Never Look Back

By -yourfavshanks

350 28 15

they were told to run just remember to never look back. More

*.* Cast *.*
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑤𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑠
𝑇ℎ𝑒 "𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒" ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑜𝑟
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑎𝑙
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑝𝑒𝑙
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑠

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡

25 2 4
By -yourfavshanks

"What the hell was that about" Minho shouted at Thomas. To say he was pissed off was an understatement, he was fuming. 'We're finally safe why is he doing this'.

"You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt asked Thomas. Now Newt knew Thomas was brave but he didn't think he was borderline idiotic.

"No of course I didn't." Thomas pulled out a keycard he took from one of the guards. Newt cursed under his breath.

"Oh hell" Noah whispered to himself. Everytime Thomas gets curious something goes wrong. Last time he got curious the doors to the maze wouldn't fucking close.

"I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door"

"Right" Newt sighed to himself.

"And what're you gonna do after that huh? Did you already plan your master plan in the matter of five minutes Thomas?!" Noah exclaimed, Finally reaching his breaking point.

" Newt, Noah, they're hiding something , Okay? These people are not who they say they are."

"No Thomas you don't know that! The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescue us from WCKD. They gave us new clothes. They gave us food. They gave us a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time" Newt told Thomas.

"Yeah but"

"Some of us a lot longer than others" Suddenly a loud clanking sound was heard throughout the room. Noah looked past Thomas too see what the noise was coming from only to see the vent go sliding across the floor.

"Hey Thomas" Aris spoke from the vent. One by one all the girls (besides Lilith and Raven they wanted to go with)started pushing past Aris to get inside of the bunk. Athena got out last and made eye contact with Newt but quickly averted her eyes hoping he wouldn't speak to her.

"What the.." Minho trailed off. Everything about what just happened freaked him out.

"You got it. Didn't you?"

"Yeah, Lets go"

"Are we just going to act like you didn't come out of our vent?" Noah whispered to Dakota. She just wrapped her arms around his arm in response.

"All right. Look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid ,But I got to find out for sure. Just cover for me. I'll be back as soon as I can"

"We're sorry for invading your room Aris didn't really give us much of an option" Nova announced the boys. Silence complete silence fell over the room.
You could hear every individual heart beat if you listened close enough.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves I don't think we've formally met , names Newt" Soon after the girls started to introduce themselves. And so did the boys.

"I remember you from the first night, you must've been a runner in your glade" Newt said to Athena, they had currently been sitting around the table with Nova and Grayce. Once the words left his mouth he saw her face heat up from embarrassment. He chuckled lightly at her current state

"In my defense you guys were a bunch of teenage boys and I only saw one girl....wait where is she?" Athena had just realized she'd only seen the girl once and never saw her after that. Maybe she got called?

"They've been testing on her since we've got here or at least that's what Thomas was told" Newt explained to Athena. She nodded in response.

"Whats going on with those two?" Newt motioned towards Dakota and Noah who were currently playing some stupid game Dakota made up . Athena looked to where Newt motioned to and smiled. She'd never seen Dakota so smiley before.

"They quite obviously have a thing for eachother but, I'm not sure either of them is aware about it." Athena replied, Truthfully she wished she'd have a connection like that with anyone, she wanted to be cared about like she cared for people.

"Thomas was a runner?" Maddie giggled, frankly she wasn't surprised she just thought he was the leader of their maze. Minho nodded. As Minho spoke to maddie hecouldn't help but notice how much they had in common and he was looking forward to getting to know her more.


"I'll go first" Lilih spoke up before she jumped down out of the vents. Raven followed soon after. Thomas and Aris had already gotten out of the vents before the girls. Raven quickly closed the vent and quietly followed after Lilith.

Thomas looked around to make sure their were no actual workers around. Once he saw there was no one in sight he walked up to the door, Taking out the card he took from the guard and put it through the card scanner.

As soon as Thomas swiped the card the doors began opening. Out of fear, Raven stepped back incase someone was already inside. Lilith and Thomas walked in at the same time. Lilith noticed Thomas was staring at something in the glass window connected to the other room.

"What the hell are those things" Lilih whispered to Thomas. He looked just as confused as she was so she just shrugged and continued to walk to the other door with Raven. Once Thomas opened it and they walked through Raven stopped walking to make sure she wasn't imagining what she saw.

Bodies connected to wires. Countless bodies connected to wires, It was a nightmare come true. 'This is what happened to to people who were called? Any of us could've been one of those bodies' Raven thought to herself, she was terrified.

"What the hell.." Thomas trailed off , taking in his surroundings of all the bodies. They weren't dead but they weren't alive.

"Please don't be here" Lilith whispered to herself. She really didn't want to have a reunion with Rachel like this. Lifeless.

Raven looked closer to one of the bodies and noticed that they were draining their blood. Not only that but converting it into a blue serum.

"Teresa?!" Thomas rushed over to one of the bodies. He moved her hair out of her face only to see it wasn't Teresa and he let out the breath he was holding.

"It's Rachel" Aris told Thomas quietly in hopes that Lilith wouldn't hear but unfortunately she did. Lilith had to prevent herself from having a panic attack. Warm tears ran down her cheeks as she looked at how lifeless Rachel's state was. She used to be so happy and full of life.

"They took her the first night, I told her it was gonna be okay" Aris continued to say. Thomas was at a loss of words, he didn't know what to say.

"We told her she'd be okay" Lilith added while wiping her face. Suddenly the heard someone walking toward the door. Before it opened the panicked and hid behind some of the poles.

The door opened and in walked Janson and another man. "You sure this can't wait?" Janson asked the man. "She was very specific sir, she wanted to speak with you personally"

"As if I don't have enough to deal with"

"Just uh bear with me I'm getting some interference from the storm" The other man warned.

"Come on it's good enough make the connection" After Jason said those words Ava Paige appeared on the glass. "Holy shit" Raven Mouthed to herself. Last time she saw Ava Paige she had killed herself on film it was gruesome. But here she was alive and well.

Raven and Lilith had been hiding behind the same pole and peeking carefully so they wouldn't be caught.

"...Change of plans Janson, I'll be arriving a little sooner than expected, First thing tomorrow." Doctor Paige Told Janson. 'Why is she coming here what is she planning?' Raven thought to herself.

"We'll be delighted to have you I think you'll be pleased with the progress we've made" He motioned for the other man to pull up something then he continued to speak.

"As you can see, early results have been extremely promising. Whatever it is you've been doing to them in there, it's working." Janson started explaining to Ava.

"Not well enough. I just received board approval. I want all the remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest by the time I arrive." 'Harvest?! what the fuck is that?' Lilith thought to herself.

"Doctor Paige we are going as fast as we can. We are still running tests"

"Try something faster. Until I can guarantee their security, this is the best plan."

"Ma'am security is my job. We're on 24 hour lockdown here. I am assuming you the assets are secure." Janson tried reasoning with her.

"Have you found the right arm?"

"Not yet. We tracked them as far as the mountains."

"So they're still out there, and they've already hit two of our installations. They want these kids as badly as we do and I cannot... I cannot afford another loss. Not now when I am so close to a cure. If you are not up to the task I will find someone who is." Doctor Paige shouted. And then it became clear to Raven. It's still WCKD we weren't saved

"That won't be necessary. Might I suggest we start with the most recent arrivals." Thomas panicked. They were the most recent arrivals. They're coming for them. They're coming now.

"Just get it done"

"Janson. I don't want them to feel any pain."

"They won't feel a thing."

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