The Hinata Sisters (Brothers...

By Phoenix_SWAG01

41K 1.4K 172

(I don't own brothers conflict, only Lisa) - - - - - So, I noticed that most fanfiction about Brothers Confl... More

Chapter One - Meeting Them
Chapter Two - Lisa To The Rescue
Chapter Three - Breakfast Revelation
Chapter Four - Midnight Memories
Chapter Five - We're Going On Vacation?!
Chapter Six - The Twins' Event
Chapter Seven - Boatride and Parasailing
Chapter Eight - A Kiss Under The Moonlight
Chapter Nine - Catching Cold
Chapter Ten - Hanging Out With Subaru
Chapter Eleven - Drinks and Heartaches
Chapter Twelve - Entertaining The Idol and Meeting My Idol
Chapter Thirteen - Favours and Encounters
Chapter Fourteen - Finally, I'm Home
Chapter Fifteen - Hospitals and Blood
Chapter Sixteen - A Date With... Ulrike
Chapter Seventeen - Panzer of the Death with Nee-chan
Chapter Eighteen - A Crush on Poor Big Brother?!
Chapter Nineteen - Trouble With The Twins
Chapter Twenty -Tutoring Fiasco
Chapter Twenty-One - Rollercoaster Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Two - School Festival With The Prince
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Devil, The Vampire, and Miwa's Request
Chapter Twenty-Four - Study Session With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Five - Christmas Eve
Chapter Twenty-Six - Christmas Trip With The Loser Team
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deals With The Tsundere
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Embarassing Moments
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Idol and My Idol
Chapter Thirty - Risen From The Ashes
Chapter Thirty-One - Unravelling The World
Chapter Thirty-Two - Detective Tsundere
Chapter Thirty-Three - Saving The Prince
Chapter Thirty-Four - Finding Out The Truth
Chapter Thirty-Five - Lisa's Reasons
Chapter Thiry-Six - Flower Viewing
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Lisa's Errands
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Valentine Birthday Debacle
Chapter Forty - The First Confession
Chapter Forty-One - The Revelation
Chapter Forty-Two - The Second Confession
Chapter Forty-Three - Comforting the Seiyuu
Chapter Forty-Four - Forgiveness and Unveiling
Chapter Forty-Five - The Autumn Trip
Chapter Forty-Six - A Visit From the Past
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Cross
Forty-Eight - Kisses and Interview
Chapter Forty-Nine - The Siblings' Feelings
Chapter Fifty - Goodbye

Chapter Thirty-Seven - Beauty and the Writer

488 24 4
By Phoenix_SWAG01

After the episode in the park, Hika Nii-sama and I went home together. I don't know if it's me or not, but I feel like Iori Nii-chan misunderstood of me saying that I will be helping him to conquer his past. However, I don't want to think ill of my brother. He's been through a lot, I'm sure he'll come up into his senses and he needs help with that.

"What seems to be in your mind, Imouto-chan?" Hika Nii-sama asked.

"Mostly about Iori Nii-chan. I'm worried about him," I sighed. "I just wanted to help him, but I don't he misinterpreted our conversation at the hospital."

"I'm sure all he needs right now is time to think things through," Nii-sama said.

"He has been given time already, he needs help. A person can't get through something as horrible as Nii-chan went through. They will always need a person to cry on even if they seem to not ask for help, or else they might lose their minds and go mental." I explained.

"Hmm, are you still talking about Iori? Or yourself?" He asked.

I didn't reply though... I couldn't... Because he was right.

The walk home was quite awkward for me, I don't know if it was for Nii-sama. We have already reached the lobby of the hotel and were getting ready to part ways. However, I don't want to end this night without clearing the air between us.

"Lisa," Nii-sama called. "Since you don't have work or even classes tomorrow, would you mind working with me for the night?"

"By work, meaning?" I asked.

"In helping me gather data for the novel that I am working on," He said. "As I've said before, I don't have many chances to talk to musicians like you."

'Well, I guess luck is on my side.'

"Sure!" and so, we rode the elevator up to his room.

"Please excuse the mess. My room always looks tragic before deadlines," He chuckled as he opened the door.

"It's no problem," I giggled. "I could say the same for my room whenever I come home late,"

"Now, then. Why don't you get comfortable in the living room while I go change out of this disguise," Nii-sama said as he went to his room to change.

After settling in the living room, I can see scattered notes and papers everywhere. 'Nii-sama must have been busy with his work, I sure do hope that he didn't forget to take care of himself.'

Being the clean-freak that I am, I began gathering his notes from the floor, the couch and placed them properly on the coffee table.

"So this is how husbands feel whenever they come home from work to see their wife cleaning," Nii-sama spoke from behind me.

"N-Nii-sama! You startled me!" I exclaimed and saw that he had his hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing a white long-sleeved sweater and black pants. He also had a tray of tea in his hands.

"Sorry," He chortled and sat beside me on the couch and placed the tray on the coffee table.

'Wait... did he just say "wife" moments ago?! WAHHHHH!'

"Are you feeling alright, Lisa-chan?" Nii-sama asked. "You are looking quite flushed,"

"Y-Yup! It's just that, I think this is the first time that I've seen you in male clothes. It looks good on you," I blabbered. "N-Not that I'm saying that you don't look beautiful in woman's clothes! Y-You just look rather attractive in that form,"


"Ohh, I'm entirely flattered that my dear Imouto-chan finds me attractive." He smiled and handed me the cup. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it from now on. Now, then. Shall we get started?"


"Now, let's start with the introductions. Do you love your family?" He asked

"Of course!" I chirped then I heard him whisper something, but I couldn't understand it.

"Next, which one of the Asahina brothers is your type?"

"E-Eh? I-I... Uhm"

'What kind of question is that?!'

"Hmm, you must be uncomfortable with that question. Let me rephrase, which group do you find it easier to talk to, the students or the workers?" He asked.

"Hmm, I think the workers."

"So you like being led by adults," Nii-sama concluded.

"H-Ha? What is it that you want to achieve through these questions, Nii-sama?" I asked.

"I want to see how you would react to certain situations," He said then he suddenly shifted and touched my cheeks. "Are you cold?"


"Hmm? Your cheeks are rather red and warm at the moment," He said as I could feel more blood rush to my cheeks. Suddenly, he moves away with a smile. "You got a nice reaction,"

"Huh?" I asked as I tilt my head in confusion.

"I was acting out of the situation when a doctor examines his patient. In other words, the 'Masaomi version'." He laughed.

"Ehh, you're just teasing me." I pouted.

Nii-sama once again leans closer and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease you. But I couldn't help it since you're too cute,"


"Now that is the 'Azusa version' — whispering sweet words into her ears as a seiyuu," He said and moved away.

"Muu, you meanie." I puffed.

"Haha, I'm sorry Lisa-chan. But what I just say was true, you are adorable." He smiled. "I am so thankful to you, you are providing good data for me."

"Be glad that I am not angry at you because I like seeing you happy," I grumbled and crossed my arms to my chest.

"Now, now, don't worry Lisa-chan. I will make it up to you,"

'Huh, this is the third time he called me "Lisa-chan" instead of Imouto-chan.'

"Alright last question, how long have you dreamed of becoming an artist?" He asked.

"I think it was when I was in middle school? I not certainly sure, but somewhere at that age."

"Okay... Is it true that you ignored your dream for Ema?



"Because I wouldn't want her to live all alone in the apartment. Plus, I only have one sister. I wouldn't trade her for anything in this world," I admitted. "And now, knowing that I have thirteen brothers that I could rely on taking care of her, I'm at peace."

"That is so brave of you," He assessed. "Ema-chan must be lucky to have you as a sister,"

"You're wrong," I said. "I am the one who is lucky to be her sister. If I weren't, I would have lost my path and wouldn't be able to meet such a wonderful family."

"Oh, right. You are adopted, am I correct?" I nodded. "Do you mind telling me about it? If you aren't comfortable it's alright, it's all up to you."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell, but I have to warn you. There's no unknowing of this, so are you sure you still want to know?" I asked.


"Well, then." I took a deep breath before continuing. "Before knowing Otto-san and Nee-chan, I was still living with my real parents. Everything was perfect, we were happy. We live in a simple home, with just the three of us. I think I was about four years old when everything started to change."

"What happened?"

"... As I was playing by the porch, I suddenly felt a pain in my chest. Mom and dad thought that it was probably normal because they thought that I was just tired of playing all day in the porch, but as days and weeks pass by the pain was immense. It would normally last for hours and so they took me to the hospital, after that I was then diagnosed with Sickle-Cell Disease" I bite my lip to stop myself from crying.

"What is that?"

"It is a disorder also known as sickle cell anaemia. Sickle cell anaemia is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. In which case, without enough red blood cells, my body can't get enough oxygen resulting for Anemia." I explained. "At the age of five, I was put in a clinical trial that used bone marrow transplants to treat the disease. But that doesn't end there, the treatment was like torture. The pain was unbearable that I keep thrashing around in my bed whenever they would come near me. But I didn't have a choice, they held me down, the nurses and the doctors, sticking me with needles and taking my bone marrow. I even tried kicking them, but to no avail, they would just strap me down the bed."

"Why didn't your parents help you? Or even comfort you at that moment?" He asked.

"Because they didn't want to. They couldn't bear to see their daughter thrash around in pain, they couldn't pay the expenses, and you wanna know what they did next?" I asked I feel myself tremble in anger and disgust. "They left me! They left their only daughter in a hospital. They left their five-year-old daughter alone, in pain! I was so angry at them, and since I didn't have any legal guardian because all of my parent's record we wiped clear of the map, they hospital refuse to treat me and tossed me away in an orphanage. But who would even consider adopting a child who will cost you more money? I spent two years in that orphanage bearing the pain with all that I can. But how can a child survive that? As those two years pass, I could feel all the hope vanish and I just want to rest. I climb up to the rooftop, getting ready to jump and end my suffering. Before I could fall, I felt a hand pull me away from the railings. It was Otto-san, I was angry at first because I know that if I stay here longer, it would be hell for me. But, Otto-san was stubborn as a mule, he didn't give up on me. He even adopted me and helped me continue my treatment, yes it was painful, but with the help of Otto-san, I was able to endure it. He even introduced me to Nee-chan, and Nee-chan was the best thing I could ever have. As I was recovering, she was always there early in the morning waiting for me to wake up. She gave me strength, she even made me laugh even if I was in pain. Soon, after the treatment was a success, I vowed to myself that I would also take care of Nee-chan the same way she had to me."

There was a bit of silence between us after I had finished my story, but then, I felt Nii-sama's arms around me. "It was brave of you to share this. I know that It must have been hard to share such a traumatic thing. However I am not sorry for asking because I was able to get to know you more and so, I want to protect you even more."

"W-What?" I uttered.

He pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears, "Why don't you come live with me?"


"Hear me out," He said as he sat comfortably on the couch. "You and I are both living on our own and yet we live close to each other. Why not live together to reduce the expenses?"

"I-I guess that is reasonable," I mumbled.

"It's not like we don't know each other, right? So what do you think?" He asked.


'I guess it is like living with my brothers again, but with Hika Nii-sama instead. Plus, we could get to know each other more.'

"Sure, what the harm right?" I chirped.

"I'm so happy!" Nii-sama exclaimed. "Oh, it's already midnight. Time sure does flies fast when we're having fun!"

"So true," I chuckled. "Then, I should probably go back to my room. You should get some rest too, Nii-sama."

Before I could stand, Nii-sama held my arm to stop me any further. "Why not stay with me for the night? So that we could get used to it, right?"

"That is a good point, sure!" Nii-sama then led us to his room. It was quite beautiful and simple at the same time. "Wah, The bed looks so fluffy! Oh, I should change my clothes first before sleeping."



"If you refuse, then I'll go and strip you myself," Nii-sama said seriously.


'What the heck is going on!?'

"I Have a few women's clothing which I can't wear anymore, I want you to try them on." He said.

"Nii-sama, you keep on teasing me!" I pouted.

"Hahaha, sorry. Go on, you can take anything you wants, and combine them with something else if you make yourself look too mature." Nii-sama said as he sat on his bed. "In return, you can't wear them unless you're going on a date with."


*Doki, Doki*

'Wait... this feeling is...'

"Yup! Hurry, now." Nii-sama insisted and I went along with it.

In the end, we spend the whole night doing a fun fashion show. Nii-sama's clothes were beautiful and I couldn't wait to use them. After the fashion show, they decided to call it for the night and slept on his bed. However, I couldn't seem to get any sleep even if I could feel my body crying for it. I turned and face Nii-sama and saw that we were already asleep.

'Wow, Nii-sama looks so handsome. He kind of looks like Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast.'

*Doki, Doki*

"My heart... could it be? Could I perhaps like Hika Nii-sama? But what about the feelings that I have for Natsume Nii-chan? Ugh! Why does the heart want to make things so complicated!'

Suddenly, I felt Nii-sama's arms move to my waist and pulled me into his chest.

'H-Ha! What should I do?!'

I tried removing his arms, but he was too strong so I have no other choice but to comply. However, being in his arms sure do feels nice and relaxing.

'I guess it won't hurt if I sleep here,'

Oyasumi, Onii-sama

- - - - -
By the way, Lisa's past is actually inspired by Stephanie Edwards at Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 4.

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