Jurassic World: Through Their...

By Evastarunit73

3.7K 86 38

A prequel to Ripper's Journey this is a story about the events of jurassic world from the point of view of th... More

Never Turn Your Back On The Cage
Indominus Escape
Apatosaurus Massacre
Indominus vs Ankylosaurus
The Old Park
Pterosaur Rampage
Whats happening?
Night Run
Raptor Rage
Main Street Showdown
The King Reigns (epilogue)


234 7 0
By Evastarunit73

The ACU or asset containment unit is being sent to hunt down and capture the indominus rex who had escaped her paddock earlier


Barry is checking on blue and she is muzzled so she wont bite

"okay barry i know you're owen's best friend but please i dont like my mouth being closed like this" blue said

"easy girl easy calm down" barry said

"okay okay" blue calmed down

Vic hoskins comes to barry

"how fast can they run?" vic asked

"40 and 50 when they're hungry" barry replied

"you ever open em' up and see what they can do?" vic asked

Barry shakes his head

"usually not" barry said

Blue suddenly shrieks

"barry just who is this man?" blue asked

"what do you think? Wanna take one home?" barry jokingly asked

"hey dont joke when i was your age i rescued a wolf pup" vic said

Blue growled at vic

"it was like 2 months old it could barely walk" vic said

Barry was now checking on delta to see if she's alright since delta kinda has respect for barry

"it used to sleep by my bed used to watch over me" vic said

"my wife she came at me with a stake knife it took a chunk out of her arm" vic said

"did they put him down?" barry asked

"i dont know" vic said

"they have a unshakable bond ya know?" vic asked

"just like you and uh" vic said as he looked at blue and delta

"whats his name?" vic asked

"delta and she's a girl" barry answered

"can i uh?" vic asked trying to touch delta

When he finally touched her well.....

"dont you dare lay your hands on me!" delta said as she growled

"shhhhhh.. Easy now calm down" barry said

Suddenly a beep was heard

"code 19! They say we lost 2 guys" barry said

"whats a code 19?" vic asked

"asset out of containment" barry replied

"these people they never learn" barry said


The ACU transports were going to the position the indominus rex tracker was being detected


owen walked into the control room without any permission

"i need to see your badge" the security guard said

"what the hell happened out there?" owen asked

"there were thermal cameras all over that paddock they did not just disappear" owen said

Claire sighs

"it must have been a technical malfunction" claire said

"were you not watching? She marked up that wall as a distraction she wanted us to think she escaped" owen said

"hold on we're talking about an animal here" claire said

"a highly intelligent animal" owen replied

"400 meters to the beacon" vivian said


The ACU transports arrive at their destination and the soldiers pull out their guns


"they're going after her with non lethals" owen said

"we have 26 million dollars in listed in that asset we dont just kill it" simon masarni said

"those men are gonna die" owen said

"300 meters to the beacon" vivian said

"you need to call this mission off right now" owen said

"we're right on top of it" lowry said

"call it off right now" owen demanded

"you are not in control here!" claire said


The soldiers scout the area looking for the indominus

A soldier named hamada finds a piece of flesh on the ground

"this seems fresh its close" hamada said


"what is that?" simon asked

"thats her tracking implant she clawed it out" owen said

"how would she know to do that?" claire aksed

"she remembered where they put it in" owen said


Blood drips from a leaf and the trees rustle as that sinister child like giggle can be heard

It was the indominus she was there the entire time

"oh how nice of you to come here" the indominus said smirking

"it can camouflage!" hamada shouted

The indominus grabs hamada as the other soldiers shoot at the indominus

The indominus slams hamada to the ground and then steps on him

"okay then lets play" the indominus said

The other soldiers try attacking the indominus with taser progs but it didn't do anything

"is that all?" the indominus asked

She swings her tail at a soldier sending him to a tree and it broke his back

And she throws another soldier at a branch and it killed him as well

A net it shot at her mouth but she quickly takes it off and roars at them and swings her tail at two more soldiers and devours one of them

One soldier is shooting at her while she charges at him

"are you really that dumb?" the indominus said as she ate the soldier


"evacuate the island" owen said

"we'd never reopen" claire said

"you made a genetic hybrid raised her in captivity she is seeing ALL of this for the first time she doesn't even know what SHE is" owen said

"she will kill anything that moves" owen said

"do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" simon asked

"she is learning where she fits in the food chain and i think you dont want her to figure that out" owen said

"now asset containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation you have an M134 in your armory put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" owen said

"we have families here im gonna turn this place into some kind of a war zone" claire said

"you already have" owen said

"Mr. Grady if you're not gonna help then there's no reason to for you to be here" claire said

Owen swings his hand on lowry's display and walks over to simon

"im gonna have a word with your people in the lab that thing out there thats no dinosaur" owen said as he went to the elevator

author's notes: and so the rampage of the hybrid queen begins and also i kept her child like behavior to show just how insane she really is

See ya next time!

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