Miyagi-Do Karate

By Fireheartsage

33.3K 633 206

A Karate Kid/Cobra Kai AU fanfic. This story explores what if Daniel had opened up Miyagi-Do Karate before Jo... More

Intro: The beginning
Chapter 1: The Student of the Karate Kid
Chapter 2: The opening of Miyagi-Do
Chapter 3: Shadows of the past
Chapter 4: The pieces fall into place
Chapter 5: Changing hearts
Chapter 6: The Dance
Chapter 7: Billboard blues
Chapter 8: Counterbalance
Chapter 9: History of Samuel part 1
Chapter 10: The cracks begin to form
Chapter 11: A different theme
Chapter 12: Black Dragon battle
Chapter 13: History of Samuel part 2
Chapter 14: History of Samuel part 3
Chapter 15: Complications of the heart
Chapter 16: Broken bonds
Chapter 17: History of Samuel part 4/Rebalancing
Miyagi-Do Season 1 Q&A discussion!

Chapter 18: Moment of truth

1.7K 36 11
By Fireheartsage

It was the day of the All Valley Tournament. Samuel, Tahj, Nicole, Marie, and Alfredo were currently at the LaRusso house, getting their new gis that Daniel had ordered for them. Samuel went into a restroom and changed into his gi. He smiled as he looked at himself with the gi on. Unlike Daniel's old gi from the 80s, and the gi Samuel used to use as a child, the Miyagi-Do Bonsai Tree logo was not just on the back. Samuel had requested there to be a smaller bonsai tree logo in the front, matching the one in the back, similarly to where the small Turtle school logo would go in Goku's gis in Dragon Ball. When Samuel walked out of the restroom, new gi on, Samantha stopped him from getting to far.
"Wait. There's something messing here." Samantha told Samuel as she held Samuel's headband in her hands.

Miyagi's last gift... the replica of Daniel's headband that Samuel had always worn since he got it (except on rare instances when he didn't) was then tied on his head by the girl who made Samuel feel ready to take on the world. Samantha smiled when she finished tieing it on his head.
"There... now you look tournament ready." Samantha told Samuel with a smile. Samuel smiled back.

"Sam... thank you." Samuel told Samantha. Samantha nodded and Samuel walked towards the living room to join the other Miyagi-Do students. Suddenly Lauren entered the house. Samuel and Lauren stared at each other. Things had been tense between them ever since she walked away when he hyperventilated.

"Lauren." Samuel said politely, but blankly.

"Hey, Samuel. I just wanted to wish you luck." Lauren told Samuel with a smile. Samuel looked at Lauren and nodded.

"You gonna be watching at the tournament?" Samuel asked. Lauren nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be cheering you on. I.. I just wanted to see you in your new gi. I heard you'd all be here before the tournament from Marie." Lauren explained. Samuel smiled. Unknown to Samuel, Lauren had lied. She had come to convince him to give up karate... but lost her nerve upon seeing him in his gi... and seeing the passion in his eyes.

"Hey, we need to get going." Daniel told the students.

"I'll see you at the tournament, Samuel." Lauren told Samuel before she walked outside. When Lauren got in her car, she hit the empty passenger seat.

'Why... why do you love karate so much? Could I make you leave it for me?' Lauren thought as she turned her car on and started to drive to where the tournament was being held.... before she started to get second thoughts.

Ramon was waiting outside of the tournament building with Aisha, Hawk, Burt, and Miguel, who kept punching the air in front of him, imagining it to be Samuel Parker himself.
"Yo, Miguel, calm down, man. Save some for the tournament." Hawk advised his friend. Miguel stayed in his fighting stance and glared at Hawk before returning to his previous activity of punching an imaginary Samuel.

"Hey, don't even bother." Aisha told Hawk as she tapped his arm. Hawk looked at her.

"He's been super aggro ever since the breakup." Aisha explained. Hawk nodded then looked at his pissed off friend. Ramon scoffed.

"I'm sure Samuel will come here with that same look of murder in his eyes. His rage will likely make him sloppy... it'll be disappointing." Ramon replied as he stood, also planning his attack should he have to fight Samuel, unaware that Samuel took the time to consider what he had said, and resolved his attitude issue.

"Changing topic, where's sensei? The tournament's gonna start soon." Hawk asked.

"He'll be here." Aisha replied.

"I don't know about that." Bert replied.

"What are you talking about?" Aisha asked.

"Two weeks ago, I saw him at the mini mall. I was buying... a-a carton of milk..." Bert started to explain.

"Sssuuurrrreee you were." Ramon added, making Hawk fist bump Ramon.

"Anyway, when I heard him in the parking lot, yelling, something like 'You wanna be his father?' He was pissing on the LaRusso Auto Group logo on his new car... and he was drunk. When I asked if everything is all right, he yelled that we were all gonna die." Bert explained. Ramon's eyes widened.

"Shit... and he hasn't been to the dojo in the last two weeks. Only reason why we were even able to train in there is because I picked the lock." Ramon reminded the other Cobra Kais.

"Bert, why didn't you tell us this earlier?" Aisha asked, now very worried about Johnny.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just so used fo seeing him drunk, it didn't seem like a big deal." Bert replied. Ramon sighed... Bert wasn't wrong... Johnny sure drank... a lot.

"Well, we're here, and he's not. So, it's officially a big deal. What if something happened to him?" Hawk replied.

"Like what?" Bert asked.

"Let's just hope that's not a question we have to answer." Ramon said as he grabbed his phone about to call Johnny.

"You don't think..." Hawk started to ask.

"No. Sensei would never kill himself. It's too pussy a move." Aisha pointed out.

"Maybe for sober Sensei... for drunk Sensei..." Ramom replied as he started to call Johnny.

"Look the hangover sucked, but I was sober for most of the week. I remembered I have you guys to think about and went to go get some shit ready for today." Johnny's voice informed his students as Johnny himself was walking towards them. Aisha and Hawk looked behind them to see Johnny walking to them.

"Sensei." Aisha said in relief.

"Had us concerned there, Sensei." Ramon said.

"No need. I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight." Johnny replied.

"Great. Let's sign up." Miguel said.

"Not yet. There's one more lesson, I have to teach you." Johnny told his students.

Samuel and the others got to the tournament grounds. Samuel felt a bit gittery and nervous, but excited.

"You ok, Samuel?" Daniel asked. Samuel nodded.

"Just feeling a little..." Samuel started to say.

"Nervous?" Daniel asked. Samuel nodded.

"Well, Mr. Miyagi once told me that it's not the quantity of karate you need to trust in... but the quality of your karate you need to trust in. Luckily for you, you have both quality and quantity. You all do." Daniel told his students.

"What you need to do now... is give a good fight. Whether you win or lose, it's about respect." Daniel told his students. The Miyagi-Do members nodded.

When Johnny taught his students the last lesson of No Mercy, Miguel yelled out "COBRA KAI!" As Miguel and Ramon were about to grab their gis, Johnny stopped them.

"No. You're not wearing those... time for you guys to see why I've been gone for a whole two weeks." Johnny told his students.

If it wasn't for Samuel being here, Samantha was sure she wouldn't be either.
"You ok?" Daniel asked. Samantha nodded.

"Yeah... my ex-boyfriend and everyone I know is here. I... I'm just hoping that Samuel...." Samantha started to explain but stopped herself. Daniel smiled.

"You really do like him a lot, still... don't you?" Daniel teased. Before Samantha could respond, the tournament committee found them.

"Hey, everyone... it's the former champ in the flesh." one of the committee members said.

Samuel walked over to Samantha after he put his phone away. He had been texting Lauren.
"Hey." Samuel told Samantha.

"Hey." Samantha told Samuel. The two looked at each other and sighed.

"Y... You know... I... I owe you." Samuel told Samantha.

"For?" Samantha asked. Samuel smiled.

"Fresno... I think I'm ready for this... thanks to you." Samuel replied. Samantha smiled.

"Well, don't get used to it... next time I'm charging you." Samantha joked. Samuel chuckled.

"Samuel... we're about to start." Tahj told Samuel. Samuel sighed and turned to leave.

"Talk to you later?" Samuel asked. Samantha nodded.

"Welcome everyone to the 50th annual All Valley Under-18 Karate Championship!" The announcer said on the microphone in the middle of the main ring. The crowd cheered. Samuel stretched out, mentally preparing himself for the battles ahead.

"You love the new mats!" The announcer said as the people clapped.

"Did he just...?" Samuel asked.

"Yeah... I think he did?" Nicole replied, facepalming.

"All right, let's start by welcoming all the local dojos competing today. From Granada Hills, All-Star Karate. Next we got Extreme Martial Arts. Next we have Krunch Karate. Fighting out of Topenga, we have Topanga Karate! From Reseda we have Black Dragon Karate! Also from Reseda returning to the tournament... we have..." the announcer started to say before loud chants coming from black clad karate students rose.

"COBRA KAI! COBRA KAI!" Ramon and his Cobra Kai comrades chanted. The Cobra Kai members lined up, and Johnny glared at Daniel.

"Now that's what I call an entrance! And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear it for Cobra Kai!" The announcer yelled. Miguel looked at Sam, sitting at the front row with her family.

"But... in the 80s, Cobra Kai had a rival dojo... one that is being mentored by former champ Daniel LaRusso. Let's give it up for Miyagi-Do Karate!" The announcer yelled. Tahj turned on his bluetooth speaker and played Eye of the Tiger loudly as Samuel led them into the main room.

"GO SAMUEL!!" Samuel could hear the voices of the Bonsai Dragons members yell out. So as to keep up the showmanship, Samuel and the Miyagi-Do members lined up in a way that made them face their Cobra Kai dojo rivals. Samuel was now facing Ramon. Ramon was surprised to see that Samuel had an excited smile on his face... the rage and bloodlust he expected was no where to be found. Next to him, Miguel didn't bother looking at Tahj who was standing opposite him, instead glaring at Samuel.

"I'm going to bust you up." Miguel growled at Samuel. Samuel turned his attention to Miguel, keeping his composure and maintaining the smile on his face as Samuel chose his response.

"Go for it." Samuel replied, quoting Rocky Balboa when Clubber Lang told him the same thing in Rocky III. Now Daniel was glaring at Johnny.

"Ok... looks like the tension is high in the room between the Miyagi-Do and the Cobra Kai. Let's get some distance in here!" The announcer said as the song was about to end. The Miyagi-Do people backed up... Samuel and Ramon locked eyes again. Ramon was not sure how to read what he thought for sure was going to be an unbalanced, raged opponent. What he was seeing instead... looked completely different. Samuel looked hungry for a challenge, but controlled, focused.... Eye of the Tiger may have been a more perfect song for his current rival than he realized. Samuel looked at Samantha, who nodded at him.

"And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene." The announcer said. Both Samuel and Johnny looked surprised. Samuel was surprised Robby was even here, after Daniel stopped training Robby (a decision that Samuel did not agree with, but never found a chance to confront Daniel about due to having his own problems.) Johnny was surprised to see that Robby was fighting unaffiliated with Miyagi-Do. Miguel however, did not seemed fazed. No... he felt his rage rise up deeper... now he had two targets... Samuel Parker and Robby Keene.

Robby ran by both Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai,,, people on both sides were stunned by tbis unexpected event.

"All right, folks. Get ready. It's karate time." The announcer said. People cheered and applauded in excitement.

Samuel was watching Miguel's first match. He notice Johnny whisper something into Miguel's ear. After the two bowed, Miguel stood in the Crane stance that had once made Daniel famous.
"And he claims it was illegal when Daniel used it on him? Talk about double standards." Samuel quipped to himself before Miguel unleashed the Crane Kick on his opponent... he couldn't stay to watch the rest... not with his own match starting soon.

Samuel was facing down a Black Dragon for his first opponent in the tournament.
"All right, gentlemen, you know the rules. Three points wins. Step on the mat." The ref said to the two combatants. Both Samuel and the Black Dragon stood on the mat.

"Bow." The ref said. Both Samuel and the Black Dragon bowed before the ref yelled the word Samuel wanted to hear.


The Black Dragon came at Samuel with a barrage of punches that Samuel blocked. Samuel then stepped to the side and punched the Dragon in the chest.

"Point, Parker!" The ref said. Daniel and Samantha cheered. Samuel stood at the ready... his mind focused... clear. When the fight continued, Samuel now started the offense, throwing his own barrage of punches, until he purposefully stepped back and kicked the Dragon back.

"Two points, Parker!" The ref yelled. The Dragon glared at Samuel before the figbt re started. The Dragon started swinging punches wildly before Samuel blocked one of the punches in a way that forced his arm up, allowing Samuel to finish the match with a counter punch.

"Three points, Parker. Winner!" The ref announced.

"ALL RIGHT, SAMUEL! YOU'RE THE BEST!" Samantha cheered

(You're the best around plays)

With each match, Samuel, Ramon, Robby, Miguel and other students of Daniel and Johnny found themselves victorious. Daniel couldn't help but cheer for Robby in spite of everything that happened after learning that Robby was Johnny's son.

"Winner, Parker!" The ref announced as Samuel won his latest match. People cheered... except for one guy.


"SHUT UP, JAMESON!" yelled another person in the crowd.

Samuel almost couldn't believe this was happening. It wasn't even the quarterfinals yet, and Samuel found himself staring down Justin West. However, Samuel gasped when he saw... tattoos on him. The Black Dragon tattoo... Samuel looked at him and saw his face and gasped.

"You!" Samuel said in shock. Justin looked at Samuel confused... before he recognized the Maverick who had beaten him and his friends back when they were pretending to be a gang by collecting actual protection money. Justin laughed as he saw Samuel.

"To think... you were standing right in front of me for all this time.... and I never realized. I've been training hard to wipe you and your friend Ramon out of this competition, but seeing our history together... I think taking you down will be my most satisfying fight." Justin taunted Samuel. The ref had them bow to each other.

"You don't have that guy with a baseball bat to bail you out this time." Samuel warned Justin before he got into a fighting stance. This fight was personal... he was staring into the face of a guy who had attempted to kill him. Samuel and Justin both got into fighting stances.

Justin made the first move, throwing a punch at Samuel's chest which was blocked. Justin was much faster than the last time Samuel had fought him at school, defending Lauren. Justin's new found speed surprised Samuel, as Justin forced Samuel to stay on the defensive. Finally, Samuel kicked Justin, knocking him back a bit.

"Point, Parker." The ref announced. Samuel and Justin returned to the center before their clash began again. This time Samuel was on the offensive, throwing punch after punch that Justin would block or dodge. Samuel sent a punch to his chest that Justin sidestepped, however to Justin's surprise, Samuel, shifted his stance, adjusting his momentum and he landed a quick punch on Justin.

"Point, Parker!" The ref said. Justin was in awe... he thought that last year's champion had been something... but Samuel Parker might have been a different beast entirely. Justin got ready to fight again... but he didn't feel too confident.

"Why didn't you drown?" Justin asked. Samuel smiled.

"For the longest time... I used to live in fear of being a person no one would miss... a waste of space. For the longest time I wanted revenge against you guys for trying to end me that night... looking at you now makes me realize that some people would do anything to feel like they are in control of others... even kill. Well, let me make this clear... take this match as my way of saying 'Screw that.. I won't fear the idea of you jerks anymore'... I'm taking control of my own life back... once and for all!" Samuel said before knocked Justin over and landed a punch on his chest when he landed on the ground.

"Point! Winner, Parker!" The ref announced.

"Samuel Parker advances to the semi finals!"

After Aisha lost her latest match, Samantha went to talk to her. Samuel looked around to find Lauren... but she didn't come. Samuel checked his phone to find a text message on it. It was an apology from Lauren. Her reason for missing the tournament seemed like a lame excuse. She suddenly had prior engagements that she had conveniently forgotten about. Samuel sighed. He wasn't about to point fingers and judge before finding out what happened. He was going to clear his mind and watch the next match between Robby and Hawk... both trying to get a spot at the semi finals. Johnny looked nervous, something that Samuel noticed, though he wasn't sure why. But Johnny seemed... worried about Robby.

"Is something wrong, Sensei?" Hawk asked. Johnny shook his head.

"Show him what you got." Johnny replied. Before Hawk jumped onto the arena, he gave Miguel a fist bump. Hawk also gave a second to stare down Samuel... as if promising that he was next.

'Great... one party fight and you have a target on your back.' Samuel thought.

"Prepare to face the fear of the Hawk." Hawk warned Robby. They faced the ref and bowed, the faced each other and bowed. The fight commenced. Robby went on the offensive, but Hawk was able to stay just out of reach of Hawk's attacks before Hawk knocked him down and punched him, getting a point. Robby got back to his side of the arena and Samuel looked at Daniel, who was worried for Robby. The Miyagi-Do students who were eliminated were cheering for Robby.

"REMEMBER WHAT YOU LEARNED, ROBBY!" Daniel yelled out in support. Robby looked at Daniel and nodded. Robby recentered himself as he remembered his training under Daniel. Robby has his eyes closed and when the match started again, Robby opened his eyes just in time to block a kick from Hawk, and a kick that followed, stepping to the side to redirect Hawk where he wanted him. Robby then took his distance. Hawk tried to kick Robby again, but his kick was blocked by Robby who tried to counter with a punch that Hawk dodged, however Hawk was cut off guard when Robby kicked Hawk, knocking him down. Daniel cheered.

"GOOD JOB, ROBBY!" Samuel yelled, clapping for his friend.

"One point, Keene" The ref said. The score was now 1-1.

"That was a lucky point. It's gonna be your last." Hawk warned Robby, the guy who he saw as the reason Miguel lost Samantha. Hawk got into Robby's face.

"Why? Leaving early to fix that stupid haircut?" Robby shot back. Robby then turned around to go back to his spot on the arena to resume the match, but Hawk charged him. The ref tried to stop him, but Hawk kicked Robby's shoulder hard.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Daniel yelled.

"ROBBY!" Johnny yelled. Samuel growled and ran over to the arena to check on his friend.

"Illegal contact, you're disqualified!" The ref yelled at Hawk as the crowd booed him. Hawk pushed the ref.

"THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Hawk yelled.

"Robby, I'm sorry." Johnny told his son.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Robby yelled. As the ref got Johnny out of the arena, Samuel leaped on the arena and ran to Robby.

"Robby... can you move?" Samuel asked. Hawk laughed as he pointed at Samuel.

"I may be disqualified... but that leaves Miguel or Ramon to take you out... you're dead meat too, Parker! Dead meat!" Hawk yelled at him. Samuel brushed off Hawk's words and focused on his friend.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, MAN?" Johnny yelled at Hawk, who kept his sadistic smile on the downed Robby, and Samuel who tended to him.

"What am I supposed to do? Be a pussy?" Hawk asked as he walked off the arena. Samuel helped Robby up.

"Are you ok, Robby?" Samuel asked. Robby nodded.

"I'm fine, Samuel." Robby told Samuel. The ref walked over to the two students of Daniel.

"Hey, kid. I got Keene. You need to rest before the semifinal starts." The ref told Samuel. Samuel nodded. He then sighed as he realized Miguel now had a straight shot to the finals, as Robby was (seemingly) out of commission and no matter who won between him and whoever won in Ramon's next match... they'd fight Miguel in the end.

"With that disqualification, Keene earns a straight shot to the semifinals, on the basis that he can continue fighting. If not, Diaz goes straight into the final. We will now take a short break before Ramon Aguilar fights Xander Stone." The announcer said. Samantha walked over to Samuel.

"Hey... I just finished talking with Aisha... is something wrong?" Samantha asked. Samuel nodded.

"Robby got hurt pretty bad. Mr. LaRusso is going to check on him now. The refs told me to rest up before the semifinal starts." Samuel explained. Samantha nodded.

"I know a place. And... if my Dad is talking to Robby again... I know he'll be in good hands.. so don't think you'll just rush off to find him, ok?" Samantha asked. Samuel nodded.

Samuel and Samantha found themselves sitting together in a hallway outside of the tournament room. People were rushing in and out to get their concessions but it didn't bother Samuel too much as he tried to get some rest. He fell asleep sitting on the floor as Samantha looked at him, his peaceful face. Suddenly, Samuel slumped over and fell onto Samantha's shoulder.

"E-excuse me?!" Samantha asked what she thought was a conscious Samuel, but Samuel's slow breathing made her realize he was still asleep. Samantha's face turned red as she adjusted Samuel so that she could at least hug him as he used her as a pillow.

"We're going to be ok... after all this Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai business... right... Samuel?" Samantha thought out loud as she held on to the sleeping warrior. Suddenly a group of Black Dragons walked over to them..

"Look... it's Parker! If we hurt him real bad now, then Justin will be pleased... even if he doesn't get to win the tournament." One of the dragons said.

"Let's get 'im!!!" One of the other dragons replied before three fighters Samuel defeated in the tournament fought them away from Samuel and Samantha.

"Huh? Hey... you all fought Samuel in the tournament." Samantha pointed out, surprised that his competitors would fight to help a guy they barely knew.

"This guy gave us a good fight. We really wanted to see his next match. We can't do that if he's injured by a bunch of petty cheaters." One of Samuel's former opponents pointed out before another one kneeled down to observe the sleeping boy.

"Parker must be tired... he's out cold." The guy said before he flicked Samuel's cheek.

"Ow, Sam. That hurt, y'know." Samuel said in his sleep.

"Samuel?" Samantha asked.

"Stop treating like a baby all the time, I'm not a kid any...more." Samuel replied in his sleep before he stayed quiet once more. The three former opponents of Samuel's laughed at the situation at hand.

"Man, he's whipped!" Former opponent 3 said in amusement.

"Looks like you domesticated Samuel Parker nice and fine, Ms. LaRusso. We'll leave you two alone now!" Former opponent 1 said before the three walked away. Samantha's face was as red as a stop sign as she blushed hard at the comment.
(Yes... this scene is a reference to Yu Yu Hakusho, as the Samuel Parker/Samantha LaRusso dynamic is inspired by Yusuke Urameshi and Keiko Yukimura). Samantha sighed but smiled as she held the sleeping boy. A boy that seemed so fierce in the arena, but currently seemed so innocent and peaceful.

As Ramon, match was about to start against Xander Stone, last year's champion, Ramon looked around to find his grandparents cheering him on. Ramon smiled, remembering how his grandfather had told him about Joseph Parker's clash with his father in this very same tournament. Ramon looked at Miguel, who was looking for Samantha within the audience.

'Sorry Miguel, I gotta win this match to fight Samuel... he's MY priority.' Ramon thought as he remembered how that 'blood red' eye glare had looked. Ramon was determined to stop a clash between Samuel and Miguel, who he felt would both be consumed by rage, unaware of the fact that Samuel was not rage filled in the slightest.

Lauren was at her home as she looked at pictures of her and Samuel together, even before they started dating. She never liked his passion and love for karate, and now he was fighting in the tournament that brought everything Samuel loves about karate into the surface... but she couldn't stand it. Lauren as she remembered that karate... his interactions with Daniel LaRusso and Mr. Miyagi had shaped the person Samuel was... the same person she liked now. But she felt it was time he broke ties with the LaRussos and brought his life closer to hers. She looked at a trophy she won in debate club. She sighed, wondering why Samuel couldn't have been as easy to truly win like the trophy was.

Ramon's match started and he was now standing off against Xander Stone, last years winner.
"You've been a great fighter this tournament. I look forward to his match." Xander said. Ramon nodded.

"Yeah, I'm grateful to be able to test my skill again last year's champion." Ramon replied before they both nodded and Ramon started off on the offensive. However, Ramon was amazed when Xander jumped and flipped over him to get away from his attacks. Xander quickly pressed the attack with  kicks that Ramon blocked.

'I've got to win... because an even better fighter than this is waiting...'  Ramon replied as he thought of Samuel. Ramon stepped back before countering with a punch which got Xander in the chest.

"Point, Aguilar!" The ref announced.

'I need to stop him from giving into his anger... even if he hates me for it!' Ramon thought. Ramon then found himself on the defensive. Ramon blocked Xander's barrage of punches, then Xander leaped to the side, flipping again as he did. When Xander landed he kicked Ramon.

"Point, Stone!" The ref announced. The two fighters went back to the center of the arena and the fight resumed. Ramon was on the offensive, but when Xander flipped over Ramon, Ramon was prepared before he struck his ankle and knocked Xander off his feet when he landed, he then hit Xander in the chest.

"Point, Aguilar." The ref announced. The two went back to their sides of the mat again and the match resumed. As Ramon blocked Xander's attacks, he noticed Xander smiling... this was the most fun Xander had fighting in a while... and Ramon felt honored, but he knew he had to end it. Ramon blocked Xander's last punch and countered with a punch of his own.

"Point, Winner. Aguilar." The ref announced. Xander chuckled.

"You're an amazing fighter." Xander told Ramon and he and Ramon bowed. Xander then looked at Ramon.

"I know that look in your eyes... you think your next challenge will be your defining fight. I look forward to seeing if it's true. I'll be cheering for you, Aguilar." Xander said as he walked off.

"What a good sport." Ramon commented. Ramon walked over to Johnny, who still seemed out of it. But Johnny got back in the game as he saw Ramon exit the arena.

"Good job, Ramon. Way to show him that Cobra Kai never accepts defeat." Johnny congratulated Ramon.

"Thank you, Sensei." Ramon replied. The announcer got on the arena.

"Well it seems that Robby Keene is not going to be able to..." The announcer started to say before a woman ran to the announcer.

"Robby Keene is going to fight? ROBBY KEENE IS GOING TO FIGHT! AND FURTHERMORE, FORMER CHAMPION DANIEL LARUSSO IS GOING TO COACH. ROBBY KEENE NOW JOINS SAMUEL PARKER, ONE OF OUR OTHER SEMIFINALIST AS A MEMBER OF MIYAGI-DO KARATE!" The announcer said into the microphone as people cheered loudly at the news. Daniel and Johnny walked toward each other, staring each other down.

"What do you think you're doing?" Johnny asked challengingly.

"Coaching my student. Someone has to be there for him." Daniel replied. Johnny narrowed his eyes at Daniel.

"You're gonna regret this when this is over." Johnny warned Daniel.

"Yeah, like this'll ever be over." Daniel replied.

The fight began and Miguel was in the offensive. Robby blocked Miguel's kicks before Miguel tried to punch Robby. Robby blocked the punch and countered with a kick, knocking Miguel down and gaining the first point of the match.

"Point, Keene!" The ref yelled as Miguel hit the mat in frustration before he stood up. Ramon shook his head when he saw Miguel's face as he stood up. He looked like a monster wanting to tear a guy apart.

'Which is why I have to stop Samuel and Miguel from fighting.' Ramon thought.

"Remember the pitching machine! Do not get hit!" Johnny told Miguel. When the match restarted, Robby took the offensive, but Miguel was able to dodge Robby's attacks. Miguel then remembered how Hawk attacked Robby's shoulder and he kicked the shoulder before punching Robby in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. Robby fell to the floor.

"Diaz of Cobra Kai with the point!" The ref yelled.

"MIGUEL, DON'T FIGHT DIRTY!" Ramon yelled. His yell fell on deaf ears. The match resumed and Miguel went on the offensive. Robby blocked attack after attack, but Miguel hit Robby's shoulder before kicking his ankles, knocking Robby off his feet and Miguel finished the exchange by hitting his chest.

"Point. That makes it 2-1 for Diaz." The ref said before Daniel called for a timeout.

Samuel finally woke up as he felt arms wrapped around him. He felt Samantha's head above his.

"Oh crap... I'm..." Samuel was about to apologize before she cut him off.

"It's fine. We should get back to the arena room though. You were out a while, but your match hasn't been called to start yet, so, that's good." Samantha replied before kissing Samuel's cheek.

"That for something special?" Samuel asked teasingly.

"That was for luck. Go in there and get ready to win." Samantha replied. Samuel nodded and the two started to walk into the arena room together.

Samuel was amazed to see that he was not the only one to have mastered the strongest kick in Miyagi-Do as he unleashed it on Miguel. Samuel looked in awe at Robby.

"He's really trying to catch up to you... you know." Samantha told Samuel, who nodded. Robby then walked to help Miguel up after he was given a point, only for Miguel to pull on Robby's injured arm. The crowd began to boo Miguel before Samuel growled, not in protective rage like before, but rather that he hated seeing cheating in action.

"MIGUEL, WHAT THE HELL!" Ramon yelled.

"SHUT UP, RAMON! WE'RE COBRA KAI! HE'S AN ENEMY! AN ENEMY DESERVES NO MERCY!" Miguel yelled back before he focused on Robby again. Samuel started to run towards Daniel, who was calling Robby.

"CALL THE MATCH!" Samuel yelled to Daniel.

"No, don't call the match. How am I ever going to catch up to Samuel and the others... if I can't finish my fight?" Robby asked. Samuel sighed.

"Just... be careful." Daniel told Robby.

"Sensei, I found his weakness. It's his shoulder." Miguel told Johnny.

"Look, I really want you to win, but it's gotta be the right way. You don't have to fight dirty." Johnny told Miguel.

"Dirty? There's nothing dirty about winning, Sensei. You taught me that. Don't worry I got this. No mercy." Miguel told Johnny before both Robby and Miguel returned to the mat to resume the match.

"Whoever wins the next point will make it to the finals!" The announcer said.

The match then resumed. Despite Robby's best efforts, he was unable to defeat his shoulder against Miguel, who hit his after catching a kick from Robby and then hit his chest, winning the match.

"Winner, Diaz." The ref yelled.

"Miguel Diaz of Cobra Kai defeats Robby Keene of Miyagi-Do and makes it to the finals. Now who will be his final opponent... the next match... Samuel Parker of Miyagi-Do or Ramon Aguilar of Cobra Kai." The announcer said as Samuel helped Robby out of the mat.

"You fought well." Samuel told Robby.

"I didn't win." Robby pointed out.

"Mr. Miyagi once told Mr. LaRusso that it's ok to lose to an opponent, but it's not ok to lose to fear. You mastered that kick too, I see... I'm proud of you... and I know Mr. LaRusso is proud too." Samuel replied. Daniel then took over watching out for Robby.

Miguel found Sam and walked over to her.
"Sam, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Miguel said.

"For what, hitting me?" Samantha asked.

"I wasn't trying to hit you." Miguel said.

"You shouldn't have been trying to hit anyone!" Samantha replied.

"You come to the party with another dude and you expect me to be okay with that?" Miguel asked.

"I expect you to act like a normal person. You didn't even know Robby and you tried to fight him." Samantha pointed out.

"You have to strike first, you can't wait for the enemy to attack!" Miguel said.

"The enemy? Are you listening to yourself? I thought I knew you... but now... I don't even recognize you." Samantha replied. Miguel nodded and looked at Samuel, who was about to get on the mat to start his fight with Ramon.

"What about him? Samuel... the way you look at him..." Miguel started to say before he was cut off.

"Is no longer any of your business, Miguel." Samantha replied. Miguel nodded.

"You'd better hope your precious Samuel Parker doesn't make it to the finals... because if he does... I'll make sure to break him like I broke Robby." Miguel threatened before Samantha walked away from him.

Samuel looked excited as he got onto the mat, surprising Ramon. He expected an angered rage monster determined to take down Miguel no matter what the cost, like at the party.

"You aren't going to warn me to forfeit the match?" Ramon asked.

"Nope." Samuel replied.

"You do know if I win, you lose your chance to settle things with Miguel, right?" Ramon asked. Samuel nodded.

"If I lose, I lose." Samuel replied calmly. Ramon looked stunned. This couldn't really be happening was it.

"Face me. Bow." The ref said as the two fighters did as they were told.

"Face each other. Bow." The ref said and the two bowed to each other. Then the match started. Ramon expected Samuel to make the first move, but was surprised when Samuel was instead waiting for Ramon to make the first move.

"Strike first, Aguilar!" Johnny yelled. Ramon got into the offensive. But for every punch thrown, Samuel was able to block. Samuel chuckled as this exchange went on and he had a big smile on his face. Ramon was stunned... could he been fighting a calm, balanced Samuel? Samuel blocked a punch and countered with his own punch.

"Point, Parker." The ref said.

"Like before, it the student of Miyagi-Do that got the first point of the match." The announcer said. Like Robby before, Samuel went to help Ramon up. Unlike, Miguel, Ramon took the hand and stood up.

"Hey, bro... thanks for that reality check two weeks ago... sorry for having to punch you though." Samuel replied. Ramon chuckled in spite of himself.

"You're enjoying this." Ramon said. Samuel chuckled.

"I always enjoy a good friendly scrap with a brother." Samuel replied. Ramon was not sure how to handle this, as his whole plan had changed.

"I won't ask you to forfeit the match, but I saw how dirty Miguel fought Robby... I won't just let you win... but if you think you could get through to him... try to take me down... if you don't think you can, then you can forfeit... but this match is my way of allowing myself to prove to you... I'm not so unbalanced anymore." Samuel said before the two went back to their starting points of the mat to continue the match.

The match continued and this time Samuel was on the offensive. Samuel sent punch after punch, but Ramon blocked each punch. Samuel then tried to kick Ramon, but Ramon caught the kick. But to Ramon's surprise, Samuel spun and sent another kick, not having any feet in the ground. Ramon let go of Samuel's leg and stepped back. Samuel caught himself on one leg and stood, bringing himself back to his fighting stance. Ramon gave Samuel no time to rest as he went on the offensive. Ramon sent punch after punch towards Samuel, who blocked his punches. Ramon then made Samuel slip onto the map, but Samuel rolled away before Ramon could land a blow on him. Samuel stood and got into a fighting stance again before the two started exchanging blows and blocking blows. The flurry of fist almost seemed like a Dragon Ball fight with how neither one was able to penetrate through the defenses of the other. The crowd started to cheer as the two continued to trade blows, neither able to get the point against the other person.

Ramon got into a Crane stance, a move Samuel recognized and Samuel pretended to move forward, baiting him to launch the kick and sidestepped. Ramon's kick hit nothing, but as Samuel went to counter with a punch, Ramon recovered and stepped to the side, finally landing a blow on Samuel.

"Point, Aguilar" The ref said.

In the audience, Xander looked amazed at the fight at hand. Both Samuel and Ramon was fighting on a level that not even he had reached yet. Both Daniel and Johnny looked stunned at their students as the two came to blows again.

"Stay on that offense, Ramon!!" Johnny cheered.

"Remember to focus and counter, Samuel!" Daniel cheered.

Samuel and Ramon were trading blows again. As Ramon stayed on the offensive to try to overwhelm Samuel, Samuel stayed calm under pressure when suddenly Samuel leaped back, confusing Ramon who charged, little did he realize that Samuel got on the ground and unleashed the same two legged kick Robby used to knock Miguel over. Daniel looked stunned again, but Robby smiled.

'Of course he got it too...' Robby thought without any surprise.

"Point, Parker!" The ref announced.

"With an amazing two legged kick, Samuel Parker makes this match 2-1" The announcer said. As Ramon got up, he saw Miguel glaring with rage at Samuel, but when Samuel looked at him... all he saw was... worry. Ramon sighed.

"I forfeit the match." Ramon said.

"WHAT?!" Daniel and Johnny yelled at the same time. The crowd was stunned. Samuel helped Ramon up.

"Even if we kept fighting and if I won... I don't think I could get through to Miguel at the moment, he'd only see one of us winning as a win for Cobra Kai. The way he is now... if he loses... he has to lose to someone else... and you aren't so ragey right now. I'm trusting you to end this, Samuel. Don't disappoint me." Ramon said before he and Samuel bowed, but before Ramon left the arena, Samuel took the mic from the announcer.

"Let's give it up to an amazing competitor... Ramon Aguilar of Cobra Kai!" Samuel announces. The crowd cheered for Ramon. Even Daniel and Johnny couldn't help clapping. The other Cobra Kais looked at Ramon confused and disappointed, Hawk was downright livid... but somehow... when Ramon looked at Nicole's face... brimming with pride at both him and her Miyagi-Do teammate... he knew he had made the right choice. Samuel gave the mic back to the announcer.

"Here, guy." Samuel said.

As Ramon walked to the stands to sit with Nicole, Xander Stone walked up to him.
"You were right.... your match with Samuel Parker really was your defining match. You were amazing. I'd hoped to see who would win that match... but something tells me you need Samuel Parker to advance." Xander said. Ramon nodded.

"Yeah... I left one final task in his hands to close the tournament." Ramon replied

"The finals are about to start. Who will our new champion be... will it be Samuel Parker of Miyagi-Do Karate... or will it be Miguel Diaz of Cobra Kai?" The announcer said.

"Face me, bow." The ref said and Samuel and Miguel did as they were told.

"Face each other, bow." The ref instructed. Once again, Samuel and Miguel bowed.

"I'm going to crush you!" Miguel growled.

"I already told you to go for it." Samuel replied with no fear.

"FIGHT!" The ref yelled. Miguel went on the offensive, unlike with Ramon, Samuel was easily able to dodge Miguel's attacks.

"STOP DANCING AROUND LIKE A DAMN BALLERINA!" Miguel yelled in rage. Samuel smiled as he started to block Miguel's attacks before Samuel flipped over him, Samuel then knocked Miguel down by kicking his ankles and he punched his chest.

"Point, Parker"

"You're so busy seeing red that you technique is sloppy." Samuel informed Miguel. As Samuel started to go back to his section of the mat, Miguel charged him. The ref tried to stop Miguel, but Samuel turned, ready and Samuel easily blocked Miguel's enraged attacks.

"The moment you let your anger unbalance you, you lost this match." Samuel told Miguel. Miguel growled as he tried to kick Samuel, who grabbed Miguel's leg and pushed him back.

"Try again." Samuel said. Miguel caught his balance and tried to mount on offense against Samuel again. Like before, Miguel was sloppy, and Samuel was able to dismantle Miguel's offense with his defense before he kicked Miguel in the face.

"Point, Parker." The ref announced. Miguel hit the mat twice before glaring at Samuel.

"I'LL BREAK YOU!" Miguel yelled. Samuel motioned for Miguel to come forward and try again. The match resumed when Miguel tried to attack Samuel again, blind with rage. Samuel once again easily blocked his attacks.

"Remember what your Sensei taught you, Miguel. Focus!" Samuel instructed. Miguel growled.

"I was taught no mercy!" Miguel yelled when Miguel leaped at Samuel, but Samuel moved to the side, however Miguel landed and kicked Samuel back.

"Point, Diaz" The ref said. Samuel quickly stood up. The two walked back to their places and the match restarted. As Miguel took to the offensive again, Samuel's blocks made short work of Miguel's attacks.

"You May have learned no mercy for your sensei... but I had to confront my own flaws. My own stupidity, and my rage thanks to a friend who set me straight. Can you say the same?" Samuel asked before he stepped closer and closer to Miguel as he walked in, before Miguel knew it, Samuel sidestepped a punch and launched a kick to Miguel's chest, launching him back and winning the match.

"Point, Parker. Winner, Samuel Parker!" The announcer said.

"We are not our senseis, Miguel... let's not repeat their mistakes" Samuel told him before the announcer spoke.

"Our new champion is Samuel Parker representing Miyagi-Do Karate!" The announcer said. People cheered and as Samuel's Miyagi-Do team ran to the arena, Miguel got off the arena.

"We here at Miyagi-Do Karate would like to thank our sensei, Daniel LaRusso, for giving each of us a chance to become the people we were meant to be. I would also like to thank someone who, even though she may be gone... she's always with me... Thanks, Kim.... your life was cut short by cancer, but my promise to you has kept me strong... keep me going. Love you, sis." Samuel said as people cheered. Samuel then walked away from the arena. Samuel looked around to see Lauren was no where to be found. As Samuel sighed, he walked out of the arena door to find Samantha LaRusso waiting for him.

"Sam?" Samuel asked. Samantha smiled.

"You're not thinking of skipping out on the victory dinner thing my mom has planned, are you?" Samantha asked. Samuel chuckled.

"I...." Samuel started to say before Samantha hugged him.

"I'm sorry she didn't come. But I didn't stay to watch you fight just so you could be sad after you won. Come on, let's head back to my house. The other Miyagi-Dos will catch up." Samantha said. Samuel smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go." Samuel replied.

Miguel looked around for Sam and she wasn't there. Nicole ran up to Ramon and kissed him.

"You did great! I'm so proud of you! You got further than I did!" Nicole said proudly. Ramon chuckled.

"That's only because you had to deal with Xander before I did... you didn't figure out the deal behind the flipping... but don't worry... I'll help you train up." Ramon replied half teasingly. Nicole giggled and nodded.

"On the serious side, I'd like that some day." Nicole replied. Ramon then noticed Miguel looking sad. He lost the fight and who he thought was his girl... Ramon sighed.

"I need to go cheer up, Miguel." Ramon told Nicole. She nodded in understanding.

"Are we still on to see a movie on Friday after school?" Nicole asked. Ramon nodded.

"Wouldn't miss it." Ramon said. Nicole kissed his cheek and walked away happily. Ramon walked over to Miguel.

"Hey." Ramon said.

"Hey." Miguel replied.

"Let's have a Boy's Night on the town. You did great." Ramon said, before Miguel could refuse, he got a look that said Ramon would not take no for an answer.

"I'll ask my Mom and Grandma... but I'm pretty sure they'll say yes for tonight." Miguel replied.

"Robby!" Johnny yelled as he caught up to Daniel and Robby. They turned to see Johnny.

"Robby, I'm sorry. You fought well and..." Johnny started to say before Robby cut him off.

"It's fine, Dad." Robby said, not comfortable with talking to Johnny. Johnny then looked at Daniel.

"Congrats. LaRusso... I didn't know the kid was THAT good, but yeah... congrats." Johnny said awkwardly. Daniel nodded before Johnny awkwardly walked away, a lot on his mind with the shifted attitudes of Miguel and Hawk.

Johnny went back to his dojo and sighed in defeat before he heard the door open. Johnny got out of his office.
"Miguel, Ramon?" Johnny asked. There was a man standing in the shadows.

"You were so close.... so very close but those Miyagi-Do bastards always stand in the way. Everyone thought we were done. They closed the book on us... but you proved... that we are a force to be reckoned with. Those Miyagi-Do bastards... especially that little LaRusso 2.0, Samuel Parker think that we're going to take this lying down but we're not." The man said before he stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself to be John Kreese.

"We'll let Parker and LaRusso know... that the real story has just begun." Kreese told Johnny.

Samuel and Samantha arrived at the LaRusso house and soon so did the other Miyagi-Do.  As the celebration began, Samuel found a small box with his name at the back yard table where they were going to eat.

'We'll be watching you, Parker.... you'll get no mercy.... and your precious Samantha LaRusso will watch your knuckles bleed.' The note on the box said and a Cobra Kai logo was on it. Inside the box, Samuel found a broken camera inside with words painted on it.

'Always watching..... no mercy'

Author note: SEASON 1 IS DONE!!! I REPEAT SEASON 1 IS DONE!!!!! But Samuel's story doesn't end here.... soon Miyagi-Do Karate Season 2 will begin... as well as Miyagi-Do Mavericks, which will flesh out Samuel's time as a member of the runaway group, the Mavericks!

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