like nine or ten tonight."

"that's alright, angel." her face lights up at the name. "i've got a lot of homework to catch up on anyways. you always seem to find a way of distracting me." I lie about the homework, i'm actually going to be practicing my monologue. I didn't lie about her distracting me.

she scoffs and shoves my shoulder, playfully. "no I don't! you're just lazy, Orlando."

I stick my bottom lip out. "oh, art thou has brokeneth my heart." y/n giggles cutely at my joke. it goes quiet between us, but we're just smiling at each other.

suddenly, she's on her tippy toes and pressing her lips to my cheek. the action was so quick I would've missed it if I blinked. what I couldn't have missed was the shivers I got and the feeling of her soft lips on my skin.

"bye, John." y/n walks up the walkway to her front door. "and, please, don't attempt to quote Shakespeare anymore!" she says before entering her house and shutting the door.

can't promise you that, angel.


wednesday / 8:26am

after studying and practicing my monologue for hours on end last night, I finally felt confident enough for today. still, I kept the printed paper in my backpack so I could look it over before the actual audition.

I tried to dress more formal, a white button up shirt with khakis and a pair of plain white white vans. my family didn't question my style change, so I hoped no one at school would either. no one needed to know I was auditioning for the school play- let alone hoping for the part of Romeo.

Maddie was letting me drive again today, which was kind considering it was her car and she has voiced more than once that my driving 'wasn't the safest.'

we - me, Lauren and Maddie - sat out front of y/n's house waiting for her to come out. my eyes are trained on the sidewalk, right where we stood not even twenty-four hours earlier. I thought about how bad I wished she had missed my cheek and planted a kiss right on my-

her front door opened and she walked out, looking like an angel as always. she wore loose ripped jeans, a plain red cropped shirt with buttons going down the middle and puffed sleeves (cuz im obsessed) and a pair of plain Air Forces.

she sent me a soft smile until Lauren was urging her to get in the car. "okay, okay! Laur i'm coming, hold your horses." once I made sure that she had put her seat belt on I pulled away form her house and started towards the school.

"so, l/n how was your appointment yesterday?" I let the question slip before I realized how weird it must've sounded coming from me.

y/n's wide eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. "you had an appointment yesterday? . . . and John knew about it?" Lauren asked her with a confusion laced voice.

she sputtered a few sounds out, obviously trying to come up with an explanation. "well, uh, he finished up whatever he was doing after school around the same time my audition was over. so, you know we walked home together." y/n explained. "no biggie."

"oh . . . " Laur trailed off. "so how did it go?"


entering the lunch room the smell of greasy pizza filled my nose. the room wasn't full yet and y/n wasn't here but my friends were at our usual table. after I got a piece of pizza and a water from the line I sat with my friends.

every minute or so i'd glance up at her normal seat, until finally she appeared. her back was to me but I could tell she was laughing with her friends.

to: angel face

you look beautiful, princesa

from: angel face

as opposed to any other day ?

to: angel face

you know I think your the most beautiful woman ever, all the time

she turned in her seat to look at me with her lip between her teeth. I winked at her and looked away before anyone around us noticed.

from: angel face

thanks johnnybear

n why are u dressed so fancy ?

to: angel face

what? you don't think I look nice?

from: angel face

no no no ofc u look nice

handsome even

i wus just wonderin

to: angel face

thanks angel and idk just wanted to switch it up

"ooh, who're you texting?" Hayden says, trying to lean in and see more. I lock my phone just in time and he furrows his eyebrows. "you can't show me and you're blushing!" he raises his voice near the end of his sentence, making the whole table look at us.

across from me Darius squints his eyes at me. "what? you got a girlfriend, John?" quickly, I shake my head no but none of the boys look like they believe me. "is it who I think it is?"

there's no way he's thinking of who I think he is, I thought.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I lie through my teeth. finally, someone says something totally off the topic of my love life and everyone seems to forget it. though, the last time I make eye contact with Darius all lunch he has a knowing smile on his face and i'm sure i'm screwed.


I go on stage for my audition in T - five minutes. just then it hits me that i'll have to make up another lie to hide the fact that i'm not riding home with Laur and y/n. texting Lauren, I say that i'm staying after again to finish a math test. she knows I hate math and she'll believe it.

taking the few minutes I have left, I look over the monologue briefly.

then, before I know it the guy before me is walking back stage and it's my turn. I inhale a deep breath and walk out to the center of the stage, in front of the librarian, Ms. Cullen and the other theater teacher.

"ah," Ms. Cullen muses. "Mr. Orlando, what a pleasant surprise."

and the end of part 2, I had to fit a couple of days in there to make sure there wasn't going to be 10+ parts to this story!!!

anyways i luh u all sm and thanks SM FOR GETTING THIS BOOK TO 104K READS WHILST I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THIS :,) means the world, honestly.

have a great night/ day/ evening !

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