Till Death Do Us Part ||NCIS|...

By Hebe_1353

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Selena joins Gibbs team after she helped them with a case. Everyone on the team likes her and they bond quick... More



241 6 2
By Hebe_1353

Selena is sitting in a cafe, drinking a cup of tea and reading the newspaper when her phone rings. She picks up the phone. "You have to come over here immediately." Jenny says. "What's going on?" Selena asks as she grabs her backpack and swings it over her shoulder. "Just come." Jenny says and before Selena can say anything she hangs up the phone. Judging by the tone of Jenny's voice there isn't something really serious going on. Selena walks out of the cafe and looks around. She's about a ten-minute walk away from the Navy Yard, so she puts in her earphones and starts walking. When she arrives at the Navy Yard she walks inside towards the check-in area. She puts her bag into a tray and walks through the metal detectors. They give a green light and she waits until the tray with her bag comes rolling out of the machine. She grabs her bag and walks towards the elevator. Before she can step in the elevator someone asks what she is doing here and she shows them her card. Selena has this special card which allows her to be in the building without having to register herself every time she is there and get a visitors pass. Selena steps into the elevator and pushes the button to go up and the elevator goes up. The doors open and she walks into the office. She walks along the squad room. "Hello Miss Parker." Agent David says when she spots her. Agent DiNozzo and McGee look up from their computers and look at her. "Hello, guys." Selena says as she lowers her pace. "What brings you here?" Agent DiNozzo asks. "Well, Director Shepard asked me to come quickly. So here I am." Selena says as she walks up the steps. "Oh, well good luck." Agent McGee says. "Thanks." Selena yells back as she turns right at the top of the stairs and opens the metal door that leads to the waiting room. "Hello, Cynthia." Selena says as she continues to walk towards the set of double doors that lead to Jenny's office. "Director Shepard is in a meeting with Agent Gibbs and Colonel Mann." Cynthia quickly says before Selena can open the door. Selena spins around. "Really?" she asks as she walks towards Cynthia's desk. "Yes." Cynthia says. Selena drops her bag on the floor. "How long have they been in there?" Selena asks as she picks up the telephone that is standing on Cynthia's desks. "They just arrived." Cynthia says as she frowns her brows at what Selena is doing. Selena puts the phone to her ears and pushes a button on the panel which allows her to listen to the conversation they are having in Jenny's office. ", a little 'issue'." a woman's voice that Selena doesn't recognize says. It must be Colonel Mann. "We?" Jenny asks. "You, you want to tell her, Agent Gibbs?" Colonel Mann asks Gibbs. "No, not particularly." Gibbs says. "Is this issue going to involve lawyers?" Jenny asks. "It already did." Colonel Mann says. "It's his ex-wife. She's a material witness." Colonel Mann says. Selena can feel the discomfort that is in the room. She also knows that Jenny is going to make a little joke out of this and Selena already smiles. "And which ex would that be?" Jenny asks. "Stephanie." Gibbs says. "What number is she again? Second?" Jenny asks. "Third." Gibbs corrects her. "Oh, right. You lived in Europe with her for a while-- Frankfurt." Jenny says. "Moscow." Gibbs corrects her again. "Two years?" Jenny asks. "One." Gibbs corrects her yet again. Selena's smile grows bigger because she knows that Jenny knows all of that. "Well, it's hard to live in Moscow. With anyone." Jenny says. "Do you think he should divorce himself from this case, Colonel Mann?" she continues. Selena lets out a chuckle at the choice of words from the director. "No, no, ma'am." Colonel Mann answers. "Nor do I. I don't see a problem if you conduct the interview. Do you have a problem with Colonel Mann interviewing your ex-wife, Agent Gibbs?" Jenny asks. "Do I have a choice?" he asks. "No." Jenny and Colonel Mann say at the same time. "Problem solved." Jenny says. Selena puts the phone back into the stand and picks up her bag. "Thank you Cynthia." she says. "You're welcome?" Cynthia says unsure of what she has done. Selena walks towards the door and opens it. "You wished to see me-" Selena starts but she stops. "Ow, I didn't know that you were busy." Selena lies with a smile on her face. "Don't worry about it. We were just finished." Jenny says as she smiles at the girl, knowing that she heard the whole conversation. "It's good to see you Agent Gibbs." Selena says as she nods at the man. Gibbs nods back. "And you must be Colonel Mann." Selena says as she looks at her. "I am Selena Parker." she says as she extends her hand out to Colonel Mann who shakes it. "It's truly a pleasure to meet you." Selena says. "Are you here to help us again Miss Parker?" Gibbs asks as he looks from her to the Director. Selena opens her mouth to speak but Jenny speaks up first. "It's a personal matter." Jenny says. "We will leave you to it then." Colonel Mann says before Gibbs can say anything. "Thank you and good luck with your case." Selena says as Colonel Mann and Agent Gibbs walk out of the office.
"You enjoyed that little talk way to much." Selena says as she plops down on one of the chairs that stand at the big table. Jenny just smirks at her. "Then again it was really genius." Selena says. "So why did you need me?" Selena asks. Jenny stands up from her chair and looks outside the big window. "I really want you to join the team Selena." she says. "Jenny I already told you I don't think it's the best idea that I join the team." Selena argues. "But wouldn't you want to be doing something again? Instead of just walking around the city all day and drinking tea in cafes only to read the newspapers and let your life go to waste." Jenny says. "Jenny-" Selena starts but she gets cut off. "I know you are meant for more." Jenny says as she turns around and walks towards Selena. "You are smart and have the proper training so you could fit right in." Jenny says. "I-" Selena starts but stops since she doesn't know what to say. She thinks the team is amazing and that they work really well together. It has just been a long time since Selena actually worked in a team. "Let me think about it, okay?" she asks. Jenny nods. "Director there is a phonecall for u on line five." Cynthia says from the doorway. "Thank you Cynthia." Jenny says as she walks back behind her desk and sits down. "You've got one day." Jenny says and she picks up the telephone. Selena stands up, grabs her bag, and walks out of the office. She walks down the stairs as she keeps on thinking about the proposition Jenny just made. "Hey, Parker, how did it go." DiNozzo snaps her from her thoughts. Selena stops in front of the squad room. "It went fine." Selena says. "It doesn't really look like it went fine." Officer David says as she gets up out of her chair and walks towards her. "Ow, no it went fine, I am fine." Selena says. David narrows her eyes. "I was just going out for a walk. I will see you guys later." Selena says as she walks towards the elevator and gets in. When she walks outside she takes a deep breath and starts walking towards this park next to the building.
Ten minutes later Selena walks back into the building with a Caf-POW and a tray with five cups of coffee and one cup of tea. She goes up with the elevator. When the doors open she steps out and looks around her. She carefully walks through the doorway in front of her and looks around. She sees the familiar black hair and white coat. "Miss Sciuto." Selena says as she walks inside. Abby turns around and looks at Selena. Abby however isn't alone. There is this man standing next to her with short brown curly hair and a visitor pass pinned on his shirt. "Miss Parker, what are you doing here?" Abby says a bit uncomfortably. "Don't worry I am not here to help with a case. I am here on personal business." Selena says. Abby seems relieved. "I brought you something." Selena says as she holds up the Caf-POW. Abby takes the caf pow from her. "Thank you." she says a bit awkwardly. Selena turns towards the man. "I am sorry I had no idea that you were here too." she says to the man. "That's okay." he says. "Well good luck with the case." Selena says as she walks out of the lab and into the elevator. She pushes a button and the elevator goes up.  When the doors open she walks out and she hears Colonel Mann talking. "The husband, the wife and the lover." she says. They are all in the squad room standing around one of the plasmas. On the plasma are three photos. The two photos on the left and right are from men in uniforms and the photo in the middle is from a woman. "All the trademarks of a classic love triangle." Colonel Mann continues. "You forgot the lover's lover, which would make it technically, I think, a lovers quadrangle." DiNozzo says. "Or it could be a ring." David says. "Abby uncovered suspicious activity on the victim's laptop. And since Captain Reynolds had access to highly classified defense secrets, we cannot rule out a spy ring." she explains herself. "And we know that Major Sweigart was with your ex..." McGee starts and then he looks over at Gibbs who is looking at him. "With, uh...Stephanie Flynn." he corrects himself. "And Mrs. Reynolds was at a pharmaceutical convention in Charlottesville." DiNozzo says. Selena walks towards DiNozzo and gives him a cup. Then she gives David a cup. Selena hands Colonel Mann and McGee a cup and at last, she hands Gibbs a cup. DiNozzo takes off the lid of his cup. "What is this?" he asks as he takes a sniff. "Coffee." Selena says as she drops her bag on the ground and sits down on the desk that is standing between David's and Gibbs's. "What?" DiNozzo asks. "For you a coffee with cream and sugar as well as for Officer David. For Colonel Mann a cappuccino. For Agent McGee a decaf and for Agent Gibbs a black coffee." Selena answers and she takes a sip of her tea. "How did you know?" McGee asks. "Lucky guess. But please continue." Selena says. "Charlottesville." Colonel Mann says as she looks back at the plasma. "Yes, Charlottesville. Great minds think alike, McGee." DiNozzo says. McGee touches some keys on his keyboard and a map shows up on the plasma. "Fort Belvoir, where Reynolds died, is here." he says and the name blinks on the map. "Charlottesville is here." and the name blinks on the map too. "104 miles." he says and a route appears. "Two hour drive." DiNozzo says. "Close enough for Jill Reynolds to drive home, kill her husband, drive back to Charlottesville, and fly home again to discover him dead with a witness present." McGee says. "That does not mean she did it." David says as she turns around to Gibbs. "It doesn't mean she didn't do it." Gibbs says and David turns back around. "Motive?" Colonel Mann asks. "DiNozzo, check-" Gibbs starts but he gets interrupted. "Life insurance. Did it, 400 grand from the military, another quarter mil from a private carrier, beneficiary: Jill Reynolds." DiNozzo says. "The crime scene just became our prime suspect's house." Gibbs says as he sits down in his chair. "Get a warrant." Colonel Mann says. "Mrs. Reynolds?" David asks as she looks at Gibbs. Gibbs raises his eyebrows at her. "We'll bring her in." David says as she and DiNozzo grab their bags and leave. Gibbs sits down at his desk as does McGee.
"Who is that guy that is in Miss Scuito's lab?" Selena asks. "That's Fed Rinnert from the DIA." McGee says. "Why is someone from the Defense Intelligence Agency here?" Selena asks as she frowns her brows at McGee. "He is here to keep track of the laptop from Captain Reynolds." McGee says. "Ah, the captain that was murdered, right?" Selena says. "Yes." Agent Gibbs says before McGee can say something. He stands up from his desk and walks towards Selena. "The question is what are you doing here." he asks. "Well, nothing really." Selena says. "Nothing?" Gibbs asks. "Well, it's p-" Selena starts. "Personel business." Gibbs interrupts her. "Yes. Got that part." he says as he turns around and walks towards the elevator. Selena looks at Colonel Mann, she shrugs and walks after Gibbs. "I'm sorry." McGee says. Selena looks up at him. "Hmh?" she hums. "Well sometimes he just isn't the most friendly person." McGee says. Then he slowly turns his head around to look if Gibbs is really gone. Selena lets out a small laugh. "Yes, I got that." Selena says as she gets off the desk and walks towards McGee. She looks over his shoulder to see that he is looking at ATM camera's. "What are you doing?" Selena asks. "I'm looking at the ATMs near Charlottsvile to see if Mrs. Reynolds left the compound." McGee says. "If you want I can help you." Selena says. "Thank you." McGee says. Selena nods and walks back towards the desk that stands between David's and Gibbs's. She grabs her laptop out of her bag and sits down on the desk. "And sent." McGee says. One second after McGee said it Selena gets a notification. She opens the file and starts watching.
    "Hey, anything from those ATMs in Charlottesville?" someone asks. Selena has been so focused on watching the ATM footage that she didn't notice that Gibbs was walking towards the squad room. McGee is standing in front of the plasma that stands beside Gibbs's desk and Gibbs stops next to him. "Oh, not yet, boss." McGee says as he keeps watching the footage. It's silent for a moment but then McGee speaks up. "I was thinking, boss. Now, you know that Abby and I have solved a lot of computer problems together, and it seems to me that, you know, three heads are better than two. And seeing as how the periodic table is, you know, in my wheelhouse..." he says. "It seems...um..." he stammers as Gibbs turns to face him. Selena turns back towards her laptop screen to look at the footage. "I...I was thinking it would probably be best if I just stay here, focus on my job and let-" McGee starts. "Yeah, that's a good call." Gibbs says as he walks past McGee. "Abby focus on hers." McGee finishes his sentence as he looks back at the plasma. "I tell you, Colonel. Guys like Fred they're a dime a dozen at MIT. Charming, funny, successful, good-looking." McGee says as he walks back behind his desk. "Women see right through that." Colonel Mann says as she walks away. "Exactly." McGee says and sits down. "You really think this Fred guy is good-looking?" Selena asks as she continues to look through the footage. "Well, you don't?" McGee asks. "Hm. I've seen a whole lot better." Selena says. "I am going to go downstairs." McGee says and he quickly stands up out of his chair and leaves. "Okay." Selena says as she continues looking through the ATM footage. Not long after, Gibbs and Colonel Mann walk into the squad room. "Where's McGee?" Gibbs asks as they stop in front of the plasma next to his desk. "He went downstairs." Selena says. "Why?" Gibbs asks as he turns around to look at her. "I don't know. I guess he feels a little intimidated by the DIA guy." Selena says, not taking her eyes off her laptop. Gibbs narrows his eyes at her but then turns back around to look at the still rolling ATM camera footage on the plasma. Colonel Mann sees Agents DiNozzo and David walking towards the squad room and walks towards them. "Agent Gibbs?" Director Shepard asks. Selena looks up from her screen and sees that Jenny and a woman are walking towards the squad room. Colonel Mann and Gibbs stop walking and turn around to face them. "Director." Gibbs says. "Colonel," Shepard says as she turns her attention towards Colonel Mann. "I was just reassuring Gibbs'..." she says but stops. She is silent for a second but then continues. "your witness that Agent Gibbs could separate himself from the personnel aspects of this investigation." she says. "Well, I'll monitor him, closely, Director." Colonel Mann says. "I'm sure you will." Shepard says. Gibbs turns his head away. "Is that the look you're talking about?" the woman asks the Director. "Yeah, that's it." the Director says. "Hmm. Yup, we've all seen that one." Colonel Mann says and the three of them look at Gibbs. After a short silence, the Director speaks up. "Well, Miss Flynn was just leaving, unless you need her for something." she says. "No. She can go home." Gibbs says before Colonel Mann can say anything and he walks away. "For now." Mann says before she walks after him towards Agents DiNozzo and David. The Director nods at Miss Flynn and Miss Flynn starts to walk towards the elevator. Jenny and Selena lock eyes and Selena puts four fingers up. Jenny smiles and nods her head, she then walks after Miss Flynn to lead her downstairs. About a minute later Agents DiNozzo and David come walking into the squad room. "Well, guessing on the fact that you didn't know what just went down, I wi-" DiNozzo starts as he sits down at his desk and looks at Selena. "That was his fourth wife and his current fling." Selena says looking up at DiNozzo and giving him an all-knowing grin. DiNozzo's mouth hangs open. "How?" he stammers. "Have you been secretly reading all of our files?" he asks as soon as he gets himself together. "No, I just hear things." Selena says as she looks back at her laptop. "Haha. Okay." DiNozzo says sarcastically. Selena rolls her eyes. DiNozzo opens up to say something to her but then McGee comes walking in. He looks a little defeated. "What's the matter with you?" DiNozzo asks as he turns his attention towards McGee. "Nothing." he grunts as he sits down. DiNozzo gets out of his chair and walks towards McGee's desk. "Is Timothy having a little competition?" he says mockingly. "Give it a rest Tony." McGee says as he looks at him annoyed. Before DiNozzo can say anything Selena jumps off the desk. "Ha. I got it." she says. "What have you got?" DiNozzo asks. "Did you find her?" McGee asks. "Oh, you bet I did. And guess what. It is time-stamped." Selena says. McGee walks over to her and looks on the laptop screen. Selena zooms in on Mrs Reynolds. "8:05." Selena says. McGee grabs his cellphone and calls Gibbs. "Boss, got something here you need to see." McGee says as he sits down on his chair. Selena smiles and closes her laptop. She sits back down on the desk and puts the laptop beside her. Gibbs and Colonel Mann walk towards the squad room. Gibbs is about to say something but McGee says something first. "I know what you are going to say but we've been watching the footage of ATMs surrounding the pharmaceutical convention in Charlottesville on the day Captain Reynolds died." he says as Gibbs and Colonel Mann walk over to the plasma where David and DiNozzo are already standing. "As you can see, it's time-stamped." McGee says. "Check out the brunette." DiNozzo says as a woman with brown hair walks towards the ATM to get some cash. "No. In the background rounding the corner." McGee says and he zooms in. "Wait for it." he says as the picture sharpened. "There!" he says. "Jill Reynolds. 8:05." Gibbs says as they can all see her now. "Can't be two places at once." McGee says. "She's clean," Colonel Mann sighs. "in more ways than one." she says and she turns towards Gibbs. "Good job McGee." Gibbs says as he sits down at his desk. "Well, that would be Miss Parker." McGee says. Gibbs frowns at him. "She helped me search through the footage and actually found it." he says. Gibbs looks at her and she looks at him. He just stares at her so she gives him a small smile. "Theories." Gibbs says and everyone walks back towards their desks. Colonel Mann paces. "Maybe she hired a contract killer." David says. "What about the partial prints in Reynolds' kitchen?" Colonel Mann asks DiNozzo. DiNozzo points at McGee. "Came up with 80.000 potential hits. I know. Trying to narrow it down to people who might have had access to the Army base." McGee says. "Have we given up on Major Sweigart?" DiNozzo asks. "He has an alibi." David answers. "From someone who thinks he's her future husband." Mann says skeptically. "Stephanie wouldn't lie." Gibbs says. "Are you sure?" Mann asks. Gibbs looks at her. "Well, I'm not." Mann says. "I mean, she finds out that her boyfriend was having an affair with her best friend, she might just change her story." Mann says to Gibbs. "Bring her in for another interview." Mann says to David and DiNozzo. They hesitantly stand up. "Wait." Gibbs says and they sit back down. "I said bring her in." Mann says. "And I said wait." Gibbs says. You can feel the tension hanging in the air as no one speaks a word. Colonel Mann walks towards Gibbs' desk and leans on it. "Can you be objective here? Because if you can't you're no good to me." she says. Gibbs just looks at her. "If this wasn't your ex, what would your gut be saying right now?" she asks. Gibbs still isn't saying anything. "It would be saying bring her in and break her. Maybe she's lying to protect her boyfriend. Maybe it's worse. What if Stephanie knew about the affair?" Mann says. "She'd walk." Gibbs says. Mann lets out a laugh. "Okay, then, let's talk about motive." she says. "Maybe she wants to frame Jill for being the bitch who stole her boyfriend. Or maybe Major Sweigart for cheating on her." she says. "You don't know Stephanie." Gibbs says. "But I do know my job." Mann says. "DiNozzo?" Gibbs says and he looks at him. "Here I am, boss." DiNozzo says. "Call her. Tell her to come in. I need to talk with her." Gibbs says. DiNozzo caughs and picks up his desk phone. He dials the number. "Voicemail." he says. He tries again. "Same thing." he says. Then he tries again. "This is Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo of NCIS for Stephanie Flynn." he says into the phone. "As of when?" he asks. "Thank you." he says and he hangs up the phone. "Uh...Stephanie quit her job this morning." he says and Colonel Mann nods. Gibbs sighs and stands up. "Try her again." Gibbs says to DiNozzo and he does. "I'm here Gibbs." Abby says as she walks in. "Abby-" Gibbs starts. "Wait!" Abby interrupts him. She puts a piece of paper in front of Gibbs. "Selenium, uranium, gallium, phosphorus, potassium, polonium, curium and sodium." she sings. "It's the song, Gibbs! There was a program on Captain Reynolds' laptop that highlighted these elements. The periodic table has a number associated with each one. I think the numbers mean something, I just don't know what yet. Like 34 could be three-four...92 could be nine-two." Abby says. "Could be a GPS coordinate." Mann says as she joins them. "Or a bank account." Gibbs says. "I just need to know how you knew that I found something." Abby says. "I didn't, Abby." Gibbs says. Selena's head shoots up. "Stephanie's still not answering." DiNozzo says. "Well, why did you call me?" Abby asls. "I didn't." Gibbs says. Somtehing connects in Selena's brain. "Fred." she says. Everyone turns to look at her as Selena quickly grabs her laptop and opens it. "Boss, guess who was one of the 80.000 hits from the crime scene fingerprints." McGee says. "Fred." Gibbs says. "You guessed." McGee says. "Where is he?" Gibbs asks. "In my lab." Abby says. "With evidence?" Gibbs asks. "With the laptop!" Abby says as she turns around and runs toward the elevator. Gibbs and Mann follow her. "Find out what this means, McGee." Gibbs says as he hands the paper to McGee. "Uhh..." McGee stammers. "Repeat them McGee." Selena says. "Selenium, uranium, gallium, phosphorus, potassium, polonium, curium and sodium." McGee says. "Okay so that would be 34, 92, 32, 15, 19, 84, 96 and 11." Selena says and she starts to typ away. "Lieutenant Marsden just confirmed that our friend here volunteered to oversee Abby's work on the laptop." David says as Fred, Mann, Abby and Gibbs come walking into the squadroom. "Why didn't you wipe the hard drive after you killed him?" Mann asks. "'Cause he didn't think anyone was smart enough to find the code, until it was sent to me." Abby says as David and DiNozzo walk wit them towards the elevator. "I didn't kill anyone." Fred says. "Either Reynolds wouldn't split the money with you or you got greedy." Mann says. "Think of the slimiest thing and that's what he did!" Abby says as Fred pushes the elevator button. "Come on, McGee!" Gibbs says. Selena grunts because she knows she almost got it. The elevator bell dings and the doors open. DiNozzo steps in front of Fred. "Hey, I know my rights." he says. "I got it." Selena says. "Numbers are an offshore account in the names of both Captain Reynolds and Fred Rinnert." Selena as she prints something out and grabs it out of the printer. She walks towards the elevator. "One half-million dollars transferred into the account from a bank in Beirut at 7:30 the night Reynolds died. It was cleaned out two hours later." she continues as she stands with them in front of the elevator. "So, it was greed, huh?" Gibbs says. "DiNozzo." Mann says. "My acting boss says you ain't going anywhere." DiNozzo says as he pushes Fred backwards with his finger. "What'd you sell and who'd you sell it to?" Gibbs asks. Fred turns around to face Gibbs. "Maybe if you cut me a deal, I'll tell you." he says. "Abby." Gibbs says as he steps aside. Abby punches him square in the face. Fred grunts. "Sweet." McGee says as he walks back towards the squad room. DiNozzo cuffs Fred and brings him to interrogation. Gibbs, Abby, Mann and David follow them. Selena walks back towards the squad room and hands the piece of paper to McGee. "I'm sure you need that for your report." she says as he accepts it. "Thanks." McGee says. Selena nods and walks over to the desk between David's and Gibbs'. She puts her laptop in her backpack and swings it around her shoulder. "Have a nice day Agent McGee." she says and she nods at him. "Thank you very much for all the help you gave us. We couldn't have done it without you." he says. "It's a pleasure." Selena says and she walks towards the elevators.

Gibbs is in his basement, working on his boat as usual. The front door opens and a woman enters. She walks straight towards the basement. As she descends the stairs Gibbs looks up from his work to see who it is. "Wasn't expecting you here." Gibbs says as he continues sanding his boat. "Well, I have a favor to ask." NCIS Director Shepard says. "What kind of favor?" Gibbs asks. "I want you to recruit Selena." she says. Gibbs stops sanding and looks up. "What? Something wrong with her?" Jenny asks. "No. No it's just-" Gibbs starts. "That you don't want her on your team?" Jenny interrupts him. "Is there a reason?" Gibbs asks. "You can ask her yourself." Jenny says as she turns around and walks towards the stairs. "I messaged her your number." she says as she climbs the first few steps. "Thanks." Gibbs says as Jenny walks through the door out for the basement. "You're welcome." Jenny yells back.

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