Never Look Back

By -yourfavshanks

349 28 15

they were told to run just remember to never look back. More

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26 0 0
By -yourfavshanks

"Freeze! Stay where you are!" Everyone stopped in their tracks once they heard the guards gun cock back. He began firing out of reflex Newt pushed Athena out of the way , making sure she wouldn't get hurt before continuing to run.

"Why are they fucking shooting at us" Nova breathed out while running away from the gunfire. Dakota still had a firm grip on the Doctor's arm that would definitely cause bruising.

"Minho! What the hell are you doing?" Minho started to run not away from the guard but toward him at rapid speed. Maddie saw this happening and was panicking 'there's no way this can end well'

"Minho!" Maddie called out to him but it was to late. Minho ran at the guard and using all his strength shoved him into the wall which knocked him out  quickly.

"Shit Minho" Newt breathed out, Thomas picked up the gun that the guard had dropped and pressed it against the Doctor's back. Before Dakota let the woman go she whispered something into her ear. A look of fear flashed across the woman's face.

"Okay let's go" Thomas said pushing the woman forward.

"Come on, Lets go."

"So you and Dakota getting pretty close" Raven teased Noah. Aris and Winston had just been patiently ignoring them.

"Yeah you could say that....So we're waiting for Thomas to come here so we can open the doors? What if he like goes through another door.." Noah contemplated while pacing. He was worried he just left Dakota to die.

"I know you're worried about her but trust me that girl can protect herself" Raven commented with a slight laugh. It was true Dakota was an amazing fighter but it's not in the reason you'd think.

"What do you mean?"


Dakota ran as fast as she could to the medical tents with Alexander draped over her shoulder. He had been stung by a roamer in the maze. She started to hear him whimper in pain.

"Don't worry buddy you're gonna get through this I promise" She entered the tent and quickly laid him on the bed. Katie, the newbie of the month then entered the tent in a rush.

"He was stung in the maze, he needs to be strapped down" Dakota explained to the girl while handing her rope, Before Katie could react Alex launched at her.

"Alex what the hell are you doing?!" Dakota exclaimed. She grabbed him by the shoulder and through him into the wall, hoping he'd hit the wall hard enough to knock him out.

While he was slowed down for the moment Dakota quickly helped Katie up and advised her to go speak with  Nova and that she can deal with Alex. Katie quickly sprinted out of the tent.

"She's not supposed to be here! She's one of them"  Alexander screamed at Dakota before picking up a stick that was on the floor of the tent. He swung it at Dakota and before she could be hurt by the stick she grabbed it from him and threw it at the wall.

"I don't wanna hurt you, Please don't make me hurt you Alex" She begged and she wasn't lying. She never wanted to be the cause of someone's pain. While she was lost in her thoughts Alexander picked up a scalpel that was on the table with the intention to kill the one who put him here.

"I have to kill her, I have to kill Raven!" Once Dakota heard Raven's name it was like all remorse she felt for Alexander faded. She grabbed the stick that she threw earlier and started to swing it at him. She hit him in his arm, in his leg and lastly in his head.

He fell immediately after the last hit. But he still hadn't given up. He stabbed her in the arm and let go once she started to draw blood. The weird thing was she didn't seem to be affected more than a slight wince at the stinging feeling in her arm.

She pulled the scalpel out of her arm, cringing at the sight of blood staining her white long sleeved t-shirt. Alex was pleading for his life, and apologizing saying he didn't mean anything he said but he was too late. Dakota raised the scalpel in the air and plunged it into his stomach.

She placed his hands around the blade in his stomach and left them there. Her vision became blurry once she realized what she'd done but there was no other choice it was either she killed him or he killed Raven.

"I told you not to make me hurt you, I fucking told you not to do it" Dakota sobbed to Alex's lifeless body.



"Where is she!" Thomas shouted while point his gun at the doctors in the room the lady had led us too. Lilith picked up two scalpels and tried to hand one to Dakota. Sadness spread over Dakota's face for a second before she grabbed it out of her hands.

"Hey tommy the wise, maybe she's behind the curtain over there" Maddie yelled at Thomas getting his attention. He focused his eyes on the curtain that Maddie was referring to, he quickly passed the gun off to Minho without warning and rushed to the curtain.

"Get down!" Minho yelled at the top of his lungs. Athena ran over to Newt making sure he was still okay and not in any bad condition but she noticed he was relying more on one of his legs other than both.

"Give me your hands" Newt told the doctors. They immediately put their hands out to him. Newt quickly started to tie up each of their hands with the help of Athena.

"You're never going to get away with this" Nova noticed one woman about to page Janson and she knocked the talking device out of her hand.

"Just do what he says" She demanded and the woman nodded out of fear.

"Guys! They're coming where do we go!" Frypan yelled in a panic whilst he was looking out of the door window. Athena looked at the Table and apparently Newt had the same idea.

"Frypan move!" Newt shouted , pushing over the table then with the help of Frypan he successfully moved it in front of the door as a barricade.

"Get back!" Minho yelled while pointing the gun at the door. The workers were trying to break into the room but the table was preventing that from happening.

"They've got the door barricaded send backup!" One of the workers out side of the door announced the obvious.

"Okay we've got to get out of here!" Minho yelled while backing away from the door, still aiming at it.

"Well obviously but where do we go!" Maddie responded while walking as far away from the door as possible.

"Everybody stand back!" Thomas yelled and they back away from the glass quickly. Thomas picked up a stool and started to hit it against the glass. But it wasn't budging.

"Newt Help!"  Newt grabbed the other stool and together then on Thomas's cue they would hit the glass at the same time.

"Ready?" Then the glass shattered.

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