Harry Potter and the Slytheri...

By FreerSpirit

205K 6.7K 2.6K

Due to his childhood, Harry was left with the idea that he was a freak and unloved. After receiving a mysteri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 12

7.4K 251 129
By FreerSpirit

Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah.'

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.


Chapter 12

"Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eyes out. Besides, it's leviosa, not leviosa."

Harry hears Hermione from across the room. He has a great view of what is happening from his side of the class and, because he's nosy, he decides to watch the scene unfold. Harry and Draco were the first to perfect the spell, while Hermione, who no doubt can perform the rudimentary spell, has taken to watching Ron flail around like an idiot. Weasley seems to be having difficulties, even going so far as to smack his wand against his desk. Thus prompting Hermione's outburst.

"You do it then, if you're so clever." Ron snarks at the girl, believing to have won the argument.

Hermione only sighs, flicking her wand in the required movements and uttering the spell, "Wingardium Leviosa." Immediately, her feather takes flight, lifting into the air. Ron gapes and then proceeds to drop his head onto his books, attempting(and failing) to hide from the embarrassment.

Draco laughs from beside Harry, the ravenette joining in soon after. The rest of the first year Slytherins are also snickering at the red-faced Gryffindor.

Harry notices that the boy next to Weasley(Harry thinks it's a boy named Seamus Finnigan) takes on a determined look. 'Oh no.' Harry groans internally. The entire first year class knows about Seamus, the boy with a pension for blowing things up. The boy starts waving his wand while speaking the spell. An explosive sound resounds through the classroom as his feather catches fire(no surprise there). Seamus, whose face is now covered in soot, sighs in defeat, slowly placing his wand on the desk before him.

"And on that note, class dismissed!" Professor Flitwick exclaims cheerily, not an ounce of annoyance present in his voice.

The students shuffle out of the classroom, through the halls, and into the courtyard. Harry spots Weasley. He is surrounded by a group of Gryffindors and seems to be talking rather animatedly about something. Harry tunes in.

"It's leviosa, not leviosa." Ron mocks the bushy haired girl, obviously not noticing her presence right behind him. "Honestly, she's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends."

'Rude.' Harry thinks, angry at Weasley for his arrogance. If Hermione hadn't have stepped in someone could have been seriously injured. She was right to do what she did, even if she could have phrased it more politely. Hermione pushes past Weasley and his group, slamming her shoulder aggressively against Ron's as she walks by with her head down, obviously trying to hold back her tears. Ron and his friends blanch before walking away, continuing on the path to their common room.

"Well that was intense." Harry hears Blaise comment.

"Really?" Theo snarks back, surprising his three companions.

"Did you just make a joke? Oh, I am so proud of you." Blaise throws his arm over Theo's shoulder.

Theo rolls his eyes at his exuberant friend. "Shut up." He slaps at Blaise's shoulder playfully. Harry and Draco look on, amused and laughing at the ridiculousness of their two friends.

By this time, the four Slytherins have arrived at their common room. They step into the room, which is bustling with life. There is a group of older students playing some sort of game on the floor by the fireplace. A few others are engaged in a heated debate next to one of the bookshelves. In fact, the only place in the common room that isn't filled with life is a lone chessboard situated in the far corner of the room.

"I have some homework to do, are you coming?" Draco mutters so only Harry can hear.

"Actually, I was thinking about staying down here for a bit." Harry shifts his gaze to Theo, a plan forming in his mind.

"Alright, I can bring your books up for you." Draco takes Harry's things before making his way toward the stairs down to their dormitory, Blaise and Theo following behind him.

Harry calls out to Theo, catching his attention. "I saw you playing chess the other day. I never learned how; I was wondering if you could teach me?"

Theo's face lights up at the idea, responding enthusiastically, "Of course!" Blaise looks at Theo questioningly and Theo nods his head, as if to say "I'll be fine" before turning back to Harry and ushering him toward the chessboard. Harry and Theo take their seats, facing each other.

"So, the premise of chess is fairly simple." Theo begins to set up the pieces. "However, playing chess is not. To be good at chess, one must have a definitive strategy, while keeping in mind that their strategy may have to change throughout the game based upon their opponents actions." His voice is confident as he finishes the setup and looks Harry in the eye for the first time since Harry has known him.

There are multiple reasons why Harry wants Theo to teach him to play chess. For one, Harry is genuinely interested in the subject and would like to learn. However, he figures that getting Theo in a comfortable environment and doing something that he is passionate about will be a great way to connect with the usually shy boy. Harry is hoping to gain his trust and get him to open up about his home life, which is obviously quite a bit like Harry's. Harry can see himself and Theo becoming great friends, able to confide in each other about things that most people just wouldn't understand.

"The object of the game is to capture the other player's king. The different pieces are able to move in different and unique ways. For example," Theo picks up one of the bishops, "The bishop can move diagonally in any direction, as far across the board as it wants." Theo places the bishop back on the board and picks up a rook instead. "The rook can move any number of vacant squares vertically or horizontally." Theo traces the motion with his finger and Harry nods in understanding. Theo continues explaining how each piece moves, making sure that Harry understands each one. "There are a few rules, such as castling, that go with the game as well, but we won't focus on those while you're just beginning. The best way to learn is to actually play. If you have any questions as we go along, just ask."

The two begin to play, Harry catching on to the game rather quickly. Suddenly, Theo yells "Checkmate!", earning puzzled looks from the others in the common room. Theo blushes madly and apologizes softly. "You did really great for your first time." Theo looks at Harry and grins at him, another first in their relationship.

"Thanks for teaching me. I had a really great time." Harry replies.

"Yeah, we should do it again."

"We should. Any time you're in the mood, let me know. I'll be here." There is a double meaning to Harry's words, which Theo takes note of, nodding and staring at Harry.

"Thank you, Harry. I might just take you up on that." Theo smiles softly before standing and stretching his shoulders over his head. "We should go up to the common room, Draco and Blaise are probably getting jealous."

Harry chuckles. "Yeah, either that or planning something utterly frightful. I don't know why I ever trust him alone." Theo laughs as they walk into the room.

"Oi, I heard that!" Draco cries indignantly from his bed where he is laying on his stomach reading.

"Guys, we have to get going. The feast starts soon." Blaise snaps his book shut and sets it aside, Draco following suit. The two boys put on their shoes and stand, walking to the door. Theo joins them and they all look back at Harry when he stays behind.

"Aren't you coming?" Draco gives Harry a quizzical look and takes a step forward.

"I have a potions essay to finish, actually. I'm almost finished; It should only take twenty minutes. I'll meet you there." Harry makes his way over to where Draco had placed his bag and takes out his potions book and a piece of parchment that is filled with writing.

"Are you sure? I mean, I could stay too if you'd like." Draco furrows his brows.

Harry walks over to his friend and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Go, I'll be fine." Draco nods and turns around. A few moments later, Harry is alone in the room. He situates himself on his bed and opens his book, beginning to pen in the last of his essay.

About fifteen minutes later Harry is finished. He places his things back in his messenger bag and sets it on top of his trunk. He leaves the common room, walking through the eerie, deserted corridors of Hogwarts. 'Fitting. It is Halloween, after all.'

Harry turns a corner, stopping abruptly when he hears a bloodcurdling scream coming from the girls bathroom. There are crashes and grunts coming from the bathroom that mix with the girl's horrified screams. Harry now has a decision to make. Whatever is in the bathroom with that girl is obviously not friendly, and therefore dangerous. He could run and get a teacher, but by the time he gets to the Great Hall and back the girl could be dead. Harry wrestles with himself for a moment longer before dashing into the bathroom. He is met immediately with a putrid odor that fills his nostrils. The acrid smell permeating the room makes his eyes water. Harry turns his head slightly to see the ugliest creature he has ever laid eyes on. It's tall and grey with bumps strewn across its leathery skin. In its hand sits a club, which he is currently holding high above his head, aiming for a small girl who is hiding next to one of the toilets. He recognizes the girl immediately; It's Hermione. The creature, which Harry has officially identified as a mountain troll, begins to swing its club downward toward Hermione. On impulse, Harry cries, "Hermione, move!" The girl startles, locking eyes with Harry, before scurrying underneath the stall door and running for the sinks. She moves just in time. The troll's club shatters the porcelain and splinters the wooden door, sending debris flying.

Harry shouts, gaining the attention of the troll, and the beast turns around to face him. "Bloody hell." Harry mutters, cursing his lack of self-preservation. The troll once again brings its club up above his head and swings it downward, Harry dodging just in time. He comes to a stop next to a shivering Hermione Granger. The troll is staring at the spot where Harry had been in confusion and Harry uses the moment to check on Hermione. "Are you hurt?" The girl shakes her head, too afraid to properly communicate.

The trolls club comes at Harry once more, but this time Harry grabs ahold of the weapon and doesn't let go, even when he is lifted into the air and above the troll's head. The momentum sends him flying and he lands squarely on the troll's shoulders, being flung violently back and forth in the process. Harry feels the troll grasp his leg, pulling him off of his shoulders and hanging him upside down. The troll swings its club at Harry's head and Harry quickly lifts himself up, avoiding the blow.

Suddenly, the door slams open, revealing an enraged Draco Malfoy, in all of his glory, with his wand extended out in front of him. His lips are twisted into a snarl as he commands, "Put him down!" The troll, of course, doesn't listen. But Harry suspects that the phrase was more for dramatic flare than a legitimate battle strategy. Draco steps forward, emitting an air of strength and confidence. He raises his wand and takes a breath before shouting...

~~~POV Change(Draco Malfoy)~~~

The feast is spectacular. The Great Hall is decked out in orange and black fixtures and the tables are laid with an assortment of choices, many of them pumpkin flavored or themed. The ceiling above them is ominous, lightning occasionally streaking across the obsidian sky. Draco Malfoy and his two friends, Blaise and Theo, saunter their way into the hall. Well, if you really want to be specific, Blaise and Draco saunter, Theo's walk is more of a shuffle. They make their way to the Slytherin table on the far side of the room, Draco stopping once to glare at Ron Weasley before being pulled away by an exasperated Blaise. Once they reach the table, Pansy, who is taking advantage of Harry's absence, stands and waves Draco over, pushing her friend to the side to make room. Draco rolls his eyes hard enough that Harry would comment on how they could get stuck like that. Draco gives a light chuckle and a small smile at the thought of his best friend.

Draco begrudgingly walks over to where Pansy is seated and asks, "What do you want?" His tone is cold and impatient.

"I just thought that you could sit with me, Draco." Pansy smiles at the blond.

'Right, you and your annoyingly fake smile can bugger off.' Draco wants to say this, but instead he's going to go for something a bit more civilized. However, before he can speak, Pansy continues.

"You know, now that Potter isn't with you. He must be so annoying." Pansy huffs dramatically.

'Oh hell no!' Draco prepares himself for the fight of his life. No one, he repeats no one, talks bad about his best friend. Especially not when Draco is within earshot. True to his name, Draco Malfoy is a force to behold when he is angry and fiercely territorial to those he cares for. "Pansy, I suggest you-"

"TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!" Professor Quirell comes storming into the Great Hall, screaming his head off. "Though you ought to know." The professor collapses in a heap as the students begin panicking, screaming and running. Draco observes them in amusement. 'They look bloody ridiculous.'

Blaise, ever the dramatic, begins lamenting over the inevitable loss of his belongings stating, "If there was anything the troll would destroy it would be my things. Magical creatures have it out for me, I tell you. There was this one time-"

"SILENCE!" Dumbledor's yell stops every student in their tracks, commanding their attention. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, prefects will lead their houses back to their dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

The prefects begin to gather their respective houses. However, the process is interrupted when one of the Slytherin prefects speaks up, "Headmaster, the Slytherins dormitories are in the dungeons. You don't expect us to go down there, do you?" The question was a barely concealed jibe, causing Dumbledor's face to scrunch up in anger for a moment before it is replaced by a calm mask of indifference.

"Thank you for bringing that to my attention." Dumbledore pauses, "The Slytherins will go with the Ravenclaw students to their dormitories for the time being." With that, Dumbledor sweeps out of the room, followed by the rest of the professors.

'Where's Snape?' Draco observes before following the rest of his house out of the Great Hall.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Draco feels panicked. This panic is quickly replaced by a feeling of absolute terror that washes through his entire body, making him stop dead in his tracks. For some reason, all he can think about is Harry, knowing somehow that he is in danger. "What are you doing, Draco? We need to go." Blaise pulls on Draco's arm.

"Harry still isn't here. I need to go find him; He's in danger." Draco pulls away from Blaise.

"And how the bloody hell do you know that?"

"I... I just do. Stay here." Draco turns and begins sprinting toward the dungeons, not stopping even once to catch his breath.

"Where is he going?" Theo asks from beside Blaise, watching Draco's retreating figure.

"Who knows, mate. Who knows." The prefects begin leading their houses to their respective dorms, Theo and Blaise turning to follow as Draco disappears around the corner.

Draco's footsteps echo in the deserted hallway as he runs to Harry. He has no idea how he knows where Harry is, but he's just been following the gut feeling that's been settled in his stomach since they were herded out of the Great Hall. He reaches his destination, a girls bathroom, hearing crashes and yells from inside. Draco growls, bringing himself to his full height, which yeah, may not be much, he is eleven after all, but he works with what he has. Preparing himself, he slams the door open, wand at the ready, only to find Harry hanging upside down from the troll's hand. His only thought in this moment is, 'Only Harry is capable of getting himself into this situation.'

Draco is angry. He is angry that the troll has Harry in his grasp, he is angry that Harry is two seconds away from being bludgeoned to death, he is angry that Harry managed to get himself into such a precarious situation in the first place. And, to top it all off, the panicked feeling that had been steadily rising on his journey here has come to a peak, making his heart pound loudly in his chest, blood rushing in his ears. So, to sum it all up, Draco is two seconds from losing his bloody mind.

Draco tries to think of a spell he could use to subdue the troll, recalling a spell that was taught to him earlier in the year. Only one comes to mind.

"Draco, do something!" Harry shouts from his upside down position.

"Yeah, I'll get right on that, Potter." Even now, Draco can't ignore an opportunity to snark at Harry. He recalls the spell and the movements before taking a breath and saying, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The troll's club is ripped from its hand and is now levitating about a foot above its head. The troll drops Harry in a heap on the bathroom floor before reaching its hands up, trying to reach for the weapon.

"Now what?!" Draco whispers at Harry, unsure of what to do next.

"Drop it."

"Potter, now is not the time for you to-"

"No, I mean drop the club, idiot." Harry glares at his best friend, whose mouth is now shaped in a comical 'o'. Draco looks at the struggling troll and releases the spell, the club doing exactly what Harry had said it would and hitting the troll squarely on the forehead. The troll's face goes slack for a moment before it collapses, face first, to the ground, sending dust and debris into the air around it.

Draco runs to Harry, checking him for injuries. Once Harry assures him that he's fine, Harry makes his way over to where Hermione is still hidden underneath the sinks. He takes her hand and pulls her up. He is immediately engulfed in a bone-crushing hug from the Gryffindor. Harry pats her back awkwardly and looks at Draco, who's standing off to the side trying, and failing, to look nonchalant about the hug. Hermione finally retreats, thanking Harry, and even Draco, for saving her life.

"Harry," Draco starts, "That was-"

"The most idiotic thing the three of you could have ever done." A shrill voice startles the three first years. When they look to the source, they find McGonagall, Snape, and Quirell standing in the entrance, glaring at them with murderous intent. The three students have no idea how long the teachers have been standing there, but clearly they've been there long enough to know that Harry and Draco have just made a large amount of bad decisions in a relatively short amount of time.

Harry and Draco whither underneath their Head of House's glare, not offering any explanation. Hermione, however, true to her house, stands up and speaks. "It was my fault." Harry and Draco whip around to look at her, quickly composing themselves after realizing what she's doing.

"Ms. Granger?" Professor McGonogall sends a shocked stare toward the girl, unable to believe what she's hearing.

"I went looking for the troll. I believed that I could handle it just because I'd read about them." Hermione hangs her head, ashamed. "I was wrong. If it weren't for Harry and Draco, I have no doubt that I would be dead right now."

While Hermione is "confessing", Draco notices a cut on Snape's leg; He files the information away for later.

"I am very disappointed with you, Ms. Granger. I expected more sense from you. Five points from Gryffindor for poor judgement. Professor Snape, since Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy are in your house, I will allow you to punish them as you see fit." McGonagall turns toward Hermione. "As for you, Ms. Granger, you will make your way to your common room." The professor walks out of the girls bathroom, followed closely by Professor Quirell and Hermione, the latter giving Harry and Draco a grateful look when she passes them.

When the three Slytherins are alone, Harry and Draco begin to fidget under Snape's disapproving gaze. "Come." This is all that Snape says before he sweeps from the room, expecting the two first years to follow. Harry and Draco look at each other, terror evident on their faces. 'In this moment, I'd much rather face another troll than Professor Snape.' Draco thinks and then gulps, gazing at his friend and determining that he is probably thinking something along the same lines.

They shuffle along behind Snape, making their way down to the dungeons. Instead of entering their common room, they continue on past the door and come to a stop outside an imposing black wooden door.

"Potter, stay." Snape takes Draco's ear and pulls him into the room, eliciting a variety of indignant noises from the terrified blond.

~~~POV Change(Harry Potter)~~~

Once Snape and Draco are out of sight, Harry puts his back to the cold stone wall and slides his way down to the floor. His mind wanders back to what had happened in the girls bathroom. His main concern being, 'How did Draco know where I was?'

Harry's stomach growls, aggressively, though Harry barely notices. The sound echoes in the dark dungeon corridor. Yes, Harry knows he's being overdramatic, but with the day he's had, he can't find it within himself to care. After a few more minutes, Draco walks out of Snape's office looking upset and dejected. "Your turn." He mutters as he slides down the wall, positioning himself next to Harry while Harry takes a deep breath and levers himself into a standing position. He enters the office, which, given the situation, feels ominous and menacing. He sees his professor and his heartbeat skyrockets at the look in his eyes. Not that he's afraid of Snape harming him, but the look in his eyes speaks of stern words and disapproval, something Harry has already seen too much of in his very short life.

"Sit." Snape spits out.

Harry and Professor Snape sit in silence, Harry fidgeting under Snape's glare. Eventually the professor's voice cuts through the hushed atmosphere.

"Where were you during the feast Mr. Potter?"

"I was finishing my potions essay. I was on my way to the feast when I heard Hermione scream. I didn't know there was a troll, honest." Harry says timidly.

"Mr. Potter, what possessed you, as an eleven year old, untrained wizard, to take on a full grown mountain troll?" Snape asks in his usual dragging drawl.

"I don't know, professor. I just didn't want to leave her there."

"Mr. Potter, what you did was incredibly foolish. If the teachers were not already aware of the threat, we would have lost two students tonight. You need to-" Snape was cut off by a rumbling sound. He stared at his student sitting in front of him, who seems to not have noticed the noise his body has made, raising some concerns. "Mr. Potter, are you hungry?"

"Huh?" Harry starts at the unexpected turn of conversation.

"Did you eat tonight, Mr. Potter." Snape asked, worry clear in his voice, though he will never admit it.

"No, sir?" Harry answers hesitantly, still confused about why the conversation took this turn. He had thought he was in trouble.

"Is that a question or an answer?" Snape askes, raising his brow, the previous point of the conversation forgotten in his worry.

"An answer, sir." he says with more confidence.

"So, I'll ask again, Mr. Potter. Are you hungry?"

"No sir, I'm used to it." Harry answers, not really thinking about it. When he realizes what he has said, his eyes widen and he begins to panic. 'If uncle Vernon finds out about this I'm going to be in so much trouble.' As Harry panics, he misses Snape trying to get his attention.

"Mr. Potter! Mr. Potter! Potter! HARRY!" Harry flinches when his name is shouted.

"Yes, sir?" he questions.

"Are you well?" Snape asks softly. When Harry nods he asks, "Harry, why did you say you are used to being hungry?" Sticking with his first name, hoping to garner a better response from his student.

"No reason." he answers quietly.

"There must be a reason or you wouldn't have said it." When Harry simply shakes his head, Snape thinks of a compromise. "How about for every question I ask, you can ask one in return. How does that sound?"

After a brief moment Harry asks, "Any question?"

Snape nods saying, "If I can do the same." Harry gives an answering nod then waits for Snape to start.

"Okay, before we start I'm going to call a house elf for something to eat. Would you like anything in particular?" When Harry shakes his head, Snape calls, "Tilly!"

A creature with leathery skin, big eyes and floppy ears arrives with a small pop. She is in what looks like a tunic with the Hogwarts crest above her heart.

"What can Tilly be doing for Master Snapey?" Tilly asks in a squeaky voice.

"Mr. Potter needs something to eat, Tilly. He missed the feast." Snape answers. Tilly turns to Harry and he is shocked to see the little elf looks angry.

"Bad Master Harry. Yous not be missing any more meals. Tilly be back." She leaves with the same pop, returning with a tray that has a plate with chicken, potatoes and a small side salad and a tea set.

"Thank you, Tilly." Harry says.

She turns back to Snape asking, "Yous be needing anything else Master Snapey?"

"No Tilly, that'll be all. Thank you." They sit in silence while Harry eats, and when he pushes the plate aside Snape starts.

"What is your favorite color?" Snape asks to relax the child, hoping he will have an easier time answering the more difficult questions later.

"Green." Harry answers, not entirely sure why that's the first question Snape asks. "How long have you taught for?"

"10 years." Snape answers. They go back and forth for about 15 minutes, then Snape asks, "Who do you live with?"

"My aunt and uncle." With Harry's answer, Snape snaps.

"PETUNIA! Who in their right mind would leave any child with Petunia!? Especially one with magical ability."

"You know my aunt Petunia?"

"Unfortunately. I knew your mother quite well. We grew up together and were best friends for a time. As such, Petunia was always around. She was always insulting Lily, calling her dreadful names and such. I don't understand why anyone would leave a magical child with her, her contempt for magic was quite known."

"I'm not entirely sure. My aunt said that I was left on the doorstep in the middle of the night, with a note and a blanket, nothing more."

They lapse into silence as Severus contemplates the information he has just been given. There is no way a magical child living with Petunia would have been treated well. In the best case scenario he would have been ignored. Given some of the things he has noticed about the child, he believes that isn't the case.

Severus looks at Harry with an assessing eye. He's too small, skinny and underweight, as if a strong breeze could knock him over. That along with his disregard to his hunger most likely means it's from a lack of meals. Though he has put on some weight since the beginning of the year, most likely from the steady intake of food he has been getting. Draco had told him how Harry flinches at loud noises and unexpected touches, needing to see it coming. Even then he still gives an almost unnoticed twitch. He also explained how he keeps his space in the dorm room unnaturally tidy, as if he would get in trouble if it wasn't spotless.

After being the head of Slytherin House, coupled with his own upbringing, Severus recognizes an abuse case when he sees one. No matter how many times he brought them up to Dumbledore, they were always brushed off. With no proof, all Severus could do was provide a safe environment and an ear to listen when one of the students needed to talk.

"Harry," Severus calls softly. "Do your relatives hurt you?"

Harry freezes, wide eyed, at the question (unknowingly confirming Severus' suspicion). Then he starts spewing denials. 'I can't tell the professor. What if he tells someone. It'll be like the other teacher all over again.' Harry begins to panic again, his breaths coming out quick and shallow.

"Harry? Harry!" Severus calls seeing the boy start to panic again. When he isn't able to get his attention he summons a calming draught, spelling it into his stomach. He knows that if he grabs him, he might make the boy panic more. When the boy finally calms down he says, "We don't have to talk about it now. Just know that if you want to talk I am here at any time. I want you to come back tomorrow so that I can see if you have any injuries that need healing. I won't bring you to madame Pomfrey if you don't want me to, but I need to know if you have any dire injuries. We can do it right here in my office. Don't think that this means you are getting off without punishment for the troll incident. Detention with me tomorrow night at 7, don't be late. Now off to bed with you. Good night, Harry."

"Good night, Professor." Harry said before leaving the classroom. Draco is still in the hallway, apparently having fallen asleep against the wall. He gently wakes him up before leading him to their dorm room, telling him he will tell him about the meeting tomorrow before heading to bed himself.


Just wanted to let the people who are following this story know that the update schedule for this fic may be less consistent for the next month or two. My friend and I just started back at school again for our senior year and it could take a few weeks for us to get back into a school schedule. Of course, we will try as hard as we can to get a chapter posted every week, but if we can't please don't think that we're abandoning this story. Our goal is to eventually start posting two chapters a week so we will be slowly working up to that within the next few months. Thank you to everyone who has been reading, commenting, and leaving kudos! You all have been unbelievably supportive.

That being said, we received our first flame comment on fanfiction.net the other day. All I would like to say to the guest who left this comment, whoever they may be(I know they will never read this, but just humor me for a moment), is thank you for your enthusiasm, your commitment to making people feel like shit about themselves is positively commendable; Don't ever change.

In relation to the previous paragraph, I would like to reestablish that comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are completely welcome. We enjoy reading your feedback and have incorporated a few of your ideas into the story in one form or another. Once again, thank you all!

Much Love, FreerSpirit

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