My Bodyguard - Geralt/Jaskier...

By WhiteWolfKiwi

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Jaskier is a wannabe Musician with a stalker problem and horrid mental issues, however, everything always run... More

Chapter 1 | Stitches
Chapter 2 | Palms
Chapter 3 | Dryers
Chapter 4 | xo
Chapter 5 | Wine
Chapter 6 | Touch
Chapter 7 | Breath
Chapter 8 | Knock
Chapter 9 | Sleep
Chapter 10 | Blades
Chapter 11 | Djinn
Chapter 12 | Plum
Chapter 13 | Pill
Chapter 14 | Bath
Chapter 15 | Checklist
Chapter 16 | Stream
Chapter 17 | Migraine
Chapter 18 | Bed
Chapter 19 | Decisions
Chapter 20 | Hospital
Chapter 21 | Steps
Chapter 22 | Shave
Chapter 23 | 21
Chapter 24 | Conflict
Chapter 25 | Onward
Chapter 26 | Parks
Chapter 27 |Chances
Chapter 29 | Nuzzle
Chapter 30 | Tomato
Chapter 31 | Buttons
Chapter 32 | Anger
Chapter 33 | Pride
Chapter 34 | Stairwells
Chapter 35 | Calls
Chapter 36 | Goodbye

Chapter 28 | Crowns

102 5 2
By WhiteWolfKiwi

Julian POV

Jaskier smiled lightly and couldn't help but chuckle out of both amusement and genuine happiness at seeing Ciri run to the car. She definitely is a ball of energy that little one. It's good that she is allowed to be so relaxed and she had a good dad a brilliant one actually.

Jaskier walked up to the car with a chuckle, if his foot wasn't shit then he would've suggested that they had a running competition to the car.

When he reached the door he opened it before hopping in, allowing himself to get comfortable and dodges the two packs of smokes on the floor of the car. He plopped his seat belt on and turned, just in case to make sure Ciri had her seat belt on. He flashed he a smile before looking to Geralt with soft eyes, he hadn't been this happy in well, since he managed to get one of the pole dancing moves right and he gained an extra 40 dollars from it.

He chuckled lightly as he let there be warmth in his eyes before he glanced out the window, not trusting himself to look at Geralt for too long for multiple différant reasons. He started humming gently, it was a new tune. Jaskier liked to try write a new song at least once a day but he liked to choose the tune first.

Geralt POV

Geralt set the car in reverse and began pulling out of his parking spot. He set it in drive again as he turned back into the road. The car clock read four forty-seven. It would likely be somewhere closer to five-thirty he got Ciri home again, particularly since rush hour traffic would be starting to pick up soon.

He drove on, noticing how Jaskier didn't look at him. Not that it mattered. Geralt knew where the man was and that he was safe. That was all he needed to worry about regarding Jaskier. Ciri was another concern. He half wanted to try and start a conversation with her, but he wasn't particularly good at such a thing and besides, what do he have to talk about?

Ciri POV

Ciri swung her legs mindlessly. She was tall enough that they easily reached the floor of the car, and as such with the swinging, they brushed against it with a chuffing noise. She started out the window, watching the woods and the occasional other car go by.

"Dad?" She said into the quiet. Jaskier's humming was going to get stuck in her head, she knew it. "Who are you being reassigned to?"

Julian POV

Jaskier smiled as he hummed away, allowing the drive to continue before hearing Ciris question. His humming slowed down slightly until it came to a stop and he swallowed as he looked out the window. It was a fair question, he guessed that it would be Renfri that he was reassigned to due to it being his last client.

Jaskier was silent now, watching out the window and pretending that the subject didn't effect him. It shouldn't, not really. It's not like Geralt was his lover or anything, it wasn't like they were married, it wasn't like he was supposed to be anything more than just a normal bodyguard who was looking after his client. Who just happened to be Jaskier.

Jaskier allowed the two to talk, staying silent unless he was addressed due to this being the only family time they're going to have in a while. Ciri looked after Geralt as much as Geralt looked after her, he could see that clear as day. Adoptive child or not, those two were meant to be together, definitely it was destinys doing. He dare not say it wasn't concidering what happened to him last time he tried to offend destiny.

Geralt POV

Geralt clutched the wheel tighter at Ciri's question. "I don't know," he said. "Probably someone local. In-country at the furthest." It was only going to be a week, he wasn't going further. Much as he would have liked to return to Renfri, it was neither practical nor sensible. She had made her desire for distance clear, and he would honour that.

He shot a glance towards Jaskier. The man hadn't moved. He had been oddly silent for the past several minutes, humming. Jaskier could do what he wanted, of course, but it slightly worried Geralt. Thankfully, Ciri, who between then was able to carry a conversation, caught on as well.

Ciri POV

She couldn't go the smile that stole across her face as her dad said he wouldn't be going far. She always kissed him when he was away for work, but overseas trips were worse. That was where he had gone for his last client, and she hadn't been a fan. Jaskier was quiet, though. Really quiet. Was just staring out the window. She frowned.

"Jask- can I call you Jask? what did you want to do today?" She was bored and wanted to include him. Ciri wasn't really looking for much of an answer. She had homework, then was probably going to either try to swordfight whoever was gone or would hang out with Roach and read.

Julian POV

Jaskier had a small smile as he perked up slightly, unexpectedly hearing his name, well a nickname. "Oh, yes sure thing Ciri," he said with a light smile, turning slightly so he could see her happily.

"Well, Geralt and I are going dancing tonight and then in the morning, I'll be in the hospital. So there isn't much left to do for the day but I'm sure that he and I will fill the time up quite well.

Jaskier face brightened up as he looked to her, seeing how excited she was at the fact Geralt might not being that far from her. It's good, it means that they will be able to see each other a lot. Jaskier could have visitors while he was in the hospital but he doubted that Geralt would have the time and he didn't even what to try think of if he wanted to see her or not.

Jaskier's gaze went from Ciri to Geralt with a small smile, it widening when his eyes glanced at the flower crown on his head. He didn't know if they were going to drop Ciri off or actually take her inside or what was happening.

Jaskier thought for a moment as he looked to Geralt with a smile, his hand twitching to go up to touch his cheek but one he was driving, two Ciri was right there so instead be brung it to his own hair and rand his hand through it lightly. There wasn't much to do before he and Geralt would be apart. He couldn't believe that Geralt would be back, he didn't want to. He couldn't. He could not be happy with that thought in case he didn't come back, Jaskier couldn't handle that.

Geralt POV

Geralt kept driving, entering the town. Traffic was starting to pick up. Not terribly, but it was taking him longer to reach Yennefer's apartments than usual. He knew Ciri would be living with her right now. He doubted Yennefer would be home, though. She was usually out in town. Even when she was looking after Ciri.

After a couple more minutes, he pulled up in front of Yennefer's apartment complex. It was a classy place, but reasonably affordable. The outside was a smooth dark grey with white highlights. Inside, he knew that black marble and patterns rugs owned the place. He didn't park for good, just stopped the car and unfastened his seatbelt.

Ciri POV

"Ooo," Ciri said. "Dancing, huh? Jask!" When Geralt pulled up in front of the apartments, she unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her school bag. She slung it over one shoulder and hopped out of the car. Geralt followed close behind her, minus the flower crown. She turned around and wrapped him in a hug, burying her face just below his shoulder.

"I'll miss you," Ciri said quietly. Geralt only grunted, but she knew by now that he felt the same. She squeezed him one more time then walked around the car to the sidewalk, waving at Jaskier.

"Bye Jask!" She called. "I hope we meet again soon!" She waves one last time then turned and bounded up the steps to the complex. She unlocked the door with the key around her wrist and disappeared inside.

Julian POV

Jaskier smiled lightly as he nodded and waved to Ciri as she walked off with a light chuckle.

He waited for Geralt to come back, holding the flower crown carefully in his hands as he looked at it with a smile, it was don't pretty well even if it was lopsided and not expert level.

"She's a good kid, can't half tell she's yours. She definitely has the same attitude as you do although she's slightly more expressive of it." He said with a light chuckle, placing the flower crown in his lap again so it could rest peacefully.

"Anywhere, in particular, you want to go next? Or back home?" he said with a smile as he looked to Geralt. Luckily when they were in the car seated, there wasn't too much of a height difference in the two of them, seeming as most of his height was in his torso.

He lifted the flower crown, leaning over and slowly placed it on Geralts head again, dusting back a few non-existant whisps of hair and smiled widely.

"I give you a solid nine and a half," he said with a chuckle. He examined his features, looking into his eyes and seeing the yellow of the dandelions in the corner of his eyes, his face turning to one of admiration and love. He didn't know if it was safe to kiss him or not yet so he let his gaze move to Geralts lips before down at his lap where his hands were fiddling with one another now.

Geralt POV

Geralt watched Ciri until she was safely inside, then opened his door again. He got back into the car, settling himself before shutting the door and fastening his seatbelt. He agreed with Jaskier's assessment of his daughter, so he said nothing in return. Not much to say. It was slightly eerie, how close they were to the same height while sitting. He looked down to the flower crown resting on Jaskier's lap. The man was welcome to it. Geralt was willing to wear it to see Ciri smile, but he had done that and she was with Yennefer again. Or at least, she was headed to Yennefer's apartment.

"We can make for your flat," he agreed. Geralt didn't have anywhere else he particularly wanted to go. Frankly, he was done socializing for the day, even though he had primarily talked to his client and daughter. This was far from the most people he had had to interact within a day before, including the hospital and police station. But Jaskier had said repeatedly they were dancing tonight, specifically going dancing, and he doubted he could get out of that.

He didn't want to, not really. He was just tired. Of what he couldn't say. Bouncing around between clients, maybe. Most jobs of his were a few days to a few weeks, but he hadn't even been with Jaskier one. Perhaps it would be better to just get it all over with. Get reassigned, come back, then take a break.

He put his thoughts on hold as Jaskier placed the flower crown on his head again. Geralt did not flush, nor did his expression betray embarrassment. He watched Jaskier with calm eyes, his own narrowing slightly as the man's gaze dropped to his lips.

Geralt made a mental note of that started driving again, turning the car around to get back onto the main road.

Julian POV

Jaskier smiled lightly and hummed happily in agreement that the next place would be his house. He had been yawning for a while and honestly he could do with one hell of a nap before getting ready. He hoped Geralt would hopefully have a snooze as well, maybe even together if he would allow it. It kept his mind at peace when the man was close. He never felt more protected than he did when he woke up and was practically spooning Geralt. It was odd, seeming as Geralt was the larger one build wise and height wise, but Jaskier enjoyed being able to give the man some comfort.

Geralt, Jaskier had observed, kept a lot of things to himself. Not only his thoughts but his emotions as well most of the time although Jaskier was starting to learn how to read them slightly. He could tell the light tug in the corner of Geralt lips when he was happy. The was his jaw clenched slightly, ever so subtle, when he was confused. Oh, and the little lost head tilts he does when he is slightly confused or wondering why about something.

Jaskier hummed lightly pretty much the whole entire ride, he did it quieter than usual, feeling the days activities catching up to him. He didn't really notice because of all the talking earlier but his foot definitely needed to come out of his shoe, it was starting to ache from being held in position since around nine o clock in the morning through to now. That was a decent amount of time though, meaning it must be healing rather well.

His eyes started to half close, feeling the tiredness wash over him which was odd, they hadn't done much today but yet it seemed like a lot. Maybe it was because there was a lot of emotional parts to the day and the past few days have probably been a little emotionally draining for Geralt and seeing his daughter probably made him overall a bit more tired. He turned his head, letting it lean all its weight on the headrest, it moving slightly with every bump before he lolled it to the side a little before relaxing again.

His eyes now towards Geralt as he drove. He smiled lightly, not taking much effort due to the sudden sleepiness. His eyes went to the crown and the gentle braid that was in his hair. For Geralt being such a sharp-featured man, he really did suit a casual braid. He gave a little internal chuckle before yawning silently and forcing his eyes to open afterward. He could feel they were lightly starting to feel watery and stinging lightly.

Geralt POV

Geralt drove on, steering towards Jaskier's apartment. The traffic was getting heavier, though it would be worse in half an hour. Perhaps it was good that he and the man would be going out late at night. Really late. He assumed there was a reason for that, not just a mindless thought. He'd be going either way, but it was nice when his clients had brains. There had been one, gods she had been ann-

He cut off that train of thought, looking over to Jaskier. The man looked like he would fall asleep soon. Geralt realized he didn't know if he was expected to wake the man or to carry him inside. He could do either, though he knew which he would prefer. Jaskier wasn't that heavy, though he was denser than he looked.

Geralt guided the car into the parking garage, easing it to a stop. He set the parking brake and turned off the engine, before unbuckling his seatbelt. He didn't make a move to get out, instead of turning so that he was facing Jaskier. Amber eyes watched the man's face.

Julian POV

Jaskier was quite content just sitting, his hands weren't even fiddling and he was calm for once in this damn lifetime. As he felt the car come to a stop which, thanks to Geralt wasn't a hit to the brakes but a nice slowdown, he was an angel. Jaskier swore by it now.

He opened his eyes fully as he lifted his head off of the headrest and allowed his neck to take the weight again as he lazily undid his seat belt, allowing it to retract itself before allowing his gaze to look at Geralt who was watching him. That, caught Jaskier off guard a little bit. Since when did Geralt watch him? Look at him to make sure he was safe or walking okay and such or to see what he was doing, yes. But this was newer. But Jaskier was definitely not complaining one bit.

Jaskier looked right back at Geralt with his smile widening slightly. Geralt looked almost peaceful, maybe it was just because he was tired. Jaskier lifted his right hand from beside him and leaned over slightly towards Geralt so he could reach his face as he lightly tucked a couple of whisps which had now actually started to appear by the looks of it, back behind his ear in a manner that they could be safely secured.

He let the back of his fingers gently touch across Geralts skin, from his temple to the rougher part of his face down his cheekbone, the stubble pricking at his fingers lightly. He touched him as if he were fragile, would break or as if he'd ruin him if he were to press any harder than he already was.

Jaskier turned his hand around, moving it so it ever so lightly cupped at Geralts cheek. Allowing his hand to angle slightly upwards, his thumb moving lightly at his cheekbone. He really was a gorgeous man. And he was a man as well, probably the exact definition of a man if Jaskier were to sit there and think too hard about it. Instead, he didn't, he allowed his mind to go nearly completely blank and just be absorbed by Geralt. His aura, his features, his soul through his eyes that he was still staring into.

Geralt POV

Geralt let Jaskier brush the wisps of hair that had come loose back, not protesting as the man dragged his fingers along Geralt's jaw, eventually cupping it. Geralt felt a bit ridiculous sitting there in the flower crown, hair braided back artfully, but he stayed there. Jaskier's eyes were staring into his, thought the man's were somewhat unfocused.

Geralt lifted a hand to Jaskier's shoulder, sliding it along until he was gripping the back of the man's neck. He kept his touch light, not as light as Jaskier's, but still easy to push away. He watched Jaskier's expression, searching for a sign of anything he might want to say.

Geralt wasn't sure why he was doing this. Yes, they were in a secluded enough spot, and yes, Yennefer's car had turned windows, but even if it had been Yennefer here, he still would have hesitated. And Jaskier wasn't Yennefer.

Julian POV

Jaskier smiled warmly as he felt Geralt hand slide from on his shoulder to the back of his neck, something about every time Geralt does that to him makes his whole body warm-up, feeling warm and cozy as if he were home. He of course wouldn't dare to say that out loud even if he let a small bit of it slip out earlier with Ciri around as around.

His expression softened as his smile became wider, sleepiness leaving his body and being replaced with coziness. His thumb that was on Geralt cheek was lightly brushing it, Jaskiers eyes glued to Geralts as he shifted forwards, leaning in progressively until he was a couple of inches away from Geralts lips, pausing a moment, allowing his eyes to trails down Geralts face to his lips.

Jaskier's own lips, which were still tinted by his lipstick, parted slightly as he drew nearer to Geralt. He moved his left hand and moved it to Geralt's knee, twisting his body slightly so he could have better reach. His touch was light on both Geralts cheek and his knee but he noticed how Geralt's pressure was slightly more and decided to match it with the hand on his knee.

His eyes lingered on Geralts lips before flicking back up to his eyes. Jaskier stole kisses from Geralt quite a few times but would Geralt actually want to kiss Jaskier? Would he actually want to give him a little bit of affection? Jaskier had that thought go as fast as it came, instead, he leaned in, allowing his eyes to nearly fully close as he continued forwards, allowing their lips to lightly brush for a moment, if Geralt kissed him then he would kiss him back quite happily, but he wanted to make sure that Geralt wasn't feeling forced to do this.

Geralt POV

Geralt watched as Jaskier's smile awakened and grew. He didn't mind the hand the man put on his knee, nor how he grew closer. As Jaskier's eyes moved from Geralt's own eyes to his lips, he felt himself hesitate. Did he really want this? He had initiated it further. Jaskier's hand on his cheek could be a passing friendly gesture. Geralt didn't protest.

When Jaskier brushed his lips to Geralt's, Geralt didn't react at first. When the man broke away, Geralt follows him. He looked to Jaskier's eyes again, then closed his own and slowly and gently kissed him. There was little pressure to it, if Jaskier was uncomfortable he could leave. Geralt would let him go.

He felt like he should be more concerned about this than he was. Anyone walking by, if they looked too hard, might see. Plus, there was Yennefer to think about. Ciri too, in a way.

Julian POV

Jaskier felt Geralts lips follow his and kiss him gently, Jaskier responding almost instantly as he kissed back, applying a slightly more amount of pressure but still, he kept it slow and gentle. He was absorbed, taken, officially, and utterly pulled in by the other man. His lips stayed parted, allowing the option for that to Geralt if he did want to deepen the kiss or not. Jaskier wanted to, oh how he wanted to but he didn't want to scare away Geralt or worse, make him feel any sort of hurt.

So much for 'one last kiss and then that's it'. Now he was trying to think of how many kisses he could get in before he left and they both separated. Geralt though, Jaskier did notice, was talking as if he would actually be back so instead of believing he wouldn't be, Jaskier decided he would stay neutral about it all.

Jaskier gently caressed Geralts cheek one more time before tilting his head a little bit more, allowing it to become deeper if Geralt was willing. His hand sliding slowly so it didn't startle or break the trance that he was in, back slightly to behind Geralts head, aiming towards the bottom of it where the hair was out as he lightly ran his fingers through it, gently sliding it through and very delicately tugged if there were any knots that formed over the past hour or so. He swore Geralts hair would be the end of him. Well, Geralt in general would be the death of him if he were being completely honest.

Geralt POV

Geralt kept the kiss where it was, content. His free hand he brought to Jaskier's hip, resting it there. He might have tried to use the grip, had they not been seated in the car and had Jaskier not been a client. Fuck. Right. A client. He shouldn't be doing this, and certainly not here.

Geralt didn't allow himself to panic or tense. If he could end this encounter without tipping Jaskier off, he would rather do so. Gently, he broke the kiss, stroking the man's hip once before removing his hands and pocketing his keys again. Geralt took the flower crown from his head and held it instead, opening his door. He got out of the car and shut it behind him. He debated walking around to Jaskier's side, but the man had been coping without him so far. If he needed help, all he'd have to do was ask.

He fidgeted with the crown he held, rolling a petal between his fingers. He didn't want to destroy it by accident. Already, the flowed were beginning to wilt and droop, their petals browning and shriveling. It still had several hours, maybe a day or two, before it was completely gone, but the process had started. Geralt didn't know how to care for the thing if he was supposed to.

Julian POV

Jaskier repressed a shiver that shot up his spine as he felt Geralt hand move to his hip, the contact was not overly firm but Jaskier noticed it more than anything. He gently slowed the kiss as Geralt did, following his lead and his actions and smiled as he pulled away, he chased him slightly to let his lips ligure on his for a moment before fully pulling back.

Within a moment Geralt had left a small caress on his hip, pocketed his keys and hopped out of the car leaving Jaskier with plumper lips from being kissed, a blush threatening to crawl up his neck and he had to try remember how to breathe. What in the actual fuck was that? They kissed before yes but like that? What was that? He blinked a couple times before clearing his throat as he took a breath.

He opened the car door, stepping out of it and bit his inner bottom lip to repress a wimper. He didn't realise how much pressure his shoe was putting on his foot, he could definitely feel that it had swelled up to mold to the interior of the shoe. He shut the door behind him, allowing it to close and waited for Geralt to lock the car, his posture was slightly off, leaning more so on his right foot. He could suck it up and try walk alone but, in a decent amount of time they had to go to the club and he wanted to rest and be able to walk on it when they go. The swelling should go down by keeping it as the same level as the rest of his body which was good, that meant laying down.

"Uh Geralt could you um, give me a hand. Sorry, it's swelled up and I don't want to make it worse if I'm to walk on it tonight." he explained, slightly embarrassed by the fact that he had to ask for help in order to walk a stupidly short amount of distance. Once he was inside he had walls he could balance on in order to hop around and look like on very majestical struggling bunny.

He held his arm out, prompting Geralt to help him before walking with the man while biting his inner cheek slightly.

He pulled out his keys for the door as they were approaching his apartment and slid it into the door, turning the knob with a small sheepish smile at Geralt, mainly from the tiredness and the pain, not the best combination. He opened the door, sliding from Geralt as he leaned against the door once it was opened the full 90 degrees and let Geralt in to do his usual inspection. Meanwhile, he lifted his shoe and started to undo the laces on his boot, trying not to hiss loudly from the movements it was making, it was rather sensitive when it had a shit tonne if blood rushed towards it. He undid the zipper and slid his boot off as he looked at the foot which still had his deep blue sock over it and the bandage.

It was fine, it wasn't bleeding or anything stupid, it was just swollen from either walking on it too much or not having it elevated slash at the same level as the rest of his body. He hopped forwards, letting the door close automatically behind him as he hopped to the kitchen island carefully and pulled out a stool from tucked under it, there were two breakfast stools, black and simple with small cushioning for the seat. He sat on it, hopping up quite literally before undoing his other shoe, having to undo it there or the couch and the couch was too hard to lean on, it would mean he would have to balance which on stage and when he's performing he has all the balance but in everyday life, without that adrenaline rush, he was pretty horrid at balancing.

"I'm exhausted for some reason so I'm going to take a nap," he announced to Geralt as he held his shoe in his hands and looked up to him. "Did you, perhaps want to join? I feel safer knowing you're beside me. But if you don't wish to that was okay as well." did he really just pull the safety card on Geralt. Apparently he did. And did he have any regrets? Nope.

Geralt POV

Geralt hung the flower crown from his wrist like an oversized bracelet at Jaskier's request. He slid an arm under Jaskier's and let the man lean on him as they walked. It was slower going than if they had both been on functioning feet, but their pace wasn't bad. Geralt didn't quite understand his hurry. Perhaps he just felt exposed here. There was the issue when they had returned with the laundry to think about. It had likely just been a neighbor, but Jaskier had panicked. Geralt didn't want to have a repeated breakdown, not today, and not tomorrow, either.

He waited patiently as Jaskier fit the key into the door's lock and opened it to the apartment. Geralt let him slide away before he stepped inside. He had shape eyes and the evening sun gave him more than enough light to see by.

Geralt scanned the main room calmly, taking his time and remaining still. He was unarmed, but not defenseless. He neither saw, nor heard, nor sensed anyone in that room, however. An inspection of the rest of the apartment proved to offer the same information. No one, and not a thing out of place.

Geralt returned to Jaskier. "Clear," he grunted. He stayed nearby, willing to help, as the man hopped to a stool to take off his other boot. Geralt clasped his hands behind his back, an easy and neutral enough pose. He refocused on Jaskier as the man announced his intention to take a nap. The statement that followed, however, was what caught Geralt's attention.

Was Jaskier trying to guilt-trip him? Did he actually mean the words? Was this just a tired man being a tired man and not watching his mouth? Nonetheless, Geralt agreed to it. He strode back over to the door and locked it, sliding the bolt across as well. It might not have been necessary, but it eased his mind to have the extra layer of protection.

"I'll stay nearby," he ended up saying. He knew he could probably use the sleep, but he was going to have to wait until he knew Jaskier was safe. Besides, he had things he wanted to do before they went to the hospital or club.

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