Werewolves (a Ninjago AU)

由 Lava_Serpant

19.5K 495 191

(I only own the plot none of the Ninjago characters and this is basically a AU) Cole is the alpha of his pack... 更多

The day has come
Not what I expected
Celebrations and suprises
Public annoucing
Broken Promise
Crashing The Party
Got A Pin?

Luna shines

1.4K 50 13
由 Lava_Serpant

I got woken up by my head being hit by the old man teaching me everything I needed to know about being Luna. "Ow!" I said rubbing my head. The guy was ancient with a long white beard, official white robes, a bamboo staff, and wrinkled skin. I fell asleep as he was talking about Cole's great grandfather. "Pay attention this is important," Wu scolds me. "But it's so boring," I whined and he hit my head again. "Then what's something you won't find boring?" Wu asked and I thought for a minute. "Has there ever been a alpha who hasn't found their mate?" I asked. "Yes and all those alphas did not last long and neither did the packs. It is why a Luna such as yourself is so sacred to the packs future without one we would eventually fall," Wu explains. "So just being around I'm helping?" I asked skeptic and Wu stroked his beard. "There is more too it than that. Such as if a alpha needed some better insight. You would see something that he hasn't thought of and work to improve it," Wu said. "Okay and am I able to boss people around?" I asked finally interested. "It depends, but most people yes," Wu answers and I smiled. "And what's the most important duty of being Luna?" I asked. Wu was hesitant before answering. "Providing a heir," he answers and I did a double take. "What?" I asked. "Well the Luna must provide the next alpha," Wu said. "But I'm a boy," I said. "A wolf can get a human boy such as yourself pregnant quite easily to bear children," Wu explains and I was in shock. He continued to go on about all the expectations of the Luna and I'm gonna he honest it was more than I thought.

Anyway after learning everything on how I'm supposed to act, manners, and how to eat I finally get to go shopping for clothes. Cole walked in as Wu finished telling me about the serpentine stuff.

"Did you learn anything fun?" Cole asked. "I learnt I can boss people around," I said. I was still unsure of how to say on how I felt about all these sudden rules and responsibilities. I left with him so we could finally go shopping. "Are you okay? Did Wu say something?" Cole asks. "It's nothing," I said. "It's not nothing I can tell your lying," Cole said and I sighed. "There's all this stuff I got to live up too. What if I just hurt the pack?" I asked and Cole hugs me. "It's gonna be fine I'll help you with everything you don't need to worry," he promises. "And do you just want me to give you kids?" I asked and Cole pauses stopping completely. "No why would you," "Wu told me the Luna is supposed to bear the alphas kids and he said it's the main responsibility and that you could get me pregnant," I said. He was silently thinking for a moment. "To be honest that thought never crossed my mind," he admits. I look at him. "I never thought I would find my Luna much less have kids. You don't need to worry about that okay? That's not for a long time and today is just to go shopping okay?" Cole asks and I nodded giving a small smile knowing he didn't just see me as that.

We got to the car and hopped in with Jay and Nya already there. "Let's go," Jay said. "What about Zane and Pixel?" Nya asks. "They went ahead," Cole answers. The drivers started up the car and after twenty minutes we arrive at a big mall. Nya looked excited because she's never had something that wasn't a hand me down or torn apart a few times. "So what's the budget?" I asked. "Who cares? All of it's going to Cole's card," Jay said and Cole glared. "She's your mate," Cole said. "She's your mates sister and you want to mate a good impression on the in-laws don't you?" Jay asks and Nya giggles. "Fine," Cole groans. "Your gonna regret that," I said getting out.

We went into the mall and for someone from a old fashioned small town it was a little over whelming the entire place. For Nya she looked like she was in heaven. She dragged Jay off to a random store and I called out. "No short pants or skirts!" "No promises," she called back. I looked around and Cole looked at me too. "So where are we gonna go?" He asks. "I've never been shopping before most of my old stuff was donated," I respond. "Then we'll just have too make up for it," he said and took my hand dragging me off to a sports store.


"I cannot believe you just did that," I said as I carried like ten bags of clothes of all sort of styles and shoes. "He was starring at your butt," Cole said crossing his arms. "He was taking measurements your the one who insisted I needed a suit," I said. "Your heat scent is getting stronger," he mumbles. I roll my eyes at him. "It's going to be fine," I said. He nodded, but I could tell he was still worried. We got to the food court and i waved at the others. We sat down to eat lunch and talk. Pixel didn't get much whereas me and Nya got a lot most of it Cole insisted on buying while Nya got at least fifteen bags worth making up for lost time. I saw Cole wince at it all.

As we ate Cole got a call from his phone and he looked annoyed. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "I forgot about going to orphanage and giving them a check for more school equipment," Cole said annoyed. "Well then let's go," I said getting up. He looked at me surprised. "What? If I'm gonna be Luna may as well come with you too see how it's done," I said. Cole blinks before smiling and turning to the others. "You can continue if you like you good to call a car?" Cole asks and they nodded. "Great let's go," I said getting up and grabbing my bags. I went with Cole to the outside and we put the bags in the back. "So what should I do while there?" I asked. "You can sit with me and listen to some official finance stuff," Cole said and I internally groan at how boring that sounded. We arrive at the place and it reminds me of a school house at least four floors tall. A man in a old fashioned teachers uniform with glasses and some wrinkles was standing at the front steps smiling.

"My Alpha," he nodded then looked at me. "My Luna," he nodded and I nodded back. "Mr. Noble so sorry for being late," Cole apologizes. "It is quite fine my alpha it is a honour to have both you and the Luna here," Mr. Noble smiles. We went in the orphanage and I saw and heard the lack of actual kids. "Hey where's all the kids?" I asked. "At school at Darkly's orphanage we pride ourselves on the education of our kids," Mr. Noble said quite proudly not answering my question. We got to the office and he sat down at the desk with Cole in the opposite chair. I got bored pretty quickly and look around the office. It was quite big for a office with a pretty expensive looking desk, pens, chairs, lamps, carpet, honestly it looked like a lot for a orphanage office room. I should know I spent some time in the orphanage before me and Nya started living on our own. There wasn't even any pictures of kids anywhere just framed pictures of the orphanage saying how great it was a some licenses.

"Hey how many kids are here?" I interrupted as the two where discussing what they needed money for. "Fifty-eight a mix of boys and girls," Mr. Noble answers. "Do you mind if I look around?" I asked. "Yes, but don't go to the top floor it's off limits because it's under a bit of renovation," Mr. Noble said and I nodded leaving the room. I looked around the first floor and saw the play area. The toys looked run down and broken while everything else looked like it was a bit too clean. Like a museum room on display it was never used just for show. I continue up stairs and saw what I assumed to be one of the rooms where the kids slept. It was average with bunk beds that had stains and old drawers there was enough for fifteen children in room and the floor looked like it was in need for a repair I stepped in and my foot went through a small hole covered by the carpet. I continue looking for more kids rooms, but I only found one that clearly belonged to Mr. Noble and looked a lot like his office with a kitchen attached and his own bathroom. I looked up another floor and found it was pretty dull with servers small rooms that hadn't looked like they had been used like ever if the dust was anything to assume. The place also looked way to well maintained for someplace that house nearly sixty kids. It didn't even have any colouring areas, art rooms, or even any scratches on the walls and the place looked way to clean except the kitchen that looked okay at first glance, but closer inspection showed dirty dishes and the little food their was old or moldy. Something wasn't sitting right. I decided to go to the fourth floor and found a hallway with a door. I opened it slightly and saw almost sixty kids toddlers to thirteen year olds all making clothing with sewing machines in the small room all looking pale and under fed even quite sickly with a small window giving light. I two other mean looking men and a lady. The lady was smacking a nine year old on the back with a ruler and I saw he was bleeding. The toddlers were in a corner most of them sleeping, but one woke up and started looking like it would vomit. The child vomited on some folded fabric and one of the men yelled at it. "You useless brat!" He yelled and raised a hand like he would kick it. I slammed open the door the everything froze. Everyone looked at me and I was furious. "What is happening here?!" I yelled. I went to the crying toddler pushing the other man out of the way and picked it up leaving it to rest in my arms as I looked at it I could see it was far too sickly for a toddler.

"Your not meant to be here," The lady yelled and I turned to look at her and saw the bleeding boy who was biting his lip from the pain he must be feeling. "What are you doing to him!" I screamed. "He was acting out of line," The lady said. "I'm sorry I'll do better please," the boy said with tears and the lady slapped him again. "Did we say you could speak?" The lady asked. "I'm going to get my mate," I snarled and began to leave when the door was shut on me. "Your not going anywhere," the man said and I found myself surrounded as the children backed into a corner. I calmly put the toddler with the kids then got in a fighting stance. I don't know the first thing about fighting, but I was not backing down. They all shifted into their animal forms and lunged at me. I used it as a advantage ducking low and the two boy wolves crashed into each other getting dangled in each other's limbs. I was pinned by the girl wolf baring her teeth foaming. I kicked her stomach and reached for a pair of scissors stabbing her leg with them. She howls and fell over licking her wound and before I could catch my breath the other wolf launched at me and I rolled out of the way barely in time. His teeth his a sewing machine and he pulled out leaving a few teeth in there. The other one launches at me and I dodged again. It crashed into each other and in there dazed state I tied their tails together quickly. They started running around tied together and the children laughed at it. I breathed in realizing how much energy that took out of me. They were all down for the count and I turned to the kids. I went to the boy with the bleeding back first seeing he already had some old scars. I laid him down on his stomach and used the fabric to stop the bleeding for now.

"Why are you up here aren't you supposed to be in school?" I asked. "This is school Warden Noble has us making clothes to sell all day. Then they hurt us if we don't make enough or we get out of line," A thirteen year old girl said. "He never lets us play," another boy cries. "And he has us cleaning us all his messes after he gets drunk and we only eat once a day," A ten year old boy said. "He doesn't even let us in our wolf forms and makes us sleep in one cramped room," A eight year old girl complains and I remember the first room I saw. "I'm gonna fix this," I said. They looked skeptic. "People has tried before, but Warden Noble is close with the alpha and everyones too scared to go against the alpha. He said the alpha kills anyone who disobeys him or hunts kids for amusement. Some of us have gone missing and Warden Noble said it's because the alpha used them for hunting," a scared six year old said. I was shocked this Noble guy isn't Noble at all. "I'm gonna make sure your all safe from him okay," I said. "The alpha?" The nine year old asked under my hands as I took off the bloody fabric seeing his bleeding had stopped, but still needed bandages. "No the alpha is kind and caring warden Noble lied to you," I said. "How do you know?" A five year old boy asked. "Because he's my mate," I answered and they all gasped looking at each other. "Now stay here I'll be back in a second," I said. I left them for a moment and went back to see Cole. I opened the door to the office and saw Mr. Noble smiling as it looked like Cole had approved something neither noticing I was there. "So how much for new art supplies?" Cole asks. "Five thousand dollars," Mr. Noble answers. "Isn't that a bit much for art supplies?" I asked and they both look seeing I was there. "We need to let them express themselves plus it's also for medical equipment you know how children are like this," Mr. Noble said. "Then your gonna need to up that check," I said coldly and Cole looked at me concerned. "Kai is something wrong?" Cole asked me. "Yes come on," I said and Mr, Noble pales probably guessing what I had found.

Cole's POV

"My alpha there is really need no need to look upstairs it's really nothing special," Mr. Noble said clearly nervous as Kai took me around the orphanage. I've never been past the office or first floor and now that I'm looking at it it looked like kids never were even here. Kai took me straight to the fourth floor. Mr. Noble clearly got more nervous trying to stop us from going in. "My alpha please no one is allowed here," he said. I narrow my eyes because I trusted Kai more than Mr. Noble and I pushed past him opening the door. I was furious at the sight of the children all huddled and looking quite uncared for and clearly being over worked. I also saw three wolves on the ground one with a injured shoulder and the other with their tails tied together. The children looked at me. "Who are you?" One asked. "I'm Cole your alpha," I answered. Some gasped in fear and huddled closer together. I was confused and Kai whispers. "They've been told lies to be scared of you so they don't go ratting to someone," Kai explains and I growled turning to Mr. Noble who was looking quite nervous backing away. "It's not what it looks like," Mr. Noble said. "Not what it looks like?! What it looks like is that you've been throwing all the money I fund to your own lavish needs while these chidren suffer when was the last time any of them visited a doctor?" I asked and heard a ten year old whisper. "What's a Doctor?" I growl lower.

"One of them said he keeps them from going into their wolf forms," Kai said and I was livid. This was wrong on so many levels if children don't learn their wolf forms it's dangerous for them and others around them. "I uh," Noble stammers. "You are going to be wishing for mercy when I'm done," I growled. He gulps and ran. I was about to go after him, but I heard Kai cry in pain from right next to me. I turn seeing one of the wolves had bit into his leg and I lunged at it ripping it away and throwing it into some tables. I picked Kai up looking at his wound. "I'm calling ambulances and the police your all going somewhere safer," I said to the children who looked scared, but hopeful.


All the children had to be admitted to hospitals for multiple different reasons ranging from sickness, to fractured bones, untreated wounds, and just a safe place to rest while recovering from non-stop working. All the 'caretakers' were arrested into custody and Kai had his leg treated which was lucky more minor than I had originally expected. "You alright?" I asked and he nodded as I keep him in my lap on the way back home. "Yes I'm fine," Kai assures. "So how did all those wolves get taken down? Did the kids do something to protect their Luna?" I asked and he shook his head. "They didn't even realize I was their Luna. I took them all out myself," Kai said proud and I couldn't believe it, but I also knew he wasn't lying. After a moment I smiled. "Your Luna's shining through," I said. He looked at me confused. "What's that?" He asks. "It means that your already protecting the pack even if you didn't realize it. Your handling things in a different light. I wish I had learned of Mr. Noble's bad intentions, but I'm usually so busy I never bothered taking a closer look," I admitted. "Sooo what your saying is? I'm better with kids?" Kai asks and I looked at him. "Is that all you got from my talking?" I asked and he shrugs. "I stopped listening at the 'protecting the pack'," Kai admits and I was quiet before laughing and cuddling him. "Your so cute," I said. "I'm not cute!" Kai protests.


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