Dream Island + (The Original)

By JellyGirl16

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It's been a year since B.F.B has ended and Woody was the winner. Ever since winning B.F.B Woody's life has be... More

Author's note
Episode 1A: Helping Teardrop To Talk
Episode 1B: Helping Teardrop to talk
Episode 3: Tundra Turmoil
Episode 4: Who Beat Up TD?! (Warning Gore)
Episode 5a: Arm-less
Episode 5b: Loss
Episode 5C: Disaster Strikes
Episode 6: Help
Episode 7: Cooking Like A Chef
Episode 8: The Return (MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING)
Episode 9: Babysitting For Dumbasses
Episode 10: Everything is Okay...(Character Development)( trigger warning)
Episode 11: Title Undetermined
Episode 12 (Finale): It All Blows Up

Episode 2: Lazer Light Cannon

682 6 59
By JellyGirl16

 Welcome back guys! Shall we continue?

Adam: "Last time on DI+. The fourteen contestants arrived and were shocked to find out that Woody and Teardrop were going to be the host and co-host respectively. The first challenge went off without a hitch and the winners ended up being Match and Leafy. Since Leafy ended up taking to long, it caused Woody to have to randomize the teams. (The teams are named Epic and Chicken Leg in case you didn't read the last chapter). There first challenge was to build a thought to voice translator for Teardrop. Thanks to Match's unwillingness to help her team out, her team lost and her and pencil had a falling out which ended in a physical fight only stopped by Gelatin. And that's what you missed on DI+."

*intro music plays*

Woody: "So last time Team Chicken Leg lost the challenge meaning that they are up for elimination. Now over to Teardrop for Elimination Time ."

TD: "Hello everyone! I will be the one to be hosting elimination time. Does that sound cool?

Match: "Like no one care TD."

Spongy: "Match that was mean."

Match: "Like shut up Spongy don't defend her."

TD: "Anyway, we received 3 votes Which doesn't sound like a lot, but for the first ever vote, it's a lot. Also 6 of you guys are safe with 0 votes."

Gelatin: "Wait you mean-."

TD: "Yes one of you got all of the votes."

Team Chicken Leg: *GASP*

TD: "So I have 6 cans of Dr.Fizz. If you don't get a can of Dr.Fizz then you are eliminated! Firstly Bubble and Pencil are safe with zero votes against them."


Pencil: "Yea."

TD: "You know what? This is going to take forever. So the person who got eliminated with all 3 votes is ............................................................................................................Match!"

Match: "WHAT?! This is like totally rigged! Why would the readers want to vote me out?


*We couldn't show it due to budget cuts *

*End of flashback*

Pencil: "Gee i wonder why you're eliminated."

Match:"Shut up Pencil! You are not innocent you like know."

Pencil: "Well at least I've changed Match!"

Bubble: "Yeah Match, You are still very moian. At least poicil has choinged for the better, while you choinged for the worst."

TD: Well Match looks like it's time time to go for you.

Match was then teleport-ed to a mansion called "The Loser Mansion"

Woody: "And with that we have 13 remaining  contestants."

Eliminated: Match

Woody: "Alright it's time for our next challenge. The next challenge will be Lazer Tag with a twist".

Firey: "So what is the twist?"

Woody: "the twist is that only one team will have the guns. The others have nothing. So how it works is that Team Epic will try and hide from Team Chicken Leg in the dark, While Team Chicken Leg has to hunt them down in half an hour or else they lose. Team Epic will have night vision cameras and Team Chicken Leg will have big flashlights to help them search with them. Me And TD will go set everything up. So in the meantime you guys can chat or whatever and I will call you guys back once we are done."


Pin, Coiny, and Needle where all just sitting around talking

Coiny: "And that's how I found out I was adopted."

Needle: "Wow Coiny I never knew that about."

Pin: "Yea Coiny that was very interesting."

Coiny: "Okay girls I have to go to the restroom be right back."

After he left there was an awkward silent's filled the room. You see Needle might have been friends with Coiny, but she wasn't exactly friends with Pin. Needle was jealous of Pin because, in Needle's eyes Pin stole her crush from her. You see Needle had this crush on Coiny for the longest time and she was planing on confessing to him, however Pin beat her to it, and know Pin and Coiny are together and Needle is all alone. 

Pin: "Hey Needle do you want to talk?"

Needle: "No please leave me alone."


Woody: "Alright everyone suit up. The challenge is about to begin."

So everyone got suited up and they look fly. After Woody told them to begin, Team Epic had 60s to run and hide. Firey and Leafy hid together in a basement of an abandoned house. Coiny, pin, and Needle hid in bushes. Flower hid in a tree. Ruby had an amazing idea. Since it was dark outside,  she was going to try to walk really close to Team Chicken Leg but make her footsteps sound like it was one of there own foot steps she just had to be careful about making her presents known. If she made herself known the it be game over for her. When Woody said go it was time to start the challenge


Firey and Leafy where hiding in the house when all of a sudden, Leafy started to hyperventilate. She was starting to have a panic attack because of he anxiety. She hadn't told anyone about it because she was to afraid to do so and she didn't want people to think she was weak-willed. Firey noticed this and decided to ask her what was wrong.

Firey: "Leafy what's wrong?"

Leafy: "Firey i have anxiety and I think I am having a panic attack."

Firey: "Leafy it's okay. I am right here next to you. I know what will calm you down."

He then ate a yoyleberry turned into metal, and kissed her to calm her down.

Leafy: "Thank you Firey."

Firey: "Anything for you. Now lets have some fun."


Flower was getting bored sitting in the tree looking for her teammates. She made a deal With Team Chicken Leg that if she help them win the challenge they would not only buy her all the supplies she needs for her fashion line, they will also advertise her stuff for free. That was a deal the she could not pass up. So when she sees them all walking pass her, she spots Ruby Right next to them. Flower then snitches on Ruby, causing them to find her and eliminate her from the challenge.

Ruby: "FLOWER why did you do that?!

Flower: "Sorry Ruby but i made a deal with them


Team Chicken Leg then proceeded to find Both Firey and Leafy while it was there 'fun time'.

Gelatin: "Ha we found you guys-- WTF!

Firey and Leafy where now blushing like Crazy. Spongy started to puke all over the place. TB and GB were calculating the chance that this would happen. Bubble and Pencil bolted out of there screaming and Gelatin shot both of them causing them to be out of the challenge.


Coiny was hiding in a bush with Pin. They were flirting with each-other as most couples do.This caused something in Needle to snap and she began to cry like a maniac.

Coiny: "Hey Needle what's wrong."

Pin: "Yea what is wrong."

Needle: "You took him from me."

Pin: "Needle please speak up."


She then lunged at Pin and tried to choke her out. Coiny was trying his hardest to pull her off, but she just punched him and knocked Coiny out cold. You could here screams from both Pin and Needle from a long 5 miles away. This caused Team Chicken Leg, Woody and TD to rush over there ASAP. 

Just as Pin was about to pass out, Team Chicken Leg, Woody and  Teardrop came and stopped Needle by freezing her. Then they rushed Coiny and Pin to the Master Recovery Center. Needle was put in a cage for the time being. Woody despite being a lot braver, started to freak out over what they where going to do. Woody went off to go calm down as TD stayed with Team Chicken Leg and did the outro.

Teardrop: "Well it looks like Team Chicken Leg wins this one which means, Team Epic is up for elimination. Readers it's up to you to choose who gets eliminated. See you guys in episode 3. Bye!"

Vote out one member of Team Epic

[a] Leafy

[b] Firey

[c] Flower

[d] Ruby

[e] Coiny

[f] Pin

[g] Needle

Hey guys thank you so much for reading all they way to the end. voting ends 9/5/2020 at 2pm

Jellyboi1 signing out

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