Lady Illea (Lady Illea #1)

By LillyStoryTeller

460K 14.6K 3.5K

Alessandra Maia Carswell is the newest competitor for the selection. Having been raised an only child by her... More

Before You Start
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
(Sneak Peak)
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thrity Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
(Deleted Scene)
(Deleted Scene)
(Lady Illea 2 Will Be Up Tomorrow!)
(Yours Truly, Lady Illea)

Chapter Forty Two

6K 237 29
By LillyStoryTeller

While daddy refused to leave the hospital on a wheel chair the doctor's insisted. There were swarms of people outside the hospital and now, in front of my house, it looked like a mob. I jumped out of the cab grabbing our things from the back trunk and Leslie and Em were helping daddy into his chair.

I couldn't make out what the crowd was saying. They were all talking so loudly, all at the same time. There were cameras and flashing lights. More and more the reasons to not go back to the palace were filling up my head. With the end of the summer drawing near the heat wasn't as bad but it was heat just the same and I wasn't in the mood for a bunch of reporters.

Lez and Em gave each other a look before they went head on into the crowd and they split down the center to let them through. Daddy has sunglasses on, Leslie mumbled answering very few questions, and while Emilie was enjoying the attention she looked as though she were becoming annoyed.

I took in a deep breath and braced myself going after them.

"Lady Alessandra!"

"Lady Alessandra!"

Someone pushed out a headshot of me with a marker. I didn't want to be rude so I just took the marker and signed the photo. What I didn't notice at first, but I certainly did now, was that there weren't just reporters. They were regular people too. I was shocked to see so many people on my block and in front of my small run down house.

The neighbors were outside and a little girl lifted a book. I bent down smiling at her, and signed her book. She beamed and I kept walking.

"Miss Carswell! Miss Carswell! What's life like in the palace!'

"Lady Alessandra are you and the prince in love?'

"Miss Carswell have you met the met the former Queen and King Maxon and America?"

"Lady Alessandra how is your father's health? Will you be returning to the palace?"

There were so many questions my head was spinning. A man stuck his head out from the crowd and with that a camera. I took the camera from him and giving the best smile I could turned it around and snapped a picture. I gave it back to him.

"Here you go"

He lit up. "Thank you!"

A few more people handed me things to sign and I did. Finally when I reached the door to my house it was a struggle to keep everyone out.

"Please," i said. "I'm very tired"

There was a bright light and too many cameras for me to count.

"Lady Alessandra!" someone shoved forward a microphone. "In what condition is your father's health"

"He suffered a heartattack and went through a minor surgery. He's fine now"

"Will you be taking care of him?" a woman asked.

'I will"

"Lady Alessandra!" another man shoved forward a recorder. "Will you be returning to the palace after this?"

I swallowed. "I do not know"

I turned to close the door and there was an uproar of people talking at the same time.

"Wait, Lady Alessandra!" a woman standing next to a man with a camera called. "Do you love the Prince?"

"He's a good man" I replied vaugley, ready to slam the door shut.

"You didn't answer my question" she replied.

"Miss Carswell!" another man fought for my attention. "Has the royal family contacted you"

"No," I said firmly with a clenched jaw. There questions were starting to get on my nerves.

"Miss Carswell are you aware of the recent change in castes?"

I almost shut the door in thier faces but upon hearing that I stopped dead in my tracks.


"Caste six and five have merged and before Christmas the royal family's plan is to have the fourth and fifth caste merge together as well!" another man called.

I rubbed my hands together. "That's wonderful"

"Lady Alessandra what do you think of politics?" a woman asked.


"Do you think you're fit to be queen?"

"I don't-"

"Are you ready to rule the country?"

"Lady Alessandra what do you think of making foreign alliances?"

With my head spinning I told them good bye and shut the door. I locked the door, taking in deep breaths and squeezed my eyes shut. Could I even imagine? I didn't know how the royals did it. No privacy, the questions, the mobs, the harrasment. I tried slowing my heart beat and opened my eyes looking around.

Emilie and Leslie must have been with daddy in the living room. I hung up my sweater and dropped the bags in the hall, leaning them against the wall. I walked into the living room and the televison was on.

"They're like monsters!"

Em shook her head. "They won't leave for hours"

I walked into the kitchen dropping my keys on the counter and started going through the mail Leslie brought in with her. Same as it always was. Bills, bills, bills, and more bills with the occasional letter from a magazine or tv show or news paper asking for an interview with one of us. So typical. I was ready to toss them all into the garbage when I came across the last letter. My heart nearly stopped.

     It was a thick parchment letter with elegant, thick, black cursive on the front that spelled out my name. Alessandra Carswell had never looked so beautiful before. Eagerly, I flipped it over and saw the royal seal on the back. I felt my stomach do back flips. So he did miss me! Will must have been thinking of me too! I bet this was a nice, long, well written apology for his being an incompitent-!

"What's that?"

  I nearly jumped out of my skin. I threw the rest of the letters on the table and held the one from the palace clsoe to my chest. Leslie stood in the hallway and looked at me.

"Nothing. Go away."

   Leslie rolled her eyes and walked away. I tore the letter open as quickly as i could. 

   Maybe daddy was right, maybe I was overreacting a bit too much before. This letter was my reason to go back to the palace. Whatever it was at work here, fate, destiny, I just prayed it led me in the right direction.

   But with a sinking heart I realized that my hopes and dreams had been crushed.

     Dearest Alessandra Carswell,

                      I'd like to start this letter off by extending my love to you and your family. I myself was once very close to my father and he too meant the world to me. I could only imagine what you must have went through in those moments you feared the worst. Alessandra it is with open arms that I, and the rest of the royal family, welcome you back to the palace whenever you see is fit for you. I do hope you come back, Alessandra. You promised to have tea with me.

                                                                                        Yours Truly,

                                                                                                        America Shreave




hahahahaha ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hi guys.

So like.....................DON'T KILL ME OK!??!?!?!??!

REALLY i'm so sorry for not uploading in so long. Don't be angry.

I'm letting you in on a little secret.

Lady Illea has 8 chapters until the story is over.


More news to come this is top secret info. Until then I love you all and I'm updating again as we speak. Till the next chapter! Ha-ha!

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