The Thing That Should Not Be...

By thesandman91

4.2K 29 12

"What's The Thing you guys keep talking about, is he's out here somewhere" is all what one white mask said to... More

[OG] Prologue: Who I Am
[OG] Chapter 1: The Thing That Should Not Be
[OG] Chapter 2: The Barlett Attack
[OG] Chapter 3: Meeting The Squad
[OG] Chapter 5: Where The Wild Things Are
[OG] Chapter 6: The Message It Will Send
[OG] Chapter 7: Loss Of Control
[OG] Chapter 8: Pretty Woman, In Front if Me
[OG] Chapter 9: What Have I Done
[OG] Chapter 10: Killing In The Name Of
(Unfinished) [OG] Chapter 11: Faliure Huants Forever
Some anouncments
More news
Authors Note: My Return
[RE] Prologue: Shadow Of The Cross

[OG] Chapter 4: The Nightmare Begins

292 3 1
By thesandman91

A/N 8/12/2022: Alright, for the next few chapters, they are gonna be labeled "OG" because these are the original chapters for this book, the rewritten chapters of this book will come out at least once a month or so, since I'll be back in school, but if you want to, you can read the original version that I made 2 years ago, the rewritten chapters will be labeled "RE". Anyway, if you want, read these original chapters and the rewritten ones will come out soon


"In the mist dark figures move and twist, Was all this for real or some kind of hell"
- The Number Of The Beast - Iron Maiden

July 23, 2020, 5:09 AM

Isaiah POV
I woke up from a nightmare around 5 in the morning, I was wonder what it must be, was this dream some type of warning about something. Could I believe what I see in that dream of a nuclear wasteland of New York City, where I was in the point of view of someone in a helicopter crashing down into a building, waking up and standing facing the direction of the mushroom cloud. I just keep remembering that dream thinking why I had that dream and whose point of view I was in. When I was done getting ready for the day I went to the mess hall where I saw Marius and Monika awkwardly holding hands. I went over and jokingly asked if they did it and they obviously said no, I walked away and sat alone at a table and just ate my food. A green haired girl looked at me in annoyed way and sat across from me.

???: Hey could I sit with you, this is normally where I sit or with my sister over across the mess hall but I had a fight with that bitch so I decided not to sit with her but my names Elźbieta Bosak but call me Ela

Isaiah: Oh sorry I didn't know but names Isaiah and If you want me to leave I'm alright with that

Ela: Eh you can stay

Isaiah: So I'm guessing your polish due to your accent and your form the GROM

Ela: Yeah pretty much and known as a rebel to everyone

Isaiah started think about who this person is for some reason is interested in know who she is and stuff. Isaiah was never interested in anybody in his whole life but what could this feeling be, love, anxiety, what is it.

Isaiah: I guess we have something alike but what happened with you and the so called "Bitch" if you don't mind telling me

Ela: So I got into a fight with my Sister whose name is Zofia about her pretty much telling me I'm a whore and that I'm a easily seduced women but I told her for what feels like the millionth time that I'm a virgin and I hate the idea of being a whore and just that so yeah thats why I'm not sitting with her like I usually do

Isaiah: I can understand but I'm still confused why your sister does that type of shit like she's a controlling and manipulative person and don't be offended or anything but I was surprised your a virgin because your good looking not gonna lie

Ela blushed a little bit due to the comment Isaiah made to her. Isaiah felt like he shouldn't have said that because he felt like he ruined his chance with her because he is head over heels for this woman.

Ela: Eh I've never been interested in anybody plus a lot of people don't like me as a person because of what my sister says about me and your not wrong about her being manipulative, my dad when he was alive always believed her no matter what and she was the reason why my dad hated me because of all the lies she told about me

Isaiah:  Damn my parents were never really like that because they treated me and my sister equally and they would somehow find out if you were lying or telling the truth in a instant it was impressive but I feel bad about what happened and can understand why you have arguments with her from what I tell

Ela: Well it was in the past and I still try to move on from what happened, after all that happened I started to pull pranks and shit off on my sister and she would always make it worse than it seemed, like when I blasted Megadeth out of a speaker I had hidden under the couch and scared the shit out of her and pissed herself, funny thing it was on a white couch so it made it even more funny and that pissed stain was there still last time I saw my dad before he died about 10 years ago

Isaiah and Ela had a good laugh over Zofia having a piss stain on a couch for being scared shitless

Isaiah: Ok now that's funny that there's a piss stain still and you like metal I'm guessing it you sister hates that type of music

Ela: Yeah she absolutely hates Metal but I always loved metal especially Metallica or Megadeth

Isaiah knew there was something special about her since they had a lot in common ever and he got hard for some reason after what she said

Isaiah: Why is there a bulge in my pants

Ela gagged after hearing that and then started laughing about how that came out of nowhere

Ela: That's disgusting why did you have to mention that you głupiec

Isaiah: Don't know the last thing you said you polish girl

Ela: It means a lot of things like fool, stupid, and idiot

Isaiah: Vete a la mierda, perra sexy

Ela: What did you just call me

A Spanish man comes up to us and says the following

???: Hey Ela the guy told you to this, Fuck you, you sexy bitch, literally

Isaiah turns red as this man just exposed him in front of the girl he is starting to like and now is as embarrassed as Marius a couple days ago

Isaiah: I guess I got karma for what I did to Marius then

???: You really did get karma you idiot, anyway names Ryad Ramírez Al-Hassar or Jackal on the field

Isaiah: Fuck you Ryad, your last name sounds like a Al-Qatala or Whatever the fuck that terrorist group from Iran is, no hard feelings

Ryad chuckled a little bit at what the newbie Isaiah had to say

Isaiah: That wasn't the only thing that was hard but for someone else instead

Isaiah: Again, Fuck you

Ela blushed a lot after that but still giggled a bit

Ela: Hey I'm going to go now but wanna hang out later Isaiah

Isaiah: Does this mean I'm going on a date for the first time yay

Isaiah started doing the Harlem shake from like 2013-2014 like a idiot making Ryad and Ela laugh

Ela: Isaiah you're weird but in a good way but isn't that dance from like FilthyFrank

Isaiah: Yeah it's FilthyFrank but it's from Pink Guy if you wanna get technical

Ela: You looked like a autistic guy doing that dance

Ryad: Alright I'm going to go now bye

Ryad went to go do his thing and Ela went to go hang out with a Black haired girl with a white line in her hair in the distance

I went to go hang out with Grace aka Dokkaebi and started talking about how Oliver might end up in a fight with Mike again but she brought up Isaiah out of nowhere. She start talking about how we would be a good couple and stuff cause we have our serious side and our goofy side. I started thinking about how I hated him at first to see him as someone I know.

Isaiah POV
That Ela girl seemed like he knew her and when he talked to her and saw her, he had a De Ja Vu moment. I went back to my room to set up my Xbox and my Monitor so I can play some games from my childhood like Halo 3 or MW2. I remember being in 2 of the most iconic MW2 lobby's of all time and it still makes me laugh thinking about it, the ones I remember is the "I'm a pussy that uses riot shield" and the "MOM GET THE CAMERA". I rewatch the videos on YouTube and just laugh my ass off like when I witnessed it back in 2009-2010. I popped in my Halo 3 disc and started playing the campaign with some Metallica Hardwired.. To Self Destruct. I relived memories just by playing Slayer and maps like that. After a little while playing Halo 3 and blasting Metallica, I heard over the intercom "Will Recruit Isaiah, Maverick, Twitch, Thatcher, and Thermite come to my office for a mission report." I grabbed my Uniform with my upgraded version of my "Blackout Device" that also in the works of potentially EMP a certain radius and have night-vision goggles for night operations. But I just grabbed the main thing as I'm still working on the rest, I dashed down to the office. It was a bit boring to listen to but I have to know what to do because it's my first mission and want to leave a good impression.

Six: Alright we have a serious threat in our hands for the United States as it would cause chaos with politics and more as the White Mask have hijacked the American Presidents Plane with the President and Vice President being held hostage

Thatcher: Wait how in fucks name did this happened and do we have any layout of the plane and know where in the plane they are both at

Six: We have the layout of the plane but we do not know where they're at

Isaiah: What we could do is I go from the Reporter Entrance part of the plane where the cargo is at and have 2 people go through the Service Entrance leading to the cockpit, 2 go to the Official Entrance leading to the Passenger Level part of the plane and I stay at the Cargo Bay and look for them any questions

Thatcher: What happens if one of the hostages gets killed

Six: Well all I know is that all of the secret service has been either reported dead or is missing and most of the passengers are again, either dead or missing

Thatcher: Well shit how the guck did they kill the secret service that's the thing

Six: They have military grade equipment and weapons

Isaiah: That doesn't help the situation at all

Maverick: Well not to be rude or anything but this doesn't help your case at all because your a rookie and we have little to no idea on how you preform on the field

Isaiah: Can't blame you for that but I guess we got a plan

Everyone: We got a plan

Isaiah: Well then let's execute it then, pack your shit and let's get these son of a bitches

Thatcher: I like this one

July 23, 2020 6:43 PM

Isaiah POV
We are about 23 miles away but getting close to Ronald Reagan International Airport, I go over the plan and everyone agreed on what we're going to do. I was getting more nervous as closer we got, what am I going to do it something goes south. I'll be the one to blame but I don't care about myself, if I die I don't care but if one of my teammates do, then I'll be drinking the bottle of regret and denial.

As we arrived I got through the back of the plane, and easily shot 5 mask with my F1. I activated the "Blackout Device" and went straight in and shot 2 people with my D-50, with the pressure on me as I lone wolf the bottom part of the cargo bay but I got something on my coms.

Thatcher: What the fuck mate get of me you little shit

WM: Your going with us old man

Thatcher: *static noises due to disconnection of the comm*

Thermite: Squad they have captured Thatcher and now are holding him hostage, there's some mask heading to the cockpit and are trying to fly the plane

Maverick: They are also holding the president hostage at the Bedroom

Isaiah: I'll get him prepare for hell to break loose

Maverick: Wait I feel movement what the fuck they're flying the fucking plane someone get control of this bitch

Isaiah: Exit Light, Enter Night

Isaiah POV
I turned on the Electricity EMP that EMPs all the electricity in a nearby radius so now it was pitch black, I pulled down the prototype night vision goggles that I tested last night. I did my signature take down I normally do is just shoot the whole damn bitch up. Everyone is yelling but I keep going but I hear a particular gunshot that got my attention. The gunshot came from the the bedroom from what I heard and from my memory, the President and Vice President is in the bedroom. I ran up the stairs to get stabbed in the chest, I shot him in the head and attempted to run towards the bedroom, the more I ran, the more my vision got blurrier. The plane started to free fall and I couldn't do anything but just levitate. I told myself it was all in my mind and I have to get Thatcher and the hostages, I got near a meeting room before blacking out thinking death was near...

(A/N) Sorry if I Ghosted for awhile but I forgot about this so I decided to try to make another chapter plus I will try to make more chapters (Key word: Try) and see how it goes. Anyway I'm gonna go now, Ghost out.

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