When Blood Runs Bad (COMPLETE...

By theincassableauthor

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Anne Stark found her best friend Melissa Pane dead on their camping trip. When the police arrested her Boyfri... More

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By theincassableauthor

This one's nice and long. Sit back with your favorite drink and cozy pillow and Enjoy!!

 Tears trickled down my cheeks. "I understand" I managed to croak. He pushed me one last time against the mirror. I screamed in pain.

I grasped for breath. "Anne! Wake up! Are you okay?" voices filled the air. I jumped awake. "Anne you were having a nightmare. You were screaming" Jason told me. Roger rushed inside. 

"what happened?" he asked, his voice full of concern. "a nightmare. I haven't had one of those since the past five years." I said after comprehending the situation. I rubbed my eyes and held my head in my hands.

 Why? How? This cannot be happening to me again. Now they'll want to know more. I cannot lie to them anymore. "Anne, drink." Jason instructed, handing me a glass of water.

"guys I am fine. Go back to sleep please." I assured them. After knowing that I felt better, Roger headed back to his room. Jason turned the lights back off and we decided to sleep. I turned to my side and Jason held me from behind. 

"Jason, I am so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen." "shush. I know baby. Sleep. You need your rest." He whispered. Within seconds I could hear Jason snoring lightly.

 "They need to know the truth. What happened was the past. It's over now. It will never be repeated." I thought to myself as I drifted off into a confused sleep.

Morning broke. The boys weren't up yet. I decided to go for a quick jog to clear my head. I slipped on pair of running shorts and a t-shirt and threw on some Fila's. I wrote a quick note saying that I went for a jog and will be back in forty-five minutes. I stuck it onto Jason phone, because I knew that's the first thing he'll check. 

I slipped my phone in my arm band and I let the Backstreet Boys blare in my earphones. Milkmen to dog-walkers, I spotted each and every one of them. I knew that the truth about my past would come out someday or the other. Might as well be today. before leaving for Melissa's funeral, I had to tell them what had happened.

Keeping a secret eats you up alive. It's important someone knows what you are going through. A friend, a sibling, a parent or even a teacher. This helps in lightening up your burden. Melissa was my best friend and secret keeper. Five years ago, she sensed something was wrong with me. eventually, I broke down in front of her. Talking to her mom, my therapist, helped me a lot. Katherine guided me through the years. It was because of them, I managed to pull through the abuse that happened to me years back.

Melissa was Roger's girlfriend. It must have been extremely hard keeping things from him, especially when it was about me, one of his best friends. Jason is the love of my life. He deserved to know that happened. I stopped to catch my breath and check my watch. Thirty minutes had passed by quicker that I thought. I found myself in front of our local Starbucks, so I decided to pick up some coffee for the three of us.

"hi. Could I have one cinnamon latte and two cappuccinos please." I told the barista. "that will six dollars please." I paid the barista the money and collected my orders. I turned around and bumped into someone. 

"I am so sorry." I apologized quickly. The person turned around. "Anne! You're up early!" Katherine Pane met my eyes. "yeah. I wanted to clear my head. I decided to go for a run." I replied.

"wanna sit down with me for a few minutes?" she asked. "sure." I said. Once we were seated at a table, I asked her, "how have you been holding up? is there any way I could help you with anything related to the funeral?" 

"I'm okay. Holding on. I just hope the funeral goes smoothly" she said sadly. "don't worry. It will." I said with a sad smile. "so, what's actually going on huh?" she asked staring at me intently. I filled her in on what happened yesterday. 

"you broke into the morgue and were followed later on?" she whispered with a shock. "yes." I said sheepishly. "and somehow I landed in front of the cave Mel and I used to go to." "you did?" she asked sympathetically.

"the nightmares came back Katherine." I tried to hold back my tears. "oh no honey. Don't worry. Remember what we spoke about right? it was the past and will never happen again. He is gone from your life forever." She convinced me. 

"I know. I decided it's time I speak about it openly." I gathered my confidence as I wiped a single tear. "before the funeral, I'll talk to Jason and Roger about it. We have enough of time since it's in the evening. I cannot delay this." 

"that's a great decision sweetheart. Let me know if you need me". "thank you. I will." I said as we stood up. She gave me a hug. "see you at four. You take care okay?"

 "you too Katherine" I waved goodbye as we parted ways.

I entered the apartment to find the boys already up. "hey you guys. I got us some coffee." I chirped. I set the glasses down on the breakfast bar. "thanks. I have three omelettes coming up." Jason said. As we sat down to eat, questions flooded my way. I knew it was time to face the firing squad.

 "so, Anne, what happened last night?" Jason asked. Here we go. Stay strong.

I had a nightmare. A flashback from my past. A past which only Melissa knew, and her mom does."


5 years ago

"Anne you understand right? this meeting is extremely important for our family. I know going away for one month is not going to be easy. But I am sure you'll manage." My mother spoke to me.

 "yes mother. I'll manage. But why can't I stay with Melissa?" I asked for the forty-seventh time. "well you see kiddo your grandfather wants you to live with your uncle. Some family bonding stuff. And your uncle Harper is more than willing to let you stay with him." my father pacified me.

"oh really." I retorted sarcastically. "you guys aren't going to London for work purposes. You are going there to inherit grandpa's wealth. And by me staying with Harper, he gets his share. Am I right or am I wrong?" 

 "you know about the will?" father asked quietly. "yes, I do. I also know we are in debt for quite some time now and we need that money. So, get going guys." I shrugged. "we love you Anne." Mother pulled me into a hug. 

"one month. That's all. and remember, you are much more precious to us than any sum of money. One word and we'll leave everything and come back."

"don't worry. I'll be fine. Get going now. See you in a month." I hugged her back and then hugged my father. They pulled away in a taxi as I waved. You see, my family wasn't always rich. Though I was born here in America, both my parents were originally from London, England. They lost everything they owned when they shifted here in Halesville.

 Loans increased. When my grandpa passed- away, he left a lot of money in his will for dad. The only catch being none for my uncle Harper. Dad was going to give him half the money if he looked after me and showed up for family at least once. (my grandpa was big on family).

As I narrated this to you, my ass was being hauled in the backseat of an old truck by my uncle. He lived in Eastern Halesville. Not the most kid-friendly area, but I decided to put up with it anyway. 

"this is your house?" I asked incredulously. A two -story house stood before me. "how can you afford this. Looks cool from the exterior." 

"enough, enough with the yapping." He said as he threw my bags out from the trunk. "I can't. a friend of mine loaned it to me as long as I run his errands." He said gruffly. "I picked up a lighter bag and skipped towards the doorstep. Harper swung open the door.

 "urgh this place is in shambles. Can't you maintain it? It, reeks" I turned my nose up.

Trust me I wasn't as rich as I am now. I lived in a one- bedroom apartment for half my life. But this place? It was horrible. I was partially blinded due to smoke. Harper was clearly a heavy smoker. Go upstairs and pick a room. Lock yourself in there. Live there. I live down here. do not disturb me or my peace. Make your own food. Don't expect me to help ya. You got that?" he instructed. 

"mind your own business and I'll mind mine. But I have rules that you need to follow. One- do not disturb me. two- home before eleven thirty always. One minute late and there will be consequences. And three- do not poke your nose in job."

 "I'll try and keep'em." I said with the roll of my eye and climbed upstairs.

To my surprise, the place was entirely clean. There were two rooms. I picked the one with a built-in bathroom. I had a bed, a desk and two cupboards. I could live with that. I stocked my cupboard up with my clothes. I used the sheets and pillow I had bought with me for the bed. 

Three hours later, I was all set. I went back down into the kitchen and made myself some tea and a sandwich. Once I finished eating, I passed time reading a Murakami in my room. The rest of my week was pretty boring. I spent half my time at school and the other half at Melissa's place. I only slept at Uncle Harper's house.

One week in, everything was going fine. It was a Saturday afternoon. Usually I would have been with Melissa at her place, but she was out for a change. I decided to order some pizza instead of cooking. I ordered a large pepperoni pizza and a coke. My order arrived fifteen minutes later. Wow. That was quick. I headed downstairs when the doorbell rang. Turns out my uncle reached before I could. 

"that's not the pizza guy." I mumbled. Two men in crisp suits with suitcases entered. "go back upstairs Anne." My uncle ordered sternly. "my pizza is going arrive any minute." I said pointing towards the door. Harper took a step close to me. He reeked of alcohol and weed.

 "I said leave!" he yelled at me in my face.

"but my piz" I could complete my sentence. I was thrown on the staircase. I even banged my head on one of the steps. I managed to get back up on my feet. My head spun. Harper slapped me. hard. I ran back up the stairs and hid in my room. I could see the pizza delivery from my window. 

"urgh why now?" I grumbled, trying to process what just happened. I tip toed downed the stairs and opened the door before he could ring the bell. I grabbed my food, shoved the money in his hand, closed the door and rushed back upstairs. That's when I heard the men speak.

"that girl might become a problem. Harper you need to get her out of the way." "what! What if they kill me?" I trembled. "she is my niece." Harper spoke. 

"some redeeming qualities this man has" I thought to myself. "she is the key to the additional money I need." He continued. 

"looks like I spoke too soon." I hung my head and entered the room. "mom and dad need to know this." My brain said. "But it was just a slap and he was drunk." My heart countered. "are you crazy? He might do it again!" "but we really need the money. It was a slap. If things worsen, I'll let them know. It's just another three weeks and Melissa will be back. I can manage." I drew in a breath and relaxed. I munched on my pizza and continued season five of The Vampire Diaries.

Another week passed by. Worst decision ever. Things did worsen. The more Harper got drunk, the more he raised his hand on me. but then again, two weeks more only. "if I keep my distance from Harper, things will be fine." I kept thinking. I always found an excuse to go outside. The nights I returned later than the curfew always earned me a slap.

 I started shutting out my friends. Melissa soon sensed something was wrong with me. she pestered me to let out my feelings. After almost a week, she found me hiding in the school washroom in the fourth period, crying my eyes out. I broke down and confessed everything.

She signed us both out of school and took me straight to her mom. Little by little, bit by bit, I narrated my story of the past weeks. It was a relief for me, knowing that I have someone to share my story with. Katherine insisted that I talk to my parents.

 But I just couldn't. I was scared, if my father knows what his brother did, he won't give him any money and Harper might just bash me even more, because at the end of the day, I had to return back to his place. Katherine and Melissa did not want me to go back to Harper's place. They decided to put me up at their house without telling my parents.

I rung up Harper and told him about my plans. He was extremely angry and threatened me that he will beat the shit out of me when I meet him for messing with him and the money he is supposed to listen. I ignored him royally and slammed the phone down. It was almost the end of week three.

 Friday, my favourite day of the week. Noah, a guy from my school was throwing a huge party at his place and Mel, Roger and I were invited. We thrashed Mel's bathroom, dressing up for the party of the year.

After three hours, we were all decked and ready. I clearly remember, Mel was wearing a baby blue strapless dress with a beaded bodice and black stiletto heels. I on the other hand was wearing a red halter neck top that was almost backless. I had teamed it up with a jet-black leather shorts and knee length boots. 

Roger was waiting downstairs for us. When he saw us, he let out a low whistle. "damn girls. Both of you look smoking hot."

 "you do know how to make a girl feel special." I joked. He looked amazing in his white t-shirt and leather jacket look. Typical boys.

We hopped into his car and drove off to Noah's house. We reached around eight o clock. The party was going on in full swing. drunk people were lying all over the front lawn. Most people were busy making out or hooking up. we headed on inside and found ourselves drinks. An hour in, we were playing 'never have I ever' and I was completely drunk. I couldn't remember have things I said or did. 

Somehow, I don't know how, courage from the alcohol fueled me and I decided to confront Harper and get my things back from him. I pulled Melissa and Roger with me towards the car and told Mel of my plans. 

"noooo" she slurred. "very, very, bad idea. I can't let you do that." She said sounding like her mother-hen even though she was drunk. 

"yes!" I yelled in her face like a drunk sorority chick. Roger was sober because he barely had one drink. I gave him directions and he drove towards Harper's house.

It was around two in the morning. I had my key, so I threw open the door and yelled out, "Harper, you assh*le. You're no uncle of mine. I am leaving you forever. You can take your money and shove it up your ass." Harper walked dangerously towards me. Mel and Roger were waiting outside.

 "you're drunk. And you haven't been home in so many days." he said.

"Anne? What took you so long? What did I tell you about entering my house so late at night?" his loud voice boomed. "it was a party. I was bound to come home late, and you know that." I countered. "how are you talk back to me child?" he said dangerously. 

I felt my skin crawl as I sobered up. "I am sleeping at Melissa's place." I replied. I turned around and started walking when he caught my wrist. "you are not going anywhere except to your room. Go upstairs. Now!" he ordered increasing his grip on my wrist.

"stop it! You are hurting me." I said as I struggled to pull my wrist from his hold. He let go of my wrist. I tried to run towards the door. But he caught me by my shoulders and flung me across the room. For a minute I lost all my senses.

 I somehow managed to pull my feet under me. He pushed and pinned me against the mirror on the wall. "this is my house and you will do exactly what I say as long as you live under my roof. Do you understand?" he asked me. his eyes bore into mine. I flinched and looked away. 

"I will never obey a monster like you. I am going to stay at Melissa's place. I'll never come back here." I spat.

He grabbed me by my shoulder and slammed me on the mirror. I yelled in pain. The mirror shattered into a thousand pieces, big and small. "do you understand me?" the psychopath asked me again as he banged me onto the mirror again. I could feel the glass tearing the skin on my shoulder blade. 

My halter- neck top was almost ripped. I could feel the cuts on the back of my thighs where my shorts didn't reach. I yelped in pain. Tears trickled down my cheeks. "I understand" I managed to croak. He pushed me one last time against the mirror.

 I screamed once again. I had sunk to the floor. The last thing I heard were footsteps.

 "do not touch her assh*le! Get off her!" I heard screams before blacking out.

A bright light fell across my face. I squinted my eyes open. Antiseptic smell assaulted my nostrils. "where the hell am I?" I asked aloud.

 "hey" I heard Melissa cooed. "shush. You're okay now. You're at the hospital." "hospital? What are you talking about?" I asked with evident confusion. "you don't remember?" Mel asked with worry. Friday's memories flooded my memories. 

"Harper! Where is he?" I asked worriedly. "arrested. In prison." Roger spoke entering the room. "how long have I been out?" I quizzed them. 

"Anne don't freak, but it's been six days." Roger spoke quietly. "what?" I yelled.

 "calm down. It's only been twenty-four hours." Melissa told me. "Roger could you be serious for once?" she huffed.

"I hate you Roger." I said narrowing my eyes at him. "you won't hate me after this. Your parents are coming back tomorrow." Roger said with a grin. "wait. But the money that we needed?" I asked.

 "their deal is done. Everything is sorted out. They will be back tomorrow with the money. Harper is in jail and he isn't going to get a dime of it." Melissa filled me in. happiness filled every inch of my body. "thanks, guys, for saving me." I smiled. Melissa and Roger gave me a quick hug. 

The nurse entered. "clear put now you guys. She needs her rest." "we'll see you in the morning. Take care babe" Melissa said before she left with Roger.

The nurse came back a while later with a tray of gross looking hospital food. I didn't realize how hungry I was before I saw the food placed in front of me. as I dived into some mash potatoes, to my surprise, the taste wasn't bad at all. I finished my meal and watched some old 70's movie on the television before dozing off.

 I must have slept around nine, but the pain in my shoulder began to increase. So, I pressed the button for the nurse to get me some more pain meds. A few moments later, the nurse appeared with a couple of medicines and a glass of water. "these will make you slightly drowsy, so sleep well."

I popped in the meds and laid back. My eyes fluttered as I tried to catch some more sleep. Something caught my attention. I could hear whispers outside me door. "she is in the hospital. She won't cause any trouble." someone said.

 "she saw us. She will spill out everything. We're ending her. Tonight!" a gruff voice said.

Author's note: sooo, Anne's life is in danger. These guys are trying to kill her! How will she escape? Who are they? who is Harper working for? So many questions. Only one answer- read the upcoming chapters!!!

Vote! Comment! Share! Thank you for reading my work so far! It means a lot, and I hope you guy read ahead as well. follow me on insta @ri_anna.writes Until next time, love love. 

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