Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two S...

By bethanyjanebooks

55.5K 1.2K 261

There's a new Dark One in their lives, Emma Swan, after being told she's a saviour, to protect her family and... More

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By bethanyjanebooks

Later that night, David pulled up in his truck with Robin and Killian at the Camelot campsite, they were there to see Arthur.

"That's Arthur's tent, I'll go in first. You three stand guard," David said as he took out his gun.

"And if our dishonest king should put up a fight?" Robin asked.

"We'll make him wish he hadn't," Killian said, "But I do need to punch something."

Arthur walked into the tent and Robin looked at Killian, "How's being a father working out for you?" Robin asked.

"Would be better without all the interruptions, but it's working out amazingly, well," Killian said.

"And the mother?" Robin asked.

"She's distracted," Killian said.

"He's getting away!" David yelled.

Arthur ran through the wood with Killin in hot pursuit of him, Arthur tripped over a log and he saw Killian approaching him. 

Arthur noticed the Killian didn't have a weapon with him, "Look at that, seems like you showed up empty-handed to a sword fight," Arthur said.

"Actually, I brought a sword but it seems that I have misplaced it," Killian said.

"Shame, it's always the simple mistakes that get us killed," Arthur said as he moved to smite Killian, Emma appeared and blocked Arthur's sword with Excalibur, "Excalibur..." He said as his breathing was shallow, "It's whole."

"Yes, it is, but it's not going to help, this sword doesn't control anyone now," Emma said and waved her hand and she threw Arthur against a tree.

Killian was breathing heavily and he looked at Emma, "I suppose, I should say thank you," He said.

"You don't need to say anything, just don't do that again," Emma said.

"You know... Brooke still needs her big sister," Killian said.

"Was that before or after she told me she didn't love me as I am now?" Emma said.

"It's a bit more complicated than that," Killian said.

"Doesn't matter, I'm the Dark One," Emma said.

"You're more than the Dark One, you're still you. You saved me, that was Emma," Killian said.

"What do you want from me?" Emma asked looking at him.

"I want to help you and I need your help to do it. Who is Nimue and how can she defeat the darkness and how can Brooke help?" Killian said.

"Nimue and Brooke, do not matter. This will all be over tomorrow," Emma said.

"What will be over and why do you need that damned sword? All this power and you don't have the courage to answer one simple question. Why do you need Excalibur?" Killian asked.

Emma looked at him and began away from him, "I know you're still in there, Emma! I know that despite everything, you always have your reasons!" 

"You're right! I do! You want to know why I'm doing all of this?" Killian turned to Killian, "I'm doing this for Brooke and Alicia!" Emma told him and disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

David and Robin came running to Killian, "Was that Emma?" David asked.

"Yeah... She told me the reason why she's doing all this," Killian said.

"And what's that?" Robin asked.

"She said it's for Brooke and Alicia," Killian said.

"Brooke and Alicia? Why?" David asked.

"I didn't get that far," Killian said.


Brooke had left David in charge of the sheriff's station and she was now walking through the forest unaware her sister was following her through a looking glass.

Brooke was walking in a trace, "Brooke?" Leroy grabbed her wrist and Brooke looked at him, "What's wrong, sister?"

"I...I'm okay," Brooke looked around, "What... Why am I here?" She asked.

"You don't remember?" Leroy asked.

"Brooklyn..." Merlin's voice was heard.

Brooke looked at where the voice was coming from and ran in that direction with Leroy following her.

"Brooklyn, you need to save the light..." Merlin's voice said.

Brooke walked up to a cave and walked inside, "Brooke... Don't you watch horror films?" Leroy asked.

"I'm dating a pirate with a hook for a hand," Brooke said.

"Yeah... Fair point," Leroy said, "What are we doing here?"

"Well, I'm here looking for something... I think, you, I have no idea," Brooke said.

"Your mother was worried as you left the station in a daze," Leroy said.

"I see, I'm perfectly fine," Brooke said a dead end, "Hmm..."

"Guess we didn't find what we were looking for?" Leroy asked, "Let's go."

Brooke waved her hand and the Light Magic vault was uncovered. Brooke walked inside and saw a crystal ball, she walked to him, "Please, let there be something in here," She waved her hand over the ball and Merlin appeared in the ball.

"Brooklyn, first I'd like to apologise for not being able to guide you. As you probably know by now, I'm dead and you are to continue in my place until the time is right. While you were in Camelot, you were entrusted with one of my most powerful spellbooks, use it and bring the vault to you better," Merlin said, "Unfortunately, for your friends no one who possesses a dark heart or dark magic can enter this vault. It cannot be corrupted and destroyed. I'm sorry to have left this in your hands without any guidance, I know you can do this. Goodbye," Merlin said and disappeared.

"Brooke?" Leroy called out and Brooke turned to him, "This is... Yours?"

"I think so," Brooke said, "I need to find that book..." Brooke walked to the entrance of the vault, "We're being watched," She said and waved her hand on the entrance blocking anyone with a dark heart or magic from seeing into the vault, "There."

Meanwhile, Killian walked into Gold's shop.

"Crocodile, we need to talk," Killian said.

"Didn't you hear? I'm not that man anymore," Gold said and turned around, seeing Belle holding a crossbow, "Belle, you can, uh..." He said.

Belle lowered the crossed that she had pointed at Killian, "Yeah, sorry, I thought you might be Emma," She said.

"It's a good thing I'm not, a crossbow wouldn't do you much good on Emma," Killian said.

"Well, best we could manage. I didn't have some squid ink set aside for a rainy day, but, uh, unfortunately," Gold said and opened a safe, "She found it."

"Dark Ones are clever like that, clever enough to make everyone believe that they've really changed. I need to know what's going on inside Emma's head now, she said she's doing all this because of Brooke and Alicia," Killian said.

"This isn't about what Brooke did, it's about what she did," Gold said.

"You're sure of that?" Killian asked.

"I've seen the look on her face, one that I know only too well... One she seen herself, regret. I became the Dark One to save my son, committed countless sins along the way, convinced myself I would atone for them all once I had found Bae, but things never work out the way you think they will. If you want to find out what Emma Swan is after, find out what she's atoning for," Gold said.

"And how do I do that? I've been looking all over for her, she doesn't want to be found and Brooke's walked off, I have no idea what she is either," Killian said.

"Calm down," Brooke said and caught an arrow Belle fired, "I'm right here," Brooke said and walked to the counter, "I can wait but I need Gold."

"What have you been?" Killian asked.

"Trying to make sense of myself, now carry on your conversation," Brooke said.

"You have to give Emma a reason to find you," Gold said.

Killian frowned and nodded, he looked at Brooke, "I'll be back soon... I hope," Killian said and walked out before Brooke can stop him.

"What do you need Brooklyn?" Gold asked, "Remember I'm not the Dark One."

"Yeah, I know... I need to find something, it's something that was entrusted me in Camelot... A book," Brooke said.

"Is it old and leather?" Gold said.

"I don't know, I can't remember," Brooke said.

Gold walked inside the back and soon walked out with the old book, "I cannot open it," Gold handed it to her, "But maybe with your new magic, you can."

Brooke took the book and it glowed white then the book opened, "Thank you Gold," Brooke said.

"No problem... Brooke... As a former Dark One... Can I give you some advice?" Gold asked and Brooke looked at him, "As a former Dark One to the Sorceress?" Brooke nodded, "Your sister is still in there, she still feels and wants and needs. Whatever she did, she more than likely did it for you... The pull to family and loved ones are difficult to find, but it is there," Gold said, "Remember that."

"Thank you," Brooke said and walked out of the shop.

Flashback - Camelot...

Everyone was chained up to trees and Emma showed up. 

"I brought the dagger and the flame, but you don't get it until you free everyone," Emma said.

"No, you will have it over now or I unleash Merlin," Arthur said as he held up Excalibur showing Merlin's name on it.

"Emma, please. I don't want to fight you," Merlin said.

"No, but I do, so, now that mommy's got her magic... Tell us, Dark One, what are you gonna do?" Zelena asked and Emma glared at her.

End of Flashback...

Later on the rooftop of the library, Killian was calling out for Emma.

Killian sighed and looked down, "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way," Killian said and he jumped off the roof. 

Emma transported in safely to the ground in front of her, "Do you have a death wish?" Emma asked him.

"I need to know what happened between you and Brooke in Camelot, just tell me," Killian said.

"It's not that easy," Emma said.

"It can be, whatever you did, whatever you're trying to atone for, I already forgive you," Killian said.

"I don't need your forgiveness," Emma said.

"Then come clean, I assure you, you've couldn't have worse than I. I was a pirate for hundred of years," Killian said.

"And you think it's the same?" Emma asked him.

Killian lifts his hand and shows her one of his rings, "You see this? Belonged to a man names Barnaby, called me 'One Hand Jones', I killed him in front of his wife and took his ring," He said and shows her another one, "This one, Edgar, I caught him drinking the captain's wine, I drowned him. Every ring is a sad story," Killian said.

Emma showed the ring that Killian first gave Brooke in the Enchanted Forest, "What about this one?" Emma asked.

"You have it, Lyn thought she lost it in Camelot," Killian said.

"She did, I found it and haven't been able to give it back to her yet," Emma said.

"It's no sad story, it belonged to my mother... My father told him that he gave her it one day. I found it and kept it close until I knew there was someone worth giving it to... That person is your sister," Killian said.

"You can have it back now," Emma said and put the ring in his hand.

"You know, I used to wear these rings as trophies, but all that changed when I met Brooke a second time," Killian said.

"What are they now?" Emma asked.

"A reminder, that all sins can be forgiven when someone loves you... Your sister loves you, Emma Swan, no matter what you've done or whatever has happened," Killian said.

"He's right," Brooke said walking behind Emma and Killian and Emma looked at her, "You may be the Dark One and I may be the Sorceress but we're family, we were that before all of this... That counts for so much more than what we are now."

"So, you really want to know the truth no matter how awful?" Emma asked.

"We do," Brooke said.

"Then there's something I need to show you," Emma said and made them appear on the porch of Emma's house. Emma opened the door and they walked inside.

"We've already seen your home, sis," Brooke said.

"Why are we here? You promised us the truth, not a bloody tour," Killian said.

"The truth is tricky, you have to look for it," Emma said as she looked at a telescope.

Killian sighed, "Alright, we'll play your game," Killian said as they walked over to the telescope and Killian looked through the telescope to see the sea, "Oh, I guess being the Dark One has its perks," He stepped back as Brooke had a look.

"That is a stunning view of the sea, there's no sigh like a full moon on the waves," Brooke said.

"Back in Camelot, you both said the ocean calmed you both, you both told me that as you met on the sea, it's where you both went to relax. I thought you both might like to see it," Emma said.

"You picked a fine home, I'll give you that," Killian said.

"This isn't my home, I didn't pick it, you did," Emma said.

Killian and Brooke looked confused, Killian picked up a newspaper's wanted ads section and saw a house circled, "That's my handwriting, but why?"

"You told me you were worried about your family's future, you wanted a bigger house, with a view of the sea," Emma said, "You wanted this for your family's future, everything that I'm doing has been done to help keep that future alive."

"Well, then I guess this is the moment that you tell us the truth," Brooke said.

"Almost there, almost," Emma said as she hugged her sister and Killian then slowly pulled away, "I can't tell you everything that happened until it's all over," She said.

"Why not?" Killian asked.

"Because if you knew what I am really after, you'd do everything in your power to stop me," Emma said.

Suddenly Brooke stumbled forward and fell unconscious, "Wh..What did you do?" Killian groaned and his breathing shallower then he fell to the floor unconscious. 

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