Blood Covenant Yoonminseok [...

By Ususi-chan5

6.3K 441 85

Jimin has a deep dark secret that he's been hiding from everyone - he's a vampire or a half vampire to be exa... More

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316 26 2
By Ususi-chan5


first love

One's first experience of the feeling of romantic love. The first person to be the object of one's romantic affection. (idiomatic, by extension) The thing, place, or activity of which one is fondest; one's most fundamental interest or attachment.

Hoseok's POV

"Hoseok when you said you wanted to go out I expected a bar or a club.............. not the library" Namjoon staring at his friend.

"Now what's wrong in going to the library and it's a rare library too one that only opens at night" I said enthusiastically.

"Now I see why you don't have much friends you weirdo" Namjoon said placing his hand on the library door to open it.

The two of us enter and soon we were face to face with the librarian Miss Habernacle, a woman in her sixties with visible gray hair and wrinkles.

"What can I help you with boys?" She asked.

"Well as long as I'm here I could get some studying done, can you direct me to the physics section?" Namjoon asked.

"On the second floor the third row" she directed.

"And what about you?" She turned to me.

"Umm I wanna make friends" I stated.

"I think your at the wrong location sunny" She stated. "I don't think we have any books about making friends for teenagers but you could check the kids section"

I nodded my head walked straight to the kids section surprisingly enough children were actually here.

I walk over to a bookshelf in search for the specific book I was looking for until my eyes glimpse the spine of one particular book.

"Little willy making friends" I read the title "yes this is exactly what I'm looking for"

I opened the book and placed myself on one of the soft cushions. I was reading to myself until I felt a pair of eyes on me, I turn to see who it is and I was little girl.

"Hello" I greeted.

"Hwello" she said in her improper english.

I look over to see the book she was reading it was Dr Seuss the stories of thing 1 and thing 2.

"I've read that book before"  I said.

"Rweally!! I've rwead that one too"she said pointing to the book in my hand.

"Oh, you have trouble making friends too?" I asked.

"Yeah I still don't have any frwiends" she said with a cute pout.

"Awe don't worry I'll be your friend" I stated.


"Yes!! I can play with you anytime you want"

"Hoseok what the hell are you doing?" I turn to Namjoon looking at me with disgust.

"Oh just talking to my friend" I then turn my head to her "what's your name?"


"Susie" I repeated

"Hoseok let's go before I go to prison with you" Namjoon said taking my hand and dragging me to the exit.

"Prison? Why would we go to prison?"


"When I said make friends I meant friends your own age" Namjoon stated

"I know that why are you making me out to be a pedophile" I stated.

The two of us were now outside of a club. I could here the sound of the music playing from out here clearly damaging the hearing of the people inside.

"I don't know why people like going to clubs, it's just a bunch of people rubbing up against each other either drunk, horny or high" I stated with folded arms.

"Hoseok what are you a parent, your young you should be coming to these places every night plus this is the best place to make friends" namjoon stated

"Are you sure about that" I said turning to group of friends that were clearly too drunk to walk properly.

"~i swear I'm so drunk I don't remember what gender I am~"

"~aren't you a virgin~"

"~Oh yes now I remember~

I look back at namjoon showing him my you-can't-be-expecting-me-to-make-friends-with-these-kinds-of-people face.

"Okay fine maybe they're not the best people to make friends with but it's a good shot" Namjoon persuaded.

"Yeah am a sit this one out" I said.

"Okay but I'm going in be careful going back home" Namjoon stated.

"I will" I said back.


I was now walking through a dark alley, I'm pretty sure I'm lost but I'm going to act like I know where I'm going to not freak out.

Then I heard a garbage can drop, It startled me causing me to drop and knock over a bunch of glass bottles.

"Whose there?" An all too familiar voice said.

"Jimin?" I softly called.

"H-oseok" I heard Jimin stutteredly called my name.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned as to why he was out here by himself.

"Hoseok stay away from me!!!" He shouted surprising me.

"What's wrong is there something I can do?" I asked walking closer to him.

"I said stay away!!!!" He yelled.

" I just wanna-" I couldn't finish my sentence as the moon light finally shined over Jimin's body, the cute short boy that looked completely harmless had blood red eyes, pointed teeth that could tear skin and sharp nails to rip my throat.

"Oh God"

||End of chapter 3

🎉🎂Happy birthday Namjoon🎂🎉

🎁I wish you the universe and the love of all armys, continue to be the best most greatest person in the world I💜 u.🎁.

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