•Paradise Bound• ~ Tsukishima...

De TheBetterTwin47

258K 8.1K 14.2K

"Why is she even here?" "I don't know" "She'll never play." "Why does she even practice? She's way too short... Mai multe

Chapter 1 °Karasuno High°
Chapter 2 °Volleyball°
Chapter 3 °Stars°
Chapter 4 °Weekends are for the boys°
Chapter 5 °Consequences°
Chapter 6 °It was me°
Chapter 7 °Strawberry Cake°
Chapter 8 °Training Camp!°
Chapter 9 °insecurities°
Chapter 10 °Nekoma°
Chapter 11 °Old Memories°
Chapter 12 °Rivals?°
Chapter 13 °Cheesecake°
Chapter 14 °French Fry°
Chapter 15 °Anime°
Chapter 16 °r...°
Chapter 17 °Upside-down°
Chapter 18 °Girls?!°
Chapter 19 °Interhigh°
Extra °The Plan to win°
Chapter 20 °The First Game°
Chapter 22 °The Boy with White hair°
Extra 2 °Sleepover!°
Chapter 23 °Blue vs Orange°
Chapter 24 °Something°
Chapter 26 °Explanations°
Chapter 27 °Dinos°
Chapter 28 °Final Exams°
Chapter 29 Sleepover 2
Chapter 30 Sleepover 2 (Part 2)
Chapter 31 Nightmares
Chapter 32: Training camp
Chapter 33 A Date?
Chapter 34 Hills

Chapter 25 °Something 2°

5K 172 475
De TheBetterTwin47

Love this photo!!

Just to let you know, this chapter and the next should answer some of the questions y'all have been asking.

I won't say what questions. You can figure that out on your own! You are all super smart! Be sure to comment what you think it is!!

The Plot is about to Thicken! Be ready!

"Ow", you cry out as hot tears continued to fall as you looked up.

A boy with white hair and blue eyes stood in front of you. "Y/n?! Are you ok? What's going on?!" It was Takahashi, your childhood friend.

He grabbed your arm to help you stand. Tears rushed out of your eyes and words couldn't form.

"Shs shs, it's ok. it's ok Y/n-chan." He brought you in close and helped you to a bench nearby. "Let's sit down and breath slowly. "

His voice was so smooth and dark. It calmed you down very nicely. "I-i h-had a r-rough day Takahashi. I'm sorry for hitting you." 

He patted your head, "Don't even worry about it." he smiled and you couldn't help but smile back. "Would you like to come to my house and have some Carmel cheesecake while you explain to me what happened?"

You looked up at him in surprise. "its like he knew my weakness for Carmel!" You thought as you nod your head. 

He gins. "Wonderful! let me call our ride!" He got up and walked a few feet away. 

"Is it ok to go to his house? I haven't been over since we were kids."  You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. It was your sister. 

Sis: Y/n please come home. I know you had a rough couple of days but I don't feel comfortable with you being out on your own. Please answer me.

Something in your stomach was telling you to listen to her. "You already told Takahashi you could go..."

You reply: I will be home soon. Like an hour and a half. I am going to a friends house. Talk to you later. 

You stuff your phone in your pocket as Takahashi returns. He raised his eyebrows but shook them away. "Our ride is about here." You stood up and walked next to him. "I don't live far away so it'll be a short drive."

You nodded as he continued to talk. You didn't listen though. Your thoughts took over. "I don't remember him living over here? Did he move?"   Just as you were about to ask a dark car pulled up next to you two.

Stepping back a bit, you looked up at Takahashi. Suddenly an older man got out of the driver's side and opened the door for us. "For Mr. Kurai and his guest."

"Oh Shimura-san!" Takahashi said putting a hand on the older mans shoulder. "No need for the formalities! Just call me Takahashi!" The white haired boy laughed as he gestured you into the car. You were a little hesitant but ended up going anyways.

You looked around the car and noticed how nice it was. Leather seats, fancy cupholders, and fancy driver!

"I know, I know." Takahashi said as you glanced over to him. He put his hands behind his neck and closed his eyes. "You probably have a ton of questions huh?" One eye opened as he smirked.

You smirk back, "Did your father's business expand?" You asked as he leaned a little closer to you.

"A little bit." He used his fingers to demonstrate. "He got a breakthrough about a year and a half ago." He got a little too close so you back away a little. It seemed he understood and also back away. "We got more than we could ever ask for." He glanced out the window, "I am very grateful."

"We are here Mr. Kurai." The car stopped and Mr. Shimura opened the door once again. "Kurai? Does he have a formal name?"

Just as you were about to ask you looked at his house and your jaw dropped.

"Holy sh- Wow!!" He looked at you with a smile. "Bro!" You turned to him with a goofy smile. "Can you loan me some money?" You joked as you walked inside. "Like a lot?!"

"Very funny Y/n-chan!" He patted your head and lead you inside.

Just like outside, the inside was beautiful modern with a huge glass chandelier.

As you walked further in the maids and butlers came up to you.

"Can I get you anything miss?" One said as he bowed.

You put your hands up and blushed a little. "Oh no! I'm good! Thank you!"

He stood back up and looked to Takahashi. "Can I get you anything Mr. Kurai?" He asked

Takahashi shook his head, "We are good! Now leave us so I can show her around and catch up on things. Thank you!" He said as they left and continued to do their household chores.

He shook his head as he lead you around. "I know I'm going to sound like a snobby rich kid, but it gets so annoying when they ask if I need anything all the time!"

You looked at him with a kiddish smile, "You definitely do sound snobby!" You teased him.

His house was huge! It seemed like it took forever just for a tiny tour.

He lead you upstairs. "I miss this Y/n!" He said as he stopped on the stairs. "We used to be the best of friends." His eyes hung low, "I wish you went to the same school as me."

We started back up the stairs. You pat his shoulder as you reached the top. "Me too, but I had to do what was best for me."

It seemed like he was annoyed. You brushed it off as he opened a door for you. We entered a living room area with two big couches, a huge tv, and a fridge.

He sat down on one of the couches, crossed his legs, and brought his hands up like a evil villain. "Now," he said as he gestured for you to sit on a couch. "Tell me what's wrong."

Skip brought to you buy one hell of a Butler!

Tsukishima walked home once again by himself. He is starting to grow more and more anxious about you. "How can I fix this?!" He thought as he stopped walking to look down your street. He thought about going down there, knocking on your door, and resolving things.

Instead he continued to walk to his house. "It's not like the other times." He said out loud to himself.

The team had a meeting during practice today. Takeda-Sensei explained how she was doing and from what he was saying, you were doing awful.

Tsukishima clenched his fist. He saw you in class but did not realize how bad you were getting. "Why am I so stupid?! Why did I even make that stupid deal with Oikawa!? Now she hates me..."

As he arrived home he heard a small voice call out his name. He looked behind him and saw someone run up his street.


Tsukki dropped his bag and walked to the gate. It was Y/n's sister. "What's going on? Why is she here?"

She stopped to catch her breath. "Tsukishima- h-have you seen Y/n? Is she w-with you?"

His stomach sunk and his face paled. "No she's not with me." He opened the gate and walked closer to her. "What's going on?"

She looked up at him and he saw just how worried she was. Her eyes were full of tears and hands were shaking like a leaf.  "She said she was at a friend's house a-and said that she'll be home soon." She sobbed.

Tsukishima bit his lip, "How long has it been?" He asked hoping she was being dramatic. "Please..."

She looked at him as her tears fell down her face like a waterfall. "3 hours ago..."

Back to you!!

"So that's what happened." You finished while crossing your arms. "Sleep hasn't been present for a while..."

"I see..." He said as he tapped his chin. He glanced at you then quickly looked away when you caught him.

Takahashi stood up and crossed his arms. "It seems like they aren't good friends." He paced back and forth.

You clenched you teeth while your hands shook. "Well right now they aren't but-"

"I mean why would they do that?" He said sitting next to you. He un-crossed his arms. "It seems like, to me, they want to have control over you." He sat closer to you.

You stayed silent as he went on. "And your sister seems like she is hiding things from you." You flinch at this.

"No, she can't be. We tell each other everything."

"I mean why would she talk about YOU, without you? Sounds like she is doing the same thing those boys are." He turned to you.

You looked to the ground and studied your feet. "Is that true?"

The corner of his mouth curved "Well, I am extremely thirsty!" He got up and went to the door, "Would you like anything Y/n-chan?"

"Say NO"  something inside your head screamed. "Uh, no thank you." You said.

His eyes seemed to darken a bit, but went back to bright. "Ok! Just let me know if you want anything!" With that he left.

"Could what he said be true? I mean they did treat me like property..." You thought about it for a moment. "But are they bad friends?" You fidget with your hands. "My sister can't be hiding things from me. Right?"

You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You looked at it and it said 5% remaining. "Shit!" While getting up from the couch you realized that Takahashi had been gone for quite a while. "Hmm. I guess I'll go find him and tell him I need to go." You said out loud as you walked twords the door.

Just as you were about to touch the door nob it opened and Takahashi walked in. This startled you and you jumped back.

He looked at you with raised eyebrows. "You ok? What are you doing?"

You looked at his hands and notice two cups, you assume one for him and one for you. "Oh I was just about to go looking for you!" You said backing up and smiling. "I better start heading home! My sister is probably worried about me." You chuckle as he sat the glasses down.

"Aww already Y/n-chan?!" He groaned and pouted. "Can't you stay for a little while longer?"

He puts his hands together and pleads. You sigh and look down, "unfortunately my phone is about to die so I need to get home." You explained as he continued to pout.

"Ah I see." He patted your head. "I'm sure I have a charger here! Let me go look for you!!" He said as he ran out the door.

"No I'm fine! Aaaand he's gone." You slumped back on the couch. "Guess I'll just wait until he gets back."

You wait for 2 minutes

Then 4

Then 6

"What is he doing?!" You said to yourself as you got up. "I need to go home." You go to the door and try to turn the door nob.

You freeze

"It's locked..."

You jiggle it again to check again. "What the actual fuck is going on?!" You said as you pounded on the door. "HEY IM LOCKED INSIDE TAKAHASHI!" Silence "TAKAHASHI!?" Silence again.

"Shit shit shit shit." You bring your hand to the back of your head. "Maybe he didn't mean to? Maybe it automatically locks right?" You tried to convince yourself. You sat down and waited for another 10 minutes. "Shit he's not coming back."

You stand back up and get out your phone. 2% "Shit, this'll have to be quick." You dial your sisters number and wait for her to answer.

Before she could answer, your phone died.

"You piece of SHIT! Can't do one thing can you?!" You cursed out loud.

You aggressively stuff your phone in your pocket and slump down to the couch.

You wait for what felt like 20-30 minutes before you hear the door open. You turned around and saw Takahashi with a charger.

"I had to go to the store to buy one!!" He chuckled as he handed it to you. "Sorry Y/n-chan!"

You were livid. "Take me home Takahashi." You said as you walked out the door.



He followed you as you walk down the stairs and out to the car; not saying one word to him.

You both got in the car and he started to take you home. You both were silent the entire way.

He pulled up to your house and as you were stepping out he grabbed your wrist. You immediately shut your eyes and flitch, remembering what had happened...

"Gomen Y/n-chan." He let go and you opened your eyes. You looked at him and for some reason didn't see any remorse in his face. "I didn't realize how long it took."

You sighed, "it's whatever," you said just wanting to go inside. "Don't do it again. Goodbye" and with that you shut the door.

"What the actual heck is wrong with him?" You thought as you walked up the steps. "Why would he go to the frickin store?! Is he dumb or something?! I didn't even get the Carmel Cheesecake he promised?!" 

You turn the handle and open the door. "Unlocked? Weird." You go inside and close the door.

"Y/N!?" You turned around and saw your sister running at you. You braced for impact as she hugged you tightly. "Where have you been?! I texted you like 100 times?! Why didn't you answer?!" She pulled away and you saw tears stream down her face.

"Gomen" You wipe them and smile, "It's a long story."

"Well you better start explaining Princess!"

Next chapter will be posted tomorrow Enjoy!

I apologise for the long wait. College has been extremely stressful lately and I just had to give it my full attention. Now that it is the weekend I will try and catch up!

Thank you for your patience! If you'd like to have updates or watch some of the story come to life then follow my tiktok! TheBetterTwin47!

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