The Hinata Sisters (Brothers...

By Phoenix_SWAG01

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(I don't own brothers conflict, only Lisa) - - - - - So, I noticed that most fanfiction about Brothers Confl... More

Chapter One - Meeting Them
Chapter Two - Lisa To The Rescue
Chapter Three - Breakfast Revelation
Chapter Four - Midnight Memories
Chapter Five - We're Going On Vacation?!
Chapter Six - The Twins' Event
Chapter Seven - Boatride and Parasailing
Chapter Eight - A Kiss Under The Moonlight
Chapter Nine - Catching Cold
Chapter Ten - Hanging Out With Subaru
Chapter Eleven - Drinks and Heartaches
Chapter Twelve - Entertaining The Idol and Meeting My Idol
Chapter Thirteen - Favours and Encounters
Chapter Fourteen - Finally, I'm Home
Chapter Fifteen - Hospitals and Blood
Chapter Sixteen - A Date With... Ulrike
Chapter Seventeen - Panzer of the Death with Nee-chan
Chapter Eighteen - A Crush on Poor Big Brother?!
Chapter Nineteen - Trouble With The Twins
Chapter Twenty -Tutoring Fiasco
Chapter Twenty-One - Rollercoaster Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Two - School Festival With The Prince
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Devil, The Vampire, and Miwa's Request
Chapter Twenty-Four - Study Session With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Five - Christmas Eve
Chapter Twenty-Six - Christmas Trip With The Loser Team
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deals With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Embarassing Moments
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Idol and My Idol
Chapter Thirty - Risen From The Ashes
Chapter Thirty-One - Unravelling The World
Chapter Thirty-Two - Detective Tsundere
Chapter Thirty-Three - Saving The Prince
Chapter Thirty-Four - Finding Out The Truth
Chapter Thiry-Six - Flower Viewing
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Beauty and the Writer
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Lisa's Errands
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Valentine Birthday Debacle
Chapter Forty - The First Confession
Chapter Forty-One - The Revelation
Chapter Forty-Two - The Second Confession
Chapter Forty-Three - Comforting the Seiyuu
Chapter Forty-Four - Forgiveness and Unveiling
Chapter Forty-Five - The Autumn Trip
Chapter Forty-Six - A Visit From the Past
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Cross
Forty-Eight - Kisses and Interview
Chapter Forty-Nine - The Siblings' Feelings
Chapter Fifty - Goodbye

Chapter Thirty-Five - Lisa's Reasons

533 21 1
By Phoenix_SWAG01

"Don't, Lisa! I can't believe that you would also lie to me! You knew about this, and you didn't tell me!" She shouted. "I trusted you! You're my sister!"

"Nee-chan!" I sprung out of bed gasping for air as if I had run a marathon.

'Nee-chan, please forgive me.' I crashed back to my bed while pouring my tears out. 'Nee-chan...'

"Lii-chan, are you alright?" I heard a voice asked from outside my room.

"Who's there?" I asked while walking towards my door.

"It's me, Louis and Juli. We heard you scream and thought that you might be having a nightmare," Louis Nii-chan said.

I opened my door and saw him with Juli on his shoulders, "I-I'm fine. What time is it?"

"It's one in the morning," He answered.

"Why aren't you asleep yet? Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry-"

"No, you didn't," Nii-chan patted my head. "The others and I couldn't sleep neither,"

"By 'others' you mean..?"

"Masa-nii, Kyo-nii, Kana-nii, Hika-nii, and Azu-nii. They are in the living room, we are also worried about Chii-chan." Nii-chan explained.

"Can I join you and the others? I don't think I'll be able to get some shut-eye," I asked.

"Of course," Nii-chan agreed and I grabbed a jacket and went downstairs together with Nii-chan and Juli.

"Imouto-chan, how are you feeling?" Hika Nii-sama asked as he pulls up a chair beside me.

"Down in the dumps or even chuck in the depths of the ocean," I sat beside Nii-sama and laid my head on his shoulders.

"There, there, Imouto-chan. Maybe talking about it might help?" Nii-sama suggested as he caresses my hair.

"Yeah... maybe..." I uttered.

"Maybe you could start with how you knew about the adoption," Masa Nii-chan said.

"... When I was a kid, I like going to Otto-san's study. I enjoy being in the comforts of Otto-san's things since he is barely at home. However, one day, I saw a box with Nee-chan's name in it. I thought that maybe it would have Nee-chan's baby pictures so I went and opened the box, what I saw inside was beyond what I was expecting." I said. "Before I could tell of all it to Nee-chan, Otto-san saw me in his study. He explained to me that Nee-chan's parents passed away shortly after she was born, and so Otto-san was the person who took her as his own child."

"Why didn't he explain this to Ema soon after she had grown?" Ukyo Nii-chan asked.

"Otto-san loved Nee-chan will all his heart, she was the only thing he has as close as a real daughter. Of course, it has crossed his mind to tell Nee-chan the truth, but he just couldn't figure out how to do it. You see, he loved her like a real daughter and he was afraid that the thing between them would change." I explained. "That's why I couldn't tell her, either. It wasn't my decision to make, it was Otto-san's. But I fear that she may not forgive me for keeping it from her for a long time,"

"Lii-chan, you shouldn't think like that. She will forgive you," Louis Nii-chan said. "Weren't you adopted as well?"


"And yet, she has loved and taken care of you like a real sister. If she truly loves you, she finds it in herself to forgive you. Wouldn't you have done the same if you were in her position?" He asked.

"I guess... but if you saw her face when she found out that I knew, it broke me. All I wanted to do in all of my life was to protect and be there with her instead, I broke her trust." I clenched my fist so hard that I think my nails have drawn blood on my palms.

"Lisa," Hika Nii-sama put his hands on my shoulders and made me face him. "You have done nothing wrong. In fact, you have done everything in your power to protect your sister. You have done a great job as her sister in protecting and loving her. And as your brothers, it is our turn now to take care of the two of you,"

"If you were protecting her, she wouldn't be having troubles with all of the confessions she's been receiving from you guys," I said.

"W-What?" some of them stuttered as the other were baffled.

"I know that half or even all of you have feelings for my sister and I don't have a problem with that. The only thing I'm concerned about is maybe she's is being pressured by all of you," I imparted. "Please... if you truly love my sister, please consider her feelings too."

Before they could speak, I stood and went back to my room. 'What the heck did I do that? However, I didn't do anything wrong, right? All I did was advise them on how they should treat Nee-chan... I guess that would be my last duty as her sister,'

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

*Knock, knock*

"Come in," I answered as I continue doing my homework and edit some of the videos from my music videos.

Yes, I have an editor for this job. However, I needed a distraction to keep myself from breaking down.

"Lii-chan, I just wanted to inform you that Juli and I are about to pick your sister from Natsu-nii's place. Would you like to join us?" As soon as Louis Nii-chan asked that, I accidentally dropped my pencil and my hands started shaking.

"N-No," I cleared my throat and picked my pencil from the ground. "I won't be able to join you. I have an important thing to do, Jumin-san might kill me if I don't finish this."

"Did you sleep at all, Lii?" Juli asked as he jumped into my desk and put his paws on my arm. "You have dark circled under your eyes, you should take care of yourself."

"I could say the same to you two," I retorted and brushed Juli off. "I'm sorry, but could you just leave me to do my work? I have important deadlines to catch,"

I grabbed Juli from my desk and handed him to Louis Nii-chan's arms and pushed them out of my room, "Goodbye," and I shut the door closed.

*Ring, ring*

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, is this Hinata Lisa that I am speaking to?" the person asked.

"Yes, to whom am I speaking to?" I asked.

"Ah yes, I am Nakata Rina the real estate agent of Nijisanji Kuzuha-san. I was informed that have been looking for an apartment to stay at, am I correct?" The agent confirmed.

"Yes, that is correct. I assume that Nijisanji-san explained to you to what kind of apartment that I am looking for?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am. In fact, I have found the perfect place just for you. One bedroom, high ceilings, big windows, and an open floor plan. It is also a walking distance to your workplace," she said. "Would you like to check it out in the afternoon if you don't have any plans?"

"Yes, I would love that. Is three-thirty appropriate?" I asked as I check my schedule for the day.

"That would be perfect, I'll send you the address later. Thank you for your time madam, I hope to see you later,"

"Thank you as well," I said and hung up from the phone.

I'm not running away you that's what you're thinking. I've been looking for an apartment months ago so that it would be a walking distance from work. I haven't opened the topic to my brothers because I haven't found the perfect place yet, but since this might be it I guess this would be the appropriate time to inform them.

"Nii-chans do you have a moment-." I stop talking once I've seen Natsume Nii-chan discussing things with the other brothers. "What's going on here?"

"Natsume here was just explaining that Ema is fine and will be back home in a few hours. She's with Louis right now," Masa Nii-chan answered.

"Oh, I could come back later if you want?" I offered.

"No need for that Lisa. I already finished," Natsume Nii-chan said.

"I see, well since you are all here I think it would be best to inform you all in one go," I said as I continued walking down the stairs.

"What is it, Lisa?" Ukyo Nii-chan asked.

"I'll be moving out by the end of the week,"


"Nee-chan, you're leaving us?" Taru-kun asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Please don't leave us too!"

"Why are you moving out?!" Yusuke asked

"It's going to happen someday, I need a place near work so that if ever they were to call me urgently it would only be a walking distance. And calm down Yusuke, it would only be a year." I explained.

"B-but then I won't be able to see you!" Taru-kun cried.

"Don't cry Taru-kun," I bend down to his height and wiped his tears. "If you stop crying, I promise to visit every weekend and take you out for ice cream. It would be like I never left,"

"Promise?" He whimpered.

"I promise, now stop crying and I will take you out for ice cream right now," I said.

"O-Okay!" He smiled and wiped his tears away.

"Have you checked the place yet?" Azusa Nii-chan asked.

"I'll check it out this afternoon," I said.

"Do you mind if I join you? Natsume Nii-chan asked. "To check if it is in a safe neighbourhood,"

"S-sure," I said and avoided making eye contact with him. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be taking Taru-kun for ice cream,"

"Yey!" Taru-kun exclaimed and took a hold of my hand.

- - - - - TIME SKIP - - - - -

"We're ho-"

"Nee-chan!" Taru-kun lets go of my hand and ran towards Nee-chan to hug her and uttered the words, "Be prepared to be punished for worrying me,"


"Hehe," Taru-kun chuckled and handed her a note. "It's from Fu-tan!"


"Wataru, that is enough." Masa Nii-chan said. "Are you tired?"

"No," Nee-chan said.

"Why don't you rest for a bit, while I make lunch preparations," Ukyo Nii-chan said.

"If it's alright, I would like to make it." Nee-chan said.


"Yey! I want hamburger steak!" Taru-kun exclaimed. "Oh, I also want curry!"

Not wanting to disturb their moment, I decided to quietly walk up to my room. "Lisa..." I heard Nee-chan called out.

"Yes?" I stopped and faced her.

She didn't say anything instead, she walked towards me and surprised me with a hug. "I'm sorry for what I've said to you. Otto-san explained to me the situation. I hope you forgive me,"

"A-As long as you f-forgive me too," I wept as I and buried myself in her shoulders. "I-I'm sorry Nee-chan! Please don't hate me,"

"What are you talking about?" She pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears from my face. "I could never hate you! I love you and I know that you must have a reason why you kept it from me. Just promise me one thing,"

"I promise," I said.

"I haven't even told you what it is," She laughed.

"Because I know that you would never let me do something stupid," I chuckled.

"Touche, anyways. Just promise me that from now on, there will be no secrets between us." She said.

"I promise,"

"Now that's settled, why don't we cook lunch together?" Nee-chan suggested.

"Sure, but there is something I want to tell you first."

"What is it?"

"I'm moving out,"


- - - - -
Sorry if this was a crappy chapter! I had a writer's block and yet I still want to continue writing HAHAHA

Anyways, hope you guys like it! Please vote and comment!!

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