By NotOurGarden

6.5K 87 179

REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Just a bunch of Vocaloid oneshots! Request a story in the comments. I'll do almost any shi... More

Refill (MeiLuka)
One Last Day (SeeU x IA)
BURN (KaiMei)
Secret Butterfly (MeiLuka)
Firefly's Spark (MeiLuka)
The Sound that Failed to Reach Them
Rainy Day (MikuRin)
Circus Monster (KaiLuka)
One-Word Prompts part 1 (multi-ship)
One-Word Prompts part 2 (multiship)
Here For You (Luka x Reader)
Cherry Cake (MeiLuka)
some adorable poems from a cinnamon roll (meiluka)
a special gift (MeiLuka)
be mine? (multiship)
fairylights and flower crowns (MeiLuka)
Fukase x Reader: As the Leaves Fall
Shy! Oliver x Teasing! Female Reader
Some Superheroes Wear Scarves (KaiLen) (LEN IS AGED UP)
Flower x Reader Hurt/Comfort - They Don't Get It
there (flomiku)
Ace of Flowers
vee flower and hatsunny meekoo headcanons
Meteor Shower (Flower/Miku)
for miku's 14th - it's horrible, i love it
lullaby (Flower & Miku)

SeeU x Reader - Scared of the Dark

63 1 0
By NotOurGarden

TRIGGER WARNING: Thunderstorms

Your phone rings again.

SeeU's number lights up the screen of your phone. She doesn't know you're asleep.

You don't know you're asleep either.

The phone rings again, and it jerks you awake. You answer the call, curling up under the blankets even more. Outside, lightning strikes the clouds and thunder shakes the building.

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you there? SeeU's worried about you..." your best friend cries, her voice returning you to reality. You hesitate for a moment before speaking.

"I'm here," you murmur, your eyes still half-closed and your mind elsewhere. You're not really here. You're still halfway asleep, and you can't connect with the world you're in. You know your response didn't sound convincing, but you're too tired to care.

"Can you get outside then? SeeU's been waiting to pick you up for hours!" She laughs. "Really though...is Y/N okay? You haven't texted anyone back all day. Everyone's worried."

She's right. You haven't texted anyone. You've been asleep all day, you haven't had energy for anything. You barely even ate. You're not even sure why. School, the stress of all your finals being on the same day...the idea of all the projects you have to turn in. You're already failing your classes.

"Y/N? If you're still there, can you come outside? SeeU's scared of the dark, and she can't keep her car light on 'cuz it's bad for the battery..."

You mumble a 'yes' to her and fumble around for the light, hanging up before grabbing your f/c hoodie and pulling it over your pajamas. Yanking your phone off the charger, you tiptoe out of the apartment and head downstairs, then shove open the lobby door and slip outside.

The rain is pouring down, flooding the gutters and dripping off everyone's roof. SeeU is parked at the corner, and she opens the door for you as soon as you get close. She drives you back to Vocaloid headquarters, tiptoeing into the room she shares with Flower. 

They're awake too, sitting on the bed completely absorbed in their game of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The light from the Nintendo Switch is lighting up their face.

"Flower! SeeU brought Y/N back for you!" the blonde jokes, throwing herself onto Flower's bed. This makes them turn pink and they quickly turn the game off, shoving it under their bed and going to get you a towel.

"You're soaking wet, dumbass. And you look like you haven't slept in days- what even happened?!" They throw the towel at you and then shove SeeU off their bed, sitting there and staring at the ceiling.

You shrug as you dry your hair, then sink down onto the ground. Everything's tiring you out lately, you guess. The end of school. Vocaloid projects. Your crush on SeeU that you only discovered two weeks ago. You're so tired of it all that you could sleep for a year.

"SeeU made the bed for you," you hear someone say. Looking up, you manage a weak smile in response to her grin.  She's put a cozy blanket on what used to be your bed, before you moved to your apartment. You thank her before crawling onto it and curling up. Flower switches off the lights, grumbling about electricity, and you see the familiar glow of SeeU's night light. Before you know it, your eyes are closing..

It only seems like seconds before they open again. It's pitch-dark, and someone's shaking you. SeeU.

"Hey! SeeU, quit shaking me! What's wrong?" you mumble sleepily, sitting up. She looks at you, her soft cloudy-blue eyes wide. 

"The power went out, and SeeU keeps seeing monsters..and she can't find her teddy bear, so she, um, she wanted to know if she could sleep in Y/N's bed..." she says awkwardly. You hesitate again. On one hand, it'd be helpful to her and cozy for you. On the other hand, you'd feel uncomfortable because of your crush on her. 

"Come on, please...? Y/N  looks like a big teddy bear..." she mumbles, squeezing your hands. 

"Go ahead," you tell her, pulling back the covers. She climbs in with you and hugs you, her cheeks flushed deep red.

"SeeU also wanted to tell you a secret...she thinks Y/N is a big teddy bear because she really, really likes Y/N..." she says, opening her eyes and looking at you. "A-and if Y/N doesn't like it, SeeU promises she'll forget about it! She promises!"

You're surprised. You feel your face heat up, and you don't know what to say.

So you kiss her.

It's short, nothing but a peck on the lips, but it makes her eyes go wide and light up. She squeezes you in a hug, her smile growing bigger. "SeeU loves Y/N," she whispers, closing her eyes. "And SeeU doesn't have to be scared of the dark anymore, because Y/N's a light that never goes out."

You let yourself smile, and close your eyes as you return her hug.

You can rest now.

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