The Son of Tears

By Dragonfan20

2K 42 30

What if Blue led the rebellion? What if Steven was the son of Blue Diamond? How would the story change? How w... More

Blue Scales
Free Together
Mirror, Mirror
Freeing the Prisoner


161 2 1
By Dragonfan20

This Idea is from @LordRedsontlborn.

"Watch the tail!" Amethyst warned, giving Steven enough time to dodge.

"Remind me again why Garnet isn't here?" He asked.

Pearl materialized her spear just as the corrupted gem pounced on her, "She is busy looking for the Dessert Glass, but-" She dodged another attack, "We can take this one." She finished.

Steven once again dodged the spiky tail of the lizard like creature, "If you say so."

The gem slammed Amethyst into a tree, "Ugh! I've had enough of this!" Amethyst summoned another whip and used both two try and choke the gem.

Steven covered his ears as it let out a blood curdling shriek. It was so loud that Amethyst lost her hold and tumbled to the ground. "Ow. What even was that?"

A loud crash answered her question. Two shadows came through the trees, both looking like the gem, right down to the spikes on its back and the fangs in its mouth.

Pearls eyes widened, "That was a backup call"

There were three CGs and three CoGs (Corrupted Gems). One for each. The CoGs pounced, singling out one of the CGs and separating them from one another.

Steven summoned his bubble in an attempt to not get slashed. His bow wouldn't work for short range, so he had his bubble and his... his water powers.

Steven looked around desperately for a water source. There! There was a river, but it was just out of his range, and even if he could get a hold on the water, there was no way that he could control it and keep the bubble intact.

So my options are controlling the water and getting sliced to bits, or waiting until the monster breaks the bubble and getting sliced to bits. Steven thought dryly. He noticed the tree next to him would fall down with the right amount of force. Steven waited till the CoG was going to pounce, and then he dropped the bubble and rolled to the side. The CoG ended up smashing into the base of the tree, causing the tree to topple over and onto it.

The CoG was trapped under the branches, not poofed, but it would do for now. Steven ran to help Amethyst, Who was using her whip to back her monster against a rock.

Steven summoned his bow and aimed it the beast. The arrow did nothing but make it angry.

"HOW ARE THESE THINGS NOT POOFING!?" (it autocorrected to pooping😐😑😐)Amethyst screamed in annoyance.

Pear opened her mouth to answer, or perhaps make a salty comment, only to get thrown into the air by the CoG. She disappeared over the trees, swiftly followed by Amethyst.

"Well", Steven said to himself, "Guess its two against one-" A ripping noise told him that the third corruption was free. "Make that three against one."

The three CoGs attacked.

Steven summoned his bubble, rolling away. He knew that he had to get to the river. 

One of their tails hit the wall of the bubble, popping it. Steven barely had enough time to dodge their mouths. One of them managed to tear his shirt, barely reaching his skin.

Somehow, Steven reached the river. He tried to reach out to the water, nothing. "Come on!" He said to himself, He wouldn't be able to summon another bubble if they attacked again. He tried to reach out again, but the water wouldn't obey.

The Corrupted gems pounced.

Time slowed down.

A rising panic filled the air,

Out of the corner of his eye, Steven saw Amethyst and Pearl enter the clearing,

And the river exploded.

The corrupted gems were poofed, and a shudder went through Amethyst and Pearls forms.

A tremor went through the air, traveling like ripples into their gems.

Particularly Pearls. 

And into the mirror inside it.

Well this was fun to write.  Sorry it's short tho.

I have some inspiration now, but it would be SUPER helpful if you could give me ideas.

In case you missed it, My updates will now be every 7 days max.

Anyway, see you soon.


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