
By jinxedtodeath

81.6K 3.6K 2.8K

-Technoblade meets Minecraft Story Mode- Jesse, Petra, Ivor, and Lucas had just made it out the world of Sky... More

act 1, chapter 1- the mistake
act 1, chapter 2- subjugation
act 1, chapter 3- trapped
act 1, chapter 4- beginning of the end
act 1, chapter 5- bargain
act 1, chapter 6- literal plot armor
interlude- world building
act 2, chapter 8- dawn of new problems
act 2, chapter 9- it derails
act 2, chapter 10- paradigm shift
act 2, chapter 11- face reveal
act 2, chapter 12- status quo
interlude- moments before disaster
act 2, chapter 13- the decision
act 2, chapter 14- puppet
act 2, chapter 15- down time
act 2, chapter 16- imminent
act 2, part 17- o̸n̴l̴y̷ ̴d̸e̶a̵t̴h̵
interlude- harrowing
finale- part 1/2
finale- part 2/2

act 1, chapter 7- ignorance is bliss

3.6K 162 108
By jinxedtodeath

The bell in the center of the town rang, startling Finn out of his shocked state. He still couldn't believe what just happened. Not only did that masked man decide to run out of the house, but the others had followed, certainly to their doom. He sat in a fetal position, rocking back and forth, sobbing his eyes out.

"Why'd he have to come?" he shakily said to himself. "And now they're dead and he's probably calling us all to the town hall to show off the bodies of those morons who wanted to fight him and they're dead and it's all my fault, it's all my fault..." The bell rang again, which made Finn curl up tighter. "And my parents are all dead too, because I couldn't find them quickly enough while outside, and everything is my fault..." The tears came harder as he sat here and rocked himself back and forth, trying to cry away his failures, even though he knew it wouldn't work.

Minutes later, he still hasn't gone to the town hall yet, wallowing in self pity, unwilling to see the dead faces of those kind strangers. He looked down at his now disgusting shirt and sniffed again. The dirty article of clothing managed to get him into action again, and he was just standing up to go put it in a basket when he heard cheers in the distance.

He stood shock still.


A moment later, there was another cheer, a louder one.

Before he could form any other thoughts, Finn ran into his room and tugged his heavy overcoat on. He ran out of the house, coat flapping behind him, and for the first time in weeks, he saw actual people on the streets. Stragglers who had been lured out by the cheers like him, probably. Ignoring everyone else, he sprinted as fast as he could to the town hall, stopping right in front of the large door, the crowd already growing large. He squirmed through the crowd, trying to get close enough to see who was speaking.

To his absolute shock, he saw those four kind strangers standing by their lava fountain, proudly holding up fists of victory. Everyone around him was cheering, shouting things like 'The pig is gone!' and 'We're saved!' Finn just stood there, not able to move at all.

Did they... Did they actually manage to defeat that madman in battle?

Just then, the leader of the four, Jesse, caught his eye in the huge crowd. He smiled warmly at him and gave him a thumbs up, almost in a forgiving gesture.

Finn couldn't believe his eyes. He slowly sank to his knees and cupped his hands over his mouth, breathing heavily, pinching his arm, as if it was all a fragile dream that could be shattered if he moved or spoke. The people around him were all busy cheering.

"Finn!" he heard someone call. He turned around to see his friend, Lillian, who was standing beside her cheering parents, obviously having just spotted him.

"Lillian?" Finn whispered back.

"Finn! I'm so glad you're not dead!" she cried, running over to him and wrapping him up in a fierce hug.

"I-I" Finn stuttered. "I'm glad too." And they stayed like that for a little while, just hugging each other and not letting go, the crowd cheering all around them.


"I'm afraid we can't stay here," Jesse announced to the townspeople, who had since quieted down. "We have a home to go back to, and our friends are expecting us back." He bowed and all the townspeople cheered and clapped again.

"We are very glad to have helped!" exclaimed Petra, stepping forward. "And we'll... hang around a bit more before leaving. Thank you!" And so the crowd began to disperse, the air of revelry still present. Once the town hall had mostly cleared out, Jesse scanned the place, noticing Finn and another girl the same age as him lingering at the entrance.

"Hey Finn!" he exclaimed, running over to him while his friends were still consoling various townspeople. "Did you want to say something, lingering back there?" Jesse asked.

"I-I... " Finn took a deep breath. "I just wanted to apologize. F-for everything, like locking you in my house, and underestimating you, and-"

"He's really sorry, all of it." the girl summarized. "So we're here to apologize."

"Hey, no need," Jesse said. "That guy was really tough, and we almost didn't beat him. It was just our good luck in the end. I think you don't have to feel guilty about it, although my friends might..." catching the drift, Finn nodded hurriedly and grabbed the girl's hand.

"Thank you for everything!" he thanked, before running off with his friend. Jesse looked at them disappear over the horizon, and sighed in content with himself before walking back to his friends.


After most of the townspeople left the town hall, the group crowded around the portal to prepare to light it.

"It's been a real journey," sighed Lucas. "But we're finally out of here."

"Yeah," Jesse said, taking out his blue flint and steel to light the portal. "Let's continue trying to get home!" He was met with some unenthusiastic cheers, and just rolled his eyes. He struck the flint and steel together, and the portal sparked to life with a gold glow. "Let's go!" he exclaimed, and the group charged in.

None of them noticed the invisible footsteps that followed them in, and extinguished the portal afterwards.


Wilbur was strangely nervous, although he had no reason to be. The tent and the campfire and the food was all safely inside Phill's inventory, but he just couldn't shake a bad feeling.

"EY PHIL!" he yelled.

"WHAT!" Phil yelled back from the second story of their cozy house.

"ARE YOU SURE WE PACKED EVERYTHING?" Wilbur asked. There was some clambering as Phil came downstairs.

"Look, I've checked everything over five times, and I've promised Tommy ice cream if he didn't mess with it. What are you even worried about?" Phil asked, looking a bit tired. Wilbur bit his lip.

"It's just a bad feeling I can't shake." he muttered.

"Don't worry man, it's our first camping trip, a lot of things could go wrong, but that doesn't mean it will. Loosen up and try to enjoy it alright?" Phil cajoled, patting Wilbur's back.

"Yeah," Wilbur grumbled. "Alright."

"See?" Phil said cheerfully. "I'm going to go find Tommy now, so we can leave. This is gonna be great!" With that, Phil walked out of the house, the weather miraculously not rainy.

"It's going to be fine." Wilbur said to himself, not really sure if he believed himself.



i bet you weren't expecting sleepybois inc! ha! but yeah they're here now and the tags will be updated. i like to tag things as soon as they appear as to not get people's hopes up and disappoint them when they don't see the tagged thing lol 

anyways, this really shouldn't have taken 6 whole days, and i don't even have act 2 planned out in more detail :( next wait might be just as long, sorry

would anyone like for me to draw some of the characters and put them here? (sleepybois, ocs, mcsm main characters, ya know)

thanks bye see you in about a week

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