The Kidnapped Beauty [S. UCHI...

By ceoofhappiness

74.8K 1.7K 474

Minnow was a stunning princess living in the Land of Snow. A couple days before Min was going to be married o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23: Alternative Ending

Min's Story

3K 67 39
By ceoofhappiness

Min's Story

Min stepped inside her house after just getting back from her friend's house, the smell of blood filling her nose. Tears welled up in her eyes. She carefully made her way to the living room, tears streaming down her face.

"Mom? Dad? Big brother? She looked at the floor to find all three of them laying on the floor, bleeding from very serious wounds.


"Min..." her mother said weakly.

Min collapsed beside her, holding her hand, sobbing. "Mom?"

"I... am going to die baby." Her mom spoke weakly, tripping over her words.


Min's mother weakly lifted her hand up and placed it on Min's cheek.

"Baby, this is it for me. I want you to be strong. Have courage. And... and if you fall, I want you to get back up again because you are a fighter, darling. My fighter. Fight for me. Fight for Dad. Fight for your brother. But remember, revenge is not always the answer. We'll be here for you every step of the way from here on out. Remember, I'll watch over you from above. I will always love you my beautiful M- Minnow."

And with that, Min felt her hand go limp. Her tears, which were already pouring before, fell even harder and faster.

"Mommy, daddy, big brother, I will be strong for you. I won't let anyone tear me down."

Those were Minnow's last words before she passed out from stress and fear.

Min slowly opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.

A small, gray room with no windows. Only one dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

Where am I?

"Where are you, you wonder? What's your name little girl?" She heard a harsh, deep voice ask her.

She looked up to find a man with a scar in the shape of an 'x' on his chin. He had brown, short, spiky hair and a bandage wrapped around one of his eyes. He gave her goosebumps.

"I'm Minnow, who are you and where am I?"

He chuckled lowly, "I'm Danzo. One of the village elders. You are to do as I say and if you don't listen..."

He approached her, gliding his finger across her jawline.

"There will be a severe punishment. And as for where you are, that's irrelevant." He smiled evilly. "You're the little Uchiha girl we found on the ground. Pathetic. You know what? There was one other survivor by the name of Sasuke Uchiha."

Min stared at him blankly.

"Great. If you do anything to upset or disobey me, he will be killed."

"I don't know who you're talking about," she snapped.

Suddenly, Danzo slapped her. Min raised her hand feeling the stinging sensation on her cheek.

"Now that's not any way to treat your elders," He taunted.

She frowned and stayed silent.

"Anyway, I'm here to do something"
He quickly did a bunch of hand signs and placed forced her mouth open, placing his fingers on her tongue. She felt an excruciating pain and writhed in her place, tears welling up in her eyes.

"What did you just do to me?" She whispered, tongue stinging in pain.

"I just put a sealing jutsu, that's all. You are not able to speak about me for as long as I live," he smirked.

Danzo left the room, and was replaced by two other people. The new arrivals were obviously members of the foundation. One threw a needle at her, temporarily paralyzing her.

He approached Min and began shackling her to the wall. The effects of the needle wore off and she kicked him in the neck, cringing at the sound of his body thumping against the floor. The second one was quick to catch his passed out comrade and pulled out a whip.

He slashed her body, "That little stunt of yours just earned you 100 whips."

She cried out in pain, "Why are you doing this?"

"We need you to awaken your sharingan so Danzo can take your eyes. After that, we'll just kill you, there's no need for a blind little girl in the foundation."

She stayed silent and cried out in pain every now and then from the whips. All her reasoning and thoughts were cleared as the pain of the whips continuously racked her body. Not once did it come to her mind to tell them that she was not an Uchiha by blood, but rather by name. She was adopted. When she was a baby, her parents found her in a basket floating in a river and decided to take care of her. They took her back to the Uchiha compound and raised her as their own.

Once her punishment ended the man she had knocked out stood up and faced her.

Without a warning, he placed her under a genjutsu of her family being slaughtered, making her relive the night thousands of times.

When the genjutsu ended, she found yourself crying and panting.

How am I going to survive this?

After spending one full year in that hellhole of a place, Danzo decided Minnow was useless and sold her off to the King and Queen of the Land of Snow. They were looking for a girl to act like a princess so they could marry her off and steal money from whatever kingdom the prince she married was from.

He placed another seal on her wrist to prevent her from remembering anything from before she was 8 years old.

For the next 5 years, every day of her life was absolute torture, the scars all over her body serving as proof.

Now, even though one of the seals was undone and she told Kakashi everything she could; she still knew that she couldn't tell him the full truth until Danzo either died or he removed the seal on her tongue.

If you like the story please don't forget to vote or comment <3

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