Being Brooklyn

By livelaughluv99

15.8K 335 77

What happens when one girl gets the chance to spend time with One Direction? What if that moment becomes a ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
A/N (In Honor of 9/11)
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

613 11 0
By livelaughluv99

Hey Rosies,

I wanted to thank all of you who actually read my author's notes, and I'm sorry if they get a little bit lengthy at times. 

I worked really hard on this chapter. There is a lot of drama, girl drama, guy drama. Yup llama drama. Oh god, crying, my weakness. There are lots of tears, let me let you know now.

Sorry I didn't get to upload sooner. 

I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

So, my favorite song on TMH is officially Truly, Madly, Deeply. Makes me cry. And oh god, the OW in Heart Attack, that gives me a heart attack. Nialler, you my friend are a cutie.

 What's your favorite song on TMH? 

Now, go get reading. Don't forget to vote and comment afterwards!


*Brooklyn's POV*

 I leapt from my seat. "What?" I screech, completely taken aback.

Niall just stared back at me blankly. "I didn't think you'd take it that way."

"Niall. I'm so sorry. I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet," I stared into his glassy eyes and he broke away, "It's just, I'm still trying to get over losing Sophie, and I still have to try to get into a good uni. And I'm all alone now." My voice cracked and my eyes got watery.

Niall started to put his arm around me and I pushed him away, getting up out of my seat abruptly. "I'm sorry." I said as the dam broke and tears flowed down my face in a steady stream. I pushed my way to the doors and fled down the hallway and out the front doors.

"Brooklyn, wait!" I heard Niall calling from the lobby, but I was already racing down the street, mascara running.

But I didn't look back.

*Niall's POV*

"God. I just manage to screw everything up, don't I." I growled as I grabbed my messy tufts of hair.

I stood pacing, back and forth in the cafeteria, where Brooklyn had stood just moments ago.

"Yes, lad, you do." Harry smirked from the corner.

"Shut up. You're such an arse. You know that?" I glared at the curly haired boy as he made his way over to my table.

"May I sit?" Harry motioned at the seat.

I curtly nodded, and continued my stare down as he pulled the seat out and plopped down with a thud.

"She likes you. You just need to give her time and space." Harry said patting my shoulder.

I shrugged him off. "Get your filthy hands off me. What do you know?" I spat.

Harry grinned, "Wow, you really are a blind lad. I see the way she stares at you when we're all just lounging around at the flat. She not just likes you, she adores you."

"You should shut up. You think you know everything. But you are so wrong. You know nothing about her and you shouldn't guess what she's thinking." I raised my voice.

"This isn't about me." Harry's tone softened, "It's about you."

'It's about you, my butt. You're just trying to get me to get closer to her so that you can intervene and force me to break her heart. I know how this game goes. You do this to all of the guys." I found my mouth forming cruel and crueler words.

Taken aback, Harry's face flushed bright red. He knew I was right. "No. I do not. I have Cristina."

Bingo. I hit his breaking point. "Exactly. You just proved my point. She was Louis'. You could see how he looked at her. He loved her. He wasn’t just some best friend. He was there for her, but she didn't like him in that way, and it broke his heart. But he was strong about it. But worse, you stepped into her life and ruined any chance for him. Look at her now. Harry this, Harry that. Not only did you ruin his and her bond, but you ruined your amazing bond you and Lou had."

Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Do you even remember that? You guys were once like brothers, but look at you guys now. Can't even sit in the same room without trying to rip each other's throats out." I paused.

I was beyond angry, my face was boiling up; bright red. I clasped my hands behind my back so that I didn't do anything I would regret. "Do you not see? Are you blind? You go around and steal everyone we love, because, what? Nobody but Harry Styles can be happy?"

"No. That is not what I do. You are wrong. Cristina was only his best-" Harry started.

"No. Don't even try to come up with an excuse. You are a horrible person, Styles. Because, after you get the girl, you get bored. And then what do you do? Oh right, you break her heart even more." I pushed my chair back and stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving Harry sitting there, speechless.

*Harry's POV*

I sat there in the cafeteria, pretending to read my book as I contemplated what had just played out before me.

So, let me get this straight:

Niall just blew up at me. Over what? I think it was Brooklyn. Or maybe it was Cristina… What? I wasn't completely sure. I was more confused over where Niall got all that anger from. How did he become so loud? But yet still even more confused over if was I in love with Brooklyn Higgins. No. I couldn't be. You have Cristina. I repeated it over and over in my head.

Was Niall right? Was it all about me?

My mind was overflowing with thoughts so I stood up, we had bigger problems to face: Brooklyn had just run away and no one knew where she went, let alone that she was gone. Everyone thought that she was having a nice cup of tea with Niall in the cafeteria. But soon, people would be looking for us.

I just hoped that Niall had told someone that Brooklyn was missing.

"Hey, Harreh." I looked up, someone was shaking my shoulder. "Harreh. Get up." Liam.

"You dozed off. It's time to go back to the studio." Liam repeated.

Oh. So I had dozed off and that had been one big nightmare. That meant Niall wasn't angry at me and Brooklyn wasn't MIA. Cue the sighs of relief.

"Harry…" Liam's voice got serious, "Paul's looking for Brooklyn. Do you know where she is?"

WHAT? My mind started to spin. So she was gone. Next thing I knew, I was out cold on the floor.

*Brooklyn's POV*

God. I felt horrible. I had just ran out on Niall and even when he tried to apologize, I just kept running. But now, it was too late to do anything. I already had a plan, and I was going to go through with it. No regrets. What you can't see, can't hurt you right?

I shoved my hand in my pocket and searched for my key to the flat. Pulling it back out, I huffed out a sigh. It wasn't there, because I had left it on the kitchen counter. Inside the flat.

"Guess I'm going to my last resort." I said to no one in particular as I took a bobby pin out of my hair and jiggled it in the key hole.

Bingo. The doorknob turned after a couple of shoves against the door and I found myself lying face flat on the floor. It hurt, but hey, I was in, wasn't I?

I hurdled up the stairs, taking 3 at a time. By the time I reached my bedroom door I was out of breath, huffing and puffing. I charged through the open door and flopped onto my bed and started to cry. I hated having to do this to the boys.

"It's for the best." I reminded myself lightly. Then I got up and trudged towards my closet, pulling my suitcases out, placing them gently on the floor next to my closet. I walked towards my closet and started to pack some of my clothes, enough to last me a month. After a month, I would have enough money to buy some more clothes, I figured, as more tears spilled down my face. Hastily, I zipped that suitcase up and began throwing my toiletries into another bag: toothbrush, comb, hairdryer, makeup. Anything else I could go buy at a local drug store or something.

Finally, I put a couple of my picture frames into my carry on bag: my favorite picture with Sophie, a picture of my mom and dad, and the last Christmas photo we ever had as a family. I grabbed my laptop and logged on, booking the next flight out to California. Then I placed it and some books gently on top. Then I closed the duffel and placed it by the door.

I grabbed my Michael Kors tote bag from the floor and plopped my phone inside. All ready to go. I threw my bag over one shoulder, the duffel over the other. I grabbed my suitcase and slowly shuffled down the stairs. Then I went into the mini kitchen and left a note.

Dear guys,

 I'm sure that by the time that you all find this note, I will be long gone. I'm so sorry.

 I  love you guys so much and I'll miss you all dearly. Don't think I didn't have a wonderful time staying with you, it was much appreciated.

 Liam, thank you for staying up with me that night I couldn't sleep and giving me someone that I could confide in. You will always be remembered as the greatest friend someone could ask for. Take good care of the boys for me.

 Zayn, I didn't get to know you as well as I had hoped. We didn't share any bonding moments, but I hope you won't forget me my vain buddy. Maybe I will see you again soon. Continue being the beauty queen! <3

 Louis, please don't give the lads any trouble. Leave the protesting for Jimmy, kay? I won't ever forget how many times you cheered me up when I was down. You always managed to take my mind off Sophie. Take pride in that.

 Harry, goodbye my cheeky lad. I will miss you dearly. I won't forget that day I woke up by falling on you. Tell Cristina that I'm sorry that we didn't get to go shopping and hangout. Maybe if I come back we can become the great friends that fate made us up to be.

 Niall, my sweet innocent leprechaun. I will always love you with the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for taking me on that tour of London. It was the highlight of my trip. Thank you for the pictures of us, I will always cherish them. I hope you can forgive me for all the pain you have to endure. I promise, you will find a princess that is worthy for everything I'm not.

 Uncle Si, thank you for giving me the honor of watching the boys record. It was a moment worth remembering. Continue to guide them down the right path in life.

 Lux, my sweet little cutie pie. I won't ever forget the day that you greeted me in the airport. Or the day you smacked me. Hehe. I love you always. Continue to grow into a strong woman. One day, I will be seeing you in the news for being the wonderful little lady you are.

 Uncle Paul, thank you. Thank you for taking me in when I had nobody left. Thank you for being there for me. I love you always.

 I am running away, far away, so that I won't cause you any more troubles. Don't try to look for me, I have left behind no clues.

 Please continue to thrive in the music industry as you all do. Tell all the band members that I'm sorry that I didn’t get to properly meet them. Thank you all for a wonderful experience,

 Yours truly,

Brooklyn Higgins

I folded the paper and wrote everyone's name on it, leaving it on the table. Then I gathered my things and hailed a taxi to the Heathrow Airport.


I sat nervously in the terminal, hoping that no crazy fan would notice me. Suddenly a voice came on over the speakers, announcing that my flight was here. I once again, gathered my bags and walked towards the gate, leaving everything behind.

I boarded the plane and took a seat, placing my duffel overhead and my tote below my feet. I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome aboard. We will be taking off shortly so please fasten your seatbelts and turn off all electronic devices until told by your flight hostesses otherwise." There was a bell and the overhead "Buckle Your Seatbelts" light flashed on.

Slowly the plane began to roll down the runway, picking up speed every second. Next thing I knew, we were air born and I was looking down at the tiny London below. I closed my eyes as a tear slipped out and I thought about everyone that I had hurt in the process of trying to make everything better.

*Niall's POV*

"Where the bloody hell is she?" Liam's voice shook. I've never heard him this upset.

Brooklyn had run out after I had told her, and no one knew where she was. Harry was angry at me, and no one but me and him knew why. And Paul, well he was beyond pissed at us for losing his niece.

I walked into the kitchen trying to find a bottle of water. That's when I saw it. I snatched the small letter off the table and opened it hastily.

"Dear guys, I'm sure that by the time that you all find this note, I will be long gone. I'm so sorry…" 


So, Brook's gone and no one knows where she's headed. What troubles could she be stirring up?

Harry's angry at Niall and Niall's beyond pissed at Harry.

What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? What would you like to happen in the next chapter?

I'm also starting a new thing: the first person to guess the song title to the lyrics below correctly, gets a shoutout in the next chapter! Tell your friends! So if you guess this song correctly, you'll be featured in my next chapter!

She's the kind of girl you marry

And I'm the kind you don't

She's the one you want to carry into your brand new home

After your honeymoon, right

She looked better in white than I ever could, but

She won't love you like I would

Don’t forget to check out my other two stories! Broken Tears and They Call Me Karma! I'll be uploading soon!

And, I also do cover designs! Just drop a message in my inbox!

Yours truly,


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