Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 38: Untold Stories

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By Wingerz17

Song for Chapter is Stories by Jackson Guthy


Tayte's POV

We picked Mum from the hospital, Keane was carrying Torah in her carrier and I was arm in arm with Mum,

"Why did you want us to pick you up and not Forrest?"  I asked,

"Because I want to spend as much time as I can with you," she answered and I saw Keane glance at me.


"No, I don't want you to stay, I want you to live your life and be happy and know that I am here, know that you have family here who love you and will always love you,"

  "I love you too Mum,"

We got Torah in the back and managed to work how the car seat fitted in and strapped her in safely, with Mum's help too of course. She sat in the back next to her whilst Keane drove.

"Shall we stop for a drink at Artie's?" Mum said as Keane pulled off,

"I thought you'd want to go straight home. Forrest will..."

  "I am able to look after myself and I would like to have a drink with my boys and little girl,"

"Even though you've just been released from hospital after giving birth,"

  "Tayte, darling, if I wasn't up for it I'd say,"

"Yes ma'am," Keane winked and she smiled. Again there was a parking space right in front of Artie's. Keane got Torah out who was still sleeping peacefully and we headed in. It was much quieter than it was yesterday, but still busy. I saw Marshall and when he saw us a beam spread across his face. He came over,

  "Hey," he looked at Jen and then Keane holding Torah, "Mrs Marcillo, congratulations, oh she's gorgeous, have you come for food? I can find you the best table," He beamed,

"Marshall darling you look good, that would be lovely thank you,"

We sat down at a large oak table with miss matching chairs, Keane put Torah down next to Jen and then sat next to me.

  "I will be back over to take your orders, the specials are on the board and I can rattle off what's in the glass chiller cabinet for you when I'm back,"

"Does he remind you of anyone?" Keane asked,

   "No, why, who does he remind you of?"

"Noah," I smiled,

"Okay, maybe I can see that,"

  "How is Noah?" Mum asked,

"A crazy hyper ball of fun who is enjoying studying psychology and keeps us all on our toes,"  Keane answered,

   "He was always a character, from the moment he could crawl and then talk, oh we all knew he was going to be this bringer of sunshine," Mum said. Keane smiled.

We looked at the menu and glance over at the cabinet. I got up and went over to scope them out even though Marshall said he'd come back,

  "I'm glad you came back," He beamed at me,

"We'll meet up properly," I told him, "This was just in passing,"

  "Tayte, can I just say. I am straight and I am in no way trying to make advancements on Keane," I smiled,

  "You didn't need to say anything. Yes I may have been slightly jealous, but I'm like that with every guy who enters our life and shows an interest in Keane. They always show an interest in Keane,"

  "They may do, but Keane is with you and I don't think he's going anywhere," he winked, "I'll be over in a minute," I rolled my eyes and looked at what was in the cabinet. When I came back to the table, Mum was on the phone, talking to Forrest no doubt,

"I saw you talking to M, all okay?" Keane asked,

  "Yes, we just cleared some things up and he told me that he was straight and was in no way making advancements towards you," Keane smiled and his eyes sparkled.

"I have eyes for you only," he told me, I laughed, "What! It's not my fault that I catch others eyes and look at them, they started it, but they don't know that I am with your sexy self."

  "Sorry, that was Forrest, worrying as I'm sure you knew. Anything nice in the cabinet?" Mum said,

  "Depends what you fancy, there are some sandwiches, pies, quiches and salads in there for savoury and some sweet treats like muffins, various tray bakes," I replied as Marshall came over,

  "So, how about I take some drinks and then I will choose a few of the best sellers for you to all share and try, sweet and savoury. Sound okay?" he relayed,

"Sounds like a good plan," Keane smiled.

We were there for 2 hours and had the best time. Torah was an angel and slept peacefully the whole time. We left and hugged Marshall goodbye and Keane said he'd text him and we'd catch up and do something on a day off of his before we went back to America. I looked at Keane as he got in the car, even though he seemed totally fine, there was something off about him, it had me worried.

We pulled up in the drive at 1.45pm and Forrest was waiting in the doorway,

  "Can we use the car Rhina?" Keane said,

"Of course you can,"

  "We're going to go for a drive,"

"You aren't worried about Forrest are you?"

  "Just want you to spend some time with him right now," Keane answered,

"Keane..." Mum began,

  "We won't be long, can we pick anything up for you?" I butted in,

"No, I don't think so but I'll text you if that changes," we helped get Torah out and walked to the door.

  "You two heading straight back off?" Eliah asked,

"Yes," Keane answered looking at Forrest,

   "Can I come with you?" Keane's eyes softened and he found her face,

"Of course,"

  "Give me 2 minutes,"

"We'll be in the car," and Keane walked off.

  "Um...has Forrest said something to you that I don't know about,"

"No. I just don't like his vibe,"

   "You know he's just uptight because it's his first child right,"

"Maybe," the door opened and Eliah climbed in the back,

   "How did Forrest take us stopping for a drink and food?" I asked and Keane gave me a look,

"He freaked out. I had to calm him down. He's just really stressed, excited and all over the place. It's his first child and he's being a typical first Dad. I wouldn't worry,"

"Who said I was worried?"

"It's written all over Keane's face," She said. He didn't bite and we pulled off,

  "So where did you want to go?" I asked,

"Wherever you were going, I just needed a break from my brother,"

  "Where are we going baby? We don't really know the area,"

"I just needed a drive," he answered, I noticed his hands shaking,

  "Baby you feeling okay?" he didn't answer. "Hey, can you pull over for me a minute?"

"What's going on?" Eliah mouthed, I shrugged,

  "I'm fine Tayte, just a headache," his hands were still shaking, but he looked at me and smiled. He drove to a carpark which was situated next to a park. "Want to go for a walk?"

Eliah looked at me.

  "Sure baby, let's go for a walk," I said cautiously, getting out of the car. He clenched his hands together and took a breath. Taking one of mine,

"So I messaged Carlos yesterday" Eliah said,

"What did he say?" I asked as we began to walk, trying to keep my nerves at ease.

  "That he wrote a message to me every day, but kept deleting it, not having the guts to follow through. He said I'd made his whole week messaging him. Two adults messaging like children we were,"

"Told you it'd be okay," Keane said with a shiver.

  "Are you cold Keane?" Eliah asked;

", I'm okay," the glisten of sweat on his brow and shiver said otherwise.

A dog ran up and Keane bent down and charmed it like he charms everyone. The owner came running up apologising and took the dog away. I noticed Keane wince as he stood back up. His shoulder.

We carried on walking a bit further and ended up looping round back to the car. Making small talk all the way round.

  "Baby I think we should head back home. Eliah will drive,"

"I can. Why are you two worrying about me?" He asked,

  "Because your hands are shaking and it looks like you have a temper and chill and when you stood up from stroking the dog you winced," I said softly,

"It's cold outside, I'm fine baby, I'll drive,"

  "Keane, are you sure you feel okay? Remember there's a little new born at home now and if you pass on any illness it could be dangerous," Eliah said;

  "I'm fine," He climbed in the driver's seat of the car.

He drove us back in silence and I kept watching him the whole time. He got out the car,

"I'm going to get our brother to talk to him, will you just inform my Mum and Forrest about the situation,"

  "Of course and Tayte. Maybe he is okay?" Eliah said softly. We headed in and I dragged Keane upstairs with me,

"Baby, if you won't tell me how you're feeling, will you tell Angelo?"

   "Tayte. I'd be telling Angelo the same thing as you. I'm okay. My shoulder is a little stiff. Other than that I don't understand why your worried," he laid on the bed after flicking his shoes off and hugged a pillow.

I didn't know what to do. Believe him? Keep an eye? Continue as if he wasn't actually totally out of sorts at the park.

"Baby..." I began,

"Will you come cuddle me," he asked and he looked so innocent and so young at that moment in time, I forgot everything and joined him. I awoke to Torah crying; the bed was empty beside me.

  "Keane," I called, "Baby," no reply, I checked the bathroom and it was also empty. It was 6pm, we'd slept a while. Torah was still crying. I popped my head round the door,

"You okay Mum?" I asked,

    "Oh yes. Just Torah woke for her feed and isn't settling,"

"Have you seen Keane?"

    "He was in the conservatory when I came up. Chatting to Eliah. He seems okay,"

"And Forrest?"

   "In the shower, then we're swapping, go and see Keane," I nodded and headed downstairs.

"Hey handsome," Keane said when I walked in.

   "You left me," I said,

"You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up baby," I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his cheek.

  "Thanks for looking after him Eliah," she laughed,

"He's been looking after me," she responded. "Can I have a quick word?"

"Don't talk about me behind my back, I thought we were friends," Keane winked, as we left the room.

  "How is he really?"

"Tayte, honestly, he's okay. Whatever was going with him, seems to have disappeared. He hasn't got a temperature, I made him let me check. He's not got a chill, or a headache, though that he could be lying about. He took some paracetamol for his shoulder which he said was achy and other tablets for his immune system. You obviously know more than me,"

I did feel relieved.

  "Thank you,"

"Hey, no worries. You two are like my little brothers. I get to be the oldest sibling for once,"

  "How long has he been down?"

"Half hour I'd guess, maybe longer," I nodded. We headed back in,

  "Told you I was fine," he said with a smile. I was proud of him for taking his tablets for his spleen. I needed to make sure this became a routine and in-still this in his everyday life. I sat on him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  "Torah's still crying then," Eliah asked, "I'm going to see if I can be of any assistance," she squeezed both our shoulders and left.

"Baby you scared me earlier, you really wasn't yourself," I said softly, closing my eyes and leaning back into him more.

  "I'm sorry, but I'm okay now. I wasn't lying to you earlier though. I did feel okay," he answered nuzzling into my neck.

"I'm also proud of you, in the most non patronising way, for taking your tablets for your immune system," he smiled even though I couldn't see him.

  "I need to stick around for a lot of people I love. Should start putting my health as priority," I spun around and kissed him, his eyes glistened.

  "Keane, sorry to be a pain but Jen was wondering if you could come and try and settle Torah?" We both jumped, not hearing her, "Sorry," she laughed,

"Why does Jen think I can settle Torah?"

  "Maybe because you are good with children," I answered,

"But your Mum doesn't know that,"

   "Well it's worth a shot right!" Eliah said "And in the meantime I'm going to start dinner," she wondered off. I stood up and held out my hand, in which he took and we went upstairs.

  "Oh Keane. Would you mind?" Mum asked, Forrest was currently holding her and she was not at all happy.

"If you think I can do anything,"

     "Keane, you love children and children love you. I know this and your Mum rang me when you and Tayte began dating, worried you'd never have children. I assured her that you will someday,"

"I'm finding out more and more things about my Mum," Keane said.

We both were.

"You okay with me giving this a try?" Keane then asked Forrest. He handed her over in response. She began to squirm, but as Keane got her comfy on his chest, with one arm supporting her legs and the other her head. She settled down, stopped crying and was drifting off to sleep. We all stared at him,

  "Guess I have a magic touch,"

"Thank you. You can try and put her down in the bassinet, though she may wake again," Jen said. Forrest left the room, saying he was going to help Eliah cook.

Keane managed to get Torah in the bassinet without her waking.

"Come join me," Mum said patting the bed, we sat either side of her. "Thank you darling,"

    "She's an Angel, it's no worries,"

"Keane you should have seen how your Mum was with you. Like you were the greatest creation ever born. She'd look at you like if she stopped, you'd combust. And you and Tayte, were thick as thieves from the day one. You'd hold hands whilst in your pushchairs, you'd take things off of shelves in the supermarket, hide under tables giggling eating stolen chocolate cake. I remember one day, I think you were both 3, Rhina was heavily pregnant with Noah and was laid up in bed. Joey was on a shopping run. You Keane were meant to be watching TV and the doors were apparently locked. But somehow you got out and found your way into my house and you and Tayte took yourself off into his cupboard and we're watching a film on my iPad. Oh Rhina called me panicked, crying and having a panic attack down the phone and I assured her you were probably just hiding. Until I found you missing," we both smiled. "Complete pandemonium for hours, we looked everywhere. Or so we thought until Joey found you in the cupboard," She pauses and smiled, "Then there was the time you were 5 years old, we were out on a walk and had just finished up our picnic. There was a beautiful lake and Noah was toddling around following you both, oh you were so cute. Then Tayte dared you to jump into the lake, Keane you responded if I jump first you better follow. Noah said me too. Keane you jumped, followed by Tayte and we rushed off and I grabbed Noah before he could follow and Rhina jumped in after you both. She didn't think she just jumped. We couldn't even be mad at you both, because you gave us your best sorry faces,"

  "Thanks for that Mum," I said; Keane was quiet, she kissed my cheek,

"Let me have a word with Keane," she whispered, I nodded and glanced at Keane who was looking at the floor.

Keane's POV

Jen put her arm around me,

  "I don't want to be angry at her anymore," I said, "I just..."

"Keane. Only you know when you are ready. Your Mum she knows, how much you love her, and she tells me every time she speaks to me, how much she loves you, is proud of you and is sorry for everything she put you through,"

  "I can't talk to her like I am with you right now,"

"You can darling. You were the one who said baby steps. I can see it in your eyes how much you love her and how far you have come in your forgiveness. Despite everything that has happened between you both, you will still have a relationship with your Mum. Look at me and Tayte,"

  "Thanks Jen..."

"Your past has been awful Keane and no one is telling you to forget what happened to you, or what you've been through. But you have such a wonderful future ahead of you, surrounded by so many people who love you. So you look forward to that, you live for the future Keane," I hugged her, "It's going to be alright Kid,"

She turned the baby camera on and we left the room. Tayte, Eliah and Forrest were just laying the table.

  "You okay baby?" Tayte said gently, coming over and hugging me.

"Yes. I'm good," I smiled.

   "Dinner is basically ready," Forrest said, massaging Jen's shoulder,

"The brother and sister tag team have cooked up a storm," Eliah grinned.

So we sat down to honey roasted new potatoes, soy and honey salmon and garlic carrots and asparagus.

It was pleasantly delicious, we also had a glass of Sauvignon blanc too, except Jen.

Torah slept until 9pm and Jen and Forrest went up to bed. Eliah dipped out on us at 10.30pm.

We were the last two standing. Snuggled up on the sofa, I was led on Tayte who was absentmindedly playing with my hair.

"You sure you're okay? You still feel hot," he said,

"I'll be okay," I answered closing my eyes.

  "So you're not right now?" He asked feeling my forehead and I smiled.

The smile was enough.



Thank youuuu


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2020

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